Re: [CTRL] Bakers' Dozen

1999-01-24 Thread BStokes45

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-01-23 22:07:04 EST, you write:

 I was thinking about these guys (all men) during the proceedings and got to
 wondering about them almost all being from the South / Midwest (except for
 the guys from Utah and California) ... what does THIS mean? 

Does it mean anything?  Does it mean that the North already controls
everything since some claim that this is a "takeover" by the South.  I don't
think so... if Clinton is removed from office then Gore will takeover (another
liberal from the South).  What is wrong with having conservatives have a voice
in government, liberals (socialists) have had control since WWII.  In this
period of time we have seen welfare grow, we now have very limited freedom
because of limits put on us by thousands, maybe millions of laws.  We have
seen an imaginary "War on Drugs" that sucks up more money than anyone could
have imagined when they passed the antidrug laws.  We can have our property
confiscated without due process of law, and if we are not guilty... we have to
hire a lawyer at great personal expense to get that property back.  We have
also seen the size of government as well as the cost of taxes to support that
government grow in greater proportion than the growth in population.  We have
also seen the large corporations pay a very disproportionately lower amount of
taxes than the working person or the small businesses.  We have seen the term
"Democracy" being used to define our government when we were supposed to be a
Republic with a limited Democracy (election of the House of Representatives).
It all gets a little crazy when an owl has more rights than a man (many
thousands of men as far as that goes).  Right is still right and wrong is
still wrong, but government has twisted the definitions through repetition and
subtle forms of mind control.  There surely is something wrong when I have to
pay in the high five figures to get a college education, but a criminal can
get a college degree for free in prison, or a woman who has a baby out of
wedlock can get a two year degree and welfare for two years for free... why am
I being punished for being responsible, for being straight?  It gets hard to
determine what is conservative and liberal.

Bob Stokes

 "In 1931, when Brave New World was being written, I was convinced that
there was still plenty of time. The completely organized society, the
scientific caste system, the abolition of free will by methodical
conditioning, the servitude made acceptable by regular doses of
chemically induced happiness, the orthodoxies drummed in by nightly
courses of sleep-teaching - these things were coming all right, but not
in my time, not even in the time of my grandchildrenTwenty-seven
years later,...I feel a good deal less optimistic... In the
West,...individual men and women still enjoy a large measure of freedom.
But...this freedom and even the desire for this freedom seem to be on the
 Aldous Huxley Brave New World Revisited 1958

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bakers' Dozen

1999-01-24 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/23/99 10:07:04 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 I was thinking about these guys (all men) during the proceedings and got to
 wondering about them almost all being from the South / Midwest (except for
 the guys from Utah and California) ... what does THIS mean? 

It means that like Dennis Hastert, the new Speaker of the House, these guys
are all what the Christian Coalition calls "true conservatives."   Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bakers' Dozen

1999-01-24 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Ric Carter wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From: Alamaine Ratliff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I was thinking about these guys (all men) during the proceedings and got
 to wondering about them almost all being from the South / Midwest (except
 for the guys from Utah and California) ... what does THIS mean?
 From Wash Post
 Barr | Bryant | Buyer | Canady | Cannon | Chabot | Gekas | Graham
 Hutchinson | Hyde | McCollum | Rogan | Sensenbrenner

 It means that we're still fighting the US Civil War a.k.a. the war
 of southern secession.  It means we're engaged in a cultural civil
 war, with the managers representing the feudal religious dogmatics
 of the Old Order.  It means that Clinton, dixiecrat scum though he
 is, at least doesn't represent the neanderthal race/gender/faith
 reactionaries personified by those 13.  It means... whatever...

It means "the yankee vs. cowboy war" (east coast elite vs. the
rest of us). It means a battle between aliens, "greys" vs.
"angels", with alien mind control implants already enplaced
in congress's minds. It means the "evil white males" vs. the
oppressed womyn and peopleofcolor. It means... whatever...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bakers' Dozen

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

 Alamaine Ratliff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I was thinking about these guys (all men) during the proceedings and got to
wondering about them almost all being from the South / Midwest (except for
the guys from Utah and California) ... what does THIS mean?

Is there any way to check the Masonic status of someone?  Since Bill Clinton
was a Mason, from the South, I have been wondering whether this whole thing
is not a trial being conducted by the Southern Jurisdiction of Freemasonry.
Possibly that's an explanation for the stripes on Rehnquist's robe as well.
For example, neither James A. Baker's grandfather (always referred to as
"Captain" Baker), nor E.M. House (Colonel) was ever in the military and
there was no explanation for their military titles.  I'd love to check this
out if I knew how it could be done.


From Wash Post

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bakers' Dozen

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Ric Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It means that we're still fighting the US Civil War a.k.a. the war
of southern secession.  It means we're engaged in a cultural civil
war, with the managers representing the feudal religious dogmatics
of the Old Order.  It means that Clinton, dixiecrat scum though he
is, at least doesn't represent the neanderthal race/gender/faith
reactionaries personified by those 13.  It means... whatever...


Confederates Running Senate Impeachment Coup

by Edward Spannaus
Printed in the American Almanac, January, 1999.

When Chief Justice William Rehnquist takes an oath to ``do impartial
justice'' as he presides over the Senate impeachment trial of President
Clinton, he will have an immediate conflict of interest--since this
impeachment is the culmination of a process that Rehnquist himself set into
motion over six years ago. It was Rehnquist who personally and irregularly
appointed the judge who in turn made the highly-irregular appointment of
Kenneth Starr in 1994 as the Whitewater independent counsel.

The process by which Starr came to be appointed demonstrates further how the
coup d'etat now being run against President Clinton and the United States
Constitution has its treasonous roots deep in the old Confederacy.

The special three-judge panel which appoints independent counsels under the
so-called ``Ethics in Government Act'' is directly appointed by the Chief
Justice. The panel is supposed to be composed of senior, often retired
Federal judges, so observers were quite surprised when, in 1992, Rehnquist
picked a relatively-inexperienced federal appeals court judge from North
Carolina to head the panel. David Sentelle had only been appointed a Federal
district judge in North Carolina seven years earlier, in 1985. In February
1987, Sentelle was nominated to sit on the federal appeals court for the
District of Columbia circuit--a nomination which gave rise to a violent
controversy over Sentelle's membership in a segregated Masonic lodge.

In fact, the 1987 confirmation hearings for Sentelle were the only instance
in modern times that the question of a Federal judge's membership in a
Masonic organization became an issue. At his hearing before the Senate
Judiciary Committee, Sentelle admitted under questioning by Sen. Patrick
Leahy (D-Vt.) that he belonged to Masonic lodges of the Southern
Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, in North Carolina, that had no blacks or
women as members. Leahy pointed out that white Masonry does not accept black
members, nor does it recognize black Masonry.

The Sentelle nomination did not get to the Senate floor for seven months
because of holds placed on it by other Senators.

Sen. Jesse Helms of North Carolina, Sentelle's patron and sponsor, is
himself a 33rd degree Mason, and he declared that he was ``aghast'' that a
question of Sentelle's membership in a Masonic lodge had even become a
matter of discussion, let alone an issue. Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), then
the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said that he was
``astounded'' that the question was raised, and he acknowledged that he also
was a 33rd degree Mason.

(The story of how Rehnquist's own nomination to be Chief Justice was rammed
through the Southern-dominated Senate Judiciary Committee a year earlier, is
told in the accompanying article.)

Scottish Rite Treason
The Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite was always a traitorous
conspiracy against the United States, formed by Tory British sympathizers
after the American War of Independence. The Southern Jurisdiction was the
core of the Confederate treason which sought to split the United States on
behalf of Great Britain, and it gave birth to the Ku Klux Klan in the period
immediately following the Civil War. Its Grand Commander from 1859 to 1891,
Albert Pike, was a founder of the Klan and served as its Chief Judicial
Officer. It was Pike, whose statue still blasphemes Judiciary Square in
Washington, D.C., who declared, ``I took my obligation to white men, not to
negroes. When I have to accept negroes as brothers or leave Masonry, I shall
leave it.''
Despite this, Sentelle was confirmed as an appeals court judge, and this
enabled Rehnquist, five years later, to hand-pick Sentelle to head the
``Special Division for Apppointing Independent Counsels.''

If Rehnquist's appointment of Sentelle was a surprise, it was nothing like
that shock that greeted the sudden appointment of Kenneth Starr by Sentelle
and the Special Division in August 1994. Attorney General Janet Reno had
applied to the Special Division to reappoint Robert Fiske, the Whitewater
independent counsel whom she had appointed under Justice Department
regulations in January 1994, during the period when the Ethics in Government
Act had expired. But instead of reappointing Fiske, who was a senior and

[CTRL] Bakers' Dozen

1999-01-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

I was thinking about these guys (all men) during the proceedings and got to
wondering about them almost all being from the South / Midwest (except for
the guys from Utah and California) ... what does THIS mean?

From Wash Post

Who's Who

Updated January 14, 1999

Thirteen Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee have been
appointed as "managers" who will serve as prosecutors in the trial. Every
one of the House prosecutors has worked as a lawyer, but their experience
varies widely. (Also see the Post stories: Trial's Managers Chart an
Uncertain Course, Dec. 22, 1998, and Like-Minded Team of 13 to Present
House's Case , Jan. 14, 1999.)

Barr | Bryant | Buyer | Canady | Cannon | Chabot | Gekas | Graham
Hutchinson | Hyde | McCollum | Rogan | Sensenbrenner

REP. BOB BARR, Ga., 50, elected 1994
Picture  DUTIES: Outline how president's conduct relates to obstruction
of justice and perjury laws.
Long before Monica Lewinsky became a household name, Barr introduced the
first impeachment resolution against Clinton over alleged fund-raising
irregularities and other matters. The conservative, who has co-authored an
anti-Clinton book, introduced House Res. 304 in November 1997, a resolution
directing the Judiciary Committee to investigate whether grounds existed to
impeach Clinton. Some members of his own party criticized Barr for that,
although the measure did garner 22 Republican cosponsors. Barr also is
closely allied with the National Rifle Association and is vocal about gun
ownership issues.
• Opening Statements from December 11 Hearing
• Questions Asked of Kenneth Starr on November 19
• Excerpts from October 5 Statement on Impeachment Inquiry
• Direct Access: Interview with Rep. Bob Barr (April 10, 1998)
• Congressional Guide Profile

REP. ED BRYANT, Tenn., 50, elected 1994
Picture  DUTIES: Outline factual case against president.
Bryant has taken a tough stand against crime on the Judiciary Committee,
although he is not a vocal member of the often boisterous panel. He
generally votes with his party on committee matters.
• Opening Statements from December 10 Hearing
• Questions Asked of Kenneth Starr on November 19
• Congressional Guide Profile

REP. STEVE BUYER, Ind., 40, elected 1992
Picture  DUTIES: Address how president's conduct meets constitutional
test for removal from office.
Buyer, a reservist, was called to active service during Desert Storm as a
legal adviser to a prisoner-of-war camp in the Persian Gulf. He now suffers
from some of the same ailments as other soldiers returning from the Gulf,
and has called for more investigation into the "Gulf War Syndrome." He also
helped pass a law in a previous Congress permitting the Veterans
Administration to compensate Gulf War veterans with disabilities from
undiagnosed illnesses.
• Opening Statements from December 10 Hearing
• Questions Asked of Kenneth Starr on November 19
• Congressional Guide Profile

REP. CHARLES CANADY, Fla., 44, elected 1992, chairman House Judiciary
Subcommittee on the Constitution.
Picture  DUTIES: Address how president's conduct meets constitutional
test for removal from office.
Sometimes coolly combative and staunchly conservative, Canady has railed
against abortion rights except under certain circumstances and worked to
pass a ban on so-called "partial-birth abortions" and prohibit people from
taking pregnant minors across state lines to have an abortion without
parental consent.
• Opening Statements from December 10 Hearing
• Questions Asked of Kenneth Starr on November 19
• Congressional Guide Profile

REP. CHRISTOPHER CANNON, Utah, 48, elected 1996
Picture  DUTIES: Outline how Clinton's conduct relates to obstruction of
justice and perjury laws
Cannon, a former Reagan administration official, was elected in 1996. He is
a champion of the Internal Revenue Service reform effort.
• Opening Statements from December 11 Hearing
• Questions Asked of Kenneth Starr on November 19
• Congressional Guide Profile

REP. STEVE CHABOT, Ohio, 45, elected 1994
Picture  DUTIES: Outline how Clinton's conduct relates to obstruction of
justice and perjury laws.
Chabot has supported requiring jail inmates and people on probation to do
public works projects. He occasionally departs from the party line on
certain votes, such as the 1996 GOP budget plan, which he deemed too

• Opening Statements from