-Caveat Lector-


Scandal of sexual abuse by priests shocks Brazil's 125 million Catholics  - 10% of country's clergy are sex offenders, says Vatican  - Paedophilia trial reveals vulnerability of the poor  Tom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro and John Hooper in Rome 11/26/05 "A growing sex abuse scandal is rocking the world's largest national congregation of Catholics. This week a Brazilian priest was given a lengthy jail sentence after a court heard extracts from a diary that read like a paedophile priest's how-to manual. A magazine earlier published evidence that, according to estimates by Vatican investigators, one in 10 of Brazil's priests was involved in some form of sexual misdemeanour." http://www.guardian.co.uk/brazil/story/0,12462,1651313,00.html

Prosecutors: Teen abducted children for demonic ritual - Chicago, Illinois (AP) "An 18-year-old Chicago man was arrested after allegedly kidnapping two young children to perform a demonic ritual intended to get back his former girlfriend, authorities said. David Rodriguez was being held on $500,000 bond. Prosecutors said he and a 15-year-old companion snatched the children Friday outside a South Side library and planned to carve a pentagram in the girl's chest." http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/11/28/ritual.kidnap.ap/index.html


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