-Caveat Lector-


          Editor's Note: Bush gave only the eighth formal news
     conference since taking office in 2001 on Thursday night.  There
     was speculation beforehand that this might be the moment when  a
     declaration of war against Iraq would be made.  Some even thought
     Bush would be announcing the capture of Osama bin Laden.  Neither
     came to pass.  Instead, Bush ran through a familiar litany of
     accusations and threats directed at Saddam Hussein.  There were two
     factors to note.  The first was that Bush all but promised that
     America would go to war without a UN resolution approving such
     action.  The second pertained to the nature of the press conference
     itself.  The reporters clearly asked scripted questions.  Bush
     himself referenced a list at his podium before calling on
     reporters, making it clear that he knew the order of the questions
     to come, the name of the questioners, and the questions
     themselves.  "April, did you have a question or did I call on you
     cold?" said Bush to a reporter after referencing his notes.

          At the end of the day, this press conference was designed to
     do one thing - to get rhetorically out in front of Hans Blix before
     he reports to the UN on Friday.  Twice now the administration has
     waited for Blix to report, expecting from him a basis for war, and
     twice they have been burned.  On Thursday, Bush attempted to set
     the terms of debate for this next report. - wrp

          Bush Commits to Second Resolution Vote
          Mark Oliver
          Guardian UK

          Friday 7 March 2003

          The US president, George Bush, said today that he would insist
     on a vote on a new resolution authorising war on Iraq, saying it
     was time for UN security council members to "show their cards".

          Speaking at a televised White House news conference, Mr Bush
     committed to the vote for the first time, saying the US would seek
     it regardless of the prospects for success - which is in doubt
     because of opposition from council members Russia, France and

          The US, Britain and Spain last month tabled a second
     resolution, which would effectively authorise war, which followed
     previous UN resolution 1441 which ordered Iraq to disarm. However,
     there had been doubt about the US pushing the new resolution to a
     vote amid fears it may not get passed or be vetoed by France,
     Russia or China.

          However today Mr Bush said: "No matter what the whip count is
     [the tally of expected votes], we're calling for the vote ... we
     want to see people stand up and say what their opinion is about
     Saddam Hussein and the utility of the United Nations security
     council. It's time for people to show their cards, to let the world
     know where they stand when it comes to Saddam."

          However, he indicated the US would go it alone regardless.
     "When it comes to security, we certainly don't need anybody's
     permission," Mr Bush said.

          He said President Saddam was engaged in a "willful charade" to
     deceive UN weapons inspectors and that the United States and its
     allies were involved in the "last phase of diplomacy". He said: "If
     he does not disarm, we will disarm him."

          Mr Bush said President Saddam had made a "big show of
     destroying a few missiles", referring to Iraq's Samoud missiles,
     which the regime has destroyed around 10 of in recent days after
     the UN said they exceeded a banned range. But Mr Bush added "our
     intelligence indicates he has ordered the production of the very
     same missiles".

          He accused Iraq of hiding materials for weapons of mass
     destruction. "These are not the actions of a regime that is
     disarming. These are the actions of a regime engaged in a willful
     charade. These are the actions of a regime that systematically and
     deliberately is defying the world," he said.

          Mr Bush denied he was worried about failing to get UN support
     for military action and indicated the US would act without it.

          (In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material
     is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
     interest in receiving the included information for research and
     educational purposes.)

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