: Hello Everybody,

: This is chapter VII and the Appendix D (and table of
: contents) of the book describing CIA coup of 1953 in
: Iran, published recently by NYT. It is the uncensored
: version that was subsequently published by John Young
: at his web site: http://cryptome.org

: The censored version of NYT is at:

: http://www.nytimes.com/library/world/mideast/041600iran-cia-index.html

: Young, a few days back, found out that while loading
: the NYT version first the whole uncensored version gets
: loaded then immediately after the censored words get
: wiped out by some software, so he used a slow computer
: and loaded the text and stopped the loading right after
: the uncensored text was fully loaded but before the
: wiping out process had begun. Later, on finding out
: that others have also obtained the uncensored version
: and it's already out he decided to publish the
: uncensored version as well. So far he has republished
: only Chapter VII and the Appendix D of the book. The
: rest are coming out later.

: I have removed some of the formatting to make the text
: more easily transmitable electronically. I also removed
: the the words "secret" from all pages but kept the
: original page numbering so the text can correctly refer
: to its other parts. Page numbers are at the bottom of
: pages. I also deleted NYT's editor's note that
: pertained only to the censored version. As John Young
: indicates at his web site the missing names and words
: in NYT version are here included within square brackets
: [].

: Remember that every word in this book has come out of
: CIA's own pharynx and therefore can be bull from begin
: to end. The correct version of what happened, general
: or in detail, remain our own and we should just see if
: this CIA blabber should throw some light on it or not.
: I'm not at all doubtfull about the possibility that
: they could have changed names in this report or
: especially switched the ones who did not cooperate with
: them with the ones who did, to get the double advantage
: of saving the ones who did help and endangering the
: status of those who did not, or at least create a
: confusion.

: Note the mention of the city Nicosia on several
: occasions. I think Nicosia is their word for Tel Aviv
: or somewhere else in Israel. Also note that in page 16
: of the appendix D even NYT's version, supposed to be
: censored, reveals the identity of Farzanegan two times
: by apparently forgetting to electronically wipe it off.
: So this matter was never handled seriously and care is
: due not to give too much weight to it.

: Maleki

: ==========================================

: CS Historical Paper
: No. 208


: November 1952-August 1953

: Date written  :  March 1954
: Date publsihed:  October 1969
: Written by    :  Dr. Donald N. Wilber

:                         i

:                  HISTORIAN'S NOTE

: This paper, entitled Overthrow of Premier Mossadeq of
: Iran, was written in March 1954 by Dr. Donald N. Wilber
: who had played an active role in the operation. The
: study was written because it seemed desirable to have a
: record of a major operation prepared while documents
: were readily at hand and while the memories of the
: personnel involved in the acitivity were still fresh.
: In addition, it was felt advisable to stress certain
: conclusions reach after the operation had been
: completed and to embody some of these in the form of
: recommendations applicable to future, parallel
: operations.

: Documents pertaining to the operation described in this
: paper are in the Project TPAJAX files which are held by
: the Iran Branch of the Near East and South Asia
: Division.

: All proper names mentioned in this paper have been
: checked for accuracy and completeness. A serious effort
: has been made to supply the first name and middle
: initial of each individual. The omission of any first
: names and middle initials indicates that such
: information could not be located.

: Dean L. Dodge
: NE Division
: Historical Officer
: March 1969

:                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
:                                                  Page
:        HISTORIAN'S NOTE  . . . . . . . . . . . .   i
:        TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . .  ii
:        SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
:    I.  PRELIMINARY STEPS . . . . . . . . . . . .   1
:   II.  DRAFTING THE PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
:   VI.  THE FIRST TRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
:  VII.  APPARENT FAILURE  . . . . . . . . . . . .  44
: VIII.  "THE SHAH IS VICTORIOUS"  . . . . . . . .  65
:   IX.  REPORT TO LONDON  . . . . . . . . . . . .  78

:        A Initial Operation Plan for TPAJAX, as Cabled
:          from Nicosia to Headquarters on 1 June 1953

:        B "London" Draft of the TPAJAX Operational Plan

:        C Foreign Office Memorandum of 23 July 1953 from
:          British Ambassador Wakins to under Secretary
:          of State Smith

:        D Report on Military Planning Aspect of TPAJAX

:        E Military Critique - Lessons Learned from
:          TPAJAX re Military Planning Aspects of Coup
:          d'Etat

:                         ii

: [Pages iii to 43 in preparation by John Young.]


: At 0545 hours on the morning of 16 August 1953, Radio
: Tehran came on the air with a special government
: communique covering the so-called abortive coup of the
: night just ending, and by 0600 hours Mossadeq was
: meeting with his cabinet to receive reports on the
: situation and to take steps to strengthen the security
: forces at government buildings and other vital points.
: Again at 0730 hours the communique was broadcast.

: Station personnel had passed an anxious, sleepless
: night in their office. From the fact that certain
: actions provided for in the military plan failed to
: materialize-- no jeep with radio arrived at the
: compound, and the telephone system continued to
: function--it was obvious that something--or
: everything--had gone wrong. At 0500 hours, as soon as
: the curfew was lifted, Carroll toured the town and
: reported there was a concentration of tanks and troops
: around Mossadeq's house, and other security forces on
: the move. Then Colonel [Farzanegan] called the office
: to say that things had gone badly, and he, himself, was
: on the run toward the Embassy in search of refuge. At
: 0600 hours he appeared, gave a summary of the
: situation, which was like that of the government
: communique, and was rushed

:                        44

: into hiding. The station was now suddenly faced with
: the task of rescuing the operation from total failure,
: and decisions of far-reaching effect were quickly
: taken. The first need was to establish contact with
: Ardeshir Zahedi, son of General Zahedi. At 0800 hours
: he sent word to the station of his whereabouts, and
: Roosevelt drove up to Shimran--the summer resort
: section north of Tehran--to hear that Areshir and his
: father felt that there was still hope in the situation.
: It was immediately decided that a strong effort must be
: made to convince the Iranian public that Zahedi was the
: legal head of the government and that Mossadeq was the
: usurper who had staged a coup. (It should be noted that
: all action taken from this time on corresponded to the
: basic estimate of the operational plan that the army
: would respond to the Shah if they were forced to a
: choice between the ruler and Mossadeq.) This action was
: initiated by employing station communications
: facilities to relay a message to the New York
: Associated Press (AP) office stating that: "Unofficial
: reports are current to the effect that leaders of the
: plot are armed with two decrees of the Shah, one
: dismissing Mossadeq and the other appointing General
: Zahedi to replace him." In order to get an
: authoritative statement that could be distributed for
: local consumption, the station planned to send General
: McClure, head of the American

:                        45

: Military Mission, to see the Shah and ask him whether
: the alleged firmans were valid. Later in the day it was
: learned that the Shah had fled.

: By 0930 hours the city was calm, with shops opening and
: people going about their normal business. However,
: tanks, extra soldiers, and police were stationed at key
: points, including the royal palaces which were sealed
: off from outside contact. Rumors began to circulate.
: The one that gained early attention was to the effect
: that the alleged coupt had been inspired by the
: government in order to give Mossadeq an excuse to move
: against the Shah. At about this time Roosevelt sent
: General McClure to see General Riahi, Chief of Staff,
: to ask whether the US Military Mission was still
: accredited to Mossadeq or someone else, as the Embassy
: had heard that an imperial firman had been issued
: naming Zahedi as Prime Minister. Riahi denied that the
: firman had been "authentically signed" and stated that:
: "Iran and its people are more important than the Shah
: or any particular government," and that the army was
: "of the people and would support the people." It was
: not until a number of hours later that McClure reported
: to Roosevelt on this meeting, and from the time of the
: meeting on, McClure seemed disposed to go along with
: Riahi in the hope that Riahi himself might eventually
: try to overthrow Mossadeq.

:                        46

: It was now well into the morning, after the papers had
: been out for some time. Shojat, the substitute for the
: principal Tudeh paper, Besuye Ayandeh, had been
: predicting a coup since 13 August. It now stated that
: the plans for the alleged coup had been made after a
: meeting between the Shah and General Shwarkkopf on 9
: August, but that Mossadeq had been tipped off on the
: 14th. It should be noted that the Tudeh appeared to be
: at least as well posted on the coup plans as the
: government--how is not known. The station principal
: agent team of [Djalili and Keyvani] working on their
: own and with singular shrewdness, had put out a special
: broadsheet with documented the current rumor but
: twisted it to read that the alleged coup was arranged
: to force out the Shah. The morning issue of Mellat-i-Ma
: told this same story, while a first mention of the
: firman naming Zahedi was given on an inner page of the
: large circulation daily Keyhan.

: At 1000 hours another communique added a few details to
: the earlier one. By this time the Tudeh party members,
: organized in small groups, were making speeches in many
: parts of teh city, while smaller groups of pro-Mossadeq
: nationalists were also out in the streets. Then a fresh
: rumor made the rounds: that a plot had existed but
: that, when it had failed to materialize, Mossadeq had
: staged a fake coup. At 1100 hours two correspondents of
: the New

:                        47

: York Times were taken to Shimran, by station
: arrangement, to see Zahedi. Instead, they say his son,
: Ardeshir, who showed them the original of the imperial
: firman naming Zahedi as Prime Minister and gave them
: photostatic copies. These photostats had been made by
: Iranian participants in the plan. Following this
: meeting the station took charge of the firman, had its
: own photostats made, and kept the original locked up in
: the station safe until final victory. At noon Radio
: Tehran put out a very brief statement signed by Dr.
: Mohammed Mossadeq (without his title of Prime Minister
: being used) stating that: "According to the will of the
: people, expressed by referendum, the 17th Majlis is
: dissolved. Elections for the 18th session will be held
: soon." It was this statement, together with the
: following violently anti-Shah remarks of Fatemi and
: the undisguised and freely-preached republican
: propaganda of the Tudeh Party, that was instrumental
: in persuading the general public that Mossadeq was on
: the verge of eliminating the monarchy.

: At 1400 hours Minister of Foreign Affairs Fatemi held a
: press conference. He stated that for some time past the
: government had received reports from several sources to
: the effect that the Imperial Guards were planning a
: coup and, hence, measures were taken to counteract any
: such coup. He then went on to review the incidents of
: the coup, as already

:                        48

: stated by the government communiques. In reply to a
: question, he said that Abul Ghassem Amini, Acting
: Minister of Court, had been arrested since it could not
: be considered that the court was not a part of the
: conspriacy. He added that his own views would be found
: in his editorial in Bakhtar Emruz: this editorial, as
: printed and as read in full, over Radio Tehran at 1730
: hours, was a save, lengthy, malicious attack upon the
: Shah and upon Reza Shah--a man for whom the general
: public still feels a large measure of respect and awe.
: It may be said that this editorial did a great deal to
: arouse public resentment against the government of
: Mossadeq.

: During the afternoon the station was at work preparing
: a public statement from General Zahedi which was
: prepared with the direct advice of Ardeshir Zahedi, the
: Rashidian brothers, and Colonel [Farzanegan.] When it
: was ready the agents were unable to find a press in
: town which was not watched by the government.
: Therefore, one of the Rashidians did ten copies on a
: Persian typewriter. These were rushed to General Zahedi
: for his signature adn then given out to the foreign
: correspondents, to local pressmen and to two key army
: officers. By the time they were distributed, it was too
: late to catch the press for the morning of the 17th.
: However, station agents, [(Djalili and Keyvani),]
: although not

:                        49

: in touch with the station, the Rashidians, or
: [Farzanegan,] went ahead on their own. They composed a
: fabricated interview with Zahedi and had it printed
: on the 17th, along with a copy of the firman. In this
: instance, as in a number of others, the high-level
: agents of the station demonstrated a most satisfying
: ability to go ahead on their own and do just the right
: thing. During the day the station was securing the
: persons of key individuals and sending them to safety.
: Some were concealed in the house of a station clerk in
: the Embassy compound and some in the houses of US
: personnel of the station outside the compound. Thus,
: Ardeshir Sahedi was in station hands from the morning
: of the 16th on, General Zahedi from the morning of the
: 17th on, the Rashidian brothers from the 16th on with
: the exception of a venture out on the 18th, Colonel
: [Farzanegan] from the morning of the 16th on, and
: General [Guilanshah] from the morning of the 16th.
: These people had to be concealed by the station, both
: in order to secure them from arrest and also to have
: them in places to which Americans could logically and
: easily go.

: That evening about 1930 hours crowds massed in the
: Majlis Square to hear speeches, and the proceedings
: were rebroadcast over Radio Tehran. The speakers
: included pro-Mossadeq ex-Majlis deputies Mosavi, Dr.
: Szyyid Ali Shayegan, Engineer Zirakzadeh, Engineer
: Razavi, and Foreign Minister

:                        50

: Fatemi. All the speakers attacked the Shah and demanded
: that he abdicate. During the course of these speeches,
: the public was informed for the first time that the
: Shah had fled to Baghdad. The station had learned
: several hours earlier that the Shah had left. By 1600
: hours the two principal US Embassy political officers
: had given up hope, while Roosevelt was insisting there
: was still a "slight remaining chance of success" if the
: Shah would use the Baghadad radio and if Zahedi took
: and aggressive stand. Additional station messages to
: Headquarters contained the texts of the type of
: statements the Shah could make over Baghdad radio.

: Allowing for the seven hour difference in time,
: Headquarters received the first message from the
: station on the non-success of the coup at 0130 hours on
: the 16th, and a few hours thereafter was working on the
: station's request to get the Shah to broadcast from
: Baghdad. As the working day ended, they had to report
: to the station that the State Department was firmly
: opposed to any American effort to contact the Shah and
: suggested the British do it. At Nicosia they responded
: enthusiastically to the station's suggestion, and the
: SIS attempted to get permission from London to have
: Leavitt and Darbyshire flown to Baghdad by RAF jet
: fighter early in the morning of the 17th, for the

:                        51

: purpose of exerting pressure on the Shah. London
: refused permission.

: As the station personnel entered on another day after a
: second sleepless night, some real encouragement came
: from word that, in breaking up Tudeh groups late the
: night before, the soldiers had beaten them with rifle
: butts and made them shout, "Long live the Shan." The
: station continued to feel that the "project was not
: quite dead" since General Zahedi General [Guilanshah],
: the Rashidian brothers, and Colonel [Farzanegan] were
: still determined to press action.

: Now, on the morning of 17 August, the press was again
: on the streets. Niruye Sevum stated that Schwarzkopf
: engineered the plot with the Shah and that
: "simple-minded Americans thought the Shah was a trump
: card." Dad and Shahed both blamed the so-called coup on
: the government, and Keyhan carried the text of an
: alleged Radio London statement quoting Zahedi to the
: effect that he had a firman from the Shah and that the
: Shah had left because his life was threatened.
: Throughout the morning Iranians with good radios were
: able to get word from foreign stations of statements
: that the Shah had made in Baghdad. He said: "What has
: taken place in Iran cannote be considered a coup d'etat
: in the real sense." The Shah said he had issued his
: orders for the dismissal of Dr. Mossadeq under the
: prerogatives given to him by the

:                        52

: constitution, and had appointed General Zahedi in his
: place. He went on to say that he had not abdicated and
: that he was confident of the loyalty of the Iranian
: people to him. This line was what the station had in
: mind, if less strong than desired; and the Baghdad
: papers hinted that painful, bloody events were still to
: come in Iran. The station suggested that Imam Khalasi,
: religious divine at Baghdad, and the Agha Khan be
: enlisted to give the Shah moral backing, while
: Headquarters, on State Department instructions,
: continued to refuse permission for direct US contact
: with the Shah. In the meantime the US Ambassador to
: Iraq, Burton Berry, reported on his conversation with
: the Shah on the evening of the 16th. His statements,
: made on his own initiative, were quite in line with
: suggestions reaching him after the event.

: About 1000 hours a considerable body of the troops that
: had been dispersed throughout the city were called back
: to their barracks, as the government was certain the
: situation was well in hand. At 1030 hours Radio Tehran
: called up General Zahedi to surrender to the
: authorities, and then began broadcasting lists of those
: arrested as having taken part in the abortive coup or
: having had some connection with those events. The
: separate lists, including those of the next day,
: contained the following names

:                        53

: (those underlined indicate the individuals who were
: known to the station to be engaged in the coup
: attempt):

: [Acting Minister of Court Abul Ghassem Amini

: Colonel Novzari, Commander of 2nd Armored Brigade

: _Colonel_Zand-Karimi_, Chief of Staff of 2nd Mountain
:                        Brigade

: Commander Poulad Daj of the Police

: _Colonel_Nematollah_Nasiri_, Commander of Imperial
:                              Guards

: _Lt._Colonel_Azamudeh_, Reg. CO 1st Mountain Brigade

: Colonel Parvaresh, head of the Officers' Club

: 1st Lieutenant Niahi

: Mr. Perron, Swiss subject

: _General_Nadr_Batmangelich_, retired

: Colonel Hadi Karayi, Commander of Imperial Guards at
:                      Namsar

: General Shaybani, retired

: Rahim Hirad, Chief of Shah's private secretariat

: _Soleiman_Behbudi_, Chief of Shah's household

: _Lt._Colonel_Hamidi_, Asst. Director of Police visa section

: Colonel Mansurpur, Squadron Leader (cavalry)

: Colonel Rowhani, Chief of Staff of 3rd Mountain Brigade

: Captain Baladi

: 1st Lieutenant Naraghi

: Captain Shaghaghi

: Captain Salimi

: 1st Lieutenant Eskandari

: 1st Lieutenant Jafarbey

: Mr. Ashtari

: Mr. Mohammed Jehandari

: 1st Lieutenant Rauhani

: Dr. Mozaffar Baqai]

: Rumors circulated to the effect that the arrested
: officers were to be hanged on 20 August, and throughout
: the unit commands of the Tehran garrison, the police,
: and the gendarmerie, officers met to discuss the
: situation. Several of them resolved to risk all to
: attempt to rescue their friends.

:                        54

: The station devoted a great deal of effort during the
: day to circulating photostatic copies of the firman--
: particularly among the army--and in trying to arrange
: for more and more press coverage. It was now obvious
: that public knowledge of the existence of the firmans
: was having an effect. Everyone was asking questions:
: "Was it true that the Shah had issued the firmans? If
: so, why was Mossodeq lying about it? Wasn't that a most
: reprehensible thing to do?"

: At 1325 hours Fatemi held a press conference at which
: he dealt with the flight of the Shah to Iraq, read the
: abjectly pleading letter from arrested Acting Minister
: of Court Armini, and stated that 14 officers had been
: arrested. His more detailed views on the current
: situation were expressed in an editorial in Bakhtar
: Emruz and were in the main a repetition of his previous
: scurrilous attacks against the Shah. He wrote such words
: as, "O traitor Shah, you shameless person, you have
: completed the criminal history of the Pahlevi reign.
: The people...want to drag you from behind your desk to
: the gallows."

: Early in the afternoon, Ambassador Henderson arrived in
: Tehran from Beirut. On the way out to the airport to
: meet him, members of the Embassy passed the site of the
: bronze statue of Reza Shah at the end of the avenue of

:                        55

: that name. Only the boots of the figure remained on the
: pedestal. A passing truck was dragging behind it the
: horse from the equestrian statue of the same ruler that
: had stood in Sepah Square. In the crowds engaged in
: this activity, the Tudeh were obviously in the
: majority.

: On behalf of the government, Henderson was welcomed by
: Dr. Gholam Hosein Mossadeq, son of the Prime Minister,
: and by Dr. Alemi, Minister of Labor. At 1630 hours the
: station sent off a cable giving a general survey of the
: local situation which, although it foresaw Mossadeq's
: position strengthened for the next few weeks, did
: insist that a policy of opposition to him be continued.
: Near the end of the afternoon, the government used the
: voice of a religious leader, Sadr Balaghi, to attack
: the Shah over Radio Tehran.

: The evening was a most active and trying time for the
: station. Principal agents [Keyvani and Djalili] were
: reached and given instructions. Within the Embassy
: compound, Roosevelt and Carroll held a prolonged
: council of war with the heads of their team: General
: Zahedi and Ardeshir Zahedi, General [Guilanshah,] the
: three Rashidian brothers, and Colonel [Farzanegan].
: These teammates were, when required, smuggled in and
: out of the compound in the bottom of cars and in closed
: jeeps. A few hundred yards away

:                        56

: Ambassador Henderson and General McClure were out in
: the garden in front of the residency, and Roosevelt
: wore a path back and forth to reassure them that no
: Persians were hidden out in the compound, so that they
: could in all honesty so inform Mossadeq if the
: question were asked. The council of war went on for
: about four hours, and in the end it was decided that
: some action would be taken on Wednesday the 19th. As
: preparation for this effort, several specific
: activities were to be undertaken. In the field of
: political action, it was planned to send the Tehran
: cleric [Ayatollah Behbehani] to Qum to try to persuade
: the supreme cleric, Ayatollah Borujerdi, to issue a
: fatwa (religious decree) calling for a holy war against
: Communism, and also to build up a great demonstration
: on Wednesday on the theme that it was time for loyal
: army officers and soldiers and the people to rally to
: the support of religion and the throne. In the field of
: military action, support from outside of Tehran seemed
: essential. Colonel [Farzanegan] was sent off in a car
: driven by a station agent (US national Gerald Towne) to
: [Kermanshah, a distance of 400 miles,] to persuade
: Colonel [Timur Bakhtiar,] commanding officer of the
: [Kermanshah] garrison, to declare for the Shah. Zahedi,
: with Carroll, was sent to Brigadier General [Zargham]
: at [Isfahan] with a similar request. Through station
: facilities these

:                        57

: messengers were provided with identification papers and
: travel papers which stood up under inspection. All
: those leaving the compound were also given
: station-prepared curfew passes.

: Throughout the long hours of 17 August, there seemed
: little that Headquarters could do to ease the pangs of
: despair. A wire sent to the station in the afternoon
: expressed the strong feeling that Roosevelt, in the
: interest of safety, should leave at the earliest
: moment, and it went on to express distress over the bad
: luck. At about the same time, an operational immediate
: cable went out to Ambassador Beery in Baghdad with
: guidance concerning his future meetings with the Shah.
: Propaganda guidance was sent to the stations in
: Karachi, New Delhi, Cairo, Damascus, Istanbul, and
: Beirut to the effect that the Zahedi government was
: the only legal one. Just after midnight Headquarters
: urged a Paris Station officer in southern France to get
: in touch with the Agha Khan at once, in order to urge
: the latter to send a wire to the Shah expressing his
: strongest moral support. Much later, Headquarters
: learned that contact had been established, but there
: was not the hoped-for outcome. The Agha Khan had at
: once stated that a ruler who left his throne and
: country would never return, and after his statement
: no effort was made to sell him on the idea of backing

:                        58

: the Shah. Of course, he was later delighted to hear
: that the Shah did get his throne back after all.

: At Nicosia the SIS refused to give up hope, and bucked
: against their own office in London and against the
: Foreign Office. Darbyshire continued to try to get
: permission to got to Baghdad. While the persistence and
: apparent faith shown by the SIS station at Nicosia was
: altogether admirable, it should be remembered that
: they had nothing to lose if the cause had been pressed
: to ultimate failure and disclosure.

: The 18th was to be the most trying day for every person
: in every country who was aware of the project. At 0730
: hours that morning the Shah left Baghdad for Rome on a
: regular BOAC commercial flight. It would be some hours
: before this news reched Tehran. In Tehran the day
: opened with small bands roaming the streets. The Tudeh
: managed to ransack the Pan-Iranist Party headquarters
: ([Keyvani/Djalili] claim credit for this incident)
: located near the Majlis Square, and then there were
: minor clashes between gangs of the Tudeh and the Third
: Force (a Marxist, non-Tudeh opposition group).

: Morning papers appeared about as usual, although very
: few opposition sheets were available since secret
: police were posted in all printing shops. Those papers
: supporting Mossadeq announced that the Pahlevi dynasty
: had come to an

:                        59

: end, while [Ettelaat (despite assurances from its
: publisher to support the station's line)] wrote that
: the nation expressed its violent disapproval of the
: coup which was in foreign interests. [Dad continued its
: really remarkable efforts by reprinting the firman and
: an interview with Zahedi.] Shahed ran a copy of the
: firman, and Keyhan ran two brief notes on Zahedi's
: claims. Shojat, replacement for Besuye Ayandeh and,
: hence, the leading organ of the Tudeh Party, printed a
: statement by the Central Committee of the Tudeh
: Party--the first such statement to appear for some
: weeks. In this statement the party blamed the recent
: events on Anglo-American intrigue, and added that the
: watchword for the day must be: "...Down with the
: Monarchy! Long live the democratic republic!" During
: the morning the AP correspondent wired out a story,
: destined to get considerable play abroad, which
: included Zahedi's statement to the officers of the
: Iranian Army: "Be ready for sacrifice and loss of your
: lives for the maintenance of independence and of the
: monarchy of Iran and of the holy religion of Islam
: which is now being threatened by infidel Communists."

: Military communiques read over Radio Tehran indicated
: that continuing efforts were being made by the
: government to firm up its control. One announcement
: offered a reward of 100,000 rials for information as
: the whereabouts of

:                        60

: General Zahedi, [a second demanded that retired officer
: Colonel Abat Farzanegan appear before the military
: government] and a third was a reminder that all
: demonstrations were forbidden by the government. At
: 1030 hours General Riahi, Chief of Staff, met with the
: high ranking officers of the army in the lecture hall
: of the Military School and read them the riot act,
: stressing that they must be faithful to the
: government.

: Personnel at the Tehran Station, while continuing to
: make every effort to carry out its decision of the
: 16th, were also planning for eventualities. One message
: to Headquarters asked that the means for a clandestine
: evacuation of up to 15 people from Iran be prepared.
: Another cited local military opinion that officers
: would carry out instructions broadcast by the Shah, and
: then went on to put it up to Headquarters as to whether
: the station should continue with TPAJAX or withdraw.
: Nicosia commiserated over the initial failure and
: stated that they, personally, were continuing to do all
: they could to induce London to continue to support
: station efforts. This message was followed by a report
: on the Shah's statements at Baghdad, and by still
: another to the effect that SIS Nicosia was asking
: London's assent to urge the Shah's return on pilgrimage
: to the holy shrines in Iraq where he would be in

:                        61

: direct contact with Iranian divines resident there.

: During the afternoon most of the news was not of action
: but of statements from various sources. At his press
: conference Minister of Foreign Affairs Fatemi asserted
: that there had been serious anti-Shah riots in
: Baghdad--a complete lie. At 1500 hours the Shah arrived
: in Rome, where he was to make statements to the press
: which followed a middle ground. These statements did
: not dash the hopes of his supporters, but neither were
: they a call to action. Also, in the afternoon, Radio
: Moscow carried the text of the appeal of the Central
: Committee of the Tudeh Party as it had been printed
: that morning in Shojat.

: In the evening, violence flared in the streets of
: Tehran. Just what was the major motivating force is
: impossible to say, but it is possible to isolate the
: factors behind the distrubances. First, the flight of
: the Shah brought home to the populace in a dramatic way
: how far Mossadeq had gone, and galvanized the people
: into an irate pro-Shah force. Second, it seems clear
: that the Tudeh Party overestimated its strength in the
: situation. This fault may have been that of the Soviet
: liaison people, of of the leaders of the Tudeh party,
: or of the rank and file. During the day the Party not
: only had defiled statues of the monarchy, but also had
: erected their own flags at certain points. Party
: members had also torn down street signs in which the
: Pahlevi dynasty was mentioned or which commemorated
: events in the reign of Reza Shah, and had replaced them
: with "popular" names. The party seemed ready for an
: all-out effort to bring in a peoples' democracy,
: believing either that Mossadeq would not challenge them
: or that they could outfight him in the streets. Third,
: the Mossadeq government was at last beginning to feel
: very uneasy about is alliance with the Tudeh Party. The
: Pan-Iranists were infuriated and the Third Force was
: most unhappy about the situation. Fourth, the climax
: was now approaching of the [Keyvani/Djalili] campaign
: of alleged Tudeh terrorism. (Details of this campaign
: have been given on earlier pages.) On this evening
: [Keyvani/Djalili] had gangs of alleged Tudehites on the
: streets with orders to loot and smash shops on Lalezar
: and Amirieh streets whenever possible, and to make it
: clear that this was the Tudeh in action.

: During the evening all these factors came together in
: ferment. Security forces were given orders to clear the
: streets and serious fighting resulted. Friends of
: Colonel [Hamidi] in the Police Department exceeded
: instructions in preventing Tudeh vandalism by beating
: up Tudehites and shouting for the Shah.

:                        63

: The Tudeh did seem to take rapid cognizance of the
: facts that a covert action was being staged, and that
: their members were not strong enough to fight the
: police. They brought people out who tried to argue
: demonstrators into going home.

: Headquarters spend a day featured by depression and
: despair. The immediate direction of the project moved
: from the Branch and Division to the highest level. At
: the end of the morning a handful of people worked on
: the draft of a message which was to call off the
: operation. As the message was finally sent, in the
: evening, it was based on the Department of State's
: tentative stand: "that the operation has been tried and
: failed," the position of the United Kingdom that: "we
: must regret that we cannot consider going on fighting"
: and Headquarters' positon that, in the absence of
: strong recommendations to the contrary from Roosevelt
: and Henderson, operations against Mossadeq should be
: discontinued.

: Report on Military Planning Aspect of TPAJAX

: Military Aspects Operation TPAJAX

: In early summer 1953 Carroll was assigned the task of
: planning military aspects of TPAJAX. Several
: assumptions first had to be taken into account:

:    A. Operation would be joint operation with SIS.

:    B. Operation would rely heavily upon military
:       willingness to fight for Shah.

:    C. Armed forces in Iran under Mossadeq very strongly
:       led by pro-Mossadeq officers.

:    D. Operational assets within armed forces controlled
:       by SIS o CIA were not at the outset capable of
:       executing the military objectives of TPAJAX.

: Planning tasks which had to be accomplished:

:    E. Detailed study of the leading military
:       personalities in Iran.

:    F. Detailed study of order of battle of the Iranian
:       Army with emphasis on the Tehran garrison.

:    G. Detailed military study of communications, supply
:       dumps, ammunition depots, command structure
:       Iranian armed forces, time and distance factors
:       within Tehran and throughout Iran, including road
:       and rail nets.

:    H. Detailed study military assets possessed by SIS.

:    I. Operational assets to be developed by CIA; almost
:       no military assets were then under CIA control.

:                         1

: George Carroll in Washington began a staff study
: preliminary to drafting a military plan. Persons who
: were particularly helpful in the preparation of this
: study were Jerome F. Begert, Willima Fowlkes, Jr.,
: Eugene E. Cilsdorf, Elizabeth E. McNeill, Betty J.
: Caldwell, and Arthur W. Dubois. This group constituted
: a branch task force.

: Throughout the summer cables were exchanged with the
: Tehran Station in an effort to procure the latest
: information on the order of battle of Iranian armed
: forces. The Iranian desk, G-2, Pentagon, was queried in
: an effort to obtain whatever information they could get
: which might help accomplish the above tasks.
: Information available in G-2 was almost non-existent.
: Biographical information on leading Army figures was
: extremely scanty. G-2 did not possess a tactical map
: showing the military situation in the city of Tehran.
: It must also be admitted that CIA too was unprepared
: for this type of operational plan and a heavy burden
: had to be laid upon the field at a time when the Tehran
: Station was already occupied with the opening phases of

: The primary difficulty in staff planning at this time
: was the fact that neither the field nor headquarters
: possessed detailed information on military figures in
: Iran. CIA had heretofore never placed particular
: emphasis on

:                         2

: that type of operational reporting, and we learned as
: the days went by how extremely important, indeed vital,
: that type of reporting is.

: Throughout the month of June, the branch task force
: gradually was supplied information from the field which
: made it possible to begin thinking about the use of the
: forces within the Tehran garrison. The field reported
: that Tehran was garrisoned by five brigades, three
: infantry mountain brigades, and two armored brigades.
: In addition, four other military forces existed: the
: Gendarmerie, the police, the armed customs guard, and
: the forces under the military governor. It was also
: learned that the young Chief of Staff, Brigadier
: General Taghi Riahi, and his staff had been drawn
: primarily from members of the pro-Mossadeq Iran Party.
: It had to be assumed that the chief of staff and
: officers within all sections of his staff were under
: control of Mossadeq. It was also to be assumed that at
: least three out of five of the brigade commanders in
: Tehran were completely under General Riahi's control.
: Those assumptions proved to be correct. SIS reported
: that Colonel [Ashrafi, military governor of Tehran and
: commanding officer of the Third Mountain Brigade,]
: could be relied upon; this later turned out to be
: incorrect but for staff planning purposes in June it
: had to be assumed

:                         3

: correct. It was disappointing to learn that Major
: General Zahedi, Prime Minister designate under TPAJAX,
: possessed almost no military assets. General Zahedi,
: therefore, could not be relied upon to execute his own
: staff plan.

: In the early part of July, the branch task force was
: able to draw up a plan designed to neutralize the
: Tehran garrison and to isolate all other brigades in
: Iran. It appeared at that time that only a very small
: force could be relied upon by CIA, primarily the Thrid
: Mountain Brigade in Tehran. Therefore, our first staff
: plan was based upon the use of the Third Mountain
: Brigade for the capture and arrest of the officers
: assigned to the Chief of Staff, as well as the arrest
: and neutralization of all other forces in the city of
: Tehran.

: Because of the fact that CIA did not possess any
: military assets capable at that time of helping TPAJAX,
: it was suggested that Station agent Colonel [Aban
: Farzanegan] be given special training. [Farzanegan] was
: trained in a safehouse in Washington with the
: assistance of instructors from the training division.
: [Farzanegan] had no idea what lay before him. He had
: never previously participated in any military action,
: although he had been superbly trained [in logistics in
: the Command and General Staff School at Ft.
: Leavenworth. Further, he had been assistant military

:                         4

: attache for Iran in Washington for several years, and]
: before that had been the [Iranian liaison officer to
: the United States Military Assistance Advisory Group in
: Tehran. He, therefore, had a good grasp of American
: army methods. He was a Signal Corps officer by
: profession.] Because of the extreme sensitivity of
: TPAJAX, [Farzanegan] was given the lie detector test.
: In early July, [Farzanegan] was directed to go to
: Tehran and to renew all of his old contacts within the
: Iranian Army.

: In June, Carroll was assigned TDY to Cyprus to work
: with Donald Wilber, NEA Planning Officer, and SIS.
: Carroll concentrated on military planning aspects with
: SIS, and ascertained the extent to which SIS could
: control Iran military assets. Headquarters was
: extremely concerned because the plan assumed that the
: Shah would sign a firman dismissing Mossadeq without
: being certain that his Army officers and men were well
: organized enough to force Mossadeq from office in the
: event Mossadeq did not obey the firman, since CIA and
: SIS did not possess military assets capable of being
: organized into an effective fighting force and it was
: feared that the development of new military assets and
: their organization into a fighting force could not be
: accomplished in time.

: SIS in Cyprus stated that it did have several important

:                          5

: friends among the military, but the only officer among
: their friends then in a position to be of assistance to
: us was Colonel [Ashrafi.] SIS agreed that our
: preliminary military plan must be based on the
: assumption that Colonel [Ashrafi] would cooperate.
: Military Planner Carroll doubted whether one brigade
: out of five would be sufficient to overthrow Mossadeq
: and stated frankly that our military plan must be
: viewed as extremely tentative; he also stated that he
: hoped upon arrival in Tehran to find other assets in
: addition to Colonel [Ashrafi.] From the military point
: of view the discussions in Cyprus were extremely
: disappointing because they made it clear that we wanted
: to accomplish much but had very little with which to
: accomplish it. It also made it clear that Carroll and
: Colonel [Farzanegan] should arrive in Tehran as soon as
: possible where the military plan would by necessity
: have to be completed.

: On 15 July Carroll left for London where SIS studied
: the military plan for two days and approved it with
: little comment. They agreed that, if TPAJAX were to
: succeed, CIA must start from scratch and work quickly
: to find powerful friends among Iranian Army troop
: commanders. In London, Carroll with Major Keen and two
: other British Army officers on duty with SIS, went over
: two military plans which had been drawn by the branch
: task force.

: Both of our military plans used the same arrest lists

:                         6

: for military and civilian persons in Tehran. These
: lists were compiled as a result of a long study of
: pro-Mossadeq Iranians, and later proved to be at least
: 90 percent correct. The British approved the arrest
: lists after their CE expert and their biographical
: section studied them. A third arrest list, the Tudeh
: Arrest List, was studied very carefully by SIS Tudeh
: Party experts and was approved without addition. It
: would seem that our appraisal of Iranians must have
: been based upon approximately the same information.

: While these arrest lists were farmed out to SIS experts
: Carroll sat down to study the two military plans with
: Major Keen and with the British major. The first plan
: was based upon the assumption that [Colonel Ashrafi]
: was a controlled British agent [and that his Third
: Mountain Brigade would follow his commands.] After a
: detailed examination of the Target List for
: Neutralization In the City of Tehran (machine gun
: factory, Ministry of Post and Telegraph, Office of the
: Chief of Staff, etc.), SIS stated that the targets we
: had listed for neutralization were the correct ones and
: that we had assigned duties for components of the Third
: Mountain Brigade about as well as any other way they
: might suggest.

: We next turned to an examination of our second military
: plan based upon the assumption that Carroll might be
: able to develop assets in Tehran capable of controlling
: three brigades. We all agreed that it would be
: extremely

:                         7

: hazardous to base all of our hopes upon one brigade out
: of the five in Tehran and that, if possible, we should
: attempt to develop additional forces. SIS approved this
: plan and they then passed both plans up to a brigadier
: who returned them next day without comment.

: During these discussions a cable arrived in London via
: Cryprus from Tehran in which Tehran Station reported
: General Zahedi's "military assets." This message
: confirmed all of our fears. For some time the Station
: had been attempting to persuade General Zahedi to list
: his military assets and to indicate how he hope to use
: them. At last General Zahedi reported. He claimed none
: of the five brigades in Tehran. His military plan
: assumed that he might be able to use the Imperial
: Guard, some troops from the Department of Army
: Transport, components from the Department of Police,
: and components of the Armed Customs Guard. He also
: hoped that Colonel [Timur Bakhtiar] might be able to
: bring troops to Tehran from [Kermanshah.] SIS asked
: Carroll to write for them an appreciation of Zahedi's
: plan. In that appraisal it was stated that he did not
: believe the Shah would sign a firman dismissing
: Mossadeq until Zahedi could indicate to him how Chief
: of Staff Riahi's control over the Tehran garrison could
: be broken; further, he felt that if TPAJAX were to
: succeed military

:                         8

: assests must be developed within the five brigades in
: Tehran.

: SIS agreed in London that military tasks should take
: the following priority:

:     1. Seizure and occupation of designated points.

:     2. Execution of arrest and detention lists.

:     3. Neutralization of pro-Mossadeq military forces
:        in Tehran.

:     4. Neutralization of the city of Tehran.

:     5. Reinforcement of pro-Zahedi forces in Tehran by
:        forces outside of the city.

: These priorities were laid down because it was desired
: that communications be knocked out as soon as possible
: in order to prevent pro-Mossadeq forces and personnel
: from communicating with each other.

: Carroll left London on the first available aricraft
: following these conferences, arrived in Tehran on 21
: July, and got in touch with [Farzanegan.]

: Sifting through [Farzanegan's] operational contact
: reports covering all of his important conversations in
: Tehran [after his arrival from the United States], two
: officers were noted as being of especial promise.
: These were contact reports of conversations with Major
: General [Nadr Batmangelich] and with Colonel [Hassan
: Akhavi], both of whom

:                          9

: were old and good friends of [Farzanegan]. These two
: officers reflected the fear of the Tudeh party that was
: becoming general after the Tudeh showing of 21 July.
: Goiran, Goodwin, and Carroll agreed that it was
: imperative that Carroll meet as soon as possible with
: an officer appointed by Zahedi to work on our military
: scheme. Zahedi never did designate a military
: secretariat, and it was necessary for us to develop our
: own.

: Because of General Zahedi's manifestly weak position
: among the military then on active duty, and because it
: became apparent that it would be necessary for CIA to
: seize the initiative and to furnish him with a military
: plan and military forces, the development of Colonel
: [Akhavi] was stepped up. [Farzanegan] was directed to
: determine what assets Colonel [Akhavi] might be able to
: lead us to. Colonel [Akhavi] first offered a "Plan A"
: which called for a military coup d'etat without
: explaining how it was to be accomplished. Then
: [Farzanegan] was pressed to persuade Colonel [Akhavi]
: to be more realistic, and on 30 July he received from
: Colonel [Akhavi] a plan which was more specific but
: still pitifully inadequate. Colonel [Akhavi] said he
: would execute arrests and target lists, neutralize
: military installations and non-cooperating forces
: within two hours; this was nonsense. The most important
: thing Colonel [Akhavi] reported was that he was in
: touch with three young colonels who might possess

:                        10

: important strength within the Tehran garrison. Colonel
: [Akhavi] also told [Farzanegan] that General
: [Batmangelich] lacked courage but would stiffen his
: back should the Shah appoint him Chief of Staff.
: Colonel [Akhavi] did not mention General Zahedi and did
: not seem to be in touch with him. [Farzanegan] told
: Colonel Akhavi that he could put Colonel [Akhavi] in
: touch with one or two Americans whom he had met in the
: United States.

: At this time the Shah also indicated that he did not
: have control of important military assets.

: Carroll met [Akhavi] and [Farzanegan] on 2 and 3 August
: and began staff planning. Colonel [Akhavi] was full of
: desire to do something, but had no idea of how to go
: about it. He said that he had friends who could control
: the Second and Third Mountain Brigades but did not
: trust either Colonel [Ashrafi], Commanding Officer of
: the Third Mountain Brigade [and an alleged SIS asset],
: or Colonel Momtaz, Commanding Officer of the Second
: Mountain Brigade. Colonel [Akhavi] reported that
: General [Batmangelich] had told him the day before that
: if the Shah acted he was ready to perform any service
: whatsoever and to die for the Shah if necessary. After
: these early meetings with Colonel [Akhavi], it became
: apparent that he, himself, was not in a position to
: command anything and was only hoping that he might
: persuade his

:                         11

: friends to do so.

: Carroll then met directly with Colonel [Akhavi] and his
: friend. The latter turned out to be Colonel
: [Zand-Karimi, Colonel Komtaz's deputy]. Colonel
: [Zand-Karimi] reported a long list of assets within the
: Tehran garrison, principally among deputy commanders of
: brigades and regimental commanders. On 6, 7, and 8
: August, Colonels [Akhavi, Zand-Karimi, Farzanegan], and
: Mr. Carroll carried on staff planning based upon the
: units commanded by friends whom [Zand-Karimi] claimed.
: Colonel [Zand-Karimi] stated that his primary friends
: were [Colonel Hamidi], of the Tehran police; [Colonel]
: [Ordubadi], of the Tehran Gendarmerie District; and
: [Colonel Mansurpur, Commanding Officer Iranian
: Cavalry]. He felt certain that ultimate victory would
: be ours through these friends, and through his friends
: who were regimental and battalion commanders, among
: these were important unit commanders in the Tehran
: garrison: [Colonel Rohani, Deputy Commander of the
: Third Mountain Brigade; Lt. Colonel Khosro Panah,
: Commanding Officer of the Second Mountain Brigade
: Infantry Regiment; Lt. Colonel Yusefi, who was soon to
: be named Commanding Officer of the Third Mountain
: Brigade's Infantry Regiment.] Through these officers
: Colonel [Zand-Karimi] was in touch with every infantry
: battalion commander in Tehran and with most of the
: company commanders; however,

:                         12

: those officers had not been formed into an organization
: and were not ready to overthrow Chief of Staff General
: Riahi's firm control of the Terhran garrison which he
: exercized through the Brigade Commanders in Tehran. For
: instance, if we were to succeed we must arrest Colonel
: Sharokh, Commanding Officer First Armored Brigade;
: Colonel Parsa, Commanding Officer First Mountain
: Brigade; and probably Colonel Ashrafi, Military
: Governor and Commanding Officer of the Third Mountain
: Brigade. Colonel Novzari, Commanding Officer of the
: Second Armored Brigade would probably remain neutral
: but we felt it imperative that his deputy, Lt. Colonel
: Bahrami, be arrested.

: It therefore became clear from the military point of
: view that success might depend upon whether or not
: General Riahi succeeded in arresting our friends before
: we arrested his, and that the test of strength would
: very largely rest upon the amount of security we were
: able to maintain while attempting to knit all of our
: friends into a functioning team.

: It also was clear that we had to devise a scheme
: capable of carrying our operations in the event our
: first platoon of young officers was arrested. Carroll
: therefore worked for two nights with Colonels
: [Farzanegan and Zand-Karimi]

:                         13

: devising a system which would work in the event our
: first team was arrested. The danger signal we adopted
: to alert battalion and company commanders to take
: independent action was the arrest of Colonel
: [Zand-Karimi] and of his closest friends. The weakness
: in our plan lay in the fact that the station would not
: be in a position to contact battalion and company
: commanders but would have to depend upon Colonel
: [Zand-Karimi] to do the job. While discussing this
: subject, Colonel [Zand-Karimi] stated that he would be
: able to contact lower unit commanders within 48 hours
: after receipt of the Shah's firman.

: The hesitation of the Shah in signing the firman worked
: to our advantage for it gave us several more important
: days in which to discuss with Colonel [Zand-Karimi] the
: development of our final staff plans which was based
: upon the use of the units which his friends commanded.
: This problem was complicated by the fact that Colonel
: [Akhavi] became violently ill and was later forced to
: retire to his bed. As the climax approached, tension
: increased and it is not inconceivable that tension
: caused by fear had something to do with Colonel
: [Akhavi's] illness. Colonel [Akhavi] did remain on his
: feet long enough to speak to the Shah on 9 August in an
: interview which later proved vital to the success of
: the military phase of TPAJAX. Until Colonel [Akhavi]
: saw the Shah, he was not

:                         14

: certain that our friends in the Tehran garrison would
: act without the Shah's approval. However, after talking
: with the Shah, Colonel [Akhavi] was able to tell
: Colonel [Zand-Karimi] that the Shah did desire
: military support in the event he should decide to sign
: the firman.

: Colonel [Akhavi] was asked by the Shah whether or not
: the Army would back a firman dismissing Mossadeq.
: Colonel [Akhavi] told the Shah that he had been meeting
: with Carroll and that a reasonable staff plan was being
: prepared, one that assured victory if it were carried
: out properly. The Shah then asked [Akhavi] for the
: names of the officers who would cooperate, and Colonel
: [Akhavi] reported the same names which we had earlier
: submitted to the Shah through Asadollah Rashidian. He
: asked [Akhavi] to meet General Zahedi.

: In reporting the substance of his audience with the
: Shah, Colonel [Akhavi] asked the station if the United
: States would support General Zahedi. He was told that
: it would. Colonel [Zand-Karimi] also accepted General
: Zahedi. Both officers stated that they had not been in
: touch with General Zahedi for several months but
: believed him to be a very good leader.

: During the nights of 11, 12 and 13 August, staff
: planning continued based upon the use of forty line
: commanders within the Tehran garrison. Colonel [Akhavi]
: met General

:                        15

: Zahedi who agreed that General [Batmangelich] might be
: chief of staff. General [Batmangelich] expressed the
: desire to meet Carroll and to discuss plans with him,
: Farzanegan [in clear], Colonel [Akhavi], and Colonel
: [Zand-Karimi]. This meeting was postponed until we felt
: our staff plan was complete enough for General
: [Batmangelich] to act upon it.

: On 11 August Zahedi asked [Akhavi] to have [Farzanegan]
: come to see him. General Zahedi and [Farzanegan] talked
: for three hours. [Farzanegan] reported that General
: Zahedi was extremely appreciative of American
: assistance and asked [Farzanegan] to act as liaison
: officer between himself and the Americans for
: military purposes; he also asked him to become his
: officer in charge of the Military Bureau which had been
: meeting with Carroll during the last week.

: On 12 August Farzanegan [in clear] took General
: [Batmangelich] to see Zahedi, and General [Bamangelich]
: pledged General Zahedi all assistance. [Farzanegan]
: also took Colonel [Zand-Karimi] to see Zahedi and the
: latter reported to General Zahedi progress of military
: staff planning. In retrospect it would appear that
: under more favorable conditions we should have spent
: more time going over the staff plan with Zahedi and
: General [Bamangelich], for it was at this moment that
: the military phase of TPAJAX passed into Zahedi's
: hands, although Zahedi did not know any of the young
: officers

:                        16

: involved and General [Batmangelich] knew only a few of
: them.

: During the afternoon of 15 August, Carroll met with
: General [Batmangelich] and the Military Secretariat
: composed of [Farzanegan,] Colonel [Akhavi,] and Colonel
: [Zand-Karimi]. The firmans were expected momentarily
: and much of the conversation revolved around the
: question of how long it would take Colonel
: [Zand-Karimi] to contact our friendly forty line
: commanders. After a long discussion everyone agreed
: action should commence within 48 hours of the receipt
: of the firmans. It was also agreed that Colonel
: [Namiri, Commanding Officer of the Imperial Guard],
: would deliver the firmans to Mossadeq after he had sent
: the station a radio set attuned to Colonel
: [Zand-Karimi's] command net.

: Colonel [Nasiri] flew to Ramsar with the unsigned
: firmans on 13 August.

:                         17

: =============================

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