-Caveat Lector-


War Hawks Blinded by Hardened Hearts

By Courtland Milloy

Monday, March 31, 2003; Page B01

"I think the level of casualties is secondary," American Enterprise Institute
scholar Michael A. Ledeen told the gathering of war hawks. "I mean, it may
sound like an odd thing to say, but all the great scholars who have studied
American character have come to the conclusion that we are a warlike
people and that we love war. . . . What we hate is not casualties, but

Odd, indeed, I thought upon reading Ledeen's remarks in news accounts of
a so-called "black coffee briefing" held Thursday at the AEI. But, sure
enough, results of various opinion polls published a few days later showed
Americans' support for the war on Iraq actually hardening, even though
most respondents said they believe that there will be "a significant number
of additional U.S. military casualties." At this point, dead Iraqi civilians
didn't seem to matter at all.

Ledeen, an adviser to the State Department under President Ronald
Reagan and author of "The War Against the Terror Masters" and
"Tocqueville on American Character," appeared to have his finger on the
pulse of a large group of people -- a group, I might add, whose views
sometimes baffle me.

Even military officials are warning that Americans might soon be
confronting military carnage not seen since the Vietnam War. As of
yesterday, a little more than a week after this supposed "cakewalk" of a
war had begun, 57 coalition force personnel had been killed, 21 were
missing and seven were being held as prisoners of war.

About 589 Iraqi civilians had been reported killed and 4,500 reported
injured. Among the victims of errant missiles were Iraqi babies. Exactly
where was this upbeat chant to bomb on, as indicated by the polls,
coming from?

"We did not choose this war," Ledeen told me. "Terrorists have been killing
us for 20 years plus, and this is the first time we've really responded. We
are reluctant to engage in war, but once we start fighting, we fight to

Loser, he said, is a very bad word in America.

"Everything in America hinges on success, and we don't have an awful lot of
time for losers," he said by way of explaining the American mind. "People
who come to this country tend to believe in rapid advancement. If people
get in the way, we say, 'Get outta my way.' Most Americans have always
been in a great hurry. We believe we can take it with us and that the most
successful people will get the best accommodations in Heaven. We believe
successful people are the chosen people."

And yet, Ledeen's criteria for "winning" the war on Iraq make losing seem
far more likely. During the briefing at the AEI, he said, "If there is not a
democratic government in Iraq in a year or so, we will have failed." At this
rate, however, it appears that a war could still be going on. Ledeen told
me later that he believed American support for the war would drop "only if
it becomes clear that we are being badly led or find out that we have
been lied to."

So, keep an eye on who, if anyone, is really in charge of the war, as U.S.
officials continue second-guessing their own military strategy. And be on
the lookout for those weapons of mass destruction -- the reason given for
waging war in the first place. After testing 10 of their best intelligence
leads, U.S. forces have so far uncovered no substantial evidence that such
weapons exist. Not finding any would amount to, say, a credibility-buster

"[Alexis de] Tocqueville called us warlike," Ledeen said, referring to the
French aristocrat who toured America in 1831. "And it's certainly not all
positive. Ask the Indians. Ask the Mexicans. . . ." The list goes on and on.

Of course, it's too soon to ask the Iraqis, because, we've been told, they
are still too afraid of Saddam Hussein to speak freely. But some of them
have not been too afraid to question us.

"We ask why, why, why?" Ahmed Sufian, a physician at a Baghdad hospital,
told a Washington Post reporter after scores of Iraqi civilians were killed or
wounded in a market destroyed by what was believed to be an errant U.S.
missile. "Why all this blood? They came to free us? This is freedom?"

Maybe someday America's hawks will answer him.



© 2003 The Washington Post Company
Why It Happened. Where We Are Now. How We'll Win.

"These are books that transcend mere descriptive narrative and seek to fix
a value—political, philosophical or strategic—on the events of 9/11 and
their aftermath. A lively example of the type is WAR AGAINST THE TERROR
MASTERS."—Tunku Varadarajan, The Wall Street Journal

"Sometimes controversial, often provocative, always informative and
insightful."—Bernard Lewis, author of WHAT WENT WRONG?

Why Tocqueville's Brilliant Exploration of the American Spirit Is As Vital and
Important Today As It Was Nearly Two Hundred Years Ago
Truman Talley Books/St. Martin's Press, 2000

Alexis de Tocqueville's DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA describes early nineteenth
century America in terms that provide an electric shock of recognition,
despite our contemporary moral disintegration and government
corruption. Michael Ledeen, American Enterprise Institute scholar and
political analyst and former Reagan administration official shows that the
American spirit which so moved Tocqueville is still very much alive and can
be stirred in all of us. A model template for ethics, both for government
and the individual citizen, DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA is needed, and Ledeen
shows us how to follow it.

"Michael A. Ledeen's perceptive and witty TOCQUEVILLE ON AMERICAN
CHARACTER is concerned to promote a sharper and richer understanding
of social and political life in today's America by bringing Tocqueville's
wisdom to bear on contemporary issues and events.... Ledeen's
understanding of the freedom that is at stake is Tocquevillian in richness
and depth."—Times Literary Supplement (UK)

"Mr. Ledeen is a fluent, informed, and clear–seeing writer, with a gift for
gettin down to brass tacks while discarding implements less shiny...A
rewarding guide."—The Washington Times

Why Machiavelli's Iron Rules Are As Timely and Important Today As Five
Centuries Ago
Truman Talley Books/St. Martin's Press, 1999

"A fascinating and lucidly written little book."—The Washington Times

"In MACHIAVELLI ON MODERN LEADERSHIP, Michael Ledeen has written a
book of admonition and exhortation that deserves more notice than it is
likely to get.... Brief but rich, MACHIAVELLI ON MODERN LEADERSHIP is a
tribute to the matchless 'brutal clarity' with which Machiavelli spells out
'the political and moral requirements of leadership'.... Chilling...Ledeen has
written an astute book about modern leadership."—The American

"To illustrate his ideas, Machiavelli made it a practice to give two examples,
one ancient and one 'fresh.' With a firm grasp on American contemporary
domestic and foreign policy, Michael Ledeen has provided what readers of
Machiavelli need today— modern or 'fresh' examples. Machiavelli for
Moderns goes beyond the Medici and Borgias, reaches for intelligent and
courageous examples in the corrupt worlds of modern government,
business, the armed forces and religion, to reveal that Machiavelli's
warnings are hammering on the door of the 21st century."—Sebastian de
Grazia, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of MACHIAVELLI IN HELL

"MACHIAVELLI FOR MODERNS slaps modern society across the face with
ancient truths about human nature and power. Its honesty takes your
breath away and its many stories ring true."—Philip K. Howard, author of

"Michael Ledeen is a Renaissance man …in the tradition of
Machiavelli."—Ted Koppel


Michael Ledeen, Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in
Washington, DC, is one of the world's leading authorities on intelligence
and international affairs, who has carried out some of the most sensitive
and dangerous missions in recent American history. He has been profiled
by The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. One articled
concluded that, "a portrait emerges of a man with an intense knowledge of
20th-century history, a deep commitment to democracy, and a willingness
to be adventurous. This is a man who has helped shape American foreign
policy at its highest levels." He has served as Consultant to the National
Security Adviser to the President of the United States and as Special
Adviser to the Secretary of State. A lecturer, scholar, businessman, and
author, he has written twelve books.

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not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
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