[CTRL] Chemtrails, HAARP, September 11, and the Aurora

2002-12-14 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-

Memes: Chemtrails, HAARP, September 11, and the AuroraPosted by: souljah on Dec 13, 2002 - 09:19 PM

 "Of course odd contrails are very much of interest to those people looking for the exotic propulsions, such as Pulsed Wave Detonation (PWD), which has been long associated with Black projects such as the famed Aurora."~Long ago, at the age of fifteen, I read Albert Einstein's General and Special Theories of Relativity. Even then, I had the mind of a bit of a physicist. Call it intuition if you wish, but at that age, before I had ever read of anything like a graviton in my perusings of information on the subatomic zoo, I 'came up with' the term: graviton.Intuition of course, whether or not scientist credits it with even existing, is responsible for many a discovery. Perhaps it is simply a matter of bisociation.About ten years ago, I hypothesized that the best craft one could design for interstellar and/or supra-atmospheric travel would be light enough to 'surf' along the Earth's electromagnetic fields (I was not the first by a long shot). Of course, it would have to be of a material that was HIGHLY conductive of electricity, I thought. Gold?I also thought that a saucer-shaped craft would be ideal for such 'surfing.' This is why the mpeg that was sent to me of a saucer hovering over Mexico City intrigued me: it bounced and wavered in place as if resting on the surface of an ocean (not an ocean of water of course). You, of course, will be wondering what the hell all this has to do with the Aurora, HAARP, 'chemtrails, and September 11.' The following is quoted from MILITARY RESEARCH AGENDAS FOR THE FUTURE"If and when 'Aurora' makes its appearance, it is expected to be able to do upwards of Mach 5 or 6 - it is a hypersonic plane built, according to certain sources, on the 'waverider' principle, utilizing 'pulsed wave detonation engines' that employ a unique means of external combustion. Such a hypersonic plane, even if not radar-invisible, would have little trouble penetrating most air defenses at such velocities, and probably could strike with complete anonymity"This snip brought me to a search for 'pulsed wave detonation.'This search, in turn, brought me to the following snip, taken from Strange Trails in the Sky."Of course odd contrails are very much of interest to those people looking for the exotic propulsions, such as Pulsed Wave Detonation (PWD), which has been long associated with Black projects such as the famed Aurora."Unfortunately, the site does not elaborate on this and I cannot find anything else online regarding it. However, another project associated with 'odd contrails' is HAARP which stands for High Frequency Active AURORAL Research Program. HAARP basically sends an electromagnetic beam upward (after a satellite-bound mirror reflects it, it could be sent ANYWHERE) into the ionosphere in order to cause it to reverberate, like a guitar string. This, in turn, can affect the weather. In fact, its applications are numerous. Of course, if the Aurora exists, and pulsed waves are relevant, then HAARP COULD be used to increase the charge of the ionosphere in order that the Aurora might 'surf' along more easily, not unlike the trains in Japan and Europe that ride on a magnetic field.The following is snipped from Contrail, Chemtrail, or Atmospheric Research?"I once saw photos someone had taken of the skies over the University of Colorado (in Boulder): they showed, apparently recordable by film but relatively invisible to naked eye, lasers - bright red beams across the sky. This person took his own pictures and, in my opinion, had not the technical capabilities to fake them. He often spoke of his readings that he engaged in, trying to decipher his results and he often spoke of mirrors - satellite-bound ones. As I think of that and look at the sky, it sure seems that when these contrails (highly compressed steam?) hit the area of the sky OVER the University of Colorado, they take on a wave effect...~visibly~...like something invisible is hitting it and making them ripple. Some portions even seem to be steaming UPWARD..."They might not be lasers of course.Again, a quote from MILITARY RESEARCH AGENDAS FOR THE FUTURE"Such a hypersonic plane, even if not radar-invisible, would have little trouble penetrating most air defenses at such velocities, and probably could strike with complete anonymity"Given that no one can seemingly agree on the nature of the craft in these images, did not this plane strike with 'complete anonymity' on September 11, 2001?I propose little regarding the answer to this question. I, rather, submit these ideas for further research.Thank you for your time.

THE PENTAGON PLANE MATCHES THE AURORA! (Score: 0) by Anonymeme on Dec 13, 2002 - 11:04 PM 

http://aurorapage.tripod.com/image/scale.html see 

Re: [CTRL] Chemtrails, HAARP, September 11, and the Aurora

2002-12-14 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-
One note: tungsten is key in the development of stealth aircraft. Covert Action Quarterly has said that it is tungsten that feuled the Vietnam war.
Ultra-secure "non-existent" deployment bases where extremely classified aerospace vehicles are tested and operationally flown, including the Aurora hypersonic spyplane, the Black Manta [TR-3A] stealth fighter follow-on to the F-117A, the Pumpkinseed hyper-speed unmanned aerospace reconnaissance vehicle, and several variants of anti-gravitational craft (U.S.-UFOs).
NARRATOR: Today, the desolate stretches of the Southwest desert are again the site of secret testing. Ninety-four miles north-northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada, the military is testing its latest high-tech aircraft, known as the Aurora Project.
Mr. AFTERGOOD: Well, one of the more amusing and perverse secrecy dramas today is being played out in Nevada,where there is a secret unacknowledged military facility, which has been used for decades as a test facility for advanced aircraft. Not only does the Air Force refuse to acknowledge the existence of the facility, but they have recently moved to seize several thousand additional acres of public land.
This is a collection of documents I've gathered from various sources that pretty much sum up the world of conspiracy theory: The Nazi rocket scientists, cattle mutilation, trilateral commission, UFO aliens from Zeta Reticuli, you name it, itÂ’s all here. I call it "The Octopus" or "the big enchilada".
On this subject, here are some hints for UFO researchers. There are sonic quakes over Southern California that have been traced to an Aurora aircraft and OTHER CRAFT going to Groom Lake, Nevada. If you plot that course backwards, you come to Australia. Check out the underground facilities at Pine Gap, Australia, if you want to know more about one of the hideouts of the "Elite." The research shows that one of these craft flies over 4,000 miles per hour, but one who should know says they can fly over 8,000 miles an hour. That craft can get to Australia quicker than I can get home from work.
The body of the Aurora is a large, delta-shaped wing. It's suspected that the Aurora may not have any windows because of the extrema speed at which it travels. The Aurora encompasses a new Pulse Wave Detonation (PWD) engine which rather than igniting fuel inside the body of the craft ignites it just out side, adding a good amount of extra speed. The PWD is presently under development at Pratt and Whitney, however we have reason to believe that it's up and running in the Aurora.
Speculation about Aurora's existence is heated up by a simply slip of the wrist. In 1984 when an entry in the defense budget mentioned a $2 billion dollar, two-year "Aurora" project it was the break that "black" project watchers were looking for. Pentagon officials did what they do best and denied it was a spy plane. But journalists became suspicious when, a year later, "the Aurora line item vanished as mysterious as it has first appeared." Jane's Aircraft Guide still uses "Aurora" as the name for the secret plane, and it has stuck for ever. Some people have said that the Aurora project is now code-named "Senior Citizen" however no evidence of this has been seen yet. A number of Wall Street defense industry analysts have said for years that they thing Lockheed might be involved in the spy plane business now more than ever.
One phenomena which has been connected with the Aurora is the strange "doughnuts on a rope" contrails (see Pic. 5+6) which spread across the skies near Groom Lake, and other places. These "knots" or "doughnuts" are said to form when the fuel is ignited outside the engine (PWD). In a recent trip to NYC one of these contrails was spotted, and photographed, right over the city, suggesting that the Aurora is now flying full-time, and over populated areas.
Though to my knowledge there has not been any recent sightings of the Aurora aircraft, there have been a number of sightings of the contrails it leaves behind. On May 2, 1999, the SGRA team viewed, and photographed, the Aurora's contrail over New York City, and while doing so we met and spoke with three witnesses who had seen the aircraft that had made it. They worked in an office building located near Battery Park (at the bottom of Manhattan Island), and their window faced the water and the Atlantic Ocean.
So what was the first sign of the existence of such an aircraft? On 6 March 1990, one of the United States Air Force's Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird spyplanes shattered the official air speed record from Los Angeles to Washington's Dulles Airport. There, a