-Caveat Lector-


Macedonia: oh no, not NATO
by Josie Appleton
The conflict between the Macedonian authorities and the ethnic Albanian guerrillas
of the National Liberation Army (NLA) has Newsweek worrying about NATO being
'dragged' into another ethnic 'bloodbath' in the former Yugoslavia (1).
NATO may not feel in control of current events, but it is not the victim in the
Balkans. The crisis in Macedonia is the result of more than a decade of interference
by the NATO allies in the affairs of the former Yugoslavia.
At every stage, the conflict in the former Yugoslavia has been fuelled by the
intervention of NATO members, escalating from diplomatic manoeuvres through
political and economic sanctions to direct military action.
Back in 1989, US foreign policy was already giving encouragement to ethnic Albanian 
secessionists in Kosovo. In 1991, Germany gave Croatia and Slovenia the green light to 
secede from the Yugoslav federation; civil war soo
n followed. In 1992, the US recognition of Bosnia sparked the next phase of that 
bloody conflict, which ended with NATO bombing the Bosnian Serbs (the first ever 
military action in its 50-year existence). By the end of th
e 1990s, NATO was at war with the Serbs over Kosovo. It was only a matter of time 
before Macedonia was dragged into the mire.
As Simon Jenkins points out in The Times (London), 10 years of international 
intervention has left 'a patchwork of insecure statelets as mafia fiefdoms or UN 
colonies (or both)' (2). Indeed the history of the Balkans over
 the past decade (indeed, through the past two centuries) is a story of outside 
intervention igniting, intensifying and perpetuating local conflicts.
By internationalising a regional issue, intervention moves it on to a bigger stage, 
raises the stakes, and increases the complexity of the forces at play. The prospect of 
attracting the patronage of foreign powers prompts
 groups and minorities to launch struggles that they could not hope to win on their 
own, in an attempt to win international support.
The ethnic Albanian guerrillas in Macedonia are making a last-ditch attempt to gain 
recognition from NATO, as the ethnic Albanians in neighbouring Kosovo did so 
successfully not long ago. Familiar with the language that w
ill press interventionist buttons in the Balkans, ethnic Albanians in Macedonia's 
Tevoto are depicting themselves as victims of a fascist Slav regime. This, despite the 
fact that there is an ethnic Albanian party in Maced
onia's coalition government, and that they have never experienced repression of the 
kind suffered by minorities elsewhere in the former Yugoslavia.
Unfortunately for the guerrillas, NATO's priorities have changed. NATO secretary 
general Lord Robertson (who, as UK foreign secretary during the Kosovo war, feted the 
ethnic Albanian forces there) has now branded the NLA
a bunch of 'localised extremists'. Since the downfall of president Slobodan Milosevic, 
the NATO allies have been encouraging the Serbs to do their dirty work for them and 
help to keep the ethnic Albanians in check. Yet if
 it leads to more international intervention, the NLA's gamble may yet pay off, at 
least in terms of further undermining the unity of Macedonia.

Yesterday's freedom fighters can quickly become today's extremist gangsters when 
strategic interests change
During the war against Serbia the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was transformed from
a small proscribed terrorist group into an unofficial member of the NATO alliance,
supplied with weapons and aid. Intervention effectively separated the province of
Kosovo from Serbia. But as the latest events show, NATO's love affair with the
ethnic Albanians was only ever skin-deep. Yesterday's freedom fighters can quickly
become today's extremist gangsters when strategic interests change, and with NATO
keen to do business with post-Milosevic Serbia.
But then, all of the peoples of the former Yugoslavia were only ever pawns in the
great power games in the Balkans. Look at the Albanian refugees today, enjoying the
fruits of their victory in Kosovo by living in penury in uninhabitable council flats
around the UK.
As NATO troops are sent to guard the Kosovan border, US state department officials
meet the Macedonian government and ethnic Albanian leaders, and the US media
discusses funding the Macedonian military, another round of intervention begins.
Meanwhile the Germans move to send tanks into the Balkans for the first time since
the Second World War.
Only a few days ago UK prime minister Tony Blair boasted once more of the success of
his personal crusade in Kosovo; now the stability of the whole of the Balkans region
is on a knife-edge, with fresh conflicts threatened in Macedonia, Kosovo and Bosnia.
This is the pay-off for more than a decade of foreign intervention.
And yet, at a time when the destructive consequences of NATO's moral mission in the
former Yugoslavia should be clear for all to see, recent experience suggests that
many in the West will draw the conclusion that still more intervention is required.
The failure of the Something Must be Done approach is taken as proof only that
Something More Should Have Been Done in the past, and Should Be Done now.
As Simon Jenkins points out, civil wars end - when somebody wins, they burn
themselves out. With intervention (especially of the kind that keeps changing sides)
the war will never end. Locked into a seemingly endless cycle of instability and
intervention, the Balkans can but unravel further, until its long-suffering citizens
are finally allowed to decide their own futures.
(1) Newsweek, 26 March 2001
(2) The Times, 21 March 2001


>>>And wasn't our Civil War fought on an other front, keeping the foreigners out of
it, denying intervention?  A<>E<>R <<<
T' A<>E<>R
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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