-Caveat Lector-

Sunday 6:00 AM 13 Dec 1998

The Judiciary Committee rejected the Democrats' censure resolution. Do you
think the full House should have the chance to consider a censure resolution
as an alternative to impeachment?

Yes, it is an alternative that
 Congress should consider          4538             35.2%
 No, censure is not
 a constitutional option                7884             61.2%
 Not sure                                     458               3.6%
Total votes:                              12880

  Do you think the American people understand and care more about impeachment
now that the Judiciary Committee has recommended impeaching the president?

 Yes                                7006           54.5%
 No                                  4419           34.4%
 Not sure                          1427           11.1%
Total votes:                     12852

  Is impeachment of the president in-step with or out-of-step with the wishes
of the American people?

 In-step, Americans want impeachment      6987      55.4%
 Out-of-step, Americans
don't want impeachment                            5636      44.6%
Total votes:                                             12623

  As the full House prepares to vote on impeachment next week, do you plan to
let your representative know your opinion on the vote?

 Yes, by paper mail                     491          3.8%
 Yes, by e-mail                         7544         58.7%
 Yes, by fax                               296           2.3%
 Yes, by phone                         1339         10.4%
 No                                          1849         14.4%
 Not sure                                  1339         10.4%
Total votes:                             12858

  If you disagreed with your representative's vote on impeachment, would you
hold it against him/her in the next election?

Yes                     9415           73.3%
 No                      2251           17.5%
 Not sure              1179             9.2%
Total votes:         12845

  Should the president resign to spare the country from impeachment
proceedings or a trial in the Senate?

 Yes                 8023             62.3%
 No                   4445             34.5%
 Not sure             403              3.1%
Total votes:       12871

  Do you think that President Clinton will make a public statement next week
where he admits to lying--either to the public or the grand jury--about his
relationship with Monica Lewinsky?

 Yes, he will finally realize
it is the right thing to do                356         2.8%
 Yes, the political pressure
will force him to do so                 1561        12.3%
 No, his attorneys won't permit
him to put himself in
more legal jeopardy                     4046        31.8%
 No, it's not in his nature              5533        43.5%
 Not sure                                    1229          9.7%
Total votes:                               12725

  If the House votes to impeach, the stock markets will

not react--they have already
 anticipated such an event              4976          38.8%
 shudder and drop about 200 points 2477          19.3%
 plummet by more than 200 points   2611          20.4%
 Not sure                                       2756           21.5%
Total votes:                                  12820

  Should lawmakers consider the market reaction when they weigh whether to
impeach the president?

 yes--we all have a stake in
the political and financial outcome        2846           22.3%
 no--they should do their job as
outlined by the Constitution                  9918           77.7%
Total votes:                                       12764

  What should the Congress do to President Clinton?
The House should impeach him,
and the Senate should remove him from office       7687           59.6%
 The House should impeach him,
and the matter should end there                            624
 The Congress should censure him                      1737           13.5%
 He has suffered enough, the matter should end    1392           10.8%
 The Congress should censure him                        503             3.9%
 He has suffered enough, the matter should end      779             6.0%
 Not sure                                                             174
Total votes:                                                      12896

  I am  Male        8569      67.0%
  Female            4218      33.0%
Total votes:       12787

  I am a registered  Republican    5127      40.3%
  Democrat                                3220      25.3%
  Independent                             3632      28.6%
  I am not a registered voter           729        5.7%
 Total votes:                              12708

  My age is  under 18          209      1.6%
 18-29                              1120      8.7%
 30-39                              2625     20.4%
 40-49                              3863     30.1%
 50-59                              2810     21.9%
 60-69                              1613     12.6%
 70-79                                548       4.3%
 80 or over                            51       0.4%
Total votes:                     12839

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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