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Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 10:06:52 -0800
From: John Gunderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Conspiracy Con, Speakers

>From the, "For What It's Worth" box...
"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as
sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and
public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence." -- John

Title: Conspiracy Con, Speakers

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Speaker Lineup
David Icke and Jordan Maxwell
to present both Saturday and Sunday
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David Icke says"When you are constantly moving forward, searching for the cutting edge, everyone behind you always believes you have gone too far. The further back from the cutting edge they are, the more extreme and, indeed, insane, you appear, to them, to be. In this way, one person's "madness" can be another person's commonsense. David's presentation picks up where talk radio leaves off... Order "The Biggest Secret" from Barnes and Noble
Workshop: Children of the Matrix: Using hundreds of visuals, video footage, and lots of humor, David Icke will present more than ten years of research into the secret manipulation of the human race going back thousands of years. Icke, the writer of ten books, including The Biggest Secret and the latest, Children of the Matrix, reveals how the same interbreeding bloodlines going back to ancient Sumer and Egypt continue to control the positions of power to this day as royalty, US presidents, banking and business leaders. His stunning information also exposes the subtle and less subtle methods of mass mind control which lead the human race like sheep in the direction the controlling few desire. This is leading to world government, world central bank and currency, a world army, and a microchipped population. This has long been predicted in his books and now it is on the very brink of happening. Also included is suppressed information on humanity's ancient extraterrestrial origins- the origins of the bloodlines that continue to control the planet. No one who hears Icke speak will ever see the world in the same light again.
Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and authority in the field of occult/religious philosophy since 1959. He served for three and a half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, America's oldest Freethought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies has created an enthusiastic response from audiences for many years. He has conducted dozens of intensive seminars, hosted his own radio talk shows, guested on more than 600 radio shows, and written, produced and appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries (including three 2-hour specials for the CBS TV network, as well as the internationally acclaimed 5-part (Ancient Mystery Series) - all devoted to understanding ancient religions and their pervasive influence on world affairs today. His extraordinary presentations include thousands of slides featuring documents and photographs never seen elsewhere. Order "Symbols, Sex and the Stars" from
Toxic Religion & The Occult Establishment: Jordan Maxwell discusses the three foundation stones on which the modern-day "world of chaos" is based. Government - Religion - Commerce: The three-legged stool on which the powers that be sit. The word "Occult" simply means "hidden." There has been more information hidden from your eyes than you will ever suspect. Your decisions in life are only as good as your information. This whole subject is not only interesting to explore, but too important to ignore! Come step into the occult world with Jordan Maxwell. If ever the devil was in the details, this is it!
Dr. Len Horowitz is a Harvard educated expert in public health education. He is also a dentist, behavioral scientist, and has authored more than two-dozen books, audiotapes and videotapes, among them, the national best selling book, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola. He broke into national prominence when he became the chief investigator of the murder theory in the case of the Florida dentist who mysteriously transmitted the AIDS virus to Kimberly Bergalis and five other patients. Dr. Horowitz solved the medical mystery when he unearthed and published scientific evidence showing the dentist precisely fit the FBI's profile of a serial killer. At the same time he fell into his first "government cover-up." Len then took his interest in AIDS and researched the 600-page text that became a classic as well as a bestseller. In his book on viruses he proves, hands down, that AIDS-like viruses were designed and manufactured by biological weapons contractors funded by U.S. taxpayers during the late 1960s - almost 15-years before their alleged discovery by the same scientists! Dr. Horowitz has authored more than two-dozen additional books, audiotapes, and videos, and has published more than one hundred articles--a third appearing in scientific peer reviewed journals. He has been a frequent guest on internationally syndicated television and radio talk shows including recent return visits to TBN's "Praise the Lord" program viewed in 62 million homes around the world, and "Coast-to-Coast" - America's most listened to late night radio show having been invited back by Art Bell and the pogram's other major hosts. Dr. Horowitz lives with his wife and three children in Sandpoint, Idaho Order "Emerging Viruses" from
Toxic Warfare Against Humanity: Globalism, Terrorism & "Non-lethal" Methods of Genocide: The Petrochemical / Pharmaceutical Conspiracy Don't feel as healthy as you once did? It's not premature aging! Join Dr.Horowitz one of healthcare's most riveting speakers and the author of the national bestseller, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola - Nature, Accident or Intentional? (Tetrahedron Press, 1996) as he explains the state of the art "non-lethal" (but still very deadly) warfare practices currently being waged against unwitting citizens. From emerging microbes, polluted blood supplies, contaminated vaccines, and chemical sprayings to electromagnetic force fields delivering death-rays, these are among the latest forms of killing for profit - more accurately termed genocide or insidious population control-orchestrated by the military-medical-pharmaceutical-petrochemical cartel enroute to globalism. If you're looking to understand the gravest issues affecting public health and safety today, or simply desire ways to avoid risks, stay well, or regain your health, listen and learn from Dr. Len Horowitz. It promises to be an eye-opening and "life-saving" experience.
Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips Cathy O'Brien, a victim of MK Ultra, was aided by Mark Phillips in remembering and healing from her life-long series of experiences. Together they authored "Trance- Formation of America". The following is a partial transcript of a lecture given by Cathy O'Brien and this will give you an idea of Cathy's experiences, and an idea of the workshop Mark and Kathy are likely to present. (Cathy speaking) "I know I am extremely fortunate to have survived my CIA MK-Ultra mind control victimization. I know I am extremely fortunate to have survived to this point, to be able to relay this information to all of you. Many government secrets and personal reputations were staked on the belief that I could not be deprogrammed to remember those things that I was supposed to forget. They were wrong. They never considered the strength of the human spirit. They never considered what would happen when a good man like Mark Phillips found out their secrets and used them for good: used them for the betterment of humanity, used them to restore a mind and a memory, rather than to destroy one and control one. Now that I am in control of my own mind, and ultimately my free will, I'm telling all that I've witnessed and experienced behind the scenes as a White House/Pentagon level mind controlled slave. I know that my victimization was extreme, and I certainly am not interested or intending to traumatize you with the information of my victimization. Instead, I want to provide you a comprehensive understanding of the components of mind control, and what the plan is for controlling all of us in this world dominance New World Order effort. Many government secrets and personal reputations are now being revealed. Much is coming to light in society today, because people all across this country are beginning to ask questions as to why has our country been eroding morally and constitutionally. Tonight, this information is intended only to provide you with detailed answers, so that you can be far more effective in this ongoing effort to take back our country."
Trance Formation of America-The Book :
On August 3rd, 1977 the 95th U.S. Congress opened hearings into the reported abuses concerning the CIA's TOP SECRET mind control research program code named MK-Ultra. On February 8th, 1988, a top-level MK-Ultra victim, Cathy O'Brien, was covertly rescued from her mind control enslavement by Intelligence insider Mark Phillips. Their seven year pursuit of Justice was stopped FOR REASONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY. TRANCE Formation of America exposes the truth behind this covert government program and its ultimate goal: psychological control of a nation. TRANCE Formation of America is the first documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project Monarch operation. Tracing her path from child pornography and recruitment into the program to serving as a top-level intelligence agent and White House sex slave, TRANCE Formation of America is a definitive eye-witness account of government corruption that implicates some of the most prominent figures in U.S. politics. Order Trance-Formation of America from Barnes and Noble
William Thomas Author of Scorched Earth, Bringing The War Home and Probing The Chemtrail Conundrum, William Thomas is an independent investigative journalist specializing in health and environment. Winner of four Canadian feature writing awards, Thomas' "Eco War" documentary won the 1991 US Environmental Festival award for "Best Documentary Short". Excerpts have aired on CBC, CNN and NBC television. His most recent video is "Chemtrails: Mystery Lines In The Sky". William Thomas' writing and photography have appeared in more than 50 publications in eight countries, including translations into French, Dutch and Japanese. His editorial commentaries have appeared in The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, The Vancouver Sun and Times-Colonist newspapers - as well as Monday, Earth Island Journal and Ecodecision magazines. A frequent radio talk-show guest, William Thomas has also appeared on the CBC and New Zealand's national television. He currently lives and works among the Gulf Islands of British Columbia. Now in its third year, his chemtrails investigation continues... click chemtrail photo for larger image
Workshop: Responding to the Chemtrails Threat: This workshop will review the findings of this investigator and several key researchers who have spent more than two years probing the chemtrails conundrum. With chemtrail spraying - and Chemtrail-Related Illness - now in their third year, the primary focus of this workshop will be on effective citizen response. Grass-roots organizing, selective protest and linking with existing anti-chemtrail campaigns will be discussed - along with effective media outreach. Veteran journalist William Thomas has vowed that 2001 will be "the breakthrough year" in bringing the chemtrails issue before the American public through the mass media. Attend this workshop and learn what you can do to help make this happen.
William Lyne was born in Big Spring, Texas, and raised in West Texas oil boom towns and ranching country. He had a Top Secret clearance in Air Force Intelligence, earned a B.S. degree with a double major in Art and Industrial Technology from Sam HoustState University in Huntsville, Texas, acquired an M.F.A. in Studio Arts from the University of Texas at Austin in 1969, and has lived in New Mexico for over 30 years, and he has been a tireless researcher for over 50 years. In 1975, he rejected a high-paying and prestigious executive CIA position offered by then director George Bush, because he believes the National Security Act of 1947 is an illegal betrayal of American Sovereignty and liberty, and that the flying saucer , as man's greatest invention, should be enjoyed by all. He believes that the USA government should be prohibited from engaging in covert and illegal mind-control of the American people, because it fraudulently violates our bill of (Human) Rights, by circumventing our right to fully informed consent or refusal. He began research leading to this book over 48 years ago, and recognized the "Roswell Incident" as a bungled hoax when it was created in 1947 by military intelligence personnel at Holloman A.F.B., in Alamogordo, New Mexico, and perpetrated in the vicinity of nearby Roswell. Order "Pentagon Aliens" and "Occult Ether Physics" from
Workshop: Tesla's Secret Technologies and the Government Conspiracy to Conceal Them: William Lyne lectures on his life-long study of Nikola Tesla's UFO propulsion and free energy discoveries---which threatened the corporate-state power élite even before 1900---and the government conspiracy to conceal them. This conspiracy and many of these discoveries are documented in Lyne's books, Pentagon Aliens, and Occult Ether Physics: Tesla's Secret Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It. Lyne rejected a prestigious executive CIA position in 1975, offered by George Bush, because he believes the 1947 National Security Act illegally betrays American sovereignty and liberty. He asserts that the flying saucer, as man's greatest invention, should be enjoyed by all. Lyne traces the technology from Tesla's inception, through wartime Nazi development, to the present U.S. government "UFOlogy/alien" concealment conspiracy. www.
Robert Perala - Co-Host Your co-host for the weekend is lecturer and author Robert Perala. Robert is author of the runaway best seller The Divine Blueprint, Roadmap for the New Millennium, and, his followup book - The Divine Architect - is due to be released in June of 2001. Robert's encounter with extraterrestrials at age 21 led him into 22 years of research in the study of UFOs, spirituality, metaphysics, personal growth and earth sciences. Robert has recently completed sold out tours across the US in 1999 and 2000 plus he has had appearances on Extra, The A&E Channel, and Strange Universe; In addition Robert has guested on over 180 radio shows including the world wide syndicated show Coast to Coast AM. In honor of his contribution to society, the American Biographical Institute bestowed on him their prestigious, Distinguished Leadership Award. With a large background in television and radio, Robert brings his charming and witty style to the First Annual Conspiracy Con. Order the Divine Architect & Divine Blueprint here  Visit Robert's website @
For more information about Conspiracy Con please contact:
Brian Hall
c/o Conspiracy Con
1706 Hogar Drive
San Jose, CA
(408) 266-4749

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