Re: [CTRL] Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans - 2

1999-01-12 Thread Harry Hendrickson

 -Caveat Lector-


The article "Lines in the sky or lungs "  mentions two fine patriots and
films that further show these contrails and clouds.. Last week some
other fine Patriots from Pennsylvania, Fred  Sandra
 Ehrlich were kind enough to send me 2 videos of this contrail
 phenomena.  They are titled The Spraying of America 1 and 2.  The
 first deals with spraying (contrails) in San Diego, California in
 95  96 and the second is more recent in PA  Maryland.  For copies
 of these videos their fax # is (717) 235-8762 and the great part
 is: they only charge a nominal fee to cover cost.  I will be
 ordering additional material from their vast library.  I thank
 these fine Patriots for what they are doing to get the word out!

 The videos are part of the library mentioned in an earlier post. The
following list needs updating, but is an example of the various topics
available, and as was stated, the fee for them is VERY NOMINAL. If you
don't have a fax, just send me an e-mail and just say " VIDEOS - YES -
INTERESTED ". I will e-mail you back with further info.

Suppressed Videos
Revised 11/30/98
1. American perspective-- Jeff Baker
2. Day 51 (Waco)--UTV
3. Waco/Oklahoma City Connection--Brubaker, GNBN
4. Overview of our world and one dozen candles-- J. McManus/J.Birch
5. Death of Vince Foster--Citizens for Honest Government
6. Clinton Chronicles--Citizens for Honest Government
7. Waco, The Big Lie, part one-Linda Thompson
8. Waco, The Big Lie, part two-Linda Thompson
9.Helicopter attack (black halo fire bombs Dallas home whose home heads up
impeachment   movement which has 12 million signatures )
10. America under siege--Linda Thompson
11. The Panama Deception--Empowerment
12. Home video of Branch Davideans
13. Freemasonry/from darkness to light--Jeremiah films
14. Gay agenda in public education- Important!!! see tape # 205 (sexually
explicit material)
15. Satin is idolatry--John Weaver
16. Slave mentality--John Weaver
17. Watchman--John Lewis
18. Christian and Civil law--John Weaver and Jim Grove
19. Violence in rock music--Benoit
20. Satanism in rock music--Benoit
21. Aids and what you haven’t been told--Jeremiah films
22. Hard truth ( explicit material ) 9 minute abortion video
23. Gay agenda exposed ( sexually explicit material )important!!!-see tape
# 205
24. Concentration camps in America--Texe Marrs
25. Fascist terror stalking America--Texe Marrs
26. Treaty from hell--Texe Marrs
27. The bomb in Oklahoma--Star investigative reports
28. Reichstag: an American holocaust, pretext for tyranny
29. America’s secret destiny--Ralph Epperson
30. U.S.S. Liberty survivors, our story--Silgo productions
31. Atrocities at Ruby Ridge-R. Weaver story--KPOC-TV
32. L. A. Lawman, fully informed jury--Proclaim liberty Min.
33. Mena connection(Arkansas drug traffic)--for the people
34. Death and taxes(Gordon Kahl)--Country people productions
35. The two Kennedy’s European prod. ( banned 76-92 in U.S.)
36. Seven days in May(Hollywood production asking when is a traitor not a
37. Taking back our country--Gunderson/Koernke (Oklahoma City bombing )
38. Oklahoma City, 6 pack ( the bombing, a closer look )--for the people
39. Breaking the law in the name of the law--Proclaim liberty Min.
40. The mark of the new world--Mark V prod.
41. America’s back to God--Liberty Alliance, Jerry Falwell
42. Janet “-” Reno--Jack Thompson at unregistered church convention
43. Waco incident--KPOC-TV
44. Ruby creek massacre
45. The pestilence ( aids ) Global 2000
46. Anguish in Oklahoma(actual live feeds recorded off CNN--A.Sgarlatte
( paperwork shows actual seismograph surface readings of 2 blasts )
47. Waco: Triumph or treason--Jeff Baker
48. Government gone mad--Jeff Baker
49. The Crash: The coming economic crash--Jeremiah films
50. Is Caesar sovereign over church?
51. C-span coverage of senate subcommittee on militia
52. “ Amerika “ the movie ( eleven hours in length )
53. War powers act ( see also # 186 )
54. The secrets of the federal reserve
55. The new world order/ big business-big banking-big government
56. A nation betrayed-let’s take America back--Bo Gritz
57. Challenging the holocaust museum
58. Out based education debate- Elizabeth Town College
59. Murder by injection
60. Questions and answers--Linda Thompson on Waco
61. NAFTA/ treaty or treason?
62. Satan’s new age plan for a new world order
63. The birth of a nation ( made in 1915 )
64. GATT/ friend or foe?
65. Keys to good government and foundation of American government
66. The house of Rothchild
67. Big sister is Hillary Hellcats
68. The new money system-global 2000
69. On masters of America
70. The Gulf war overview
71. Clinton-the next four years
72. Mysterious monuments to the beast
73. The spirit of American revolution
74. Education and the founding fathers
75. A call to arms
76. Alien encounters?-UFO phenomenon
77. Alien autopsy?(Roswell, New Mexico )
78. Hoagland’s 

Re: [CTRL] Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans - 2

1999-01-11 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: SafanNews [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998
 Subj: SAFAN NO. 1151.  Lines in the Sky or Lungs??

  SAFAN Internet Newsletter, NO. 1151, Apr. 4, 1998

 by Joe 6pk Burton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  4/3/98

 Last week my wife and I had the pleasure of meeting another great
 Patriot in Kingsport, TN.  Friends of ours had heard Tommy on the
 radio speaking about the sample he had obtained falling from the
 contrails.  They gave us his eMail address and I made contact with
 him and we have been communicating for the last month or so prior
 to our meeting.

 As we drove over for the meeting, I watched for the area where I
 had seen a Harrier sit down in the woods a year prior.  I gave the
 most likely area to him in an effort for us to pinpoint yet another
 secret base in that area.  Tommy has also witnessed the black chops
 running in silent mode in his area as well.

 We exchanged some documentation we each had.  He pulled out
 pictures of a substance that had fallen from contrails taken under
 magnification at a lab.  In the pictures of these stringy globules,
 you can clearly see from a layman's perspective, knots or nodules,
 possibly microbes included in the mass.  He described the matter as
 clear to gray and said as he touched it with something, it would
 begin breaking up.  He was quick thinking enough to place the
 remaining substance in the freezer for preservation prior to taking
 it to a lab.  The substance is as yet unidentified.

 He was kind enough to allow my wife to take some of the pictures to
 a copy machine nearby.  I would encourage anyone in the affected
 areas where this frequent spraying or contrail cloud forming occurs
 to do the following if you are able:  Go to your local state
 environmental agency or lab and obtain clean containers for
 gathering samples.  Any uncontaminated samples gathered should be
 frozen and then transported in a clean cooler to a private lab for
 further analysis.  Information gained should be shared among all of
 us in an effort to get to the bottom of this phenomena.  I am
 certain it is no accident that the illness rates in the affected
 areas have been so high.  It is obvious we are breathing these
 substances in and/or being contaminated by water or outside

 Also we need to find out if our Counties have granted permission
 for biological testing under Title 50 United States Code.  We
 should be raising cain with our local politricksters.  For added
 effect, contact your local TV meteorologist and ask why they are
 not reporting the difference between government military made
 clouds, (i.e. contrails from KC135's supertankers etc.) and those
 made by God's natural handiwork.  There is a BIG difference !!

 Last week some other fine Patriots from Pennsylvania, Fred  Sandra
 Ehrlich were kind enough to send me 2 videos of this contrail
 phenomena.  They are titled The Spraying of America 1 and 2.  The
 first deals with spraying (contrails) in San Diego, California in
 95  96 and the second is more recent in PA  Maryland.  For copies
 of these videos their fax # is (717) 235-8762 and the great part
 is: they only charge a nominal fee to cover cost.  I will be
 ordering additional material from their vast library.  I thank
 these fine Patriots for what they are doing to get the word out!
 I will be forwarding them some of my film when I get it transferred
 from 8mm to VHS.

 Just after viewing these two films, my wife  I were watching the
 movie remake of "the Little Rascals" (something I seldom do) and lo
 and behold in a near closing scene under a big tree, they meet to
 accept Alfalfa back into the club.  Over the tree you can see a
 couple of large contrails.  I estimate the film was shot
 approximately 4 years ago, so this is something that has been
 silently going on for some time now.  On many occasions I have seen
 it in commercials, as well as live shots on TV news.

 Since I spend a lot of time out in the field doing recon,
 researching, investigating, as well as running a list, it leaves me
 with very little time for writing in depth articles such as this.
 The following will be a mismash, if you will, of recent events.
 Some things I cannot go into detail for security reasons and some
 things due to time constraints.  I do however want to keep you
 abreast of what is going on.

 I recently approached and spoke with a pilot of one of the black
 choppers.  He readily admitted flying one and was inquisitive as to
 what my concerns were.  I told him of the UN having them, as well
 as other agencies and I gave him a brief run down as to what is
 going on in our country.  I said, "Let me give you a heads up.
 This is making all of you guy's look bad in the eyes of all of us
 who are awake and know what is going on in this country."  His eyes
 dropped to the floor momentarily and he looked back up at me and
 said sadly, "I know it