-Caveat Lector-

 News: alt.conspiracy
 From: Jerry Newport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: ? (about 1-1-99)
 Subj: Airforce Spraying Public With Chemicals


 The lab director of Aqua-tech Environmental using samples taken
 from JP-8 contaminated fields of Maryland and Pennsylvania,
 reported today (9/18/97) that ethylene dibromide, otherwise known
 as EDB, has been the contaminate in the fuel and water samples
 taken of submitted by farmers, pilots and tanker drivers. EDB is
 one of the most tightly controlled EPA substances and was banned in
 1983 due to its carcinogenieity. EDB is a pesticide that apparently
 is being placed in the jet fuel and dispersed on a daily, almost
 non-stop basis in our skies. The lines filling our skies are not
 contrails. The lines are dispersed and may linger for hours, slowly
 filtering down to unsuspecting pests, and I guess we're the PESTS.

 Water samples are contaminated with EDB and crops are dying. EDB is
 just one more avenue for the NWO folks to starve us to death and
 make us ill by weakening our already compromised immune systems.
 Exposure to this toxic chemical may lead to cancer, liver and
 kidney damage, pulmonary edema, damage to a developing fetus and
 reproductive organs of both men and women. Let's not forget that
 the chemical may also cause sterility. Doesn't that fit into their
 plan for population control? They have really found the perfect

 EDB is a carcinogen and a mutagen that may also cause eye and skin
 irritation, cardiopulmonary arrest, and binds to DNA. Skin blisters
 and respiratory failure are other conditions caused by ethylene
 dibromide. The conditions are too numerous to list but this will
 give you an idea of problems caused by this chemical. EDB is a
 carcinogen at any exposure level and humans are more susceptible
 than animals to the acute toxic affects. This does not mean that it
 will not kill animals. We have reports from California and Wyoming
 of the birds dying.

 Ethylene dibromide was used in leaded gasoline until 1983 to remove
 lead from engines and was found in engine exhaust This chemical is
 a heavy liquid with a chloroform-like odor that becomes a gas at
 temperatures greater than 40 degrees F. The higher the temperature
 it is dispersed at the more toxic It becomes, therefore dispersing
 from a jet would be ideal, The compound is stable, meaning it does
 not easily decompose. .This would account for the substance staying
 in the sky for long periods of time. EDB is only slightly soluble
 in water, but dissolves easily in organic solvents. JP-8 Is
 considered an organic solvent. A water sample from rain would be an
 excellent way to verify contamination and a fuel sample so much the

 Please note that EDB is a colorless liquid, with a sweet odor,
 however no smell does not mean you are not being exposed.
 Substances are also added that counteract the smell. Pilots please
 note that dispersing JP-8, along with these toxic chemicals is
 killing people. You are not counteracting any type of biological
 that has been spread, or any antidote of anytype.


 We now have proof that our goverment is using chemical agents on
 populated areas they are adding it to military jet fuel.

 Have you ever looked up at a vapor trail behind military aircraft
 flying so high a symbol of Americas power. Look again!!

 Commerical jets also leave a lovely (non-toxic) vapor trail when
 the heat from the turbines come in contact with the cool air
 condencing the water droplets into steam. Softly the lines defuse
 into the blue sky . So what is different about the military
 aircraft, the answer is simple, It's the Fuel JP-8+100 is some
 really bad stuff.

 When you look up over the skys of New York City on a clear, sunny
 morning you see the military aircraft making patterens across the
 sky with their vapor trails. The smoke is thick and does not go
 away. When it comes in contact with the sunlight it turns to a
 purple color, then desipates into a over cast Purple Haze.

 So what is this Purple Haze, A fuel sample of JP-8+100 was taken to
 an independent lab (NON GOVERMENT FUNDED) and broken down.

 The sample revealed Two toxic substances.

 1. Ethlyene Di Bromide

 2. Zinc Cloride

 1. EDB attacks the Liver , Lungs , and Skin. causeing liver damage,
 Lung and skin Cancer.

 2. Don't know the affects of Zinc Cloride yet.  also EDB lowers the
 immune system by depleteing the body of B vitamins and zinc. answer
 to problem, use a B Complex vitamin and Zinc.

 I wonder how these chemicals react with ( MTBE ) Methyl tert Butyl
 Ether, that is added to the gas that is used in you families car.

 It's bad enough they screw around with the Water but now the Air.
 Whats next Bottled Air! this whole thing stinks of a Goverment
 DePopulation Program.

  50 USC [U.S. Code], Sec. 1520 Jan. 16, 1996


 Sec. 1520: Use of human subjects for testing of chemical or
 biological agents by Department of Defense; accounting to
 Congressional committees with respect to experiments and studies;
 notification of local civilian officials.

 (a) Not later than thirty days after final approval within the
 Department of Defense of plans for any experiment or study to be
 conducted by the Department of Defense, whether directly or under
 contract, involving the use of human subjects for the testing of
 chemical or biological agents, the Secretary of Defense shall
 supply the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of
 Representatives with a full accounting of such plans for such
 experiment or study, and such experiment or study may then be
 conducted only after the expiration of the thirty-day period
 beginning on the date such accounting is received by such

 (b)(1) The Secretary of Defense may not conduct any test or
 experiment involving the use of any chemical or biological agent on
 civilian populations unless local civilian officials in the area in
 which the test or experiment is to be conducted are notified in
 advance of such test or experiment (that could be the local dog
 catcher), and such test or experiment may then be conducted only
 after the expiration of the thirty-day period beginning on the date
 of such notification.

 (2) Paragraph (1) shall apply to tests and experiments conducted by
 Department of Defense personnel and tests and experiments conducted
 on behalf of the Department of Defense by contractors.

 WARFARE PROGRAM. Yes,  it is true and here is the DIRECT evidence
 from USC 50- 1520. What unknownagents would you like tested on you
 without your permission: Aids related, Cancer related, WHAT? Sleep
 well tonight in the NATION, as the NATIONAL DISTRICT of BABYLON THE
 GREAT has great things in mind for us and its FREE and all for
 someone elses' benefit. What a deal!!! Remember, the family that
 tests together, can suffer and die together!P.S. They do notify
 local civilian officials 30 days before the testing, (that could be
 the dog catcher) but of course they are under no obligation to tell
 the "human subjects" and it would be hard to justify, not to
 mention the PR and reelection problems.

 Context. TITLE  50 USC [U.S. Code], Sec. 1520

 For background on the U.S. Code and advice on how to determine
 whether a particular law has been amended since the cutoff date for
 this version.


 Conditions. The text, being a U.S. government document, is public
 domain and may be freely copied and retransmitted. Copyright in the
 underlying marked up html files which implement the hypertext
 features of this World Wide Web version of the U.S. Code is held by
 Cornell University. Distribution of this version on the Internet,
 does not constitute consent to any use of the underlying hypertext
 markup for commercial redistribution either via the Internet or
 using some other form of hypertext distribution. U.S. Code (U.S.C.)
 -- What does it mean? Where does it fit? Federal statutes enacted
 by Congress and signed by the President (or passed over the
 resident's veto) are compiled into the United States Code (U.S.C.).
 The U.S. Code, organized by topics into a series of titles,
 numbered from 1 (General Provisions)through 50 (War and National
 Defense) contains nearly all statutes ofgeneral effect at the time
 of its compilation. The most recent version of the Code released by
 the U.S. Government Printing Office in digital form carries a
 cutoff date of January 26, 1994. For more recent enactments one
 must turn to the uncompiled statutes in the form passed by
 Congress. They are available on the Internet via the "Thomas"
 server. To facilitate updating, the LII has created forms that
 implement three types of updating search of the "Thomas" site:
 (1)update by Title Number, (2)update by Subject, and (3)update by
 KeyWord. In sum, to be sure of an up-to-date picture of the
 statutes dealing with a topic one must consult both a version of
 the U.S. Code and also determine whether there have been pertinent
 amendments or additions to the law since its date of compilation.
 Some commercially published editions of the U. S. Code include
 useful editorial notes detailing the changes over time that lie
 behind current provisions and summarizing court decisions and
 regulations interpretting them. References to U. S. C.A. or U. S.
 C. S. rather than U.S.C. alone indicate the use of such an edition.
 When a judicial opinion or other legal document refers to a
 particular statutory provision, it will normally cite to its
 location in the U.S. Code. See, for example, Things Remembered,
 Inc. v. Petrarca dealing with a statute addressing jurisdiction by
 Federal and state courts in situations of bankruptcy. The decision
 focuses on the language of "28 U.S.C. 1452 (a)"--which is
 subsection a, of section 1452, of title 28 ofthe U.S. Code. For
 more on the Federal legislative process itself, see Edward Willet,
 PROGRAM. 1520. Use of human subjects for testing of chemical or
 biological agents by Department of Defense; accounting to
 Congressionalcommittees with respect to experiments and studies;
 notification of local civilian officials.  (a) Not later than
 thirty days after final approval within the Department of Defense
 of plans for any experiment or study to be conducted by the
 Department of Defense, whether directly or under contract,
 involving the use of human subjects for the testing of chemical or
 biological agents, the Secretary of Defence shall supply the
 Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of
 Representatives with a full accounting of such plans for such plans
 for such experiment or study, and such experiment or study may then
 be conducted only after the expiration of the thirty-day period
 beginning on the date such accounting is received by such
 committees. (b) (1) The Secretary of Defense may not conduct any
 test or experiment involving the use of any chemical or biological
 agent on civilian populations unless local civilian officials in
 the area in which the test or experiment is to be conducted are
 notified in advance of such test or experiment (that could be the
 dog catcher), and such test or exsperiment may then be conducted
 only after the expiration of the thirty-day period beginning on the
 date of such notification. (2) Paragraph (1) shall apply to tests
 and experiments conducted by Department of Defense personnel and
 tests and experiments conducted on behalf of the Department of
 Defense by contractors.  UNITED STATES CODE TITLE 50 - WAR AND

 Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 19:18:37 -0300
 From: Richard Finke

 Here are some messages I have from diffrent parts of the country.


 I notice some e-mail you sent out concerning vapor trials in AZ.

 We are having the same thing occurring here in Arkansas and I
 haven't been able to find out what it is either. Have you been able
 to run down  any leads in AZ?

 What is happening here is,  you can see two vapor trails coming out
 of the jet plane at about 30,000 feet and the two traces go into
 one and the vapor trace expands in time and descends down to about
 3,000 ft. We have this happening at all times of the day and no one
 can tell us what it is which if they did know I don't think they
 would tell me. I have talked to the Mayor, County Judge, State
 Health Department, Hospital, OES, Sheriff and City Police with no
 answers. I also have video on this on four separate days.

 Please let me know what you have on this.


 Jack Abrahamson at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 I can't say for sure, but we think it is JP8 jet fuel additive. I
 taped the same think here in Phoenix, it is also happening in New
 Orleans, Austin, Tex., Denver, Col., Estero, Fla., several towns in
 Ideho, and Casper, Wy.

 You can call Larry Harris at 1-614-654-1447

 You should be taking Colliodal silver in case it is a bio agent.
 Just make sure you use pure silver, not sterling.

 you can get the information on my Web Page

 Be sure you download silver.text or silver.doc that will give you
 all the bakground you need, copy the drawing, and use it it won't
 cost you any thing.

 And you can contact Rick in Ideho at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 At 09:35 AM 8/8/97 -0500, you wrote:


 Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997
 Subj: RE: [BIOWAR] Military jet fuel toxins

 Clarence, we have been getting it quite often here also, they've
 been sending big military jets over at least once a week I had not
 gotten anything from John in New York for quite sometime. Thanks
 for including the letter from him I'm glad to see he's being active
 on this.


 At 01:07 PM 10/11/97 -0400, you wrote:

 Please advise as to the further research done on these cloud
 anomolies. I have been seeing great concentrations of the same
 substance being sprayed throughout New York and new york city. I
 have access to prominent talk radio hosts here in new york. i want
 to do something before this becomes quite serious. many people are
 ill with various respiratory ailments and I wonder if this is
 related. I would like to do a well researched story on the topic
 and I need what ever help you can supply.

 God Bless,


 They sprayed us all day on 10/9/97&10/10/97 and this has been on
 going started in mid July up to date. I have been passing out
 bottles of Colloidal Silver to any one who wants it, it is the one
 thing that is getting the people well here in Phoenix, Az.(about
 100) If you will take the time to get on my Web Page,  and download
 the C_SILVER.DOC or C_SILVER.TXT,  copy the drawing that shows you
 how to make it, you will also find a story about Jasper, Arkansas,
 download the US_CODE document, if you can take the time, you will
 find a lot on my web page that will help I have tried to send you
 this message several times , and it keeps comming back, would you
 let me know if you get it?  <http://azwest.net/user/slim>

 in Phoenix, AZ.


 Re: Airforce Spraying Public With Chemicals

 Author:    Randy Sweeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date:      1999/01/01
 Forums:    alt.conspiracy

 hey... Jerry why don't you read up on EDB in the hundreds of
 webpages with real infomation on it... let's do some math

 first a little info on the +100 additive package

   The additive package contains antioxidants to stop the formation
   of gums and varnishes, metal deactivators to prevent trace metals
   from increasing deposition, dispersants to keep degradation
   particles small and detergents to help wash away deposits

 BTW... EDB is a metal deactivator

 but lets assume that 10% of it is evil EDB...this is probably
 ORDERS of magnitude high but I don't want to spend forever
 researching this...

 EPA's reference occupational concentration for EDB is 0.0002 mg/m3
 ... so lets see

 1 C-5a cargo plane flys .77 mach or about 16 KM/minute
 a C5a is about 70 meters wide and flies at about 10 km high


 1 C-5a flying at that speed cover a volume below it of 16km long
 meters by 70 meters wide by 10 km high is about 10 billion cu
 meters/min or air under a C5a (actually 11.5 billion but who cares)

 The entire +100 additive package is added to JP-8 at the rate of
 250 parts per million

 so lets say that a C-5a cargo plane consumes 18 kg of fuel per mile
 on average = .45 grams of EDB per mile ( assuming that 10% of the
 additive package is EDB)

 ... and a mile is 1600 meters so in the 16 KM the C5a goes in a
 minute, about 4.5 grams of EDB are dumped

 that means that
 so lets say that each C5a dumps a MAX of 4.5 g/min of EDB into the
 air, so the concentration is 4.5 g/ 10 billion cu meters =0.00000045
 mg/cu meter

 so if we have 450 C5a's flying over single 70 meter wide track in
 a day we can just barely reach the EPA reference concentration for
 EDB... even assuming 10% of the additive is EDB and all the
 contrail falls directly under the shadow of the plane without

 hmmmm... these aliens are VERY VERY patient beings...

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