-Caveat Lector-

DEADLY RIOTS & the UNITED NATIONS by Emanuel A. Winston, a Middle East
analyst & commentator
Strangely, most of the members of the United Nations who voted that Israel
had used excessive force, themselves have killed attacking rioters in time
past. Rioters who are prepared to use and do use deadly force must be
before they reach their victims. Clearly, the countries in U.N. feel they
have the right to suppress lynch mobs in their own countries but, they seem
to believe that Israel must allow her enemies freedom to commit their
of shooting, firebombs and thrown rocks in order to kill Jews. This was the
custom in these  European and Islamic Mideast countries. So far this is
‘only’ a mini War of Attrition with the Arab nations’ Armies standing
by to
join in if they think Israel is vulnerable enough to fall this time.
The Arab nations have always used deadly force with no restraint and no
apologies to the U.N. or the world at large. The Egyptians have frequently
used deadly force to contain the Muslim Brotherhood who attack Egyptian
institutions. When the Palestinians rioted on the Egyptian side of the
border with Gaza at the start of the first Intifada in 1989, Egypt had her
policemen indiscriminately gun down the rioters with submachine guns and
then get back into their vehicles, leaving 20-30 rioters dead on the ground.
The Egyptians riots (Intifada) in Egypt ended. (The U.N. did NOT vote
condemnation of Egypt.)
In Jordan September 1970 King Hussein had his Army kill an estimated 10,000
of Arafat’s Palestinians, with the rest fleeing to Lebanon, Syria, Iraq
and Iran. Arafat’s gun-toting PLO was going to take over Jordan but
Hussein moved faster and with greater force. This was called Black September
with no apologies by King Hussein. (The U.N. did NOT vote condemnation of
Jordan.) Later Arafat created a mini-PLO state inside Lebanon while killing
more than 75,000 Lebanese Christians and Muslims. Arafat’s law of killing
off his enemies to make more room for his Palestinians was his formal
foreign policy - which led to a 12 year Civil War and a total of over
100,000 dead. (The U.N. did NOT vote condemnation.) Arafat has initiated an
almost identical war against Israel as he did in Lebanon.
The U.N. did NOT vote to condemn Syria for ignoring the TAIF agreement
wherein they committed to leave Lebanon. The U.N. did NOT vote to condemn
Syria for taking over Lebanon with 35,000 to 40,000 troops; for using the
Beka’a Valley in Lebanon as a opium field which produced 20% of the heroin
smuggled into America; or for undermining world currency by counterfeiting
$100 bills.
In 1982 the IDF (Israel Defense Force) came into Lebanon to counter
Arafat’s terror attacks and to prevent his “March on Jerusalem”
(according to documents and weapons discovered in huge bunkers and deep,
long tunnels). The Lebanese people welcomed the IDF with flowers, expecting
to be delivered from Arafat’s brutal tyranny. Later Syria, with U.S. and
U.N. silent approval, occupied Lebanon with 35,000 troops where they remain
to this day. (The U.N.  DID vote to condemn Israel and left the Syrians
entrenched and in power against the Lebanese.)
In Syria Hafez al Assad dealt with those who opposed him with Genocidal
deadly force. Who can forget that he and his brother Rifat surrounded the
town of Hamma and, with artillery and tank gun fire, leveling the city? Or
that Assad went over the rubble with poison gas to insure that survivors
would be gassed to death? The nations and media were virtually silent about
this massacre killing of an estimated 20,000 Syrians. (The United Nations
did NOT condemn Assad.)
More recently, Saddam Hussein of Iraq attacked Kuwait, with the assistance
of Arafat’s Palestinians who worked in Kuwait. They not only became a
fifth column inside their host (Arab) country but they guided Saddam’s
troops in their rape, massacre and pillaging of their Kuwaiti hosts. After
the Gulf War, Desert Storm, the Kuwaitis paid them back in kind by killing
and torturing those they caught. The Kuwaitis ejected more than 300,000
Palestinians into Jordan as untrustworthy and deadly enemies. (The U.N. did
NOT vote condemnation for this transfer or killing of the rampaging
At the same time Saudi Arabia deported into Jordan an equal number of
Palestinians who had worked there (approximately 350,000) because they were
considered a deadly threat to the country and to the Royal Family. (The U.N.
did NOT condemn this transfer of Palestinians.)
Palestinian Arabs led by Yassir Arafat have been recognized as traitors to
their countries of residence and disrupters of nations. All the Arab
countries cut off funds and support for Arafat because they considered him
the ultimate betrayer and never to be trusted.
In brief, these are the same Arab countries who pushed the vote of
condemnation of Israel in the U.N. for using “excessive” force against
Palestinian rioters who used deadly rocks, boulders and firebombs and live
fire by their Palestinian Para-Military Police Force who turned the guns
Israel had given them against Israel. The start of this latest mini War of
Attrition by Arafat was the shooting of an Israeli soldier by his joint
patrol Palestinian partner. The Rosh Hashana walk on the Jewish Temple Mount
by MK Arik Sharon and other Likud MKS was only a convenient excuse to
trigger Arafat’s pre-planned and well-equipped “spontaneous” uprising.
Past massacres of Jews in Israel (such as 1929 in Hebron that killed 69
Jews) also began with accusations from the Imam at the Mosque, accusing the
Jews of attacking the Al Aksa and the Dome of the Rock.
The media playing their usual hostile game were delighted to go along with
this ruse as they used to do in Lebanon, sitting inside the Commodore Hotel
awaiting Arafat’s press handouts.
Then came the murder of the Ethiopian Border Policeman whom the PA did not
let Israel rescue until he bled to death at Joseph’s Tomb. Barak, to his
ever-lasting shame, refused to allow a timely rescue. The Arabs proceeded to
burn and demolish our Patriarch’s Tomb. Immediately, the Arabs painted
Joseph’s Tomb green, trying to convert this ancient Jewish burial site
into an Islamic Mosque which Jews cannot enter. Later they claimed it was
some Sheik’s Tomb - but they burned it anyway. So much for their written
Oslo commitments to protect Jewish Holy sites that fell into their hands.
Arafat had again given the ‘Green Light’ for his field commanders to
ignite the riots. They prodded the people into the streets, ordering them to
use the tactic of fielding children and women as their Human Shield for
accommodating CNN cameras. Using women and children as cannon fodder has
been a favorite tactic of Yassir Arafat which the world media has always
known but, there they wait with their cameras, to dazzle their viewers with
blood while blaming Israel.
The U.N. and the media knowingly accepted this Big Lie and, as always,
condemned Israel’s response to deadly force with a milder counter force as
‘excessive force’. Regrettably, and as always, Israeli ‘Hasbara’
failed completely to provide information in real time while Arab spokesmen
had the airways to themselves telling their perverted versions. The world
media have generally become co-conspirators with Arafat and can be
accurately accused of aiding and abetting incitement of the mobs, especially
the young who come enthusiastically to perform their deadly acts of violence
at the risk of their own deaths. When they do die for the cameras, the media
feed like parasites on the children’s corpses. Arafat is happy; the
Tanzeem are happy; the mobs howl with delight and the camera crews and
commentators go back to their hotel bars to knock back a few drinks and talk
about getting their Pulitzer.
The Israeli government has failed consistently over 35 years to establish a
fast acting professional information center. They are always weeks too late
and when they do explain, their spokesmen are too often incompetent that,
even when they tell the truth, they are too little, too late. (We do have
the privilege of knowing several very excellent Israeli disseminators of
‘Hasbara’ who prove the exceptions to the rule. Regrettably, they are
usually not invited by the Government to assist in telling Israel’s side.)
While the Arab countries are well-known for their quick and deadly disposal
of rioters, the supposedly more civilized countries of France, England,
Russia, China and America also found at times that, they too had to use
deadly force to stop Terrorism or what they called Civil Disobedience. Think
about the dozens of nations who vote in the General Assembly and the
Security Council of the U.N. who kill off their own people or their
neighbors in a heart beat.
The U.N. was provided with this information in substantial detail before
their vote of condemnation but, they consistently ignored the facts and, as
always, bowed to Arab demands for a vote of condemnation. The U.N. has
always conducted itself like an evil cabal when it came to Jewish Israel so
they never bothered with the facts or any degree of justice.
How can they forget the lynching and brutal beating to death of the 2
reserve soldiers who made wrong turn into Ramallah Thursday October 24th.
One was a bridegroom of 5 days; the other left a wife and children. It was
reported that, when the wife of the soldier called him on his cell phone,
one of the Palestinian killers answered and told her: “I am killing your
husband now!” and hung up. What barbarism!
What solutions are there against unbridled Terrorism by rioters with guns,
urged on by Arafat and kept hot by the sermons of radical religious clerics
who prod them to kill Jews?
The Israeli government, now under former Gen. Ehud Barak, must demonstrate
greater strength. They must unchain our trained soldiers so they can
“FIGHT TO WIN!” Rabin, Peres and Barak dismantled and so crippled our
Israeli teams of intelligence in order to please Yassir Arafat that we no
longer have force with which to fight or infiltrate terror units.
The American CIA has been helping Arafat (teaching his 9 Secret
Services??!!) since 1993, with Israel’s agreement in Oslo - under the
guise of ‘monitoring’ PA compliance with Oslo. But, although the
Arafat’s Palestinian Authority did not keep one part of Oslo, each year
the CIA and the U.S. State Department stamped their approval for the
billions of U.S. taxpayers’ dollars that even the PA’s governing body
claimed went into the corrupt personal accounts of Yassir Arafat.
Israel’s inept Jewish Defense Minister, most decorated Gen. Barak, has
forgotten how to win and relies on the Palestinian Authority for
intelligence and law enforcement. Arafat has a revolving door for terrorists
he may capture. He arrests them; they walk out the prison door and straight
into high positions in his PLO Army.
Arafat promptly wiped out all the Arab agents working for Israel. Just like
the Christian SLA (South Lebanese Army) were victimized as Barak left them
in his panicked retreat. Now, when we needed pro-Israel eyes and ears among
Arafat’s terrorists, they are all dead or in Hezb’Allah prisons. (Good
work, Gen. Barak!)
A message to academic experts in history: Please research a paper about the
riot control debacles conducted by the nations on the U.N. Security Council
who continually condemn Israel’s riot control measures. You may also
mention some of the nations who usually vote against Israel in the U.N.
General Assembly and their own ‘excessive’ riot control methods in their
own countries. Please send me the facts which I will publish with
accreditation to the source.

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