-Caveat Lector-


| New on this site! "Blast to the Future: Iraqgate" |
| Must Read! Attorney Mark Levine's Q&A on the Supreme Court Ruling |
| Bush attorney Ted Olson -- self-proclaimed Right Wing Conspirator |
| The Florida Coup Guide |
| Dan Moldea's "Bushology Interactive" |
| How Bush Sr. raised funds, and the crooked company Katherine Harris hired
to manage the voter registry |
| FOIA Evidence! Was George W. Bush AWOL from the Guard? |

(Updated 1/16/2001)

Left crown: House Maj. Whip Tom DeLay(b/w)
alt. with Senate Maj. Leader Trent Lott(color);
Middle Crown: George W. Bush; Right Crown: Supreme Court Justice Antonin
Graphic & Layout compliments of Kathy at "We Will Remember" Org

With Contempt For Our Democracy And The American People
The Right Wing Elite That Tried To Bring Down Clinton
Have Now Manipulated The "Coronation" Of George W. Bush

Table of Contents
Part I (This page):
1. America's First Families (Updated 7/2/2000)
2. Answering Nixon's Call (7/2/00)
3. A Shadow Government (9/1/00)
4. A "Liberal" Media? (4/6/00)
5. Pushing the Right on the Campuses (3/16/00)
6. The Federalist Society (3/16/00)
7. Newt's Impeachment Plans New! (9/23/00)
8. The "Coronation" of George W. Bush (2/29/00))
9. Links related to this page (1/16/01)
Part II (Next page):
The Iran-Contra Gang Rides Again,
the Council for National Policy
& the frightening power of Reverend Moon
within the GOP.
PLUS! Great collection of Bush Links!

Other articles on this web-site:
| New on this site! "Blast to the Future: Iraqgate" |
| How did the Bush Campaign raise all that money? |
| The Attempted Overthrow Of Bill Clinton |
| Flyer: The Bush (Criminal) Family History |

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America's First Families

In the nearly three decades since the New Right movement began, the main
objective has been for the Right Wing Elite to extend their influence
throughout the higher levels of our society. These leaders of the New Right
include (notorious Clinton hater) Richard Mellon Scaife, Paul Weyrich and the
Coors, DeVos (Amway), Hunt (Oil), Koch (Oil), Krieble (Loctite), Noble, Olin
& Van Andel (Amway) families. In fact, oilman George Bush Sr. comes from this
very same class of people. His tenure as CIA Director is but a small part of
a long history with the Intelligence community, which has included Richard
Mellon Scaife, and the other New Right leaders. It is highly unlikely that
Bush would have been appointed CIA Director, without some prior experience
within the Agency. Indeed, there have been reports that Bush was possibly a
CIA operative since at least 1960.

What's more, the Bush Family's CIA affiliation appears to originate with the
OSS, the WWII Agency that preceded the CIA. Robert Lovett, the business
partner of Bush's father Prescott, was an OSS Officer, along with Mellon
Scaife's father Alan and their Mellon relatives. In fact, Paul Mellon was the
OSS Station Chief in London. Prescott could not (officially at least) be
involved in the OSS, since he was a Director of Union Banking. It was a major
embarrassment for the Bush Family, when in 1942 Union Banking's assets were
seized under the Trading With the Enemy Act, for collaborating with Nazi
industrialists. [1] . (A few weeks later, another Bush venture had its assets
seized as well).

After the war, Prescott's partner Lovett headed a Committee bearing his name
that recommended the creation of the CIA as the descendant of the OSS.
Averell Harriman, another of Prescott's partners at "Brown Brothers
Harriman", was likewise directly involved with the CIA. Given that many of
Prescott Bush's cronies enjoyed a long association with the Agency, it is
likely that Prescott was involved with the CIA as well. (Those interested in
looking more deeply into the elite roots of the OSS and the CIA should read
about Yale's "Skull and Bones" society -- a.k.a "the Bonesmen" [2] ).

In the seventies, while George Bush Sr. was in the wings for the CIA
Directorship, Richard Mellon Scaife ran Forum World Features, a CIA front for
a European propaganda operation. There are also reports that Scaife was
likely involved in the Heritage Foundation's funding of Iran-Contra, along
with Heritage President Edwin Feulner. Contrary to what he still declares to
this day, then-Vice President Bush Sr. was clearly "in the loop" of
Iran-Contra, as Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger's notes demonstrated.
Furthermore, Admiral John Poindexter claimed that he conferred directly with
Bush about the Iran-Contra scheme. Also, Bush and his assistant Donald Gregg
communicated regularly with Felix Rodriguez, the notorious ex-CIA agent at
the heart of the Contra Supply operation [See Lawrence Walsh's "Firewall",
W.W. Norton & Co., 1997; pp. 271-272]. In recent years, the CIA Inspector
General's Report confirmed that the Contras were trafficking in cocaine,
under the watch of Oliver North and the CIA [3] . There is strong evidence
that the Contras used North's planes (financed in part by Joe Coors) for
their drug-running. Although a Congressional investigation into
Contra-Cocaine was recently concluded, there remain lingering questions about
the role North's team and the CIA played in this enterprise. [Click here to
go beyond the headlines -- What the recent Congressional Investigations
actually revealed].

During this period, both Presidents Reagan and Bush appointed Mellon Scaife
to the US Advisory Committee for Public Diplomacy, which oversaw the US
Information Agency. A key component of the White House Spin Machine, the USIA
worked hand in hand with Walter Raymond's interagency propaganda operation.
The mission of Raymond's outfit (code-named "Project Truth") was to
manipulate US public opinion in favor of the Reagan-Bush foreign policies.
[See Robert Parry's "Lost History" for details [4] ]. In 1983, the USIA's
director, Charles Z. Wick, held a fundraiser in support of the Iran-Contra
activities. With the help of Scaife's lieutenants, Wick collected over
$400,000 in private funds from the likes of the Smith Richardson and Olin
Foundations [5] . [Also, see the National Security Archive's "Iran-Contra
Collection", May 1983]. Later, Frank Shakespeare, yet another Heritage board
member, served as the USIA's Director.

Ultimately, President George Bush dealt the final blow to Independent Counsel
Lawrence Walsh's prosecution of the Iran-Contra affair. Less than a month
before leaving office, Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger and the other
defendants awaiting trial. Bush also issued sweeping pardons to those
previously convicted ["Firewall", p. 493]. In so doing, Bush clearly abused
his Presidential power to avoid further exposure of his Iran-Contra role,
which had been definitely established by Weinberger's notes.
(Table of Contents)
Answering Nixon's Call

The truth of the matter is that the CIA does not exist to serve the American
people, the American Government or even the President. The real mission of
the CIA is to serve the interests of American Big Business. In particular,
the CIA obeys the dictates of its inner circle -- the Bushes, Dulles,
Harrimans, Lovetts, Rockefellers and Mellon Scaifes [6] -- who have always
been front row center. Indeed, the CIA has been consumed in serving this
Client -- with decades of supporting military coups, backing Right Wing
Dictators amenable to US business interests and waging propaganda wars [See
Mark Zepezauer's "The CIA's Greatest Hits"; Odonian Press, 1994]. As a
consequence, the Agency has woefully neglected its stated mission of
collecting and analyzing intelligence information. This was most
embarrassingly obvious when the CIA failed to predict (or disclose--as the
case may be) the demise of the Soviet Union.

While the CIA has greatly influenced the affairs of other countries, it has
been constrained by federal law from doing the same within our borders. In
order to skirt these restrictions, Walter Raymond left his CIA post in 1983
to run an interagency taskforce to manipulate the US Media [See "Lost
History", Robert Parry; The Media Consortium, 1999; pg. 60-61]. Likewise,
Scaife, Coors and the other New Right Leaders used their tax-exempt
foundations to fund a network of private organizations, in large part to
perform CIA-type operations in America. In fact, it was Richard Nixon who
first called for the building of such an "establishment" to counter the rise
of Liberalism -- especially the Civil Rights and Anti-War movements [7] .
Paving the way was Paul Weyrich, who, armed with Coors and Scaife seed money,
founded the Heritage Foundation in 1973. Later Weyrich would found and
continue to head its sister, the Free Congress Foundation. It is thought that
Free Congress' role is complementary to that of Heritage, and that together
they head the Right Wing Network. Weyrich's proxy on the Heritage Board
appears to be Frederic Rench, who also sits on the Free Congress Board under

After Nixon's resignation, it was his former Treasury Secretary, William
Simon, who led the charge towards building Nixon's "establishment". Simon was
certainly the right man for the job, partly due to his considerable acumen,
but mostly because he was the "treasurer" for the Olin Foundation. Olin is
another Right Wing cash cow like the Scaife and Coors foundations. Recently
deceased, Wm. Simon was a long-time member of the Heritage Board.
(Table of Contents)
A Shadow Government

Today, Heritage (with Free Congress) sits at the head of this array of
organizations. The Right Wing Network has been called a "Shadow Government"
by several investigative journalists [8] , including John Saloma in his
"Ominous Politics". During his George Magazine interview by JFK Jr., Scaife
himself dubbed Larry Klayman's Judicial Watch "almost a Shadow Justice Dept."
[9] . This is the Scaife-backed organization that has filed several lawsuits
against the Clintons.

The Heritage Foundation is considered the most influential organization in
the Republican Party. Most notably, the Heritage team drafted the massive
policy paper in 1981, "The Mandate For Leadership", that provided "the
blueprint" for the Reagan Administration. Years later, this team likewise
would make a major contribution towards Gingrich's "Contract With America."

Heritage Board members include: President Edwin Feulner (who has spooky ties
to the Korean CIA and Reverend Moon); Vice Chairman Richard Mellon Scaife;
Holland Coors; the Amway's Jay and Barb Van Andel; and former Secretary of
the Navy J. William Middendorf II. Most of the members on the Heritage board
head "charitable" foundations that form the financial backbone of Heritage
and the New Right. For example, Chairman David Brown manages the Noble
Foundation, which has been a prime cash cow for Heritage and other right wing
organizations. In addition, many of the trustees have extensive backgrounds
in the intelligence community -- particularly propaganda operations. This is
especially true for Feulner, Scaife, Frank Shakespeare, Midge Decter and
William "Jerry" Hume. For more details, please visit the Heritage web-page to
read about the Board of Trustees. Especially worth noting is that a former
board member and still close associate is Jeb Bush.

What then is the hierarchy under Heritage that orders the roles of these
different New Right Think Tanks? Are all major strategies decided by the
Heritage Board, with members such as Scaife, Coors, Feulner and Van Andel at
the helm? Do these plans then get passed to the rest of the Network, through
a chain of command? Does the Washington Legal Foundation, whose members
include Barr, DeLay, Helms and other Radical Right Congressman, follow the
dictates of the Heritage board in targeting the activities of Congress?
Similarly, does the Federalist Society, the exclusive legal club with members
such as Ken Starr, Orrin Hatch, Robert Bork and Judge Silberman, ultimately
serve the Heritage board in targeting the Courts?

What roles do the other Scaife/Coors organizations play in this plan? How do
Weyrich's Free Congress Foundation and the Council for National Policy serve
to integrate the agenda of the Religious Right with the rest of the Right
Wing Network? As a co-founder of the Council for National Policy and other
organizations, Sen. Jesse Helms has played an integral role in building and
managing the Right Wing Network [See Hedrick Smith's "The Power Game";
Ballantine Books, 1989; pp. 64-66].

There are literally dozens of these Think Tanks, societies and publications,
whose functions probably extend well beyond their purported mission
statements. This was greatly facilitated when President Reagan signed an
Executive Order permitting private funding of US Intelligence operations. And
-- just like certain US Intelligence Agencies -- the Think Tanks work to
expand the domestic and international interests of their Corporate
contributors. In fact, many Think Tank board members are the CEO's of these
Corporate clients.

Some of the most important Think Tanks include the American Enterprise
Institute (where Robert Bork and Newt Gingrich are now employed), the Bradley
Organization, the Heartland Institute, the Hoover Institution, the Hudson
Institute, the Manhattan Institute (founded by famous CIA Spook William
Casey) and the National Legal Center for the Public Interest. Think Tanks
have even been established solely for targeting individual states. In
addition to the Think Tanks, there are a number of PR firms that serve the
Right Wing Network. Of course, leading the charge for the Right is an army of

The idea that the Right Wing Think Tanks are organized into a "Shadow
Government" is further indicated by their interlocking directorates and
fellowships. For example, Richard Mellon Scaife is on both the Heritage and
Hoover Institution boards; Fredric Rench is a Director of both Heritage and
Free Congress; Midge Decter is on the Heritage and Jamestown Foundation
boards; Ed Meese, Reagan's former Attorney General, is a senior Heritage
fellow and a Federalist Society Director, etc. (Please go here for a
suggested "Anatomy of the New Right".)
(Table of Contents)
A "Liberal" Media?
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
--Former CIA Director William Colby

In the past, the Right Wing penetrated the Media through such CIA programs as
Operation Mockingbird, which had placed most of the US Media leaders on the
CIA payroll. In the 70's, the Church and Pike Reports to Congress exposed
this and other illegal domestic CIA operations. Then, in a Rolling Stone
expose (10/20/77), Carl Bernstein reported that there had been over 400 US
journalists on the CIA's books. He also named such high-level Mockingbird
operatives as Katherine Graham (Washington Post), Henry Luce (Time), William
Paley (CBS), the Sulzbergers (New York Times) and "publishing magnate"
Richard Mellon Scaife.

After this embarrassment, it was necessary for the Right to use its own
private network to replace Mockingbird. As a result, there is now the Cato
Institute, with Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch (Fox, NY Post, TV Guide) on the
Board with ATT/TCI's Malone [10] . Another big contributor to Cato is Viacom,
which recently acquired CBS. Consequently, CBS/Viacom is now headed by Sumner
Redstone, who is yet another powerful right wing figure with a WWII
intelligence background [11] and apparent ties to OSS/CIA figures [12] . Cato
serves the purpose of infusing the Media with Right Wing Propaganda, along
with such organizations as Accuracy in Media(AIM), the Independent Women's
Forum, the Western Journalism Center and -- of course -- the Heritage
Foundation (See Main Page for Details).

The difference between the days of Operation Mockingbird and the present
situation is that, instead of actually placing network executives,
publishers, editors, reporters and pundits on the CIA payroll, their
contemporary counterparts are now members of the Right Wing Think Tanks*. In
addition to Cato's Murdoch, some high profile examples are MSNBC's Laura
Ingraham (a notorious "Scaifette" from the Independent Women's Forum [13] )
and ABC's John Stoss

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