[CTRL] Draft Agency Files Notice to Request Record Matching With Dept. of Education

2004-11-05 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-



Draft agency files notice to request record matching with Department of Education
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General— site admin @ 3:37 pm Email This

Selective Service to match records with Education for compliance
By John Byrne | RAW STORY Editor
The Selective Service filed a notice in the federal register three days before the election to check the computer records of the Department of Education for compliance with a law that requires all students receiving federal financial aid to register for the draft, RAW STORY has learned.
The notice, filed Oct. 28, was published today in the Federal Register.
Former Reagan Assistant Defense Secretary Lawrence Korb, who now works at a progressive thinktank, downplayed the significance of the notice. He said that the law mandating financial aid students to register was put in place by a Democratic congress in the early 1980s, after many failed to register.
Asked if he thought it gave any credence to rumors of a draft, he said, “Not as far as I know, no.”
“The purpose of this matching program is to ensure that the requirements of Section 12(f) of the Military Selective Service System Act,” the notice reads.
While not an unexpected request, in a time when Americans have been so worried about a draft that Congress had to pass legislation asserting a draft would not be reinstated, the request can only fuel increased speculation about a military draft plan for the war in Iraq. The New York Times reported last month that the military was exploring a medical draft in the event of a national security emergency.
“In addition, Section 12(f)(2) of the Military Selective Service System Act specifies that any person required to present himself for and submit to registration under Section 3 of the Military Selective Service System Act must file a statement with the institution of higher education where the personintends to attend or is attending that he is in compliance with the Military Selective Service System Act,” the notice adds.
Korb added that while not a procedure done annually, the Selective Service is required by law to ensure aid students are registered.
“I would imagine they would have to,” he said. “Under the law they’re required to ensure that people don’t get financial aid if they haven’t registered.” 

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Draft of (Orwellian) VICTORY Act

2003-08-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Libertythink EXCLUSIVE:
Draft text of VICTORY Act 

Libertythink has obtained from Washington contacts a draft copy of the "Vital Interdiction of Criminal Terrorist Organizations Act of 2003," also known by the Orwellian sobriquet "VICTORY Act." 

Attorney General John Ashcroft is currently putting on a little road show to garner support for the bill, as well as for the USA PATRIOT Act, which had two of its more Draconian provisions targeted for defunding by the House of Representatives in late July.

(Though it does contain similar provisions, the VICTORY Act is not the same bill as the Domestic Security Enhancement Act, popularly known as PATRIOT II, which was leaked in January.)

The draft obtained by Libertythink is dated June 27, and word in the Beltway is that the VICTORY Act is still being retooled over the August recess before it is introduced in the Senate. Although this may not be the final form of the act, Libertythink encourages its readers to study the bill and hit Ashcroft with hard questions when and if he comes to your town.

Measures in the 89-page draft include:
Creation of a new category of crime called "Narco-terrorism."

Radical expansion of asset forfeiture powers for the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security.

Expansion of the definition of money-laundering to several kinds of transactions, including offshore banking as a means of tax evasion.

Creation of a ludicrous new "crime" of "reverse money-laundering."

Longer jail terms for a number of nonviolent drug and nondrug offenses.

Expanded opportunities for judge-shopping in wiretap cases.

Expansion of nonjudicial "administrative subpoenas" for "terrorism" investigations as broadly defined in the USA PATRIOT Act.
. . . and that's just a partial listing.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Draft as Deterrent

2003-03-19 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Hack's Target:
The Draft as Deterrent

By David H. Hackworth

If today's U.S. armed forces could count draftee airmen, sailors, soldiers
and Marines
among those who will soon be doing the dying during our second go at
Saddam Hussein, you can bet good money that more American parents and
grandparents would have been asking hard questions of their Washington
pols long before the drumbeat of war became headline news. Important
questions such as:

Is this war really necessary?

What national security threat does Iraq pose to the United States?

Why can't we  with a united world behind us  disarm Iraq without war?

Why the unilateral intervention?

What are the projected costs and casualties, and is there an exit plan?

But at long last, the realities of war have been brought home by massive
global peace marches, gas prices spiraling into the stratosphere, the
economy tanking alongside the Titanic and tens of thousands of reserve
soldiers from every city in this great land  neighbors, friends and
workmates of the formerly disconnected  being called to arms. Finally,
millions of Americans are listening more carefully to a chorus of world
leaders and a few gutsy national politicians righteously concerned about
the consequences of the shootout in the desert.

Except that with 230,000 of our warriors already staring down Saddam's
cannons, this new consciousness might have come too late.

I believe it's been far too easy for the vast majority of Americans to pay
little or no attention to George W. Bush's march to war, because most
folks pride and joy aren't prime candidates for body bags. And few average
citizens have ongoing personal contact with a uniformed defender from
the 1 million-plus regular warriors who make up our All-Volunteer Force
(AVF). To them, our warriors are just uniforms they occasionally see
floating around at airports or as background color in TV war dispatches.

Most recruits in the AVF come from non-vocal, working-class families  a
disproportionate number from the poor and from minority groups  while
more privileged Americans are conspicuous by their absence. For example,
the Congress that voted overwhelmingly for the military solution against
Iraq includes only one member with a son whos an enlisted grunt. The
rest, like the majority of Americans since the draft went south, no longer
share directly in the sacrifice that comes with sending our youth to face
the dragon.

The poor join up because the job prospects on the outside are marginal.
By going into the military, they learn a skill, gain the benefits of the GI Bill
and get a better shot at the American dream.

Meanwhile, teens from families with political punch  read cash and/or
clout  are safely bunkered down at universities out of harms way. And
when asked: Should we do Iraq? their answer is often a roaring Yes!
But ask those same young aristo- hawks: Will you go and fight? and rarely
does a Tommy Hilfiger-clad arm shoot up. When it comes to blood sports,
they don't need to be taught that the spectators have it cushier than the

Just as if all Americans knew their kids would likely serve dead-center on
the killing fields, there'd be far sharper focus on how our politicians are
voting and a lot more calls for caution and careful consideration before we
got out there in the sand and slapped leather. For sure, the draft would
give us 20/20 vigilance.

As the father of a reservist now in Kuwait recently said: I suspect once
folks start thinking about their kids standing in the line of fire, they'll make
a whole bunch of noise. When that happens, hopefully this insanity will

History has taught us that draftees serve this country well. Not only are
they natural- born whistle-blowers who keep both the war-makers and the
brass honest, but because their service keeps all our citizens more closely
involved and invested, they are our bottom-line deterrent to war.

Service in our country's ranks used to be widely accepted as the price of
citizenship. So why not bring back the draft? Since so many of our leaders
seem to be currently suffering from Empiritis, we'd all probably be better
protected from this country- destroying disease if every American family
shared the burden for defending our way of life.

Http://www.hackworth.com is the address of David Hackworth's home
page. Sign in for the free weekly Defending America column at his Web
site. Send mail to P.O. Box 11179, Greenwich, CT 06831.  2003 David H.
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

[CTRL] Draft Bill Ruffles Hawks

2003-01-15 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Hard Hitting Publications Mainstream Won't Dare To Touch!


Rangel's Military Draft Bill Ruffles Hawks'


A New Year's Eve commentary in the New York Times, Bring Back the Draft,
by Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), the ranking Democrat on the Ways and
Means Committee and a senior member of the Black Caucus, has the pro-Iraq
war chicken-hawks, and their allies among the uniformed utopians up in
arms. Rangel said he would introduce legislation to restore the military draft—a
promise on which he delivered on Jan. 7, the first day of the 108th Congress.
Even before the bill was introduced, angry responses against Rangel, and
against Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), also a senior member of the Black
Caucus, who supports the bill, appeared in the financier oligarchy's Wall Street
Journal, accusing them of political opportunism and playing race politics; and
came from Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who implied that Rangel is
ignorant of the matters of the professional military.

Apparently, Rangel, who is a decorated Korean War veteran and, during the
Vietnam War, was general counsel to the National Advisory Commission on
Selective Service (the draft board), hit a nerve.

Rangel's move was a welcome dose of reality, as a flood of daily headlines were
chronicling the Rumsfeld-ordered deployments of U.S. troops to the Middle East,
to take up positions that would be used in a war against Iraq. Well-informed
Washington sources told EIR that the total of forces, already on location,
combined with those deployments which have been announced and are planned
for the immediate future, adds up to 100,000 American troops—combat and
support. Behind the scenes in Washington, the sources said, complaints are
growing that this deployment stretches the violation of separation of powers
between the Executive and Congress on fighting a war, to the limit. Public
criticism may break out, these sources said.

Rangel's commentary has caused a furor among pro- war utopians, precisely
because most of the war- mongers are chicken-hawks, who have no military
experience, and who are in no danger of having their own children involved in a
war. Rangel's article noted: President Bush and his Administration have
declared a war against terrorism that may soon involve sending thousands of
American troops into combat in Iraq. I voted against the Congressional
resolution giving the President authority to carry out this war— an engagement
that would dwarf our military efforts to find Osama bin Laden and bring him to

But as a combat veteran of the Korean conflict, I believe that if we are going to
send our children to war, the governing principle must be that of shared
sacrifice Yet the Congress that voted overwhelmingly to allow the use of force
in Iraq includes only one member who has a child in the enlisted ranks of the
military I believe that if those calling for war knew that their children were 
to be required to serve—and to be placed in harm's way —there would be more
caution and a greater willingess to work with the international community in
dealing with Iraq. A renewed draft will help bring a greater appreciation of the
consequences of decisions to go to war

A disproportionate number of the poor and members of minority groups make
up the enlisted ranks of the military, while the most privileged Americans are
under-represented or absent

We need to return to the tradition of the citizen soldier—with alternative national
service required for those who cannot serve because of physical limitations or
reasons of conscience (emphasis added).

Blasting the Chicken-Hawks
Rangel, who was awarded a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star for his service,
went even further in several television and radio interviews on Jan. 3. Speaking
on National Public Radio, he said, If indeed the President believes war is
necessary in terms of our national welfare, then he has to believe that sacrifices
have to be made, and those sacrifices have to be shared. We have to kick up a
notch the sense of patriotism and the sense of obligation.

When the host of NBC's Today Show asked, Are you talking of all those people
in the higher echelon, all the way up to the top, not being aware of the cost of
minorities? Are you saying that? Rangel replied: After you get past Colin
Powell, they haven't the slightest clue as to the pain of war, the sacrifice of war.

Wait a minute! the interviewer interrupted. You're talking about Donald
Rumsfeld, the Defense Secretary. You're saying he doesn't have an idea of the
cost, the pain of war? The President of the United States?

Rangel responded: Well, when Rumsfeld gets on television and says, 'We can
fight more than one war at a time; we can fight in North Korea; we can fight in
Afghanistan; we can fight'—when the President of the United States says, 'I've
made a New Year's resolution to eat less cheeseburgers, and not to go to war in

[CTRL] Draft U.N. Report Indicates U.S. Cover-Up of Afghan Wedding Attack

2002-07-30 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Draft U.N. Report Indicates U.S. Cover-Up of Afghan Wedding Attack

Monday, July 29, 2002
By Dumeetha Luthra

KABUL, Afghanistan — American forces may have breached human rights and then
removed evidence after the so-called wedding party air strike that killed
more than 50 Afghan civilians this month, according to a draft United
Nations report seen by The Times.

A preliminary U.N. investigation has found no corroboration of American
claims that its aircraft were fired on from the ground, and says there were
discrepancies in U.S. accounts of what happened.

If the findings are upheld by a second, more detailed, U.N. investigation,
they will cause huge embarrassment to the Pentagon.

U.N. sources said that the findings pointed to an American cover-up, and
suggested that American investigators were dragging their feet hoping that
the issue would pass.

The attack took place early on July 1 as American forces hunted pockets of
Taliban and al Qaeda resistance. A U.S. gunship opened fire on targets
around the village of Kakarak, and the casualties included 25 members of one
family at a wedding party.

A U.N. source said that the report was produced by a team of experienced
and reputable U.N. people, who have been in the region a while and know it

It states that there was clear evidence that human rights violations had
taken place and that coalition forces had arrived on the scene very quickly
after the airstrikes and cleaned the area, removing evidence of shrapnel,
bullets and traces of blood. Women on the scene had their hands tied behind
their backs.

Investigators had found no weapons, no corroboration on the ground that
the U.S. had been fired on, and that there were discrepancies between the
various American accounts of what happened.

In a prepared statement last night a U.N. spokesman in Afghanistan said that
the report contained judgments that were not sufficiently substantiated, and
that a comprehensive report was being finalized that would provide a more
detailed and accurate picture.

However, the statement added that the findings on the ground bear out the
paramount necessity that such incidents do not recur, both from a
humanitarian and political perspective.

It called for an in-depth investigation [to] be carried out to ensure that
such tragedies are not repeated; and that the protection of civilian lives
becomes a primary concern in the fight against terrorism in Afghanistan.

The wedding party raid was not the first U.S. air strike to kill Afghan
civilians and it both angered President Karzai and has fueled anti-American
sentiment in the country.

A joint U.S.-Afghan team is investigating the strike, but nothing has been
disclosed and no timescale has been given on when the findings will be made
public. One U.N. official put it: The more it drags on, the harder it is to
prove and probably the people investigating want it to go slowly and die

Pentagon officials have said that cameras fixed to the AC-130's gun turrets
showed gunfire coming from the ground, but the Pentagon has not released the
film, as it has on previous occasions, preventing independent analysis of
whether it was anti-aircraft artillery or celebratory rifle fire.

The Pentagon declined to comment on the U.N. report, but said all matters
arising from the incident were under consideration by U.S. Central Command
and that charges against the servicemen involved had not been ruled out.

But the Pentagon insisted it was too early for the U.S. to draw any
conclusions because its investigative team had yet to start compiling its

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Draft the Neo_Cons!!!

2002-04-03 Thread Euphorian

1 - http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2002/2913cincs_testfy.html
2 - http://www.defenselink.mil/execsec/adr95/budget_5.html

Now when you look at the images, reflect on the fact that the cuts in the military
began as a result of Poppy Bush's Dept of Offense (DoO) Sec'y's efforts.  Bill Jeff
came along and figured everything was gonna be all right.  So, the CINCs are just
stating what the numbers would otherwise say.  Poppy's thousand points of light are
the holes in the budget that his successor was able to point to as shrinking the
government.  Good job, Al!!!  You too, Bill Jeff!!!  A lot of what I post about war may
seem like I am not pro-war, and I'm not.  But realistically, should a war start, there
will eventually be people you and I know who may be sent to pound the ground
looking at caves and whatnot.  A can-do attitude is nice but without the manpower
and materiel, it don't mean nothin'.  Junior's increases are not gonna instantly undo
his daddy's lack of planning nor Bill Jeff's $$$billions to the Soviets.  AER

1 - }}}Begin
This article appears in the April 5, 2002 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

Military's CINCs Warn Congress
on Iraq War

by Carl Osgood

During the 1990-91 Desert Shield-Desert Storm operation, the U.S. Air Force moved
approximately 90,000 tons of cargo by air into Turkey and the Persian Gulf region,
about 10% of the total moved by the all military forces. Though a huge operation, the
job was simplified for the logisticians by the modern airports and seaports of Saudi
Arabia and other countries, and the network of oil refineries and pipelines that
provided a ready fuel supply for ground and air forces deployed in the region.

The current campaign in Afghanistan, however, is a completely different story, as
recent testimony in front of Congressional committees, as well as other accounts,
tends to show. The logistics system supporting operations in Afghanistan is probably
as stressed as it was in 1990-91, even though there are only about 5,000 U.S. troops
in Afghanistan, plus some tens of thousands in neighboring countries and in ships in
the Arabian Sea, as opposed to the 500,000 that were deployed for the war against
Iraq. Afghanistan is a landlocked country, with poor roads and no railroads,
destroyed by 23 years of war. Everything that American and other foreign forces
need has to be flown in by air, even aviation and motor vehicle fuel. Add the draw-
down of the U.S. military during the 1990s, and the collapse of the U.S. industrial
economy, and the impossibility of launching other major operations beyond the war in
Afghanistan becomes clear.

'Very Troubling' Testimony

These realities, though ignored by factions pushing a prompt war to eliminate
Saddam Hussein, have been reported to Congressional committees by senior
military officers. Most recently, Adm. Dennis Blair, commander-in-chief of the Pacific
Command, told the House Armed Services Committee on March 20, We do not
have adequate forces to carry out our missions for the Pacific, if the operations in
[Afghanistan] continue at their recent past and current pace. He, and Gen. Joseph
Ralston—head of European Command and NATO's Supreme Allied Commander,
Europe —were asked by the committee's ranking Democrat, Ike Skelton of Missouri,
whether they had the forces they needed to carry out all of their current missions as
well as a war against Iraq. Skelton found their answers very troubling.

General Ralston told the committee, The answer to your question as you posed it is:
I do not have the forces in EUCOM today to carry out these missions. I will come
back to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the Secretary of Defense and ask for
additional forces. Then they are going to have to come up with a choice: Where are
they going to take them away from? He added that I have not had a marine
amphibious ready group since October of last year This is the primary unit that I
use to evacuate Americans if there is a NATO operation taking place in one of those
91 countries [under his command]. And I don't believe I will have a marine
amphibious ready group this year, other than just for a few days as they transit the

Likewise, Ralston said he has not had an aircraft carrier in many months. He has
also sent AWACS radar surveillance aircraft to support operations in Southwest Asia.

Admiral Blair's assessment was that there are shortages of naval forces, of
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance forces, in particular, that have to be
made up for if we are to continue the current level of operations in the Central
Command [which includes Afghanistan operations]. Asked by Rep. Jo Ann Davis
(R-Va.) about the impact of retiring another aircraft carrier, Blair said that would
require a shift to land-based air power, creating potential problems in the vast 
region. On March 5, he had told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the
Afghanistan war had significantly reduced the limited 

[CTRL] Draft Resistance Grows in Israel

2001-08-21 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

The Jewish Concience is not silenced.

Week of August 22 - 28, 2001

-We don't cry, we don't shoot! To be murderers, we refuse!

Draft Resistance Grows in Israel
by Alisa Solomon

JERUSALEM-We don't cry, we don't shoot! To be murderers, we refuse! Down the block 
from Orient House-the hub
of Palestinian cultural and political activities in East Jerusalem until it was seized 
by Israel on August
10-Shai, 24, bangs a drum and chants. He is one of Israel's own Seattle generation of 
Demonstrating on August 14, along with some 300 longtime Israeli peaceniks and 
from the Arab side of the city, Shai and his cadre demand the return of the building 
to its rightful owners,
the sharing of Jerusalem, the end of the occupation. And for Shai, there is another 
message: draft resistance.

His head nearly shaved, his chin dotted with soft whiskers, Shai beats out an 
increasingly urgent rhythm. The
anti-military chant is especially meaningful to him, he explains later, because he 
refuses to honor his
obligation to serve in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). Like nearly a quarter of the 
tens of thousands of
Israelis conscripted each year, he has found a way to dodge the draft. Shai likes the 
way the slogan invokes
the controversial and contemptuous old saying about Israel's idea of itself as having 
an army of sensitive
soldiers, who shoot first and then cry later because they'd really rather not be 
forced to do such terrible
things. They don't need to fire in the first place, he says. The massing of tanks 
outside West Bank cities
over the last few days, the ongoing assassinations of suspected militants, the 
demolition of homes and wells,
the three decades of daily, degrading control of Palestinian lives: All of it 
confounds and disgusts him.
Especially because, he maintains, it's gratuitous, weakening Israeli security more 
than strengthening it.

Between September and March-the first six months of the current intifada-the number of 
reservists filing
requests to defer their tour of duty doubled.

These are fringe views to be sure, in a country that, despite its firepower, regards 
itself as besieged-and
even more so in Shai's hometown, Bet Horon, a West Bank settlement. In the first 
opinion polls since the
suicide bombings in Jerusalem and Haifa, reported in this week's Israeli press, 34 
percent of Israelis
applauded the current level of IDF force against Palestinians-and 42 percent called 
for more. Still, when it
comes to putting one's own body on the line in pursuit of such policies-even at a time 
when fear has emptied
intercity buses and given wispy young waitresses the added duty of searching 
customers' bags at café
entrances-the consensus may be showing some cracks.

According to the IDF, 22 percent of all Israeli males eligible for the draft (at age 
18, into three years of
basic service) are granted exemptions-an increase from 12 percent 20 years ago. 
Research collected by Israel's
anti-militarist, feminist organization, New Profile, puts that number even a few 
points higher, and also shows
that of those who do enlist, about a third find reason for early discharge. Meanwhile, 
the reserves, in which
men must serve for about a month each year until their mid forties (the specific age 
depends on the type of
unit they're in), are experiencing even greater attrition. The IDF reports that only 
one-third of all men
eligible for reserve duty actually fulfill it. And 41 percent of that minority 
believe, according to a recent
Israeli poll, that they are suckers for doing so. Between September and March-the 
first six months of the
current intifada-the number of reservists filing requests to defer their tour of duty 

The IDF insists that these statistics do not represent a crisis in the readiness and 
solidity of Israel's
famous people's army (though it did make preparations at the end of July to call up 
tens of thousands of
reservists who are living abroad). And to be sure, most draft dodgers make no 
ideological declarations against
the occupation and its tactics, but may simply want to get on with their lives. Still, 
some antioccupation
activists see a tacit rejection of Israeli policy in the high numbers shirking their 
duty. These are what we
call 'gray refuseniks,' explains Idan Landau, 34, a reservist who completed a two-week 
prison sentence at the
end of July after explicitly refusing orders to serve in the West Bank as a matter of 
conscience. They
fabricate some kind of medical or psychological condition to get out. It would be 
better, though, if they said
why they refused to sacrifice their lives to play a part in the repression.

Since this intifada started, some 200 soldiers like Landau have, indeed, said exactly 
why-and some have gone

[CTRL] Draft-dodging rapist liar Clinton Uses IRS To Punish Critics

1999-07-11 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

(scroll slowly to the Main Post,
  so you don't miss these goodies)

"FREE SPEECH! Use it, or lose it!"
--- Ken Hamblin

"Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?"
--- Doug Quirmbach, Moderator
The Awakening Lions List

"The President...He is an unusually good liar."
--- Sen. Kerry (D-Neb.)

"Woe to those who decree unjust statutes and to those who continually record
 unjust decisions, to deprive the needy of justice, and to rob the poor of
My people
 of their rights..."
 Isaiah 10 vs 1-2

"If a President of the United States ever lied to the American people, he
should resign."
--- Bill Clinton, July 1974

 "The American people are tired of liars and people who pretend
to be something they're not."
--- Hillary Clinton - 1992 60 Minutes interview

"In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
--- attr. George Orwell



My Open Letter To Mel White
(A gay minister named Mel White is circulating an “open letter to Jerry
demanding that I stop preaching that homosexuality is sin. He says that he
to circulate several such open letters. If I do not comply with his wishes,
he then threatens to lead a “Ghandi” type movement against me nationally.)


Christians Must Remain Involved


It's Elementary: The New Gay Public Education Outreach

Take Back America

Falwell: Take Back Our Children

We Need An Army of Attorneys To Take Back America

Father of Slain Student Tells Congress: "Leave NRA Alone"

APA Apologizes Under Pressure Over 'Adult-Child Sex' Study

Listen America With Jerry Falwell

Clinton Names Openly-Gay Hormel to Ambassador Post

The Big Cruel Lie


TA DA!!  You finally reached the Main Post:

Clinton Uses IRS To Punish Critics
by Larry Klayman Judicial Watch

Imagine you founded an organization dedicated to the preservation of basic
principles upon which this country has thrived. Issues like individual
freedom, personal responsibility, and ethics in journalism. Not horrible
terms, and not even so much because you wanted to antagonize those who didn’
t share your view; rather, because you firmly believed in these principles
as a means by which an orderly society should function.

Imagine then if you lived under a government which didn’t share your
principles, and because they didn’t, they decided -- as arbitrarily as you
would choose a movie -- that they would send an investigatory body like the
IRS into your offices to interrogate you without cause. Try to envision a
group of these detached individuals camped in your office, rifling through
your personal papers, admitting to you that it was a political inquiry, and
then making claims to be compiled into formal charges against you. What you’
ve just heard is what the Western Journalism Center went through with its
own government -- the Clinton Administration.

Perhaps one of the most startling and disturbing accounts of the Nixon
Presidency, beyond Water-gate itself, was Nixon, on tape, discussing with
chilling detachment, plans to use the IRS to threaten political opponents.
In 1974, this was a landmark and most egregious breach of the public trust.
Today, despite the Clintons’ systematic testing of Americans’ threshold of
tolerance, the song does, and must, remain the same.

The story of the Western Journalism center started with a simple, if bulky,
White House document and ended in a $10 million lawsuit filed by Judicial
Watch against the IRS for abuse of power. Like any good story, it takes the
requisite twists and turns, often leaving the viewer or reader befuddled as
to how people placed in a position of trust can bring themselves to act as
they do.

The Communication Stream of Conspiracy Commerce, a 331-page manifesto 

[CTRL] draft-dodging rapist May Send 7,000 Troops to Kosovo

1999-06-05 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

Wednesday June 2 2:06 PM ET

US May Send 7,000 Troops to Kosovo
Full Coverage
NATO - Serbia War

By BARRY SCHWEID AP Diplomatic Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The military service chiefs will meet with President
Clinton Thursday to discuss options in NATO's conflict with Yugoslavia,
including the possible use of ground troops for a land invasion of Kosovo,
Defense Secretary William Cohen said today.

Members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will discuss ``the whole range of
issues ... including considerations about whether there should be or could
be a ground option'' and whether NATO would support such a shift in
strategy, Cohen told reporters.

Responding to questions during a photo-taking session in his Pentagon
office, Cohen said there are no firm plans for any use of ground forces in
Kosovo beyond the enlarged peacekeeping force now in the works. And he said
``there is no other planning'' ready to be presented to Clinton on ground
force options.

Clinton, during a commencement address today at the Air Force Academy in
Colorado Springs, Colo., announced the United States would contribute 7,000
U.S. troops to some 50,000 international forces for Kosovo peacekeeping.

The president, who has all but ruled out a ground invasion, urged Americans
to stick behind the 10-week-old airstrike strategy. ``We cannot grow weary
of this campaign because Mr. Milosevic did not capitulate when the first
bombs fell,'' he said. ``If we have the patience and determination to match
the courage and skill of the men and women in uniform we will achieve our

Clinton also noted the deployment this week of 68 additional U.S. aircraft
for the air war. The planes are part of a 176-aircraft increase approved by
Cohen on May 6. It includes a squadron of 12 F-16 fighters, two squadrons of
F-15E attack planes and 20 air tankers. Officials have said the planes would
be based in Turkey, although Pentagon officials declined to publicly confirm

Some 16,000 NATO troops are now stationed in neighboring Macedonia and about
14,000 are to be added. On a visit here, Prime Minister Ljubco Georgievski
said the Macedonian parliament had taken the position Macedonia should not
be used for attacks on any of its neighbors.

And, he said at a news conference after seeing Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright, Greece, Hungary and Bulgaria have similar positions.

However, Georgievski said, if NATO decides to invade, ``We will have to put
it to the Macedonian parliament again.''

Georgievski, leader of the tiniest Balkans nation, appealed also for U.S.
assistance. Albright, responding, said Congress already has approved $22
million in economic assistance and $15 million in technical aid.

Cohen stressed that the administration and NATO are committed to continuing
the air campaign and using ground troops in a peacekeeping role only after
there is a peace agreement with Belgrade. Nonetheless, when pressed for
details on Thursday's meeting, Cohen said, ``I'm sure there will be a full
range of discussions, questions about whether or not there would be any kind
of a ground option for a nonpermissive environment.'' He added that there is
no NATO consensus for a ground invasion.

White House spokesman Joe Lockhart said the focus of Clinton's meeting with
his military advisers would be ``the air campaign and its effectiveness.''

``You should not look at this as a decision meeting,'' Lockhart said,
stressing the idea is simply to discuss all NATO options available.

Other administration officials, meanwhile, said today that a U.S.-Russian
plan for a new diplomatic overture to Yugoslavia has not resolved all
differences on what kind of peacekeeping force would go into Kosovo, but
Albright said there was ``sufficient agreement'' to move forward on the

State Department spokesman James P. Rubin said it was ``an open question''
whether Russia would participate in sending peacekeepers under NATO command
and with NATO at its core as demanded by the allies.

But in a gesture to Moscow, Rubin said the Clinton administration would not
object to adoption of a resolution by the United Nations to endorse the
peacekeeping plan after a settlement to protect returning refugees.

Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic previously had flatly rejected the
plan and NATO's demands for a withdrawal of virtually all Serb troops from

Russian mediator Viktor Chernomyrdin and President Martti Ahtisaari of
Finland were going together to Belgrade today to present the new diplomatic
initiative. The plan grew out of lengthy talks in Bonn, Germany, with Deputy
Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, Chernomyrdin and Ahtisaari.

``We think the areas of agreement are sufficiently large to justify a joint
trip,'' Rubin said. ``The ball clearly is in Mr. Milosevic's court.''

Chernomyrdin said NATO troops will be under NATO command, while the Russian
troops will be controlled by the Russian command.

Talbott, speaking later, said the Western alliance 

[CTRL] draft-dodging waco killer orders 9,000 purple hearts

1999-05-28 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

"FREE SPEECH! Use it, or lose it!"
--- Ken Hamblin



 LEE GRAVES this week got some good news for his business, but not very good
news for soldiers.

"On Wednesday, we got the official order to make 9,000 Purple Hearts," he
told me from Tomball, Texas.

Purple Hearts are awarded to servicemen and women who are wounded in the
zone of hostility during war.

But we are not fighting a war, according to Bill Clinton, we are just
"degrading" Slobo's war machine. OK.

Then why in good God's name are we making Purple Hearts if we are not in a
war and we don't expect casualties?

"I was a little surprised to get that big an order from the Defense
Logistics Agency," said Graves, boss of medal-making Graco Industries.

"I have been producing medals and campaign ribbons for 20 years and never
have I been asked by the Defense Department to come up with a Purple Heart.

"But 9,000 Purple Hearts. Yes, well I am surprised."

The order is stone-dead cold, according to Lee, a Good Ol' Boy who has done
his time in the trenches of foreign wars.

"I think I am right - they [Washington] want 1,400 Purple Hearts for
November, 1,400 for December, 1,600 for January, 1,600 for February, 1,600
for March and 1,400 for April."

Unless we have a war, why would the Defense Department be asking for Purple

"Off the top of my head, I am guessing that 9,000 would be about 10 percent
casualties of our being there. Wounded, I pray. That sounds right. I sure
hope nobody gets killed."

So, even though Clinton has always told us that ground troops would never be
an option and he announced it to Slobodan Milosevic, guess what.

Well, the Pentagon must think otherwise.

I called Christina Di Memmo, the public-affairs officer at the Defense
Logistics Agency in Philadelphia, which is the groundhog for Pentagon

"I am not the person to give an official response," she said politely.

If I can't get a comment from an official spokesperson, then who can I get
to talk?

Dutifully, she called back later and said, "We are simply maintaining the
quantity of supply."

Nobody wanted 9,000 Purple Hearts last year.

Bill Clinton isn't taking my calls today.

Silly Billy.

Now, if Silly Billy for once in his life is playing good poker with Slobbo,
and not tipping his mitt, I will, for once in my life, applaud him.

But if the Pentagon is saying, "Screw this draft-dodging mook, we are going
in, ground troops and all," then it tells us the measure of Clinton's

William Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, told a packed New York Post
breakfast forum on Tuesday: "There will be U.S. troops in Kosovo by

Whether his "Kristol Ball" is better than mine or whether he knew about
9,000 Purple Hearts being ordered, I don't know.

But I do know what Lee Graves says honestly: "For 20 years, we have been
making medals and ribbons for the armed services.

"We have never been requested to make Purple Hearts for the armed forces.
Never. Truthfully, I hope they are not needed."

Yep, I think we are going in.

Better to kill the killers than bomb the living daylights out of innocent
civilians who are the descendants, as Henry Kissinger said, of people who
stood by us in two world wars and spat in Hitler's face.

 New York Post®, nypostonline.com™, nypost.com™ and newyorkpost.com™ are
registered trademarks of NYP Holdings, Inc. Copyright 1999 NYP Holdings,
Inc. All rights reserved.

"No blood for blow jobs"
   --a placard

"Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is
finished, bringeth forth death" (James 1:15).

Stealing is an insensitivity to the importance of another human being and
their privilege of their will, plus their right to use their will as they
choose, and/or their individual success or rightful place in society."

(^) Bard (^)

Passionate Charter Member
of the International Society
of Clinton-haters, and the
Organization for the Defense of the Republic
from the Evils of Marxist Socialism/Communism.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] Draft dodging, War monger Liberals

1999-04-14 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

can you please stop defining a political belief by it's poltician's? i
really hate it when people do this. because Clinton (who i have absolutely
no respect for, incidentally) calls himself a liberal does not necessarily
mean he is one, it is merely another lie. i would've thought you'd have
figured out that the idea of him being a libertarian was just another one
of his endless stream of lies.

btw, about the british labour party, i'd hardly call the leadership and all
the faithful little Blairites the 'leading lights', Tony Benn has come out
very strongly against the war.

When people condemn one pointless war, and encourage a different, even more
pointless war which has all the makings of a large regional conflict or
even a world war, this means that they are merely liars. liars should not
be defined as 'libertarian' or 'conservative' or 'socialist', they should
be defined as only one thing, 'liar'.

although the label of politician would do equally well

 Where have all the Western liberals gone?  Nearly two weeks into
 NATO's war against Serbia, there is barely a whimper of protest in
 either Europe or North America.  But then you can't expect Western
 peaceniks to protest against a war they themselves are waging.

 Nearly eight years ago, the U.S. Democrats came very close to
 denying the President, Mr. George Bush, the authority to wage a war
 against Iraq's Mr. Saddam Hussein.  But now it is a Democrat in the
 White House who is pursuing an open-ended war in the Balkans.  In
 Britain, many leading lights of the Labour Party and the Left had
 strongly protested against the Gulf War.  Now a Labour Prime
 Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, is among the NATO hawks on Kosovo.

 The reversal of attitudes towards war and peace among liberals is
 most visible in Germany, where the ruling alliance of Social
 Democrats and pacifist Greens has ordered the German bombers into
 combat for the first time since the end of Second World War.

 Until recently, German public opinion refused to endorse the
 participation of German armed forces even in international peace-
 keeping missions, given the sensitivities arising from the Nazi
 past.  But now there is strong support in Germany for the war
 against Serbia.

 In France, where the intelligentsia traditionally revelled in
 opposing American "Cowboy imperialism", is backing the war against
 Serbia.  The French Government, which had been promoting the idea
 of a "multipolar world" is now firmly with the United States in the
 Balkan war.

 The conservative French President, Mr. Jacques Chirac, and
 Socialist Prime Minister, Mr. Lionel Jospin, have set aside
 political differences and the traditional suspicion of the NATO
 to line up behind the bombing of Belgrade.

 Although there is some unease in Europe -- particularly among the
 former Communists and in Greece -- at the unfolding war in the
 Balkans, the measure of political unity that has emerged in the
 Continent against Serbia is unprecedented.  A war started by the
 Western liberals in the Balkans has now gained strong support from
 the conservatives -- of course, for entirely different reasons.

 The liberals have always recoiled at the idea of going to war in
 pursuit of such crass objectives as balance of power, geopolitics,
 or securing valuable natural resources such as oil.  The European
 liberals were particularly irked by what they saw as attempts by
 the U.S. to drag their nations, through the NATO, into such wars.

 They see the war in the Balkans, however, as being driven not by
 narrow national interests but by the moral imperative of preventing
 "genocide", "ethnic cleansing" and the return of "barbarism" to
 Europe.  Although many in the world may not share this view,
 there is no denying the strength of this belief in Europe, and
 the absence of any sympathy for the Serb point of view.

 When the Balkan crisis began to unfold at the turn of the 1990s,
 the then U.S. President, Mr. Bush, was extremely reluctant to get
 involved.  Despite the fact that he had successfully waged the Gulf
 War in the name of a "New world Order", Mr. Bush was determined not
 to repeat the adventure in the Balkans.

 Mr. Bush and other American conservative internationalists seemed
 to say "we don't have dog in that fight".  With no conceivable
 geopolitical interest in the Balkans, the Bush Administration was
 quite happy to leave it to the European powers to manage the
 crisis.  It was the American liberals who challenged the Republican
 policy of benign neglect and kept up the demand for a U.S. military

 In his election campaign against Mr. Bush, Mr. Clinton attacked
 the American inaction in the Balkans.  But when he took over as
 President, Mr. Clinton was equally wary of being drawn into the
 Balkan quagmire.  But as the European efforts failed and the
 political pressure from the liberals mounted, Mr. Clinton got the
 U.S. inextricably entangled into the conflict by the mid- 1990s.

Re: [CTRL] Draft dodging, War monger Liberals

1999-04-13 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/12/99 7:31:55 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Where have all the Western liberals gone?  Nearly two weeks into
   NATO's war against Serbia, there is barely a whimper of protest in
   either Europe or North America.  But then you can't expect Western
   peaceniks to protest against a war they themselves are waging.

   Nearly eight years ago, the U.S. Democrats came very close to
   denying the President, Mr. George Bush, the authority to wage a war
   against Iraq's Mr. Saddam Hussein.  But now it is a Democrat in the
   White House who is pursuing an open-ended war in the Balkans.  In
   Britain, many leading lights of the Labour Party and the Left had
   strongly protested against the Gulf War.  Now a Labour Prime
   Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, is among the NATO hawks on Kosovo.

   The reversal of attitudes towards war and peace among liberals is
   most visible in Germany, where the ruling alliance of Social
   Democrats and pacifist Greens has ordered the German bombers into
   combat for the first time since the end of Second World War.

   Until recently, German public opinion refused to endorse the
   participation of German armed forces even in international peace-
   keeping missions, given the sensitivities arising from the Nazi
   past.  But now there is strong support in Germany for the war
   against Serbia.

   In France, where the intelligentsia traditionally revelled in
   opposing American "Cowboy imperialism", is backing the war against
   Serbia.  The French Government, which had been promoting the idea
   of a "multipolar world" is now firmly with the United States in the
   Balkan war.

   The conservative French President, Mr. Jacques Chirac, and
   Socialist Prime Minister, Mr. Lionel Jospin, have set aside
   political differences and the traditional suspicion of the NATO
   to line up behind the bombing of Belgrade.

   Although there is some unease in Europe -- particularly among the
   former Communists and in Greece -- at the unfolding war in the
   Balkans, the measure of political unity that has emerged in the
   Continent against Serbia is unprecedented.  A war started by the
   Western liberals in the Balkans has now gained strong support from
   the conservatives -- of course, for entirely different reasons.

   The liberals have always recoiled at the idea of going to war in
   pursuit of such crass objectives as balance of power, geopolitics,
   or securing valuable natural resources such as oil.  The European
   liberals were particularly irked by what they saw as attempts by
   the U.S. to drag their nations, through the NATO, into such wars.

   They see the war in the Balkans, however, as being driven not by
   narrow national interests but by the moral imperative of preventing
   "genocide", "ethnic cleansing" and the return of "barbarism" to
   Europe.  Although many in the world may not share this view,
   there is no denying the strength of this belief in Europe, and
   the absence of any sympathy for the Serb point of view.

I'm a liberal and I agree with this article.  We're through the Looking
Glass now.  Lawmakers I have admired are on TV saying we must do whatever is
needed to win this.  Senators who were opposed to Viet Nam (not to mention a
President who passionately opposed Viet Nam) are "championing" the cause of
the KLA and the Kosavars.

I am beginning to wonder if the ridiculous basis for impeachement was a
ruse to arouse the disgust of thoughtful people and bind them in loyalty to
the "victim" president so we would be loyal to him while he uses our huge
military force to decimate cities and people during this "humanitarian"

Imagine the likes of me calling Trent Lott and Jesse Helms to thank them
for their opposition to this NATO action.  Imagine the likes of me vowing
never to use the name "Kennedy" and the word "humanitarian" in the same
sentence again, except to point out that he ISN'T one.

The doves have become hawks and the hawks doves.  The country has gone


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory 

[CTRL] Draft dodging, War monger Liberals

1999-04-12 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 from:  http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3709d42e77ce.htm

 Kosovo: the liberals' war
 By C. Raja Mohan
 The Hindu
 NEW DELHI, April 5.

 Where have all the Western liberals gone?  Nearly two weeks into
 NATO's war against Serbia, there is barely a whimper of protest in
 either Europe or North America.  But then you can't expect Western
 peaceniks to protest against a war they themselves are waging.

 Nearly eight years ago, the U.S. Democrats came very close to
 denying the President, Mr. George Bush, the authority to wage a war
 against Iraq's Mr. Saddam Hussein.  But now it is a Democrat in the
 White House who is pursuing an open-ended war in the Balkans.  In
 Britain, many leading lights of the Labour Party and the Left had
 strongly protested against the Gulf War.  Now a Labour Prime
 Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, is among the NATO hawks on Kosovo.

 The reversal of attitudes towards war and peace among liberals is
 most visible in Germany, where the ruling alliance of Social
 Democrats and pacifist Greens has ordered the German bombers into
 combat for the first time since the end of Second World War.

 Until recently, German public opinion refused to endorse the
 participation of German armed forces even in international peace-
 keeping missions, given the sensitivities arising from the Nazi
 past.  But now there is strong support in Germany for the war
 against Serbia.

 In France, where the intelligentsia traditionally revelled in
 opposing American "Cowboy imperialism", is backing the war against
 Serbia.  The French Government, which had been promoting the idea
 of a "multipolar world" is now firmly with the United States in the
 Balkan war.

 The conservative French President, Mr. Jacques Chirac, and
 Socialist Prime Minister, Mr. Lionel Jospin, have set aside
 political differences and the traditional suspicion of the NATO
 to line up behind the bombing of Belgrade.

 Although there is some unease in Europe -- particularly among the
 former Communists and in Greece -- at the unfolding war in the
 Balkans, the measure of political unity that has emerged in the
 Continent against Serbia is unprecedented.  A war started by the
 Western liberals in the Balkans has now gained strong support from
 the conservatives -- of course, for entirely different reasons.

 The liberals have always recoiled at the idea of going to war in
 pursuit of such crass objectives as balance of power, geopolitics,
 or securing valuable natural resources such as oil.  The European
 liberals were particularly irked by what they saw as attempts by
 the U.S. to drag their nations, through the NATO, into such wars.

 They see the war in the Balkans, however, as being driven not by
 narrow national interests but by the moral imperative of preventing
 "genocide", "ethnic cleansing" and the return of "barbarism" to
 Europe.  Although many in the world may not share this view,
 there is no denying the strength of this belief in Europe, and
 the absence of any sympathy for the Serb point of view.

 When the Balkan crisis began to unfold at the turn of the 1990s,
 the then U.S. President, Mr. Bush, was extremely reluctant to get
 involved.  Despite the fact that he had successfully waged the Gulf
 War in the name of a "New world Order", Mr. Bush was determined not
 to repeat the adventure in the Balkans.

 Mr. Bush and other American conservative internationalists seemed
 to say "we don't have dog in that fight".  With no conceivable
 geopolitical interest in the Balkans, the Bush Administration was
 quite happy to leave it to the European powers to manage the
 crisis.  It was the American liberals who challenged the Republican
 policy of benign neglect and kept up the demand for a U.S. military

 In his election campaign against Mr. Bush, Mr. Clinton attacked
 the American inaction in the Balkans.  But when he took over as
 President, Mr. Clinton was equally wary of being drawn into the
 Balkan quagmire.  But as the European efforts failed and the
 political pressure from the liberals mounted, Mr. Clinton got the
 U.S. inextricably entangled into the conflict by the mid- 1990s.

 The Balkans have became the new testing ground for the convictions
 of postmodern liberal internationalism in the West.  Since the end
 of the Cold War, liberal internationalists have been the strongest
 champions of Western intervention in the internal affairs of other
 nations in pursuit of universal values.

 Discarding the earlier distrust of interventionary policies,
 induced by the Vietnam war, the liberals now sought to mobilise
 Western state power to set right every wrong in the world -- from
 human rights to environmental standards and from religious freedom
 to sexual orientation.

 Whether it was to save failing States in Somalia or Haiti, or the
 promotion of democracy in China and Myanmar, the liberals called
 for greater American activism through use of either military force

[CTRL] Draft

1998-12-08 Thread Laura Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

From what I understand Many organizations realize that
there are things that will contribute to AIDS, ADD, ADHD,
and Diabetes.  This draft not only covers those that have
obvious reactions to things but as a (possible) leap board
to regulate the drug/chemical industry.  Called pharmasudical
but they also make many of the chemicals that we spread on our
lawns and farmers spread on the crops.  In trying to get out of
this (some) are trying to say that they can do these things
with genetics instead.  This might allow the labeling of genetically
modified food in the supermarket as well.  Why?  If the EPA and
the FDA get together they if people react to something then
it will be able to be regulated.  Think of Peanuts.  Yet if this goes

through without enough comments, that potential may be down the
drain.  My web page is cut and paste (on purpose) so that it is
easily printed and all links will show.  Take what you need but the
essays are mine.  Will put in something about the fact that I will
them to be used for research purposes.  I eventually want to make
money from writing, but I am too busy with this to even apply
Any way that is why all the essays will be on other pages.  I will
endeavor to
keep the main page for information and research only.  If anyone sees

something that seems to be off line on the main page - please drop me
line because even once the deadline for this draft is done, the work
has just started.
aka The Pied Piper

Hi everyone,
Seems like eons since I have had the company of the list.  I had
problems with my NEW Micron computer and after much discussion they
replaced the defective one.  If MSN can handle the email from the
list I
should be up and going again.

I have reviewed the ATSDR REPORT and the responses on enviroknow and
that no one is responding to the bullet that will kill--that is--
RISK/BENEFIT at the end of the report.  This very deadly line has
endangered species to drift into extinction, and that would include
chemically poisoned/injured.  When the government slaps this
ANYTHING it is a death sentence and would require that over 51% of
population be officially recognized to be affected negatively by
in order for anything to be done.  Currently, the deck is stacked
(erroneously) toward the BENEFIT of chemicals.  After Vietnam's Agent

and Gulf War Syndrome and the resultant warfare waged by the Pentagon

against its own personnel, who are considered as acceptable costs of
war (chemically injured humans/other creatures are considered
costs of "doing business in america"), one can conclude that our
pleas for
justice fall on a soul-less government's deaf ears.

My graduate degrees are in environmental philosophy and the study of
environmental degradation on humans.  Perhaps the public at large is
aware of the dangers of the RISK/BENEFIT paradigm.  The RISK/BENEFIT
paradigm is invoked to insure a win, and though it deliberately takes
up a
very small part of the Report, it carries the most weight.  In order
defeat the R/B paradigm, the scales must tip to more people being
at RISK from chemicals and unfortunately the uninformed public
around in their usual delusional brain fog that any danger exists and
the FDA, EPA, and other LMNOP's will warn us of problems.  Dream
on.   The
chemical poisoners spend billions to lull the masses into a false
sense of
security regarding their products.   It is odd that illnesses such as
are known worldwide, and are indeed very horrendous, but AIDS pales
ubiquity to MCS or however the "THEY" have chosen to label chemical
poisoning.  In a just society the public is warned of "clear and
dangers--but in our society we are told that the public should not be


If anyone would like to join me in a response that addresses the R/B
the report let me know.  I am sickened by the medical professions,
governmental agencies, and chemical manufacturers refusal to address
rights to the "pursuit of life liberty and happiness"  many of us
all three.  Our civil rights are being violated and perhaps we need
address this issue from another angle--my 27 years of chemically
life has taught me which battles to fight wherein at least I may have
chance to be victorious and try to live the rest of my life in a
other than fight for survival.

Mad Mag
*End of Forwarded*
To any that are intrested these links are at the top
of my home page and the draft closes
on the 15 of Dec.

my ICQ# 14484977
Education: A House of Mirrors
Legislation and what we are allowing by Letting our
children be labeled as only ADD or ADHD
http://www.cec.sped.org/faq/gt-ld.htm (New 16 Oct 98)

3) Uncover Myths in Education
Myth 1 That Home Schoolers Need to be under the