-Caveat Lector-

Educating for the Collective State
Diane Alden
Aug. 23, 2001

In Minnesota education has always been important in the lives of
its people and their children. It is a state that has an
independent streak and caters to the tough immigrants and settlers
who decided that America's Siberia was an okay place to live and
raise kids.
Nonetheless, the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes is not immune to the
central planning of the burgeoning collectivist state located in
Washington, D.C. Parents, along with some educators, professionals
and legislators, have been battling the directives of those
bureaucrats and politicians who are forcing on the states Outcome
Based Education, Goals 2000, School-To-Work, Workforce Investment
Act, invasive student surveys, whole language, revisionist history,
and "integrated" math. (Integrated math teaches that there is no
right answer; there is little deduction grounded in mathematical
skills requiring the "boring" work of memorization or learning
without depending on a calculator.)

Located in St. Paul, Minnesota, Minnesota's Maple River Coalition
has been getting the word out about what is really going on in
education today. They understand the latest effort by central
planners to turn kids into human "capital." Its current
manifestation is George Bush's "No Child Left Behind." Apparently,
it is one more expensive, destructive program emanating from policy
wonks and "experts" along with politicians in the "amen" corner
throwing money and influence at it. Like the rest of the new
policies and systems it is little more than a plan to train workers
for the centrally planned world economy we will be sharing in the
not-too-distant future.

On September 29, 2001, a group of parents, educators and
legislators will meet in Arden Hills, Minnesota, in order to
discuss and plan a strategy to circumvent the "new" old system of
education. For more information go to their website at

As Minnesota education activists have discovered, the new wine of
education "reform" is the same old bottle of blinding moonshine
offered by the federal feudal barons in D.C. Along with educrats
firmly ensconced in their air-conditioned imperial offices in
Washington and in the states, they offer one more government answer
to America's self-created educational "crisis."

The "new" idea from the Bush administration is the same creation of
a national curriculum. Eventually all these octopus programs will
reach out and control private schools and homeschools under the
collectivist intellectual leaky big tent.

It isn't that Minnesota's parents and educators don't care and have
given up. Indeed, that is not the case. These intelligent,
concerned groups and individuals have been attempting to find a
workable solution in a state that has always offered decent
educational opportunities. Minnesota usually ranks high in national
tests, as do most other upper Midwest states.

In 2000 the Minnesota State Legislature tried to offer local
communities some autonomy in order to allow them flexibility in
developing their curriculum. Shortly thereafter, the U.S.
Department of Education gave notice to the state that there could
be NO deviation from federal requirements. The threat of losing all
federal money was the "willing seller" club to be used to bash the
state in order to force it to comply with federal standards.
Standards which Minnesotans had found wanting because they are
mediocre and geared to the lowest common denominator.

The upcoming Maple River Conference will endeavor to show people
what is happening and how terrible even "No Child Left Behind" is
for children of the state and the nation. The speakers and experts
will make suggestions on how to counter federal education despotism
over the states. It is interesting to note that one of the
conference topics is "Federal Workforce Investment Act:
Restructuring for a State-Planned Economy." Another topic is
bringing private schools and homeschools into the "seamless web."
With the U.S. Department of Education and the "experts" involved,
it is more likely that the outcome will be a federally sponsored,
centrally planned nightmare from hell.

Seamless Web of Deception

Every bad idea has a father - sometimes several fathers. The
current state of American education is the bastard child of several
fathers. The bad ideas that are forcing states like Minnesota into
compliance with a failed system and structure goes back into the
19th century. One of the fathers of the red-haired stepchild is
Georg Hegel. He is patriarch of one of the worst intellectual and
philosophical systems in the history of mankind. It is a sad fact
but every bad idea in the last 200 years can be found in some
Prussian school of social philosophy.

I'm not picking on the Germans, so pull in your horns. I am picking
on a school of thought which just happened to develop in Germany
but can find its roots in Plato and Rousseau. As Paulo Lionni says
in "The Leipzig Connection" (1993): Germany was the center of
scientific and technological advances. . Hegel, at the University
of Berlin, proposed to make history a scientific subject."

Out of the Hegelian German philosophical tradition came the first
psychologist, one Maximillian Wundt. He established the world's
first psychological laboratory. Wundt's "contribution," according
to Lionni, was to conclude that "man is devoid of spirit and
self-determination. ." From the Wundtian school slithered American
educrats like Edward Lee Thorndike, G. Stanton Hall, John Dewey,
and our current crop of "experts."

Thorndike was very powerful in shaping the entire educational
system we are stuck with today. The modern incarnations of
Wundtians are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. These two, along with
Dewey, are demi-gods in most colleges of education today. However,
it is Wundt and Thorndike who influenced John Dewey, the father of
American education.

Thorndike's theory, which Dewey adopted, depends on behavior
modification based on denying pleasure to a child. Common sense
might indicate that offering a more explicit and action-related
"negative" punishment would work better. These days that is not
only discouraged, it is almost illegal. The gratification-based
theory has won out, and as a result reason and responsibility have
been dumped. John Dewey maintained that actual education, as
opposed to socialization, prevented socialism from taking hold in

In the last 35 years the tragic feel-good chicken has come home to
roost in every level of American society. The pointy-heads of the
1800s and early 1900s share much of the blame. In addition,
American foundations have funded most of this anti-human,
anti-intellectual claptrap. They have done so for less than
altruistic reasons. American foundations since the beginning have
funded efforts to train children, especially children of the lower
classes, and they continue to do so today. They do it out of
elitism and snobbery and the desire to control what may impact
their interests.

The ideas of Hegel and John Dewey have led to the intellectual and
educational destruction of several generations of children. It is a
system that creates the corporate citizen, who is a barely
literate, uneducated, undisciplined drone. It is a system based on
gratification at the expense of logic, reason, and intellectual and
ethical behavior. There is very little place for sacrifice in this
system or for denying oneself for a future good for the individual,
as it offers more power and control to the state.

Thus it is that the system Dewey brought into existence has its
roots in totalitarian philosophy. Lost somewhere is the early
American idea of a child being educated as a thinking, critical
human being with an innate dignity and value as a human being.
Instead we get the human being as a 'commodity,' a form of capital
to be manipulated for reasons created by the state's central
planners. Cloning and creating embryos in laboratories is part of
this entire notion of humanity as commodity. All of it of course is

done for the very best of reasons - for the greater good. How

As part of the new system created by Dewey and the rest, a child is
taught to "feel" more than he is encouraged to think. His
self-esteem becomes a matter of more importance than learning and
absorbing a body of knowledge. A child is spared sacrifice and
effort and occasional drudgery and boredom for the sake of
gratification. In this brave new world system, self-gratification
and self-esteem become the highest good as long as they fit in with
the needs of society at large, i.e., the State or Hegel's "Oneness
of Mind."

Hegel built on the collectivist fantasy called "oneness of mind."
His system is working very well in America today. That system seeks
to create crisis, create opposition to crisis, and then effect the
'wanted' solution. Our political parties and politicians either
have no clue as to what experts steeped in Hegelian theory have
wrought or they are complicit.

The fact is the system veers from crisis to crisis but the solution
is always the "wanted" solution. The solution always involves more
interference from the central planners and more money from the
taxpayers. In fact, for years our politicians have merely been
discussing and wrangling over rearranging the deck chairs on
America's educational Titanic. Meanwhile, the ship continues to the
bottom of the ocean with most passengers still on board. What
Americans will get for their trouble is children who will be forced
or coerced into becoming quiet cogs in the new world corporate

In the future, this new American will become a socialized automaton
content with his or her lot in life, a corporate citizen willing to
give up certain freedoms in order to obtain security or goods from
the state. In other words, a person who will fit into the
collective state rather than rise above it.

Since Edward Everett and Horace Mann in Massachusetts in the
mid-1800s, government involvement in education had almost
invariably been to produce the trained person rather than the
educated person. In various tomes educational psychologists and
philosophers like Dewey come out and say the average person becomes
a commodity or human capital to fill their slot in Hegel's "oneness
of mind."

In 1971, Harvard economist Lester Thurow wrote "Investment in Human
Capital" and there have been many such books since. In fact, most
companies consider human beings to be part of their investment as

This is an international phenomenon as well. In 1971, UNESCO
created an outline for an educational system that would allow
students to choose a vocational field in part-time work in which
they would receive a certificate of educational attainment. A few
years later, Hillary Clinton's adviser Michael Lerner penned "The
New Socialist Revolution" in which he states that "education will
be radically transformed in our socialist community. . [T]he main
emphasis will how to be to live and work collectively."

Meanwhile, in the late '80s Carnegie Corporation gave $600,000 to
create a Soviet-American Exchange Agreement. Out of that effort
came Professors Martin Haberman and James Collins' "The Future of
Teaching Profession." They state that "schooling is now seen
primarily as job training and, for this reason, quite comparable to
schooling in NON-democratic societies . emphasizing preparation for
work as its first purpose."

In addition, in the last 12 years important educational policy
formation moved from the Carnegie Forum, morphing into the National
Center on Education and the Economy. Out of that foundation came
National Education Goals, which in turn became America 2000 and
Goals 2000. Among the board members were Hillary Clinton and David
Rockefeller Jr.

Their influence led to SCANS, the Secretary's Commission on
Achieving Necessary Skills, used by the Department of Labor. In
1991, a SCANS report recommended establishing a certification of
competency something like Germany's certificate of mastery. In the
German system of today, children are tracked starting at age 10 and
forced into a rigid system whereby there is little movement between

Hillary Clinton has been promoting these notions since the '80s.
They work nicely with her allegiance to the collectivist concepts
of Herbert Marcuse, Antonio Gramsci and Georg Hegel. Hillary
absorbed and has worked toward collectivist and statist goals since
her undergraduate days at an expensive elite Northeast university.
Similarly, other Democratic Socialists like Senator Ted Kennedy
promote School-To-Work type concepts.

Oddly, the senator and his relatives have short memories. He
forgets that in the 1800s, WASPS such as Edward Everett and Horace
Mann and J.D. Rockefeller had absolutely no love for Catholic Irish
immigrant children. Thus, they concocted a Prussian training
program that is accelerating in the modern era. We are getting that
system codified and paid for by ignorant taxpayers and venal and
corrupt politicians.

Luckily, Hillary, Kennedy and their families were able to buy
themselves an expensive education. Their children and grandchildren
will be the new feudal barons. They have made it much easier to buy
and pay for education "experts" who will develop the drones for the
collectivist state. The vast majority of ordinary children,
especially the poor and underprivileged, are going to be out of
luck. Too bad that Jesse Jackson and the Democratic Socialists are
so corrupt and deceitful that they don't care. Too bad Republicans
are too lazy, ignorant, cowardly OR complicit to stop it.

As part of this, Republican George Bush's "No Child Left Behind" is
full of potential statist traps. This effort by his administration
merely promotes a national curriculum based on skills testing.
There will be precious little testing of a body of knowledge, i.e.,
reading and math. It is a system that further erodes local control.
Like Goals 2000 it intimates that too much time is spent on core
curriculum as opposed to skills learning useful to a centrally
planned state economy.

NewsMax learned from David Thompson, head of the Maple River
Coalition, that red flags appear in the Bush plan. They include
requiring tests every year from grades 3 to 8. These tests have to
be state-approved and in effect must be approved by the federal
government. Of course, that same government through legislation and
funding is promoting the education model of the Soviet and Prussian
ideal. That ideal is to train children for jobs rather than to
educate them in knowledge that will allow them to seek their own
goals, thus expanding their options.

It is happening. American children are learning job-oriented skills
as opposed to gaining self-sufficiency and independence through
actual core curriculum. In such a manner they are becoming docile
and mediocre individuals. Lost to them is excellence and expanding
their creativity. In fact, that is what government schools are all

Whether politicians like Bush are aware or not is moot. As long as
government funds and promotes these horrors they will impact local
and state schools and eventually even private schooling and
homeschooling. What the central planners can't get through the
front door they will get through the back door.

The Prussian and Soviet models that the establishment is pursuing
include the certificates of mastery program. Again, that is the
model which David Rockefeller and Hillary Clinton promoted in the
early '90s. Various states are toying with the idea that young
people would not be able to be employed unless they obtained one of
these certificates through the state testing.

However, it is not knowledge that they will have mastered. Instead,
what the central planners are seeking are social and job skills
deemed necessary by the corporate state at the national and
international level. In effect children in private schools and
homeschools may be unable to get employment through the mastery
program. They might have math and reading down pat and know it
inside and out. However, the tests are politically correct quizzes
about lifestyle and relationships, and government-school children
are being trained to pass them. Homeschool children are not.

Parents don't realize that they are paying for the training of
future feudal subjects of an international centrally planned state.
The important thing will be the needs of the state as the only
criteria for education and eventual state control of every aspect
of their children's lives, not to mention their own.

As Mr. Thompson maintained, "There is no freedom in this system; it
violates the principle of freedom and local control."

When I was a kid we took the Iowa Basic Skills test. That test is
still available but it is being changed to "harmonize" with the
NAEP (National Assessment Educational Progress) test. The NAEP
advocates a national curriculum. However, it is a curriculum heavy
into political correctness and social engineering. It
institutionalizes that social engineering for the centrally planned
state. Local control is out the window and that is why people are
leaving the school systems. Also out the window is any concept of a
core curriculum based on a secure knowledge of the 3 Rs.

The lack of responsiveness to parents' concerns by local school
systems these days has more to do with the intransigence and
federalization of schools than anything else. The REAL problem isn'
t rotten teachers who don't want to teach. In fact several sources
indicate Minnesota teachers are afraid to speak out lest their jobs
be put in jeopardy. I am sure that is the case in many other states
besides Minnesota.

Therefore, it isn't only the NEA (National Education Association)
that is the problem. We have people in power who in their heart of
hearts are little more than fascists, men and women who believe in
a system where some pigs are more equal than others. Unfortunately,
not even our supposedly conservative politicians seem to have a

Thus, the American education system is becoming the same as the
Soviet and German models. Even so, America's children can't measure
up to the bare minimum standards maintained by those systems.

There seems to be little American parents can do unless they want
to dump every single member of Congress, totally de-fund multiple
departments of government along with the toadies in the private
sector, and get rid of most bureaucracies at all levels. Finally,
they have to wise up to the fact that whoever we elect for
president, the result will be the same. It is the Hegelian trap:
Create crisis, create a counter-crisis. The solution is always the
same, and so are the goals and end result. Because of that, the
American system of education, the republic, and our children are

A warning to private school and homeschool parents: DON'T BE
COMPLACENT. The parents of children outside government schools,
have pitifully few friends in Congress or in government. According
to testimony before the Minnesota Legislature by an official
associated with the Iowa Basic Skills, i.e., the National Norm
Reference Test, that test is being "harmonized" to comply with NAEP
standards. The "seamless web" the feds and the Hegelian politicians
are seeking will create intellectual and social gulags for the
nation's children. THAT includes private school and homeschool
children as well.

Local school district control is bogus and as ephemeral as "willing
seller" is to CARA (Conservation and Reinvestment Act). When you
believe your particular politician, you are placing your trust in
someone who is possibly stupid, blind, or a corrupt liar. A person
apparently more interested in re-election than in doing what is
right by your children or the Constitution.

Republicans are no help. Both Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. have promoted
hare-brained educational schemes because they fell for the
blathering of the "experts" who ruined the system in the first
place. As it turns out, the federal government is rotten in 90
percent of what it attempts. It has no business in creating
government schools. Certainly it has no business dictating to local
communities that have had a record of successfully educating their
own children.

Minnesota has done well by its children, but if the government has
its way, the kids will become corporate citizens the same way they
are going to be "harmonized" in the rest of the nation. We are
incorporating and accepting federally promoted educational
mediocrity and "training." Forget the matter of community and
familial "choice," because it will be forced out of existence.

In Communist China there is a name for what is happening in the
United States today. That name is "Dangan." It describes the
connection of human beings as capital in relation to the needs of
the state. In other words, in totalitarian regimes human life is
cheap and to be manipulated and so is human potential. Human
potential invariably upsets the apple cart of the power brokers of
the world. In China's "Dangan" system individuals must be willing
to relinquish particular skills or dreams and allow themselves to
be "guided" on paths that are "best" for the wider society, i.e.,
the state.

America moves closer to that system every day.

Minnesota's Problem - Our National Problem

Underneath it all is man's age-old problem. Our elite, the control
freaks and users of human potential, have a belief neither in God,
in the American people, nor in the Constitution of the United
States. While our politicians continue to make decisions that
should get them thrown in jail they are rewarded by high-paying
jobs, eternal benefits, speaking engagements, trips that would make
a Roman emperor jealous, and all they have to do is get elected to

That political, cultural and social elite is warping our nation. A
nation where the children of the elite receive a decent education
but the vast majority will only be "trained" for the needs of the
corporate state.

In the end America's children may receive cradle-to-grave security,
but they will become perpetual wards of the state. In a thousand
little and big ways, America's parents and their children are no
longer free. To add insult to injury, they are dumbed-down subjects
of the corporate state. The average uninvolved parent and child do
not have the skills or knowledge to assist them in replacing the
dead and dying system.

What is exceptionally tragic is that most of them will not even
notice or care. They will live and die in state-sponsored
uniformity and conformity. They will be denied the experience and
recognition of the importance of the soul and heart and
individuality of man. They will comply with a system that the
American elite has been putting into place for a hundred years.
Such a system doesn't need to be reformed; it needs to be ended,
because every American is entitled to pursue his or her own dreams.
Each American deserves a decent education NOT provided by the
central planners in the corporate state.

Finally, never forget where our rights and dignity come from.
Contrary to what the political elite believes, those rights are
unalienable and come from God.

For more info on the Minnesota Conference and topics like "The
Three-Part Federal System: Loss of Local Control"; "Can States
Really Set Their Own Standards?"; "The National Curriculum";
"Federal Workforce Investment Act: Restructuring for a
State-Planned Economy"; PLUS Babby Ed, NAEP, SCANS work skills,
absorbing private and homeschooling:
Http:www.mredco.com and 651-646-0646 and David Thompson.

My website is www.aldenchronicles.com and my e-mail address for the
time being is [EMAIL PROTECTED] Listen to me on Mondays and
Fridays with Steve Myers and Bob Winford on "Morning in America."
You can listen on the Internet.

Diane Alden is a research analyst with a background in political
science and economics. Her work has appeared in the Washington
Times as well as NewsMax.com, Enterstageright, American Partisan
and many other online publications. She also does radio
commentaries for Steve Myers' show on Liberty Works Monday and
Friday mornings, and can be heard regularly on Mike Fleming, WREC
in Memphis.

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