-Caveat Lector-

Fortress Europe
News: He taunted the police to shoot him. . . and then one of them did

THREE people shot, 600 detained, 12 policemen injured, several shops
trashed and burned: the 12 hours of non-stop violence which erupted in
Gothenburg as European leaders discussed plans to implement the Nice
Treaty's commitments last week was bloody and destructive.

Already, the riots have been bracketed with Irish voters' rejection of the
Nice Treaty as a sign of discontent with "the European project", a harbinger
of protests to come. In fact, the riots in Gothenburg were nothing of the sort.
They were the result of a small group of thugs who enjoy smashing up
and people, and for whom politics and ideology are merely a convenient fig
leaf for engaging in their favourite activity. They carried placards saying
"Smash capitalism" and banners with pictures of Marx, Lenin and Mao,
but no one should take that too seriously: the emphasis was on smashing,
not on capitalism, and most of them probably had no idea who the men whose
pictures they were carrying were, still less of what Communism is.

The rioters in Gothenburg do not represent anything except the thuggish
tendency and its delight in destruction. That is why the attempt to link them
with the voters who rejected the Nice Treaty in the Irish referendum is
completely misplaced. For the voters in Ireland who said "No" were law-
abiding citizens, people who pay their taxes, contribute to their society's
wealth and have a rational vision of what they want their country to be like -
which cannot be said of the thugs who torched Gothenburg.

Ireland is the only European country which has actually sought to test whether
there is a popular mandate for the Nice Treaty. Its rejection by ordinary voters
ought therefore to be profoundly alarming to the bureaucrats and politicians
who run the European Union. Unfortunately, they seem to think that popular
refusal doesn't count: the right course of action is simply to disregard it, and
plough on as if nothing had happened. Europe's ministers have made it clear t
hat they do not intend to change a single word of the treaty to placate Irish
concerns that it may compromise the country's neutrality - even though, according
to EU law, the treaty cannot be valid unless every country ratifies it.

Presumably, Eurocrats and Euro-politicians believe that it is time for the Irish
 government to dissolve their people and elect another.

European politicians, however, are not the only ones who have expressed
disdain for Ireland's voters. On Friday night, Peter Hain, our new Minister
for Europe, insisted that the Irish hadn't really rejected the Nice Treaty - they
can't have known what they were voting about, he said, because if they had,
they would have voted in favour rather than against it.

Mr Hain's contempt for the intelligence of ordinary voters is disquieting. He
does not seem to realise that, in a democracy, it is the people who authorise
politicians to do things, and not the other way round.

The EU has adopted a policy of intransigence on every dot and comma of
the Nice Treaty. It is a policy which risks losing it all. The treaty has valuable
elements: the enlargement of the Union to include states from Eastern Europe
is a sensible move, not least because it will ensure the abolition of the Common
Agricultural Policy, which will simply be unaffordable when the Poles,
Hungarians and the rest join. Enlargement will also weaken the Franco-German
axis at the heart of the EU: that will also be to the good, for it is that axis which
has tried to weld Europe into an embryonic super-state.

The ambitions of this axis have nurtured the fears of many European voters t
hat the EU is increasingly dictatorial, and that its ever-bolder exercise of power
is without legitimacy. The Germans, for instance, were not given the opportunity
to vote on whether they wanted to keep the mark, or abolish it in favour of the
euro, and nor were most of the other countries which have been railroaded into
the currency. It may mean that when the time comes to abolish the individual member
currencies in 2002, there will be, as the President of the European Parliament has
predicted, much more opposition than anyone has bargained for.

The real danger to the EU is not thugs throwing bricks at policemen and and
looting shops. It is the granite refusal of the organisation's politicians and
bureaucrats to consult with the people from whom their authority is supposed
to derive.

The electors still have the power to throw out governments which they think
have ceased to represent their concerns or protect their interests. The politicians
cannot use the police to protect themselves from that threat. It is richly symbolic
that subsequent European summits are now to be held in Brussels, rather than in
the countries which hold the presidency at the time. Under fire, the bureaucrats
have retreated to their fortress. But it is not the thuggish unemployed that they
should fear. It is the disenfranchised bourgeoisie.

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