-Caveat Lector-

If the choice is Al Gore or George W., there is really no choice at all.
The first will take you to hell in the fast lane,
the other will take you there in the slow lane.
Either way, your destination is the same
-- you're still on the highway to hell.

Visit:  http://www.infowars.com


-----Original Message-----
From: Vikki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 1999 3:02 AM
Subject: Fw: Origins Of HIV

-----Original Message-----
From: David Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: Origins Of HIV

>Congratulations, Dr. Horowitz, for another excellent example of common
>something I see not very often.  Your message is timely, and it is
>Please, do not ever hesitate to continue to spread this word; those who
>kill at the drop of a vaccination need to be exposed for the scum they are,
>you have done much to see that this happens.
>I am also happy to see the reference to Ozone treatment.  I personally know
of a
>number of people who have cured cancer using such, and I understand that
>have been using this in Europe to curtail, and possibly cure, AIDS for over
>years.  Of course, it must be just an accident, perhaps an oversite, that
>use of AIDS to treat such is 'illegal' within the United States.  God Bless
>and your work.  David G.
>Dr. Len Horowitz wrote:
>> Gary Krasner sent an internet memo regarding "Origins of HIV" in which he
>> criticized Dr. Horowitz, his colleagues, including Dr. Alan Cantwell, and
>> Dr. Horowitz's efforts in our bestselling book
>> "Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola--Nature, Accident or Intentional?"
>> Mr. Krasner's memo has been posted, along with the following reply from
>> Horowitz, on the FTP file of our website on www.tetrahedron.org.
>> Thank you in advance for your interest and support.
>> Response from Dr. Horowitz:
>> Dear Gary,
>> Thank you for giving my work in "Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature,
>> Accident, or Intentional?" so much critical attention.
>> In most corners, however, the scientific community, and the grassroots,
>> endorsed my work because, unlike Dr. Duesberg's, and now yours, I lay out
>> hard evidence in U.S. government documents to back my assertions. Though
>> your lengthy internet memo is compelling for those able to be deceived,
>> where is your documentation?
>> Who backs my work? For example, last week I got a call from Major General
>> Caleb Gwambo, the Office of the President, Nairobi, Kenya. He called to
>> thank me after purchasing 32 copies of "Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola".
>> gave them to the top political and public health leaders in his country.
>> They reviewed the documentation and decided to stop the World Health
>> Organization's experimental vaccine programs there. Have you and your
>> colleagues made such an impact?
>> Maj. Gwambo then passed the phone to their top AIDS scientist, Basil
>> Wainwright, Ph.D., who was persecuted and jailed in the United States for
>> advancing highly effective alternative medicine--oxygenation
>> cancer and AIDS. Both thanked me royally for the "likely hundreds of
>> thousands, if not millions," of lives they said my work will save!
>> You imply I am unsupportive to alternative medicine?
>> I do not have the time to address the several basic unsubstantiated
>> arguments you aim at my work. Readers of my book can gain these rebuttals
>> and draw their own conclusions. I would, however, like to show you, and
>> those interested, how off-base you are in your criticisms of me, and in
>> "conspiracy theory" that places me at the center of the Hegelian
>> that I first exposed in the AIDS arena.
>> Your fundamental criticism, repeated in this most recent internet memo,
>> absurd, totally false, and publicly misleading. You write that:
>> "One can just as easily postulate that Horowitz is the antithesis, put
>> by the NCI scientists to promote HIV=AIDS among the very constituency
>> would ordinarily be attracted to Duesberg's arguments (the wholistic,
>> anti-vaccine, anti-medical crowd)."
>> Gary, if you truly kept up with my work, that is, got a life beyond your
>> incessant fixation to deride my efforts, you might have read my
>> in my ninth book, "Deadly Innocence," published in 1993 in which I
>> supported, as a wholistic minded health professional, Dr. Duesberg's
>> thesis. Now again in my latest book, "Healing Codes for the Biological
>> Apocalypse," I do the same. Here, after reading Dr. Lo's 1993 patent on a
>> "Pathogenic Mycoplasma," obtained from AIDS patients, for the American
>> Registry of Pathology in collaboration with the Armed Forces Institute of
>> Pathology, being familiar with Dr. Nicolson's great work, I published:
>> "Lo's patent filing also revealed a fascinating and important finding
>> like Dr. Duesberg argued, "HIV does not cause AIDS," though it is
>> with the infection, Mycoplasma fermentans (incognitas strain), in fact,
>> be the single most important agent 'responsible' for the acquired immune
>> deficiency syndrome! Here's how Lo explained it . . ."
>> So anyone can read that I am not out to get Duesberg, or promote the
>> HIV=AIDS theory, as you claim. I am interested in the TRUTH and helping
>> protect and heal the world's populations.
>> What astounds me is that you believe, so readily, my work is part of a
>> "AIDS-conspiracy," yet neglect any appreciation for the mountain of
>> scientific and circumstantial evidence I advance that screams AIDS is a
>> genocidal conspiracy for population reduction. The medical term for this
>> myopism is called "scatoma." It's not an infectious disease, thank God. I
>> leave you to figure out how you got it.
>> Anyway, thanks again for all your strenuous efforts in advancing debate
>> this arena. If I didn't know better, I might suspect you were working
>> me to promote my work, which would make you a fellow "conspirator" in
>> theory. I'm sure you realize that in publishing and public relations, any
>> publicity is good publicity for selling books. Again, if I didn't know
>> better, I would credit you as part of the "conspiracy" that has made
>> "Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature, Accident or Intentional?" the
>> bestseller that it is.
>> Indeed, keep it up, I love reading your well intended, though misguided,
>> communiques.
>> Yours in the Spirit of health,
>> Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
>> author of "Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature, Accident or
>> http://www.tetrahedron.org
>> P. O. Box 2033
>> Sandpoint, ID 83864
>> 208-265-2575

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