2000-05-17 Thread ATB XX

 --Original Message--

 Educators Under Armed Attack in Phoenix

 On Wednesday morning the 10th of May 2000, in a
 suburb north
 of Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. JW Zidar, and his partner,
 Lorraine were backing out of their driveway on their
 way to
 the airport.  They were setting off on a trip to
 Europe for
 a few days.  When, from all around them, began an
 known as a "drawing down".  Men in full assault
 gear, with
 automatic weapons drawn and pointed directly at Mr.
 and Dr. Lorraine surrounded their automobile from
 all sides.
 Screaming for them to raise their hands, to freeze,
 to stop
 the car.  Dr. Lorraine, being in a mild state of
 shock at
 this unprecedented assault, did not immediately
 raise her
 hands, and so, two of the attackers pointed their
 directly at her head as one screamed for her to "get
 hands up in the air".  At this point, Dr. Lorraine
 raised her hands, as it dawned on her that the
 screaming she
 was hearing was directed at her.  She was later to
 that "all you see is guns.. all you remember is guns
 pointing at you."

 The attackers then removed Mr. Zidar and Dr.
 Lorraine from
 the car.  Taking one to the rear and one to the
 front of the
 automobile, their hands were cuffed behind their
 backs, and
 they were taken back into their home, where they
 were put in
 separate rooms under armed guard and interrogated,
 handcuffed, for over an hour.

 No documents, no search warrants, no phone calls, no
 representation.  The assault team then held Mr.
 Zidar and
 Dr. Lorraine for eight hours under armed guard while
 searched the premises.  In the exercise of any
 warrant, by law, the owners of the property being
 have the right to accompany the search team as they
 their search.  Mr. Zidar and Dr. Lorraine were held
 in their
 dining room as the searchers went through and
 removed their
 belongings from throughout their house. In all, 32
 boxes of
 their personal belongings were removed from the

 At the end of the day, one of the federal agents
 asked Mr.
 Zidar if he had the documents which authorized the
 He replied that he had seen no such documents.  At
 point, the agent, apologizing profusely, offered
 over a set
 of documents purported to be the authorization for
 amazing set of events.

 Who are these enemies of the State?  Were these
 criminals, drug dealers, or members of some Mafia we
 not heard of?  Hardly.  These two, who are such an
 threat to our government that they were drawn down
 gunpoint, are teachers.

 Teachers?  That can't be.  This is America.  We
 don't send
 assault teams to raid the homes of teachers in this
 They must be criminals.  They must be conspirators.
 must be inciting some sort of cult ritual, or
 people to riot or commit mass suicides or something,
 or this
 could not have happened.  They are stealing people's
 or perhaps they are stealing government secrets and
 them to the Chinese.  There must be some "logical"
 explanation for the events of this past Wednesday
 that we aren't being told.  Well, that is a fact.

 These two people, along with another couple, a Mr.
 And Mrs.
 John Matthews, were raided Wednesday morning by
 armed agents
 of the federal government for teaching people the
 Mrs. Matthews was on her telephone, making some
 to do with an upcoming graduation when the assault
 knocked on her door.  She didn't hear the knock, but
 son, who was getting himself ready for school, did.
 answered the door just as the agents were preparing
 to use
 the "door bar" and break it down.  As he opened the
 door, an
 agent grabbed him and threw him up against the wall,
 him there.  The agent barked out a demand for his
 name, and
 his birth date.  At that moment, Mrs. Matthews,
 hearing the
 commotion, rounded the corner to the front hall and,
 the agents, said to her son "You do not have to
 answer any
 questions."  Apparently, that was the wrong thing to
 say at
 that moment, for in the next instant another armed
 agent had
 ripped the telephone out of her hand and pinned her
 arm up
 behind her back.  And so it was that two families in
 received a brand new education into the politics of
 fear and

 What are the facts and findings here?  What events
 which led up to this bizarre tale?  Mr. Zidar and
 Lorraine are the educators and founders of an
 organization named the World Community Educational
 (WCES).  Mr. and Mrs. Matthews are long standing
 members of
 that society. WCES has been conducting adult distant
 learning classes and live telephone classes through
 college for some time, a little over three years.
 college also has a web site, http://www.wces.org,
 hosts the classes by real 

[CTRL] Fwd: [govtwatch] MUST READ: Interview - Littleton Witness ChrisWisher

1999-05-16 Thread Kris Millegan

Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 08:50:00 EDT
Subject: [govtwatch] MUST READ: Interview - Littleton Witness Chris Wisher

Interview - Littleton Witness Chris Wisher
Friday, May 07, 1999


I conducted a telephone interview with Columbine High School student and
witness Chris Wisher on Friday May 7th, 1999, and also spoke briefly with his

I asked the father about Chris’s statement from the day of the tragedy
identifying the person being arrested as one of the gunmen. Mr. Wisher said
they had spent 2 ½ hours with the FBI and apparently Mr. Wisher was reluctant
to say too much as the investigation is ongoing. However, he DID say that
Chris and the family are doing "everything they can to see that those
responsible are brought to justice!"

Obviously, he is not referring to dead people here!

I then spoke with Chris himself.

Among his remarks and comments, Chris Wisher stated to me that he and certain
 companions are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that AT LEAST THREE perpetrators were
involved in the mayhem at the school, and have given their testimony to that
effect.  This was directly witnessed by them outside the school building.
One of those witnessed was the person in a white T-shirt throwing bombs onto
the school roof.  Another was someone OTHER THAN Harris or Klebold, OUTSIDE,
in a black trenchcoat with a shotgun.

SIMULTANEOUSLY they heard shots coming from INSIDE THE SCHOOL!.

Chris Wisher also stated that he is personally acquainted with another
witness who witnessed a GROUP OF 7-8 ASSAILANTS UPSTAIRS at Columbine in
black trenchcoats with weapons, when Harris and Klebold were downstairs!  He
told me that there were MANY OTHER WITNESSES TO THIS!

Mr. Wisher further stated that he is personally acquainted with a witness who
was blatantly coerced by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Dept. investigators
 that she saw more than three people they attempted to get her to CHANGE HER

What’s more, I was told that a number of other witnesses have ALSO been
coerced by investigators into changing their testimony. Mr. Wisher stated
that many Columbine students, including himself, WILL NOT RETURN TO SCHOOL,
because some of the murderers are RIGHT THERE, ATTENDING SCHOOL!

This is yet another control element of this diabolically clever operation.

What an EXTRAORDINARY intimidation upon ANYONE who would say what they know;
to have some of the perpetrators right there in front of you and know that
investigating "authorities," incomprehensibly, have "CLEARED" these murderers
from any involvement; knowing that these participants in the slaughter are
walking around with impunity and could obviously take measures to silence

Chris stated to me that he and other students/witnesses KNOW that a coverup
is going on in Littleton.

He pointed out that the fact SWAT teams waited fours hours before entering
Columbine High School literally proves that they and other authorities were
well aware there were far more than two gun men inside.

Furthermore, Chris noted that he and other witnesses found it
incomprehensible how 67 explosive devices could have been positioned in the
building by just Harris and Klebold: and hard to figure how not one of these
devices was seen by ANYONE, no matter how many people had positioned them.

Other than what would be called circumstantial evidence the only solid
evidence yet which I know of PROVING that investigators are intentionally
STORIES comes from my talk with Columbine student Chris Wisher.

Wisher’s statements to me are the single strongest proof so far that more
than playing with the news being dribbled to the public, the "authorities"
are actively, AGGRESSIVELY instituting a GENUINE coverup at this point in

That being the case, though I deeply empathize with the unimaginable horror
these families have been through, I believe it is far more horrifying for
them and our country as a whole that a coverup about this gruesome madness is
allowed to stand.

How deep will their grief be then, knowing that the real truth has been
buried; that some of the murderers of the kids have either disappeared or
are, UNBELIEVABLY, back at school; their kids have been brutalized yet again
by a system bent on twisting the truth; utterly spitting on the graves of
those lost and protecting itself and it’s apparent complicity to whatever
degree at all costs?

I strongly urge witnesses and their families to maintain their position an
refuse to give in under pressure to ANYONE in ANY POSITION who attempts to
manipulate and/or coerce them.

I would also strongly urge anyone who knows witnesses and/or their families
to bring up the 

[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: Must read--Canadian Swedish informed comments on Balkans War (fwd)

1999-04-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 01:51:52 -0700
From: Kim Scipes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Labor Research and Action Project [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Must read--Canadian  Swedish informed comments on Balkans War

April 18, 1999


I have received two e-mails in the past few days from my friend, Sid Shniad
of Vancouver, B.C., Canada, that I think are excellent and deserve your
attention.  I don't know how widely they've been posted, but I believe both
deserve wide posting.  I've combined them into one message.  The first is
from a retired Canadian major general Lewis MacKenzie, who commanded UN
troops during the siege of Sarajevo in the Bosnian civil war of 1992 and
who is currently reporting from Belgrade.  The second is by Dr. Jan Oberg,
Director and head of the TFF (Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future
Research in Lund, Sweden) Conflict-Mitigation team to the Balkans and Georgia.

My apologies for any cross-listings.  Please pass on widely--they'll tell
you a lot about the the war, and how it is being presented by the US/NATO
and the mainstream media.

Best wishes to all--

Kim Scipes
US Marine Corps, 1969-1973

The Vancouver Sun April 15, 1999
A Soldier's View:
P.R. firms make combatants' cases to the public. One firm claims it 
introduced the terms "holocaust, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and 
concentration camps" to the lexicon of the war. 

By Lewis Mackenzie

BELGRADE — The media coverage of this war, which according 
to NATO is not a war, is becoming less and less relevant to an 
audience that would opt for balanced reporting if it had the choice. 
During the Second World War and Korea there were often days 
of delay between the events and their coverage. We saw clips of the 
war in movie theatres before the Saturday matinee feature film. 
In Vietnam there was no declaration of war and therefore no 
restrictions on the media. If they could talk their way on to a 
helicopter they could get anywhere. 
Their reports dominated the supper-time newshour in the U.S. 
War came into the living room as "entertainment." 
The British learned from the American experience and during the 
Falklands War kept a tight grip on the media with surprisingly little 
protest from the reporters who clearly understood they could 
contribute to a speedy victory. 
In the Gulf War, the U.S.-led coalition, mindful of the Vietnam 
experience at one extreme and the Falklands at the other, worked 
out a compromise that saw the use of media pools whereby some 
journalists were given access and subsequently shared their 
experiences and film with their colleagues. 
By the time the war in Yugoslavia exploded on to the scene, 
most of the combatants had hired North American public relations 
firms to spin their case to the public. 
One Washington-based firm continues to brag on its Web site 
that it successfully introduced the hot terms "holocaust, genocide, 
ethnic cleansing, and concentration camps" to the lexicon of 
journalists covering the war. 
And so we arrive at the current war in the Balkans and yet 
another variation on the theme. The international media in the 
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia are concentrated in Belgrade in 
general, and the Hyatt Hotel in particular. 
We all watch international and local television, monitor the radio 
and newspapers, and interview local citizens and government 

officials when we have the opportunity. The remainder of our 
colleagues are located in neighbouring countries such as Macedonia 
and Albania, with a few in Yugoslavia's Montenegro. 
By now you will probably have recognized the uniqueness of the 
reporting on this particular conflict: Absolutely no one, on either 
side, is reporting from where the actual fighting and alleged human 
rights abuses are taking place — Kosovo! 
It is as though the province did not exist, even though it's the 
reason we are all here. I considered asking permission to drive from 
one end of the province to the other, along with a CTV news crew. 
However, knowing that if my request was approved we would 
undoubtedly have a military escort, I decided that NATO fighters 
would probably have a difficult time seeing a 12-inch PRESS sign 
from a few thousand feet and at 965 kilometres per hour. Not a 
good idea. 
The media have a phenomenal influence on public opinion. A 
few weeks ago one U.S. congressman said that although more than 
90 per cent of his constituents could not find Kosovo on a map, 74 
per cent wanted to bomb anyway. When it is all over, hopefully, the 
media will be brave enough to judge their coverage objectively in 
preparation for the next living room war. 
One of these wars, we will get it right. 
Retired major general Lewis MacKenzie commanded UN troops 
during the siege of Sarajevo in the Bosnian civil war of 1992. 

 C O V E R I N G   U P   N A T O ' S
 B A L K A N   B O M B I N