[CTRL] Formaldehyde

1999-01-17 Thread L. Shipton

Forwared: From ADD Holistic
List owner Mark 

Hi!I forwarded that abstract about magnesium deficiency in ADHD 
children and significant improvement after supplementation to Dr. Russell 
Blaylock. (I also forwarded to him another abstract that he refers 
to.) I thought his comments would be of interest to the 
list:Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 16:17:45 -0500From: Russell 
Blaylock, M.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
Re: Magnesium and ADD/ADHDAnn Acad Med Stetin 
1998;44:297-314The aim of my work was the answer to the following 
questions: how often doesthe deficiency of magnesium, copper, zinc, 
calcium, iron occur amonghyperactive children in comparison with healthy 
children, deficiency of whichThank you for passing the paper 
along.It has been something that I suspected all along. A group working out 
ofCovington, La that I work with asked me about excitotoxins and ADD and 
Isuggested that they add magnesium supplimentation to their protecol. 
Theyhave found it to be very helpful. As you know, magnesium acts by 
blockingthe voltage gated NMDA receptor physiologically. Magnesium 
deficiency isvery common because of poor diets and use of carbonated soft 
drinks. I haveresearched most of the papers concerned with magnesium and 
neurologicalfunction and have found it to be one of the most 
remarkableneuroprotectants. I use it on all of my surgical cases, especially 
withbrain trauma, subarachnoid hemorrhages and strokes with great 
success.unfortunately, most neurosurgeons do not use it.I also 
appreciate the abstract you sent me concerning formaldehydeformation from 
NutraSweet esposure. It was a very interesting paper, thatdemonstrates that 
formaldehyde formation from aspartame ingestion is verycommon and does 
indeed accumulate within the cell, reacting with cellularproteins ( mostly 
enzymes) and DNA ( both mitochondrial and nuclear). Thefact that it 
accumulates with each dose, indicates grave consequences amongthose who 
consume diet drinks and foodstuffs on a daily basis.I have also 
discovered that MSG excitotoxicity is greatly magnified in thepresence of 
lead. This would have importance in children with ADD havingelevated 
tissue lead levels. Likewise, recent studies have shown that MSGdramatically 
elevates free radical generation within all tissues, not justbrain, and that 
it does so for a prolonged periods of time following even asingle dose. The 
importance of this observation is that this would alsoraise the likelihood 
of cancer induction in several exposed tissues,including brain, by oncogene 
activation by said free radicals.It is unfortunate that so few in the 
field of ADDand ADHD care givingunderstand the central importance of 
excitotoxins. Many of the treatmentthat I have seen relate back to 
excitotoxicity, despite other explinationsbeing given. For example, the 
Feingold diet. Close adherence to the dieteleminates many excitotoxins from 
the diet. I suspect this is why it worksso well. Remember, excitotoxins 
interplay with many neurotransmitters,stimulate free radical production, 
damage brain lipids, interact with manytrace metals, and that elevated 
intake of excitotoxins is associated witheicosanoid injury to neurons, which 
would explain thier relationship toomega-3-fatty acids. These are very 
powerful substances and not only canthey kill neurons, but they affect their 
physiology and even braindevelopment itself.[followup 
comments]With the newer studies linking excitotoxicity with free 
radicalgeneration, I think it will be very difficult for those selling these 
toxinto defend them as safe much longer. I am especially concerned because 
thefree radical generation caused by excitotoxins is so prolonged. It must 
berelated to all degenerative diseases, including cancer. In the case 
ofaspartame, the effects of formaldehyde on cellular proteins and DNA 
(oncogene activation and p53 tumor suppressor gene alteration) 
inconjunction with free radical generation would certainly lead to a 
highincidence of neuronal dysfunction. I think this is why I receive so 
manycalls from young women who have developed brain tumors ( 
mostlyastrocytomas) following prolonged use of 
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Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing 
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[CTRL] Formaldehyde

1999-01-17 Thread L. Shipton

I get posts from a lot of lists and this seems 
to follow the thread that I have started
It seem to deal primarily 
with Formaldehyde in homes, particularly new homes.
Fwd: Formaldehyde

This showed up on a list for Vaccine-dissenting parents in PA!!!How 
many of these names do we know?Study flags new formaldehyde 
risksChemicalfound in permanentpress 
shirts,other products Do you suspect the 
preservatives in your new carpet of turning your houseplants brown? Does 
that smell mysteriously flash you back to the frog youdissected in 
Chemistry 101? If so, you might be exposed to formaldehyde. Anew study 
finds that the chemical, known to be unhealthy at highconcentrations and 
in poorly ventilated spaces, is found in many householdproducts  
from permanent press shirts and bed linens to most 
home-buildingmaterials. SIX YEARS AGO, Daliya Robson was a 
successful real estate agent, showinghomes overlooking the spectacular 
coastlines and tucked in the woods aroundSanta Cruz, Calif. But in the 
course of previewing the desirable areas newhomes and properties 
 freshly built with new wood-flooring finishes,cabinets, 
insulation and carpets  she became very 
ill. I would come into these 
homes and be overwhelmed by the smells houses that had been 
locked up but which had been newly treated with allsorts of 
products, she says. Most of them, I found out, were 
toxicchemicals, and they really did me in. Her symptoms included 
burning eyesand skin, allergies, headache, dizziness and 
disorientation. Robson, now in her 
early 60s, believes her problems stem fromexposures to formaldehyde and 
related chemicals. She became so chemicallysensitized that she was 
forced to leave her job and drastically rearrangeher life, to the point 
of refurnishing her home and seeking medical help.The smell was 
too much in these newly built houses and now Ive been forcedto 
live in an older senior citizen home, she 
says. But she adds, Im 
doing remarkably better than many people. Robsonhas been in touch 
with more than 9,000 people experiencing similar symptomsthrough the 
hotline (800-968-9355) she started in 1992.A GROWING 
PROBLEM? Formaldehyde is 
probably the top indoor air quality troublemaker,according to 
Thomas J. Kelly, a chemist at the Battelle Memorial Institutein 
Columbus, Ohio, and author of a new study of the chemical commissioned 
bythe California Air Resources Board. The study, described in the 
Januaryissue of Environmental Science and Technology, a journal 
published by theAmerican Chemical Society, is the first of its kind in 
more than 15 years. The 
chemicals ability to trigger health problems and allergies 
hasbecome well known in the housing industry during the last 10 years, 
says DonBremner, vice president of Restoration Environmental Contractors 
in Torontoand Tampa, Fla., a company that removes formaldehyde from 
homes. A lot ofpeople are sensitized that werent years 
ago. How safe is your 
house? Formaldehyde is a 
base product in most home products, includingcabinets, insulation, 
counters, wallpapers and finishes, says Bremner. Butthe Battelle study 
is the first to extensively test a whole range ofhousehold products, 55 
in total. The institutes 
chemists chamber-tested each product by placingthem in a 
closet-sized chamber for 24 hours. They then measured theformaldehyde in 
the air. By far, the highest emitter 
was an acid-cured wood floor finish thatgives floors a glossy shine. 
Fingernail hardeners and polishes were amongthe highest-emitters in the 
category of wet products. Other relatively highemissions came from 
freshly applied interior latex 
paint. Among dry products, certain 
permanent press items, such as shirts,pillow and linens, gave off 
surprisingly high emissions because of thecoatings applied 
to them, says Kelly. These 
products have not been tested as extensively as have pressedwood 
products, particle board, plywood and other construction 
materials,says Kelly. The new study fills the gap 
by determining the rates offormaldehyde fumes emitted from a wide 
spectrum of products used byconsumers and found in typical California 
homes and offices, he says. 
People should be aware of how many different products contain 
thesechemicals because its up to them to minimize their 
exposures, says Kelly. The 
good news, says the chemist, is that many products, such as 
woodproducts, emit lower levels than in the past; the industry has 
adopted somevoluntary standards to bring emissions down. However, the 
Battelle studyfound that the urea-formaldehyde particleboard tested did 
not meet thatstandard.A COMMON 
CHEMICAL Formaldehyde has long been 
regarded as an important industrialchemical, involved in so many 
industries that it is thought to contribute amajor segment of the U.S. 
gross national product, says Bremner. According toindustry figures, 
formaldehyde demand is growing from 9.3 billion pounds to9.6 billion in 
2002. Beyond the uses mentioned, 
formaldehyde is common in