Title: FW: Austrian Security Forces Use Trains to Deport Dissidents!!!
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 11:25 AM
Subject: FW: Austrian Security Forces Use Trains to Deport Dissidents!!!

The parallels between Nazi fascism and "New World" Globalism have never been clearer.
Things are getting more and more reminiscent of the run-up to World WarII every day.

Subject: Austrian Security Forces Use Trains to Deport Dissidents!!!
Date: Mon, Jul 2, 2001, 5:16 pm

[In scenes unseen in Austria since WWII, dissidents are being deported on
trains out of the country!  After the shooting of protesters in Goetemberg,
and the 200 body-bags prepared for this months Genoa Summit of the G8
leaders, the deportation of 400 protesters on specially organized trains
marks a new and ominous level of repression orchestrated by the neoliberal
elites in the West. Of course, this as well as other crimes including murder,
assassination, and terrorism of dissident activists has been a routine
occurence in the global South in attempts to implement the globalization
agenda.  Obviously the borderless world of the few is increasingly becoming a
bordered world for the many (even in the West).]

In a message dated 02/07/01 11:58:01 Eastern Daylight Time, Kilibarda78

<< Monday, 2 July, 2001, 13:40 GMT 14:40 UK
 Salzburg expels protesters
 Protesters blamed police for escalating the situation
 Four hundred people have been removed from the Austrian city of Salzburg
after violent clashes erupted between police and anti-globalisation
protesters on Sunday.
 Thirteen people were arrested following the protests and at least three
police officers and one demonstrator were injured in the clashes.
 Around 1,000 people are estimated to have descended on Salzburg to protest
at the economic summit taking place there.
 The police drafted in at least 4,000 reinforcements in anticipation of
trouble after the EU summit in the Swedish city of Gothenburg was overwhelmed
by protesters last month.
 Police blamed
 Authorities in Salzburg organised special trains late on Sunday to remove a
hard core of 400 demonstrators from the city.
 At least three police officers were injured
 They were taken to the capital, Vienna, and to Germany and Switzerland.
 The protests began peacefully outside the train station on Sunday afternoon
but violence broke out when a small group tried to enter the city centre
where protests had been banned.
 Demonstrators threw bottles, stones and bricks - police retaliated with
 The protesters accused the police of having escalated the situation, saying
that they had not wanted the situation to turn violent.
 Salzburg's mayor, Heinz Schaden, negotiated between the two sides to defuse
the situation.
 The summit, organised by the World Economic Forum (WEF), is being attended
by heads of state and government from some 15 countries, as well as
government ministers and hundreds of business leaders.
 European Commissioner for Enlargement Guenter Verheugen opened the summit on
Sunday with a call to push ahead with plans to expand the European Union.


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