-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 2:26 AM
Subject: Falluja...

Re: Fallujah, the “civil contractors”, the three Japanese, etc.

(Note: The following is more a plan for an article than an article. Still, I’ve decided to mail it to you: I hope you will understand the urge - and forgive the lack of organization.)

It has not been by accident that the slaughtering of Fallujah started the first week of April - just before one of the Christians’ greatest religious holiday.

The Judeo-Americans (or the USraeli) love to bathe the Christian religious holidays in blood.

The USraeli rape of Yugoslavia started on 24-25the of March - the Lady Day - Annunciation.

The heaviest bombing of Belgrade was carried out just on 1999 Orthodox Easter.

They diligently keep their bloodiest damned operations for some religious holidays - either Islamic or Christian.

The same happened that year too: they started and kept MURDERING the people of Fallujah while all the Christian world - both Catholoic and Orthodox - were preparing for Easter celebration.

And meanwhile people kept dying - or getting disabled for life…

And meanwhile a town was dying - getting erased from existence…

We understand the message, don’t you?

“You damned FILTH, you are SHIT for the world - look, they are celebrating while we are BLOOD-FUCKING you! We will erase you from the face of Earth - and hardly anybody will notice it! We will bulldoze that damned town of yours into a desert - those left alive will see it happened!”

That is just their plan: to erase Fallujah from the face of Earth. In the long run they will do it - never doubt the enormity of their HATRID for anybody having dared to resist them - block them - stumble them!…

Never doubt the crystal clear messages the Haters of Humanity keep sending from Palestine to the rest of the world for years on a run…

And while Rivers of Blood are running merrily-merrily in Fallujah, the hostages stories swam to the surface.

Three young Japanese - aw-waw - threatened with death.

All the Fallujah people are threatened with death in their town and in their country!

What are the Japnese looking for in Iraq?

What are they doing in a country whose people are deliberately slaughtered away?

Why aren’t they in their country with their families?

99 % of the so-called “relief organizations” are spying for USA and other well-known FASCIST states.

My Serb friends surely remember the feats of the OSCE in Kosovo in 1999: the so-called OSCE “relief workers” prepared the USA bombing campaign by planting directing devices at the future targets! Besides they deliberately distributed lies about the real situation in Kosovo manipulating the people round the world to support the USA’s aggression on Yugoslavia!

In central Yugoslavia the same had been done even during the USA bombing by two Australian “relief workers” from the notorious CARE!

(Serb Friends, please, find the articles on the diabolical role of OSCE and CARE “relief -workers”, and mail them in the Internet! There are people who know very little for the murder your country - especially, the 1999 bombing. Please, let them have those articles on OSCE and CARE to read - and cry over what they read…)

My thumb is down for all the “relief workers” - for all the so-called “private contractors” - i.e. highly paid professional cutthroats of mercenaries!

Congratulations for the Fallujah Liberty Fighters about their successful hit at the so-called “civil contractors” who proved to be “retired Special Operations forces employed by the private security firm Blackwater Security Consulting… These soldiers-for-hire are veterans of some of the most repressive military forces in the world, including that of the former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and South Africa's apartheid regime.” …

Also: “According to the San Francisco Chronicle, an estimated 15,000 "private security agents" are currently operating in Iraq…

- http://www.workingforchange.com/article.cfm?itemid=16701

So much for the mercinary Cutthroats in the name of which (officially) USA now is MURDERING the citizens of a whole Iraqi town!

Now everybody is screaming about the hostages - but has anybody showed any mercy to the children, mothers, fathers, grannies and grandads of Fallujah?

It is WAR - and when you go to WAR you expect to die, don’t you?

If you want to live you stay in your country with your family!

All the foreigners in Iraq since 20th of March 2003 are participants in that WAR on the side of the OCUPANTS from USA and England!

So they are LEGITIMATE targets for the Iraqi guerrillas!


When a Liberty Fighter grabs a rifle - a Kalashnik - a granate in his hand, he should let it go only in two cases: if killed and if Liberty is achieved!

No negotiations with the MURDERERS of the Iraqi people!

What can a Liberty Figjhter negotiate with the MURDERERS of his country and his people?!?

The negotiaters are betraying their people - they know very well that the USraeli MURDERERS NEVER keep their word - and NEVER even intend to do so!

Yesterday an AFS reporter, embedded with the KILLERS forces around Fallujah, quoted an US officer at BBC: the USA MURDERER declared that they would not stop till they cleared away (i.e. killed!) all the insurgents in Fallujah!

Everybody knows what the Iraqi Governing Council is - a handful of USraeli puppets on a string! If they had thought about their people, they would have been with the insurgents today - on their side of the barricade! - not with the USA MURDERERS of the Iraqi people!

USA’s MURDERERS’ arduous ass-lickers - that is what IGC is!


In Solidarity with the Iraqi Resistance!

Blagovesta Doncheva

The Balkans


"Mrs. Jela Jovanovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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Ewa Jasiewicz , Occupation Watch, 11 April 2004


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