----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 3:49 PM
Subject: war criminal blair

Immediate Release: 
A 55 year old former teacher William Spring who now lives on benefit in Tottenham is sending out door to door a pamphlet attacking New Labour as New Nazis & saying there is only one question worth asking in this election & that is do we want a war criminal to continue running this country?
He also criticises BBC election coverage for keeping foreign policy out of the discussion.
William Spring comments:
"I've been living in emergency housing as a single parent with 4 children since 1996. Although London is short of teachers, I can't work because I'd be worse off.
I can't afford to be worse off & it wd be irresponsible from the point of view of my children to get into that position, although I can't live on income support, & am gradually getting into debt. (New Labour has done nothing to assist those of us in "The Exclu").
I have written to Margaret Hodge MP, the Minister in charge of The New Deal, asking that instead of sending me irritating little notes, telling me to do some work, why doesn't she answer the mathematical question, fix the figures, so that work would be profitable for me?
She has not replied.
If I take a job & then lose it I am in a bad situation because, if I am forced back on to income support, I would then go back without the single parent allowance. (Also if the rent isn't paid I could  then be defined as intentionally homeless).
(The reason I don't have any money of my own @ the moment is because crooked lawyers, (with the help of The Law Society/The Lord Chancellor, + an array of crooked judges) have stolen our inheritance.
See my web site http://crookjudges.human-rights.org/ which gives the full story C4 couldn't tell).
I think it's crazy for me to be on income support, not to access my own money, & that if I try & access it I'm stopped by the Courts & clobbered for costs.  They steal our money and want us to pay them for the privilege! This criminal-mafia legal power elite have to be stopped, somewhere.
But this is not the point of this press release. Although it does explain my dissatisfaction with EU politicians, French and English. It was the French refusal to treat my wife for breast cancer in their health service which made us homeless in the first place.
We in The Under Class are EU-NATO's targeted victims - like the Serbs!
Pasted underneath this e mail is the pamphlet we are giving out here in Tottenham & in Haringey constituencies.
Tottenham is one of Labour's rotten boroughs, where the dead get postal votes.
(My son was put on the electoral register by New Labour @ 16. Only when I objected was he taken off, but there must be many other proxy votes of this sort for New Labour here).
Lammie has no credibility. His concern is with Kentucky Fried Chicken, his mission ( in which he failed) was to stop the shop closing down in The High Road.
(But he doesn't represent me, in fact he won't! If you want to write to him you first have to get a solicitor to write to him for you! )
Lammie is an example of the sanctimonious arrogance of New Labour. He's a member of The General Synod of The Church of England.  I can't understand that. I think it's impossible to be a Christian & support New Labour. Lammie supports cloning.
Eugenics.  Another Nazi trick.
The pharmaceutical companies give massive donations to New Labour. It's no good Labour saying they are going to stop cloning, because they started it.
This pamphlet relates to Iraq, Kosovo, & Macedonia. There are large numbers of Orthodox in this constituency & they will not vote for Tony Blair.
We are giving out this leaflet door to door in pamphlet form. (This is only the text).
The pamphlet refers to my visit to Belgrade . I went to Belgrade a few weeks ago @ SPS expense & what I found out was really upsetting.
Of course Milosevic is a political prisoner, and also many of his supporters, (not that Amnesty would notice), + Mr Dragoljub Milanovic, former director of Yugoslavia state television, (incarcerated after the Djindic coup, accused of responsibility for the deaths of the  civilian employees at the RTS, while those who sent the missile are feted by NATO's satellite government.)
Other friends of Mr Milosevic have since killed by NATO-CIA death squads, the most recent tragic instance being the murder in her flat in Belgrade of a respected dentist Dr. Klara Mandic (57), a founder of the Serbian-Jewish Friendship Association, who lost her entire family to pro-Nazi thugs during World War II. 
NATO is also trying to kill Milosevic by refusing him medical treatment
Robertson admitted on BBC radio the other day how NATO had killed Arkan. At least he's honest, but why do we let such repulsive war criminals remain in office? 
ends: text of pamphlet below.

Agence France-Presse Report: May 13/ "I have a dream, insists British PM" SEDGEFIELD (England)  British Prime Minister Tony Blair tried to invigorate a lacklustre election campaign on Sunday by insisting that if he is re-elected he will devote himself to an agenda for radical change. He went back to his roots in the blue collar constituency he represents in north-east England to answer critics who describe him as "phoney Tony" and claim he lacks any deep-seated political beliefs …"   
"But I too have a dream. I do, I really I do. My dream is of  bombs and cruise missiles raining  down upon innocent civilians from Baghdad to Belgrade. That sanctions and threats will be levelled at any  Commonwealth nation that doesn't toe the NATO and IMF line. That British troops, with colonial Sikhs, Gurkhas and Sepoys, will once more protect business interests - that is, human rights - in countries from Western Africa to Far East Asia. That I'll make the tough (for somebody else) choices and the right path: from Labour to militarism to reaction. That although the great unwashed socialist alliance eternally dissatisfied mob berate me as Phoney Tony and columnists deride my exploitative hokey child centred campaign antics as "corny, sanctimonious and contrived," I am sincere. Let me try that again. I AM SINCERE. What I'm sincere about, other than my own vanity and  slavish pursuit of power in order to fulfil the wishes of my financial backers, I'm not absolutely certain,  but I am sincere, for example, about 'the development of the human mind to its fullest natural extent," mine as a glowing example. Like I was saying, I have this sincere dream. Of cluster bombs and missiles, toxic gas, humanitarian wars, DU munitions, tanks and soldiers,  bayonets brightly  gleaming in the sunlight,  a new British Empire made of human rights  with twin capitals in Pristina & Freetown. "
If you want that vote for Blair. 
It is Blair who maintains ruinous economic sanctions on Iraq , so hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children have died, because of the lack of food & medicine.
It is Blair who continues virtually very night with totally useless RAF bombing raids on Iraq.
It was Blair too who, without declaration of war,  in March 1999,  sent the RAF to bomb Belgrade in company with The Luftwaffe, (who had already bombed it twice before.)
It was Blair who set up The Yugoslavs & presented them at Rambouillet, France terms which he knew in advance they could not accept, which terms included the immediate occupation of the whole of Yugoslavia by NATO troops. 
It was Blair,  who, in cahoots with CIA operative William Walker sent to Kosovo to head up the Organisation for Co-operation & Security in Europe (OSCE), organised the so called Racack Massacre, an exercise to  create massive serbophobia.
But why is it that all this hasn't come out? Why do you have to read it in this little pamphlet which I'm sending round door to door in Tottenham (& which I would like you to copy & pass on to friends?)
Answer: because the media in UK don't tell the truth. They can't tell the truth. They daren't tell the truth.
This is particularly so at the Blair Broadcasting Corporation, one television station he won't bomb. When did the BBC last  refer to foreign policy in its coverage of this election? "Didn't you know, it's all about tax ?"   But why should foreign policy be taboo?
It is because MPs are fools  that we are stuck in a Balkans quagmire, a quasi colonial occupation of Kosovo,  with Tony's amiable drug running throat cutting KLA friends for company. 
But we can't afford to have psychopathological lunatics like Blair running our rogue state any longer.
Comment from a Tottenham resident:" a few weeks ago I was in Belgrade. I'm not a Serb & had never been to Belgrade before. If you go to Belgrade you do a tour of war crimes sites, including the RTS building, Serbian State Television. NATO leaders launched a missile against that building killing everyone inside.
It was at 2 am in the morning. There were 2 empty wings to the building but NATO didn't target those,  only the wing which had people working in it. Why? According to Blair it was  because it "broadcast propaganda". Propaganda is any  point of view Blair doesn't agree with.
But the real reason for the bombing was to stop western television companies transmitting from Belgrade. When the Provos bombed in Ulster they usually gave a warning!
Not so with terrorist Blair!
"Next to the RTS building is a small Russian Orthodox church. The priest went to the church after the bombing to find bits of flesh, severed limbs, blood & bone smeared all over it from the force of the explosion. For this and other atrocities NATO leaders should be indicted for war crimes! 
 After the bombing campaign NATO troops entered Kosovo.
British troops stood by while thousands of Serbs were killed, expelled or abducted, and a hundred churches were damaged or destroyed  in professional mining operations,  some of medieval origin containing priceless frescos.
This was the inglorious outcome of the NATO war. Britain's complicity in genocide. The Kosovo Serbs have lived there since the 6th century AD. If they were moths or butterflies the World Wild Life Fund would make a fuss!
Now NATO's surrogates are starting on  Macedonia.
Info:02088022144  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
facts re Balkans crisis see: http://canauk.human-rights.org/

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