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Whoa!  Read the below article.  Anyone know how US$300 TRILLION could exist
and not hit the overworld radar screens?  It's off-ledger, that's how.

I'm racing to get THE PROEJCT HAMMER FILE ready for download.  It should be
available to order later today.

Project Hammer explains how huge sums of money get "created" by governments
and international banks working in collaboration in deep privacy.  It is the
culmination of six years intensive research.

The secretive creation process of this "black" money is revealed and
explained for the first time.  This story is backed with copies of over 100
images of corroborating documents, including incredibly important sworn

One of these was given by US Brigadier General Erle Cocke, a major player in
the world of covert operations and the former Washington "office" of  the
Nugan Hand Bank.

Erle Cocke was a banker before a black operative - but he combined both
skills working quietly as a fixer for "every President since Truman."  He
was an alternate Executive Director of the World Bank for four years and a
member of the US delegation to the UN for two years running with the pay and
status of a US Ambassador.  General Cocke was also a Knight of Malta and a
Shriner Mason.  He died 10 days after making his deposition.

What he says in his deposition is explosive.  He leaves no doubt about the
reality of the secretive world of Collateral Trading Programmes and how they
produce "from thin air" hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars in the
blink of an electronic eye.

Once created these slush funds are used in a variety of way.  Read how.

David Guyatt


>From LeMetropoleCafe.com

 10/4 Dr. Alexandr Nemets - Russian Expert Who 'Predicted' Attacks Warns of
New Ones

Reprinted from NewsMax.com

Russian Expert Who 'Predicted' Attacks Warns of New Ones

Dr. Alexandr Nemets
Thursday, Oct. 4, 2001

The same Russian government expert who predicted last July that America was
about to suffer a "financial attack" - and encouraged Russian citizens to
cash out of dollars and buy rubles and gold - has again surfaced to make
more stunning forecasts.

Dr. Tatyana Koryagina gained some credibility in the Russian media because
of her prediction of an unusual catastrophe that was about to hit the U.S.

She said it would take place on August 19 and would collapse its economy.

Koryagina is a senior research fellow in the Institute of Macroeconomic
Researches subordinated to Russian Ministry of Economic Development
(Minekonom). She is reportedly close to Pres. Putin's inner circle.

On July 12, 2001 Pravda published a page-one story on her predictions
entitled "The Dollar and America Will Fall Down on August 19? - That's the
Opinion of Dr. Tatyana Koryagina, Who Very Accurately Predicted the August
Default in 1998."

In her July interview, Koryagiuna told Pravda: "The U.S. has been chosen as
the object of financial attack because the financial center of the planet is
located there. The effect will be maximal. The strike waves of economic
crisis will spread over the planet instantly, and will remind us of the
blast of a huge nuclear bomb."

Late last month, Pravda re-interviewed Dr. Koryagina to get her take on the
events of Sept. 11.

Koryagina made the following key points in an article entitled : "Who Will
Strike America in Its Back?":

a.. New Strikes Will Come. In the near term, she said "the powerful group"
who masterminded the events of Sept. 11 will make new strikes against
America - of a financial nature and otherwise. She said they will "strike
America in the back" and bring it down.

She noted that Americans are consolidating around their government and
preparing retaliatory strikes against the "terrorists". However, Americans
are trembling about spending. When they understand after the upcoming, new
strikes, that their government can guarantee them nothing, they will
panic -- causing a collapse of their financial system.

b.. Didn't Make Serious Mistake. About her forecast made on 12 July, Dr.
Koryagina said, "I did not make a serious mistake. Indeed, between 15 and 20
August, the dollar started trembling under the pressure of multiple bad news
about the U.S. and world economy. And within weeks, the Manhattan
skyscrapers fell down. As a result, a significant part of the world
financial network was paralyzed. This strike was aimed at destabilization
and destruction of America and (in domino fashion) all the countries making
countless billions of dollars."

c.. The Powerful Group. Who is behind these strikes? Koryagina claims the
U.S. is painting a false picture. She said the operation was not the work of
19 terrorists, but a larger group seeking to reshape the world. She claimed
a group of extremely powerful private persons, with total assets of about
$300 trillion, intends to legalize its power and to become the new world
government. The September 11 strikes showed that this group is afraid of
nothing -- human lives have zero value for them.

Koryagina again encouraged Russian citizens to cash out of dollars. The
Koryagina claims are not easily dismissed, especially her clear indications
in the interview before Sept. 11 that the attacks on America's financial
system would be of an unusual nature. Her comments also mirrored similar
warnings issued by Russian officials.

Still, this story raises other questions. Did the Russian government know in
advance and what was their involvement?

On 28 September the Washington Times reported that "U.S. intelligence
agencies have uncovered information that Russian criminal groups have been
supplying Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida terrorist network with components
for chemical, biological and nuclear weapons."

Of course, the Russian mafia has very close ties with Russia's intelligence

It is important to note Russia is a significant backer of almost every state
sponsor of terrorism, some with links to bin Laden's group. These include
Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, North Korea and Cuba.

Editor's note: Col. Stanislav Lunev, Russia's highest-anking military
defector warns in "CIA Files" new details of Russia's links to terrorists
and the nations that support them.

Dr. Nemets is a consultant to the American Foreign Policy Council (AFPC). An
expert in Chinese-Russian strategic-military alliance development, he has
spent the last several years researching Chinese and Russian economic and
military issues. Dr. Nemets worked from 1986-92 at the Presidium of Russian
Academy of Sciences. He immigrated to the United States in December 1994.

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