Dear Friends,

We are on the fast-track to free-trading ourselves into the poor-house --
read on - fyi

PS - Also attached is a trade deficit chart sent in by Dr. Charles
McMillion. Its in pdf format. Get the Adobe Acrobat reader if needed --
its free:

For the Cause - Linda


Linda, Found this to be disturbing.
-Mark Mead

Trade gap hits record $19.4 billion 

U.S. exports again fall while imports jump to all-time high 


WASHINGTON, April 20 — America’s trade deficit soared to a record 
$19.4 billion in February as the global financial crisis depressed U.S. 
exports for a fourth straight month while booming consumer demand 
pushed imports to an all-time high. 

The Commerce Department reported Tuesday that February’s deficit 
was 15.6 percent higher than the previous record, a $16.8 billion 
imbalance in January. IN FEBRUARY, U.S. exports edged down 0.6 
percent to $76.6 billion, led by a $927 million decline in sales of 
commercial aircraft. Imports jumped 2.3 percent to an all-time high of 
$96 billion as demand for foreign cars, clothing, toys, televisions and 
stereos soared.   

With back-to-back records, the trade deficit so far this year is running at 
an annual rate of $215 billion, far surpassing last year’s all-time high of 
$169 billion.   

Economists believe that as long as the U.S. economy remains strong 
and many of America’s major export markets remain in recessions 
caused by the steep plunge in financial markets that began in Asia in July
1997, the U.S. trade deficit will continue to rise.  

A widening trade deficit is the one cloud on an otherwise bright 
economic horizon for the United States, which has managed to remain 
what Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has termed an “oasis 
of prosperity” in a sea of economic trouble around the world.     

Greenspan, however, expressed concerns last week about a growing 
movement toward protectionism in this country, a development that has 
the White House worried as well.   

The administration is concerned that erecting U.S. trade barriers will
trigger copycat responses while jittery markets are fearful that political
pressures will make nations turn inward in response to the worst global
economic crisis in 50 years.  

President Clinton, worried about a growing protectionist mood in 
Congress, balked earlier this month at reaching a sweeping trade 
agreement with China. That disappointed many in the business 
community who have complained for years about China’s high trade 

For February, the deficit with China narrowed slightly to $4.6 billion. But 
America’s deficit with Japan shot up 13.1 percent to $5.3 billion. The 
administration is pursing a number of trade negotiations with Japan in 
hopes of showing progress in opening that market to U.S. firms by the 
time of Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi’s visit next month.   

In one bright spot, America’s surplus in services, which includes such 
things as tourism and consulting fees, rose 4 percent to a monthly 
record of $6.7 billion.   

The surplus in services, however, did little to dent a record $26.2 billion 
deficit in the goods area. U.S. exporters continued to find it hard to make 
overseas sales because of an economic crisis that has pushed one- 
third of the global economy into recession.   

The February drop in exports included a $130 million decline in farm 
sales, to $3.6 billion, with the drop led by falling shipments of soybeans 
and wheat. American farmers, who grow one-third of their crops for 
export, are suffering their worst times in a decade.   

In addition to commercial aircraft, manufactured exports of 
telecommunications equipment and electric generators also dropped in 

On the import side, foreign shipments of autos and automotive parts 
rose to a record $14.6 billion, up $710 million for the month. Other
increases included computer accessories, up $449 million; clothing, up
$202 million; toys, up $156 million; and televisions and VCRs, up $150

America’s deficit with Mexico climbed to a record $1.8 billion in February
while U.S. exports to Brazil, which became the latest victim of the global
currency turmoil in January, dropped to $910 million, the lowest level
since April 1996.  

--------- end ------------

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