>From Rayelan:

Not more than five minutes ago I sent an email asking for your prayers for Dean 
Stonier, the founder of the Global Sciences Institute. Just now I talked to a friend 
who had just received word that Dean died  an hour ago.

The people who need prayers now are his wife, Phyllis, their friends, Carol and Dennis 
Wagner, Dean's family, and Dean's larger family, the Global Science Family.

Dean was a tireless worker for truth. I am certain he can do FAR more for all of us on 
the other side. Please pray for Dean. Let's ask all God's angels to help him make a 
rapid transition so he can use his knowledge of what is going on here on Earth to 
assist ALL of us to rise above the problems the Earth is currently encountering. Dean 
was a powerful force ON Earth, he will be EVEN MORE powerful on the other side!

Everyone who knew Dean, loved Dean. All of us will miss him.

When I have more information I will email it.

Shortly before I finished this email, I received a telephone call that many people in 
Colorado who knew Dean and were part of Global Science have been arrested. I have no 
other information on this. I asked what the charges were, the person did not know but 
made the comment, "They knew too much!."

In the last few months many people who have inside knowledge have had problems with 
their health, their finances, or  they have had attempts on their lives.

Dean is the first one to die.

Branton was hit by a car and is still recovering.

Les Coleman, political prisoner and auther of Trail of the Octopus, had a stroke. I 
have not been able to reach him.

Oswald Le Winter, CIA agent and whistleblower, was in an automobile accident. His 
obituary was sent to all his supporters -- prematurely. While Oswald is NOT dead, he 
is in hiding and no one can reach him.

One of the RMNews European correspondent, gigi, was hit by a car. Both arms were 
broken. I have not been able to email gigi to find out anymore.

The people on the RMNews mailing list know about the problems Barbara Hartwell, Al 
Bielek and Charles Schlund are having. I have been told that what has happened to 
these people has and is happening to many others.

I think we need to put every ounce of energy we have into our prayers. We need to PRAY 
like we have never prayed before! Pray for ALL the TRUTH AND LIGHT WARRIORS wherever 
they may be and whatever they may be doing! In my opinion we are entering a time when 
no one of us can stand on the sideline and expect someone else to do the work. If not 
you, who?

If one of us is struck down, then 10 more must rise in his place! Be vigilent! Be 
active! Don't use these incidents to crawl into a cave and hide! We need your help NOW 
more than ever! Let your voice be heard! Full speed ahead, and damn the torpedoes!

When I have more information I will send it.


I apologize if this email was scattered!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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