TWA 800 Case File Reopened
August 17, 2001

    By unanimous vote on August 16, 2001, the Smoking Gun Research Agency has decided to reopen its case file on the crash/downing of Trans World Airlines (TWA) Flight 800 after the recent acquisition of new evidence and witness reports.
    On August 12, the SGRA's main offices in Westport, Connecticut, received a phone call from a woman on Long Island who claimed to have witnessed the entire events of July 17, 1996 from her backyard porch. She had been passed the SGRA's contact information from a friend on the Internet who was aware of our previous investigation into the case. She was hoping that her testimony could be added to that case file.
    After speaking with Jon Nowinski, Director of the SGRA over a period of three days, her information and detailed account seemed to match many other witnesses who had reported observing the fiery demise of TWA 800 over the Atlantic Ocean that night. The most interesting fact about her testimony is that it matches the reports of observing a "brilliant streak of light" in the air only a few seconds before seeing the fire ball which was TWA 800.
    The theories that TWA 800 was brought down by missile fire (be it Friend or Foe) have mostly been put to rest by official government investigators. Unfortunately, the final conclusions for those theories given from the government don't seem to conclude them at all. In fact, the question is still being posed "why is the government not taking these theories seriously?" Official suggestions have been everything from faulty wiring to problematic fuel pumps, but despite hundreds of witnesses stating information about the observation of a missile or missile-like object in the air the government has all but looked these people over.
    Among the recent contacts with former witnesses the SGRA also received a number of conversations on both audio tape and in transcripts from other aircraft in the area of the TWA 800 event prior to and after the accident. This second investigation of the TWA 800 event was sparked by the contact with these former witnesses who, since 1996, have not changed their stories. None of the witnesses that came forward to the SGRA have ever attempted to get money or fame from what they saw. They have all simply wanted to add their observations to the report.
    The SGRA will be conducting this follow-up investigation of the new sources and information as well as recontacting the old witnesses and sorting through the documents collected with the first investigation. For more information on the case or how you can help please contact the SGRA at [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Also keep checking for a new updated page of this current investigation.
The Smoking Gun Research Agency ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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