-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 16, 2005 6:53:28 PM PST
Subject: [Spy News] New York Times: US used unconfirmed intelligence to manipulate votes against Iran

New York Times: US used unconfirmed intelligence to manipulate votes against
Iran-USA, Politics, 11/15/2005

Iran today said that claims by the US that it has evidence that Iran was
developing nuclear weapons lack credibility.

The New York Times reported two days ago that the US made secret
presentations to selected members of the International Atomic Energy Agency
in an effort to influence their vote against Iraq, including a secret
presentation to the director of the IAEA.

The New York Times said the evidence the US used, was a reported computer
laptop obtained by the US intelligence, that supposedly has computer files
in it that shows experimental data, supposedly by Iran trying to develop a
nuclear warhead.

The report said "American officials have said little in their briefings
about the origins of the laptop, other than that they obtained it in
mid-2004 from a source in Iran who they said had received it from a second
person, now believed to be dead."

The US would not say who the source computer, and reportedly was unable to
confirm the authenticity that the computer belongs to the Iranian
government, and is not a hoax by a group or another country to create
negative attitude towards Iran. The US used this alleged evidence to sway
the votes of several countries against Iran. Iran suspects Israel and the US
to be behind this. The Iranian official news agency reported that "The
laptop scenario is another ploy of US and Israel to spoil atmosphere ahead
of the forthcoming meeting of Board of Governors of International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) scheduled slated for November 24."

IRNA said: Iran's Under-Secretary of Supreme National Security Council
(SNSC) Javad Vaidi said that like before, a few days before an IAEA meeting
on Iranian nuclear program, the US and Israel have fabricated a new
scenario. Once, they said that Iran produces nuclear arms at Kolahdouz base,
then, they said Parchin was the center for Iran's nuclear arms and another
time they introduced Lavisan as the center for nuclear weapons.

"After such false allegations about geographical places turned out to
baseless by IAEA inspectors, now, they have resorted to a laptop which,
according to them, proves Iran is seeking nuclear arms. Even the western
allies of Washington and Israel have dismissed the credibility of such a

The New York Times report said "R. Nicholas Burns, the under secretary of
state for political affairs, who has coordinated the Iran issue with the
Europeans, also declined to discuss the intelligence, but insisted that the
Bush administration's approach was one of 'careful, quiet diplomacy designed
to increase international pressure on Iran to do one thing: abandon its
nuclear weapons designs and return to negotiations with European

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