In a message dated 6/17/01 10:18:01 PM Central Daylight Time,

Subj:[conspiracyjournal] Jetliners' 30 near misses with UFO's
Date:6/17/01 10:18:01 PM Central Daylight Time
From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tim Swartz)

UK's CAA Files Document 30 UFO Near Misses
[Original headline: Jetliners' 30 near misses with UFO's]

Hundreds of passengers were within a split second of Britain’s worst
aviation disaster when two jets missed colliding by just 100ft at
Heathrow airport. The public was shocked and public confidence severely
dented. But what air travellers didn’t know was that in the last two
there have been around 30 similar near misses – with UFOs.

The Western Daily Press has uncovered a dossier detailing the
sensational incidents. The Civil Aviation Authority’s X-Files are now in
possession of top investigative author Nick Redfern who has shown the
contents to the Daily Press.

The CAA’s hidden files, only recently released after years under wraps,
documents pilots’ and air traffic controllers’ descriptions of the
unidentified flying objects which were close to bringing down jets
loaded with passengers.

Last night the CAA’s spokesman Chris Mason said of the classified
papers: “Our reports are from highly trained pilots and air traffic
controllers. We have no argument with what they say they have seen, even if
what they saw can’t be explained.

“We admit that in some cases the aircraft which were nearly in collision
with the aircraft have never been traced.

We keep an open mind about UFOs. Some things just can’t be explained,
but they have been reported by top professionals and we do take that
into account.”

The CAA has been carefully and quietly collecting and analysing data
pertaining to near-collisions between airliners and UFOs for a number of

And while such a claim might sound like something straight out of an
episode of The X-Files, it is one supported by the CAA’s own records.

“I’ve never seen anything like it before and can’t explain what it was,”
said British Airways pilot Mike Dalton, of his sighting of a large, silver
disc-shaped object from his Boeing 737 from Rome to Gatwick on the night of
November 5, 1990.

“My co-pilot and I called in two cabin crew to see it and then it went
out of sight. Ground radar couldn’t pick it up, so it must have been
travelling at phenomenal speed.”

Subsequent investigations determined the UFO had seen by a second BA
pilot and the pilot of an RAF Tornado aircraft who was obliged to take
“violent evasive action” to avoid a collision with it.

On the night of 21 April 1991, the term ‘close encounter’ took on an
altogether more significant meaning for the crew and passengers of a
London-bound airliner. At 9.00 pm Captain Achille

Zaghetti, who was piloting a McDonnell MD80 aircraft, was amazed to see an
unidentified flying object pass his aircraft as it flew over the coast of
Kent at a height of more than 22,000 feet.

As the UFO was no more than 1,000 feet above the airliner, and the
incident therefore classed as a ‘near-miss’, an official inquiry was
launched by the CAA.

Approximately two weeks later the following brief statement was issued:
pilot said the object was light brown, round, three metres long, and did
describe any means of propulsion.

“The aircraft was under the control of London air traffic control centre
had no other aircraft in the vicinity, but consistent with the pilot
a faint radar trace was observed ten nautical miles behind the Alitalia

“Extensive enquiries have failed to provide any indication of what the
sighting may have been.”

But more was to come. The next incident to occur took place on June 1,
1991 when a yellow-orange cylindrical object, ten feet long, was seen at
close quarters by the crew of a Britannia Airways Boeing 737 en route to
London from Dublin.

Sixteen days later, yet another cylindrical-shaped UFO was sighted, this
time by one Walter Leiss, a German engineer aboard Dan Air flight DA 4700
it headed toward Hamburg.

Nick Redfern is the author of three best-selling books on UFOs. The
latest, Cosmic Crashes, is published by Simon and Schuster at £6.99.

Air traffic controller: ‘was it, er, an aircraft?’

January 6, 1995: Captain Roger Wills and co-pilot Mark Stuart were
beginning their descent towards Manchester Airport in a Boeing 737 twin jet
with 60 passengers on board.

Seventeen minutes before touchdown, a mysterious, triangular-shaped UFO
flashed past the right-hand side of the aircraft at a distance described as
being “very close” – so close, in fact, that the crew instinctively
in their seats.

This is an extract from the conversation between crew of the B737 and
the radar controller.

B737: “We just had something go down the RHS just above us very fast.”
MANCHESTER: “Well, there’s nothing seen on the radar. Was it, er, an

B737: “Well, it had lights; it went down the starboard side very quick
[and] just slightly above us, yeah.”

MANCHESTER: “Keep an eye out for something, er, I can’t see anything at
at the moment so, er, must have, er, been very fast or gone down very
quickly after it passed you I think.”

B737: “Okay. Well, there you go!”

• Story originally published by •
Western Daily Press, Bristol / England - June 15 2001

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UK's CAA Files Document 30 UFO Near Misses
[Original headline: Jetliners' 30 near misses with UFO's]

Hundreds of passengers were within a split second of Britains worst
aviation disaster when two jets missed colliding by just 100ft at
Heathrow airport. The public was shocked and public confidence severely
dented. But what air travellers didnt know was that in the last two decades
there have been around 30 similar near misses  with UFOs.

The Western Daily Press has uncovered a dossier detailing the
sensational incidents. The Civil Aviation Authoritys X-Files are now in the
possession of top investigative author Nick Redfern who has shown the
contents to the Daily Press.

The CAAs hidden files, only recently released after years under wraps,
documents pilots and air traffic controllers descriptions of the
unidentified flying objects which were close to bringing down jets
loaded with passengers.

Last night the CAAs spokesman Chris Mason said of the classified
papers: Our reports are from highly trained pilots and air traffic
controllers. We have no argument with what they say they have seen, even if
what they saw cant be explained.

We admit that in some cases the aircraft which were nearly in collision
with the aircraft have never been traced.

We keep an open mind about UFOs. Some things just cant be explained,
but they have been reported by top professionals and we do take that
into account.

The CAA has been carefully and quietly collecting and analysing data
pertaining to near-collisions between airliners and UFOs for a number of

And while such a claim might sound like something straight out of an
episode of The X-Files, it is one supported by the CAAs own records.

Ive never seen anything like it before and cant explain what it was,
said British Airways pilot Mike Dalton, of his sighting of a large, silver
disc-shaped object from his Boeing 737 from Rome to Gatwick on the night of
November 5, 1990.

My co-pilot and I called in two cabin crew to see it and then it went
out of sight. Ground radar couldnt pick it up, so it must have been
travelling at phenomenal speed.

Subsequent investigations determined the UFO had seen by a second BA
pilot and the pilot of an RAF Tornado aircraft who was obliged to take
violent evasive action to avoid a collision with it.

On the night of 21 April 1991, the term close encounter took on an
altogether more significant meaning for the crew and passengers of a
London-bound airliner. At 9.00 pm Captain Achille

Zaghetti, who was piloting a McDonnell MD80 aircraft, was amazed to see an
unidentified flying object pass his aircraft as it flew over the coast of
Kent at a height of more than 22,000 feet.

As the UFO was no more than 1,000 feet above the airliner, and the
incident therefore classed as a near-miss, an official inquiry was
launched by the CAA.

Approximately two weeks later the following brief statement was issued: The
pilot said the object was light brown, round, three metres long, and did not
describe any means of propulsion.

The aircraft was under the control of London air traffic control centre who
had no other aircraft in the vicinity, but consistent with the pilot report,
a faint radar trace was observed ten nautical miles behind the Alitalia

Extensive enquiries have failed to provide any indication of what the
sighting may have been.

But more was to come. The next incident to occur took place on June 1,
1991 when a yellow-orange cylindrical object, ten feet long, was seen at
close quarters by the crew of a Britannia Airways Boeing 737 en route to
London from Dublin.

Sixteen days later, yet another cylindrical-shaped UFO was sighted, this
time by one Walter Leiss, a German engineer aboard Dan Air flight DA 4700 as
it headed toward Hamburg.

Nick Redfern is the author of three best-selling books on UFOs. The
latest, Cosmic Crashes, is published by Simon and Schuster at 6.99.

Air traffic controller: was it, er, an aircraft?

January 6, 1995: Captain Roger Wills and co-pilot Mark Stuart were
beginning their descent towards Manchester Airport in a Boeing 737 twin jet
with 60 passengers on board.

Seventeen minutes before touchdown, a mysterious, triangular-shaped UFO
flashed past the right-hand side of the aircraft at a distance described as
being very close  so close, in fact, that the crew instinctively ducked
in their seats.

This is an extract from the conversation between crew of the B737 and
the radar controller.

B737: We just had something go down the RHS just above us very fast.
MANCHESTER: Well, theres nothing seen on the radar. Was it, er, an

B737: Well, it had lights; it went down the starboard side very quick
[and] just slightly above us, yeah.

MANCHESTER: Keep an eye out for something, er, I cant see anything at all
at the moment so, er, must have, er, been very fast or gone down very
quickly after it passed you I think.

B737: Okay. Well, there you go!

 Story originally published by 
Western Daily Press, Bristol / England - June 15 2001

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