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--- Begin Message --- -Caveat Lector-
Date:  Sat Jun 12, 2004  11:17 pm

Rogue Bush Backers prepare Super
9/11 False Flag Terror Attacks

INN Preview Exclusive -June 2 By Webster Griffin Tarpley

      On May 6, British Prime Minister Tony Blair announced that the new head
of the British intelligence service MI-6 will be John Scarlett. The choice immediately caused protests from British political opposition leaders. Scarlett was the author and stubborn defender of the now-totally-discredited and artificially sexed-up "Iraqi WMD" report issued by the Blair government in support of the US-UK war drive. Dr. David Kelley lost his life in the scandal that developed around the manipulations in this report, but the role of the government was whitewashed in the inquiry conducted by Lord Hutton of the Law Lords.

This appointment means that MI-6 will lack the leadership of a competent and independent professional who might act to prevent the coming terrorism, and will instead be under the domination of a political hack of dubious judgment and loyalty. (Wire services, May 6) In addition, the US government appears top have imposed an embargo on the sharing of critical anti-terror intelligence with European authorities. Whatever the intent, the net effect of this blackout is to screen certain activities in the US from scrutiny by the allies. In an article published May 6 the German economic paper Handelsblatt reported in reference to a similar article which appeared in the Wall Street Journal, that Spanish investigators, like many of their colleagues in Europe, are find it very difficult to obtain information from US circles which are engaged in the fight against terrorism.

Mentioned is the case of Spanish Judge Balthazar Garzon who reportedly was unable to proceed with certain investigations on Al Qaeda after Sept 11th, like the case of Al Qaeda member Ramzi Binalshibh, who is imprisoned in an unknown location. The problem is compounded by the fact that theanti-terrorism fight in the US is being conducted by non-public military courts and military intelligence, neither of which, as the article claims, is sharing testimony and evidence with their Europeancolleagues for further use. (Handelsblatt, May 6; Yahoo wires, May 7)

Propaganda Buildup

Lurid accounts of coming ABC terrorist attacks are proliferating in the US media. Whatever, the subjective intentions or motivations of the authors, these accounts objectively serve as propaganda preparation for terror attacks, specifically by introducing to the US ;public the alien notions of emergency rules, martial law, and the state of siege, all of which are favorite themes of neocon writers going back to the Nazi Carl Schmitt.  A particularly fulsome example is the article by Michael Ignatieff  which appeared on May 2, 2004 New York Times Magazine. Here are some

Consider the consequences of a second major attack on the mainland
United States -- the detonation of a radiological or dirty bomb, perhaps, or a low-yield nuclear device or a chemical strike in a subway. Anny of these events could cause death, devastation and panic on a scale that would make 9/11 seem like a pale prelude. After such an attack, a pall of mourning, melancholy, anger and fear would hang over our public life for a generation.  An attack of this sort is already in the realm of possibility. The recipes for making ultimate weapons are on the Internet, and the materiel required is available for the right price.

Democracies live by free markets, but a free market in everything -- enriched uranium, ricin, anthrax -- will mean the death of democracy. Armageddon is being
privatized, and unless we shuut down these markets, doomsday will be for sale. Sept. 11, for all its horror, was a conventional attack. We have the best of reasons to fear the fire next time.  A democracy can allow its leaders one fatal mistake -- and that's what 9/11 looks like to many observers -- but Americans will not forgive a second one. A succession of large-scale attacks would pull at the already-fragile tissue of trust that binds us to our leadership and destroy the trust we have in one another.

Once the zones of devastation were cordoned off and the bodies buried, we might find ourselves, in short order, living in a national-security state on continuous alert,
with sealed borders, constant identity checks and permanent detention
camps for dissidents and aliens.

Our constitutional rights might disappear from our courts, while torture might reappear in our interrogation cells. The worst of it is that government would not have
to impose tyranny on a cowed populace. We would demand it for our own
protection. And if the institutions of our democracy were unable to protect us from our enemies, we might go even further, taking the law into our own hands. We have a history of lynching in this country, and by the time fear and paranoia settled deep in our bones, we might repeat the worst episodes from our past, killing our former neighbors,our onetime friends. (emphasis added)

The coming of martial law to the US in the wake of a new large-scale terror attack was also the theme of Ted Koppel's Nightline broadcast of April 7, 2004. Here Koppel was joined by former terror czar Richard Clarke and the Reagan White House chief of staff Kenneth Duberstein. The broadcast was titled "The Armageddon Plan", and featured questions of continuity in government (COG) after an attack that had decimated the US Congress.  Koppel asked Duberstein: "Aren't we left for at least the foreseeable future with some sort of martial law anyway?"  Duberstein replied: "You have to suspend rights."

Koppel elaborated: "And during that period, then, and given the sense  of panic that is inevitable under circumstances like this, the executive branch of government takes on extraordinary power doesn't it?" Clarke chimed in: "I think in any war where Washington were destroyed, inevitably, there would be a period of, for lack of a better term, something like martial law." Also taking part in this broadcast was James Mann of the Brookings Institution, author of the new book Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush's War Cabinet, published this year by Viking. This work contains an extensive discussion of COG operations, which also figure in John Dean's new boom comparing the Bushadministration to the Nixon regime. (Nightline, April 7, 2004)

The Washington Post used the release of the latest set of Nixon administration tapes to issue what can only be interpreted as a signal piece, indicating to the witting that the operation is indeed on. This piece bore the headline" Haig Said Nixon Joked of Nuking Hill." The content involves a telephone conversation between Nixon's then Chief of Staff, Gen. Alexander Haig, and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, in
March 1974 – a few months before Nixon was forced out of office. "I was told to get the football," reports Haig to Kissinger, a reference to the codes used by the president to order nuclear attacks. In response to a question from Kissinger, Haig specifies that the request is for "His nuclear black bag. He is going to drop it on the Hill." The context is Nixon's growing fear of his own looming impeachment. The
message is that a nuclear bomb will detonate on the US Congress.

Canadian newspapers, by contrast, used an all-purpose AP wire story  with very different emphasis. The Montreal Gazette headline, for example, stressed another incident in which Nixon was too drunk to talk to UK Prime Minister Ted Heath. Here the headline was "Mr. Nixon can't come to the phone – he's sozzled." This version contained no mention of nuking the Congress. The Toronto Star version of the AP wire had a headline about Nixon being drunk, and relegated the question of nuking
the US Congress to the last paragraphs.

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