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Today's Press Briefing
October 30, 2000

Colombian Voters Reject the US-Imposed "Plan Colombia"

The Party's Over for Pastrana

His Conservative Party Loses in all 30 State
Elections in Yesterday's Historic Vote

The big losers in yesterday's state and municipal elections in Colombia were
that nation's president Andrés Pastrana -- whose party lost all 30 state
governorships -- and the US officials who imposed the $1.3 billion dollar
"Plan Colombia" military intervention.

The Colombian people, in yesterday's historic vote, soundly rejected Plan
Colombia, as new parties and coalitions surged forward to take half the
nation's states from both leading political parties -- Conservative and
Liberal -- in a nation that for 40 years has had a US-style two-party

The wind from below howls...


Also, Narco News Congratulates Floro Tunubalá, a leader against "Plan
Colombia," elected yesterday as governor of the state of Cauca in Colombia,
the first Native American elected as governor in Colombian history.

File under:

Colombian People to Washington: Drop Dead

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

P.S. Today's Press Briefing contains our first ever
Narco News Sports Pages!

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