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***** World Of The Strange *****
Weekly Newsletter of the Paranormal
By: Louise A. Lowry
This posting is sponsored by:
The Paranormal Research Primer http://www.tje.net/para
Providing a comprehensive view of many paranormal subjects
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: (permission is granted to reproduce or
redistribute this edition provided that attribution is made to the
Author or Authors noted)
Visit our WEB Site: http://www.jb-graphics.com/thestrange
To Subscribe or Unsubscribe please follow directions at the end of this
Distributed & Edited by; Louise A. Lowry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you are missing any parts of (WOTS) please let me know which part by
contacting me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and I will make sure you get the
part that is missing.
The newsletter...
Part 2 of 2
Copyright © 1998 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.
G. Stanford, Scientology and the CIA <CONTINUATION>
H. Stanford Allegedly Involved in CIA, Implant/Mind Control
I. The Long Island Rail Road Massacre
#2. Paranormal Writers Contest
#3. January's Award Of Excellence From World Of The Strange
#4. GHOSTS OF THE PRAIRIE: America's Most Haunted Places>The Top Ten By
Troy Taylor
Copyright © 1998 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.
Stanford, Scientology and the CIA <CONTINUATION>
Mind control was also used in domestic covert operations designed to
further the CIA's heady ambitions, and during the Vietnam War period SRI
was a hive of covert political subterfuge. The Symbionese Liberation
Army, like the People's Temple, was a creation of th
***** World Of The Strange *****
Weekly Newsletter of the Paranormal
By: Louise A. Lowry
This posting is sponsored by:
The Paranormal Research Primer http://www.tje.net/para
Providing a comprehensive view of many paranormal subjects
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: (permission is granted to reproduce or
redistribute this edition provided that attribution is made to the
Author or Authors noted)
Visit our WEB Site: http://www.jb-graphics.com/thestrange
To Subscribe or Unsubscribe please follow directions at the end of this
Distributed & Edited by; Louise A. Lowry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you are missing any parts of (WOTS) please let me know which part by
contacting me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and I will make sure you get the
part that is missing.
The newsletter...
Part 2 of 2
Copyright © 1998 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.
G. Stanford, Scientology and the CIA <CONTINUATION>
H. Stanford Allegedly Involved in CIA, Implant/Mind Control
I. The Long Island Rail Road Massacre
#2. Paranormal Writers Contest
#3. January's Award Of Excellence From World Of The Strange
#4. GHOSTS OF THE PRAIRIE: America's Most Haunted Places>The Top Ten By
Troy Taylor
Copyright © 1998 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.
Stanford, Scientology and the CIA <CONTINUATION>
Mind control was also used in domestic covert operations designed to
further the CIA's heady ambitions, and during the Vietnam War period SRI
was a hive of covert political subterfuge. The Symbionese Liberation
Army, like the People's Temple, was a creation of the CIA. The SLA had
at its core a clique of black ex-convicts from Vacaville Prison. Donald
DeFreeze, otherwise known as "Cinque", led the SLA. He was formerly an
informant for the LAPD's Criminal
Conspiracy Section and the director of Vacaville's Black Cultural
Association (BCA), a covert mind control unit with funding from the CIA
channeled through SRI. The Menlo Park behavior modification specialists
experimented with psychoactive drugs administered to members of the BCA.
Black prisoners were programmed to murder selected black leaders once on
the outside. The CIA/SRI zombie killer hit list included Oakland school
superintendent Dr. Marcus Foster, and Panthers Huey Newton and Bobby
Seale, among others. DeFreeze stated that at Vacaville in 1971-72, he
was the subject of a CIA mind control experiment. He described his
incarceration on the prison's third floor, where he was corralled by CIA
agents who drugged him and said he would become the leader of a radical
movement and kidnap a wealthy person. After his escape
from Vacaville (an exit door was left unlocked for him), that's exactly
what he did.
"EM mind control machines were championed at SRI by Dr. Karl Pribram,
director of the Neuropsychology Research Laboratory: "I certainly could
educate a child by putting an electrode in the lateral hypothalamus and
then selecting the situations at which I stimulate it. In this was I can
grossly change his behavior." Psychology Today touted Pribram as "The
Magellan of Brain
Science." He obtained his B.S. and M.D. degrees at the University of
Chicago, and at SRI studied how the brain processes and stores sensory
imagery. He is credited with discovering that mental imaging bears a
close resemblance to hologram projection (the basis for transmitting
images to the brains of test subjects under the misnomer 'remote
"The SRI/SAIC psi experiments were supervised at Langley by John McMahon
, second in command under William Casey, succeeding Bobby Ray Inman, the
SAIC director. McMahon has, according to Philip Agee, the CIA whistle-
blowing exile, an affinity for "technological exotics for CIA covert
actions." He was recruited by the Agency after his graduation from Holy
Cross College. He is a former director of the Technical Services
Division, deputy director for Operations, and in 1982 McMahon was
appointed deputy director of Central Intelligence. He left the Agency
six years later to take the position of president of the Lockheed
Missiles and Space Systems Group. In 1994 he moved on the Draper
Laboratories. He is a director of the Defense Enterprise Fund and an
adviser to congressional committees."
"Many of the SRI "empaths" were mustered from L. Ron Hubbard's Church of
Scientology, Harold Puthoff, the Institute's senior researcher, is a
leading Scientologist. Two "remote viewers" from SRI have also held rank
in the Church: Ingo Swann, a Class VII Operating Thetan, a founder of
the Scientology Center in Los Angeles, and the late Pat Price. Puthoff
and Targ's lab assistant was a Scientologist married to a minister of
the church. When Swann joined SRI, he stated openly that fourteen
"Clears" participated in the experiments, 'more than I would suspect.'"
At the time he denied CIA involvement, but now acknowledges, "it was
rather common knowledge all along who the sponsor was, although in
documents the identity of the Agency was concealed behind the sobriquet
of 'an east-coast scientist.' The Agency's interest was quite extensive.
"A number of agents of the CIA came themselves ultimately to SRI to act
as subjects in 'remote viewing' experiments, as did some members of
Congress." --Alex Constantine Copyright © 1996
In a rare example of a crack in the mass media's wall of silence and
coverup regarding mind control projects in general and electronic mind
control in particular, the Sonoma County Independent weekly newspaper,
in their July 9 1998 edition, featured a front page article on
electronic mind manipulation by the means of surgically implanted
The article focuses primarily on the case of a Silicon Valley family; in
particular, activities involving their son. Writer J. Douglas Allen-
Taylor details a litany of horrors suffered by the Kats family at the
hands of "scientists" and "doctors" working at Stanford University
Medical Center facilities in the service of government intelligence
agencies; pursuing extensive mind control agendas which utilize physical
implants for monitoring, tracking and activating pre-encoded
psychological "triggers".
Edward and Claudia Kats, Russian immigrants who left when Russia was
still part of the Soviet Union, relate how their son Jay was first
implanted during a 1982 tonsillectomy operation at Stanford Medical
Center. Edward attests that he himself was then implanted during an
operation at Kaiser Hospital in 1991. They suspect that the initial
reason for the interest on the part of the CIA was the family's
suspected but nonexistent connection to the KGB. Subsequent
experimentation continued even after the agency realized there was no
such connection, as son Jay was inducted into a full-on mind control
operation. The article mentions the blond haired, blue-eyed appearance
of Jay, and this makes me suspicious that perhaps the real reason for
the interest on the part of the CIA has to due do with genetic/racial
The Katses describe how the implants affected Jay's mood, mental acuity,
attitudes towards other people...the works. His school performance
deteriorated tremendously and he began to get in trouble with the law.
They believe he and Edward are the target of transmissions which are
intended to induce them to commit any of a wide range of preprogrammed
actions--even crimes. Claudia noted in the article that threats, "bad
thoughts" and negative, (self)-destructive concepts and attitudes or
"feelings" are also transmitted.
Edward Kats feels that large segments of the population, in particular
racial minorities, are being subjected to the same kind of programming;
for one reason, to instigate continual social/civil unrest and
The Kats' and their legal representatives have filed formal and well
documented complaints and reports with a host of law enforcement,
judicial and other governmental agencies on many levels. Predictably, no
serious interest has been shown nor any actions taken in response to the
Another Silicon Valley resident mentioned in the article is David Duval,
who feels he was implanted because of his suspected links to illegal
drug trafficking, and is being used in the expectation that he can help
track the whereabouts of certain kingpins in illegal drug operations.
Santa Clara University law professor Alan Scheflin, author of a very
hard-to-find 1978 book called The Mind Manipulators, says that
clandestine mind control experiments have been going on in the US for
many years, and that a good number of these involve implantation with
just the kinds of devices referred to in the above allegations.
In late October of 1997, Investigative Report on the Arts &
Entertainment Network carried a report on the Colin Ferguson murder
trial. Ferguson had been found guilty of murdering six and wounding
another thirteen during a deadly and inexplicable outburst aboard a Long
Island Rail Road commuter train in late 1993.
A brief segment towards the end of the A&E report showed reporters
interviewing a "Raoul Diaz", outside the courthouse where Ferguson's
murder trial was in progress. Diaz, who had appeared to testify in
Ferguson's behalf, described how he had been kidnapped while driving a
taxi in the Bronx, and subsequently placed on a Long Island Rail Road
train at Penn Station bound for Hicksville. Someone of Oriental
appearance sitting directly adjacent to him on the train displayed a
small handheld device and commented that he was employed by the CIA. He
said to Diaz, "look at that black man over there", then pressed
something on the device and Ferguson immediately fell unconscious.
Appearing visibly ill at ease during the interview, Diaz nervously
continued with his astonishing account when someone behind him whispered
something and the
interview was terminated abruptly.
There was no explanation offered by either those conducting the
interview at the time or by the producers of the A&E report for the
information related by Diaz. The intended inference would seem to be
that this was just some screwball, though he certainly didn't appear so.
Diaz came across as coherent, rational and credible, gave no indication
of being a wacko.
Diaz was not allowed to testify at the Ferguson trial by Ferguson and/or
the judge, and to my knowledge, no other witnesses who had some other
peculiar and troubling information to impart about that train ride to
hell ever got to testify either. Diaz has literally never been heard
from again, certainly not in any public way. Strange as well that
Ferguson, a man with some obvious and substantial mental impairment, was
allowed by the judicial system in a blatant procedural anomaly to
conduct his own defense--which, though technically permitted under the U
.S. Constitution, is almost never granted in practice in a mass murder
case such as this, with some good reason.
I first heard this information in 1995 from Montauk Project book series
coauthor Peter Moon, about the Oriental man who urged Diaz to observe
how the small handheld remote control transmitter could make Ferguson
nod off. Why Diaz would have been kidnapped and placed on the train to
so observe the clandestine technology which apparently activated the
terrifying and deadly proceedings is anyone's guess. How interesting
that this took place on Long Island. Notice we are talking about
electromagnetic/radio-frequency mind control here--the undeniable
specialty of the Montauk Project.
It could be the killings were an attempt to exacerbate racial tensions
in the New York area which had already been rather strained for years.
Or maybe only one or several of those killed were actually the real
intended victims and the mass shooting was to cover up that fact--as it
would look like the target(s) died by chance with the others in an
indiscriminate mass shooting.
#2. Paranormal Writers Contest
Para-Discussion Group Co-Moderators:
T.J. Elias (Paranormal Research Primer) http://www.tje.net/para/ Louise
A. Lowry (World Of The Strange) http://www.jb-graphics.com/thestrange
Will be hosting a Writers contest...For the Month of January... Starting
the 1st of the New Year till the dead line of submission articles which
will be on the 8th of February.....
The first 2 placed winners will get a chose of the books that will be
offered! The 3rd book will go to the 3rd placed winner...also I will
have something for the next 2 placements as my honorable mentions....
The books are:
"Last Talons of the Eagle"
Secret Nazi Technology which could have changed the course of World War
II By Gary Hyland & Anton Gill.
Hardcover - 256 pages ( 5 November, 1998) - Headline; ISBN: 0747221561
Amazon UK listing is: http://www.amazon.co.
uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0747221561/ qid%3D913493502/026-6162627-9948202
"Cosmic Top Secret: the Unseen Agenda" By: Jon King
Paperback - 320 pages ( 4 June, 1998) - Hodder & Stoughton Trade; ISBN:
0340708212 Amazon UK listing is: http://www.amazon.co.
Vital Signs: A Complete Guide to the Crop Circle Mystery By: Andy Thomas
Paperback ( 1 June, 1998) - SB Publications; ISBN: 1857701550 Amazon UK
listing is: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1857701550/ qid=
The contest is simple......Here is a check list....
#1. To first enter your submission you MUST be either a Subscriber of
World Of The Strange or on the Para-Discuss List If you are not on
either of the list your submission will not be valid, and you will get a
reply from the Editor of WOTS To Subscribe to either here is a simple
way to do it though either Control Panels:
World Of The Strange Control Panel to Unsubscribe or Subscribe http:
PARA-Discuss Discussion Group Control Panel to Unsubscribe or Subscribe
#2. All submissions must be sent to Louise A. Lowry at taak46b@prodigy.
com with the Subject line as: CONTEST. This way I will make sure that
a letter gets sent out to you that we have it on receipt.
#3. There is no limit to the story/commentary that is written: It Must
though be along a Paranormal feature, either a true story or a fictional
#4. All submissions are the sole property of World Of The Strange and
Paranormal Research Primer...
#5. All articles will be judged by an independent judge, and not by the
owners of these sites.
#6. The winners of this contest and their stories will also be featured
in the 2/15/99 Issue of World Of The Strange
If there are any questions please contact Louise A. Lowry at
My grateful thanks to "Roger xxxxx" for his donation of these "new"
books and his faith in the newsletter!
Also a Thanks goes out to a very good Friend "Michelle Guerin" who will
be judge for this contest...also a special note...Ms. Guerin has been
working on her own book, and I look forward to the day I can announce it
here on WOTS...
EDITORS NOTE: Seems that there was a question on the #4 issue
#4. All submissions are the sole property of World Of The Strange and
Paranormal Research Primer...
This rule was only meant that all articles WILL NOT be sent to any
other magazines or newsletters but are given the rights by the author to
use these articles submitted to us. All articles WILL be noted of the
author plus any other information that is sent!
Also there is no limit to the submissions.
#3. January's Award Of Excellence From World Of The Strange
Well as we start off this New Year with a bang, my webmaster has
designed an Award to hand out each month, to the most deserving sites
that are out there on the Paranormal...
This Month I have chosen 2 sites. I have done this to express my
appreciation to 2 gentleman that have been an integral part of the
newsletter and website for World Of The Strange. Without their
assistance, none of this would have been possible.
First off goes to Bill Cunningham at J&B Graphics (jbgraphics@prodigy.
net) http://www.jb-graphics.com
Even though his site has nothing to do with the Paranormal, my feelings
go beyond that realm. Bill pushed me to get World Of The Strange Web
Site going. He has done a wonderful job at keeping my site updated and
doing changes that I request! He had the foresight to use the site as a
serious stop off, and not one that has all kinds of boos/aliens and gore
! My appreciation for Bill has grown and I look forward to this New Year
My 2nd choice is a site owned by a wonderful man I have come to known T.
J. Elias ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Paranormal Research Primer http://www.tje.
T.J. first join WOTS back in April 97' . I was having so much problems
getting the newsletter out because of the increased subscription. I had
crashed my system. TJ, was my knight in shining armor...he offered his
Majordomo for my mailing of the newsletter. I'm glad he did, because
about a week later I lost all names and addresses due to this crash.
The increase in the subscription of the newsletter has gone really good
and with everything going on, the publication has doubled, (more like
tripled since April)
As time went on, T.J. became my right arm...We discussed about opening a
forum for Paranormal talks and just being a friendly Discussion Group,
hence T.J. and I started PARA-Discuss Forum for all discussions....
PARA-Discuss Discussion Group Control Panel to Unsubscribe or Subscribe
So this months award goes to both these wonderous men. If it wasn't for
them, I would not be here, boring you all to death....<g> If you would
like for me to view your web site for concideration for this "AWARD"
please, send me your URL and put in the subject line "AWARD"
On an almost daily basis (it seems like), I receive calls and letters
asking me what I believe are the most haunted places in America. Of
course, there are a number of ways to answer that.... it can be answered
with the idea of being the most active places (in which case I can name
a couple of places that no one has ever heard of) or it can be the most
legendary places (in which no real activity has been reported for
decades but it remains a well-known spot). See the dilemma that I face?
So instead of trying to present some long and documented discussion of
these haunted places and trying to break them down versus a "good story"
and real paranormal activity, I decided to simply name what are my
favorite haunted spots. I have chosen ten places which I feel fall into
the category of "America's Most Haunted Places". They are not in order
and have been listed randomly on the page.
I would be curious what you think of my choices and should you decide to
send me some other spots, I would be happy to pass them along to our
other visitors in our weekly newsletters. Let me know what you think via
email.... Troy Taylor
1. THE BELL WITCH CAVE Associated with the story of the infamous Bell
Witch, this site marks ones of the oldest stories in American ghost lore
. It was believed by some that the witch escaped into this cave after
she ended her haunting of the Bell family, but this is probably a
convenient explanation to cover the weird events and strange phenomena
associated with the cave. Located in Adams, Tennessee.
2. THE OLD SLAVE HOUSE (HICKORY HILL) This mansion marks one of the only
places where slavery existed legally in Illinois and is today believed
to be haunted by the ghosts of slaves who were imprisoned and mistreated
there. Located near Junction, Illinois.
3. THE LEMP MANSION This home was one the pride of an eccentric
brewing family named Lemp. After Prohibition was passed and the family
fortunes dwindled, the house became the scene of suicide and tragedy. It
is believed that several members of the family still linger today.
Located in St. Louis, Missouri.
4. BACHELOR'S GROVE CEMETERY Believed to be the most haunted place in
the Chicago area, this abandoned and desecrated cemetery boast more than
100 documented paranormal events.Located near Midlothian, Illinois.
5. GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BATTLEFIELD The terrible fighting which took
place here in 1863 and caused dozens of ghosts and spirits to linger
here. There are a number of haunted places in the small town of
Gettysburg and the battlefield itself which bear examination and make it
a very haunted region. Located in southern Pennsylvania.
(Editor's Note) This one I personally know about, and their a hundreds
of stories about this most famous Battle...who knows they are still
finding artifacts in Gettysburg.
6. ALCATRAZ This former "escape-proof" prison, closed down in 1963, has
been reportedly haunted ever since and documentation by staff members
and visitors leads many to believe that many of the former prisoners are
still waiting here to be freed. Located in the San Francisco, California
7. DUDLEYTOWN Perhaps one of the most infamous locations on the East
Coast! Dudleytown was a cursed and abandoned village that was first
settled in 1738. The residents were plagued by accidents, suicide and
insanity and eventually the town was deserted. The location remains a
very haunted one today! Located in northwestern Connecticut.
8. THE WINCHESTER MANSION This mysterious house was started in 1884
by Sarah Winchester and she never stopped building! Believing that she
was haunted by the spirits of those who died by Winchester rifles, she
was instructed by a medium to never stop building or she would die. The
house became a fantastic maze is said to still be haunted today. Located
in San Jose, California.
9. THE MYRTLES PLANTATION This house was built in 1796 and has been
haunted for more than a century. Perhaps the most famous ghost here is
that of a former servant who was hanged for poisoning the young children
of the plantation master. A spooky and intriguing place! Located near St
. Francisville, Louisiana.
10. THE STEVE LEE HOUSE This is perhaps the only location on the list
that does not have a famous story to tell.... but it is without a doubt
one of the most haunted sites in America. Plagued by strange lights,
apparitions and weird phenomena, this is one of the strangest places
that I have ever heard of. Located near Black Forest, Colorado.
Editor's Note: My Thanks to Troy for his most generosity to WOTS. Also
if you would like to view any materials on these place please visit the
site for all the new information given. http://www.prairieghosts.
GHOSTS OF THE PRAIRIE at http://www.prairieghosts.com
Home of the American Ghost Society and Whitechapel Productions Press
Publisher of GHOSTS OF THE PRAIRIE Magazine and the
515 East Third Street Alton, Illinois 62002
(618) 465-1086 / Toll-Free 1-888-GHOSTLY
Looking for ghost books? See http://www.prairieghosts.com/specorders.
Louise A. Lowry
"World Of The Strange" Weekly Free Newsletter
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"Tis-Strange but true: For Truth is always Strange! Stranger than
Please, if you have any information you would like to share please mail
it to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] You will get full credit for anything
you send. If you have a book or URL you would also like to share with
others please forward it on to me... I will make sure I get it in the
next available World Of The Strange newsletter.
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Louise A. Lowry
"World Of The Strange" Weekly Free Newsletter
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