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                        from website (ciajfk.com)

To Frank J. Klein, Esq. :

While the U.S. media is focusing on President Clinton's impeachment a "U.S.
espionage sweeps Europe."

The CIA was also interested in Princess Diana's sexual habits and kept a
1100 page Dosier on her.  They don't want anyone to see it according to the
San Jose Mercury, Dec. 12, 1998 and the Star Dec. 22, 1998.  Bill Clinton's
sexual trap was not the only case the CIA/Pentagon was interested in.  It
is possible that the CIA was more interested in Princess Diana's stance for
the Red Cross against the land mines.  How much do you want to bet?

About two years ago one may want to note: That Bill Clinton's Ambassador,
Pamela Harriman (once married to Winston Churchill's son) died at Mohamed
Al Fayed's Ritz Hotel swimming pool.  Pamela's family says she was in great


Bruce Campbell Adamson


Low on funds get volumes for free? By visiting your local library and place
a request for the entire set of The de Mohrenschildt Story and refer them
to the Books in Print.

"Everything that we are today exists today because of the past.  If
historians don't get the story right, then our lives today are based upon
lies." Bruce Campbell Adamson Nov. 1997.

Visit my web site (http://www.ciajfk.com).

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