This is your ADL - now consider Abraham Foxman just got caught and went
into hiding with the other little foxes for ADL had taken a lot of money
from Richie Rich aka Marc Rich to let us say reach out to our President.
......this item I reproduce here (and see above subject matter and pull
up for other data) is the work of this ADL who came into being in 1913
with the Federal Reserve System.

Now right before Oklahoma a magazine which I have was published - it
relates to anti NWO and anti Bankers - it refers to farmers losing their
land and lives - and people beng shoved about as so much cattle.......on
the front of this magazine is a picture of a farm - a silo.......and
within it item referring to Mark from Michigan - for his name was to be
withheld but lo and behold in the back of this magazine, the enemy was
within - Mark Lane with pen in hand, and that old JFK crap he virtually
stole from others in the Assassination Committee - now Mark Lana aka
Mark Levy is always there before the fact for a few days after I got
this publication or a week or so after - Oklahoma, right on schedule and
of course the ADL had warned FBI and BATF and a Judge to stay home that
day but boy those babies and little kids were put into their little
cribs and at their little toys that day........this was one of the
biggest set ups in the history of the the wings of course you
had McVeigh who attempted to contact and get connected to this Michigan is my understanding the Militia did not bite on that
one.    ADL would have you believe they did and attempted to blame this
Mark from Michigan whom they called intelligence officer which was not
correct.   .

So the set up began here........the militias were getting out the
word.........wonder who is always there when the grab up the land of the
THIS ADL merits investigation.......and this connection to Marc Rich and
some of these foundations where dirty money is laundered - all tax free

Anti Defamation League?   Its our Social Security money these bastards
want now to get rich quick........they are at the door now and the enemy
is within but this ADL is always there, like the Judas with the bag -
ready for the quick kill of anyone who comes in conflict with their own
personal views.

As for that bastard Foxman who took money from Marc Rich - 55 million
people died in that war and frankly, it wasn't worth it.

Come to Columbus, Ohio someday and see the long body bag counts during
the reign of Lansky and the Jewish Mafia - who had stashed away lots of
neo nazi literature for future use - but the got caught in a
murder....too bad the CFR Govenor then loosed this Mafia Hit Man with a
pardon - seems Clinton made a few bucks this way too


See where ADL had foot in door in Michigan and as always Mark Lane aka
Mark Levy - the enemy, the Judas was operating already, from
within....This stuff connects from Jonestown to Heavens  Gate to
Michigan where attempt was made to set up militias.........ADL front for
Federal Reserve, author of hate lists against Christian

Referral Partners Wanted - Earn Commissions on Sales!
Armed & Dangerous:

The militia movement has gained a following in Michigan. The most
visible such group in the state has sprung up in northern Michigan.

Spokesmen there make the (probably exaggerated) claim that militias have
10,000 members and that brigades are operating or are currently forming
in 66 of the state's 83 counties. Meetings reportedly draw 50 to 100

The issues animating Michigan's militias are the same as those fueling
the movement nationally. Chief among them is a belief that gun control
legislation is but a prelude to a complete ban on firearms ownership in
this country. An essential additional ingredient, though, is their
conviction that the government intends to wage war on citizens who
refuse to give up their weapons.

They cite as evidence for this view the tragic assault on the Branch
Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. and the 1992 raid on the cabin of
Randy Weaver in Idaho, in which Weaver's wife and son and a federal
marshal were killed.
[Your ADL put these people on the hate lists and manufactured false
evidence for FBI against what about ADL taking all that
money from Marc Rich to get his pardon?]

They also contend that this same federal government is acquiescing in
the surrender of U.S. sovereignty to the United Nations and other
international bodies. The militia's aims are to "stand against tyranny,
globalism, moral relativism, humanism and the New World Order
threatening to undermine these United States of America."

Norman E. Olson, 47, a Baptist minister and gun-shop owner in Alanson,
is the Commander of the 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, Northern Michigan
Regional Militia. After a few months of discussion and recruitment, the
group was established in April 1994. It conducts training exercises
twice a month. At a recent session, weapons reportedly included Chinese
SKS semi-automatic assault rifles, shotguns and deer rifles.

[  SABA NOTE:During this time frame JJ Johnson owner of Sierra News
headed up militia in Columbus, Ohio - a black man and patriot who
appered with Olson before Senate Committe where Thomspon promised to
look into this weather modifiationi program destroying farmers in mid
west, etc and during this time frame Mark Lane had infiltrated Michigan
using JFK material much of which he uses to open doors.....the enemy
within, the Judas who lives to write the book, and who always has the

When residents complained about militia members clad in camouflage
uniforms and painted faces gathering with their rifles at a village park
and a public campground in Pellston, the village council banned firearms
from those and other village sites. Militia commander Olson threatened
to sue the village for allegedly violating his rights. He also announced
that his group would no longer convene in the park or the campground,
saying: "The people of Pellston have got to want the light of liberty."

Olson strenuously denies that the Northern Michigan Regional Militia is
racist or anti Semitic.  [Saba Note:  European Zionists are not
Semites....Semites are Arabic Moslems, domestic jews, etc living in holy
land not just the usual victims Foxman style]

He claims some Jewish ancestry, and professes admiration for Israel. But
his militia's rhetoric on occasion has been extreme and alarmist. In
reference to the aborted march on Washington promoted by Indianapolis
militia leader  Linda Thompson, Olson has written: "Many thousands are
prepared to go to Washington in uniform, carry their guns, prepared to
present the ultimatum to the President and to Congress. This may be the
beginning of a Concord-like confrontation." A militia pamphlet
distributed at a May meeting in Petoskey attended by some 55 people
reportedly asked:

 "What force exists to prevent a state or federally orchestrated
massacre like the one in Waco from occurring in Michigan?" Ray
Southwell, a real estate agent who is the group's information officer,
has said: "I'd guess that within the next two years, you will see the
Constitution suspended." His further prediction: "Christian
fundamentalists will be the first to go under fascism this time. Just
like the Jews were the first last time."

Southwell speaks as though he regards confrontation with law enforcement
as inevitable. His militia is preparing for the day "when martial law is
declared." "We are taking a stand." he says, "and are prepared to lose

Other militia activists in Michigan have had their own encounter with
the law. Police in Fowlerville (Livingston County) arrested three
militia members on September 8, 1994. Loaded rifles and handguns, as
well as gas masks, night-vision binoculars and two-way radios, were
found in their car.

At the men's scheduled September 14 hearing, at least two dozen
uniformed supporters staged a protest in front of the courthouse and
stomped on a United Nations flag. The suspects failed to appear and are
considered fugitives. They were described by their supporters as
security aides to Mark Koernke (a.k.a. "Mark from Michigan"), a former
Army intelligence officer whose "America in Peril" video and speeches
have helped to recruit members to militias around the country.

All the confrontational talk has caught the attention of law enforcement
authorities. "Some of their material is disquieting because it defines
the U.S. government as the enemy said a Michigan State Police commander.
"It is disquieting if people think redress is in armed conflict with the
U.S. government." The head of the Detroit office of the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms expressed the hope "that the militia
groups would use the power of the vote rather than the threat of armed
violent confrontation to accomplish their goals."

The original plaintext version of this file is available via ftp.
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