Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 9:57 PM
Subject: TAGGED AND BAGGED: "Citizen, Can I See Your ID."

"Citizen, Can I See Your ID."
by Al Martin

What has not been explained to the American people is the reason why 35,000
Army Reservists and 65,000 National Guard have been called up.  It is to
maintain internal checkpoints.  It has nothing to do with the external "War
on Terrorism." All of these people are being trained at the US Army School
of Urban Control at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.  CNN actually showed an urban
training mock-up, what they're training on, and what the new Internal
Security checkpoint is going to look like.  It was mighty sinister looking.

There was a barrier that went across the road.  To the right was an elevated
shed like structure, elevated perhaps fifteen feet in the air.  It had a
small second story that was open.  On it was a sign that read "Homeland
Security Internal Checkpoint." There were sandbags and the wooden arm that
crossed the road read "100% ID Checked." Then there was a small shed to the
right with a small barbed wire area behind that.  On this structure was a
sign, which read, "All citizens not having proper identification will be
detained.  All foreign nationals will be detained.  All citizens who are
deemed to be acting in a suspicious manner will be detained." At each of
these posts there will be six armed Army or National Guard reservists with
M-16's with full field kit.  On top of the structure to the rear, the open
structure on top, there's a man with a machine gun emplacement.

They showed the actual mockup used for training purposes.  They had new
uniforms.  They weren't in their regular uniforms.  It's a new gray uniform
with a gray helmet and a visor so you can't see their eyes.  The only thing
you can see is from their lips down because they said that's "to prevent any
retribution" from people who don't like this new idea.

This uniform looked exactly like the Imperial Storm Troopers from "Star
Wars" except instead of white, it was gray.  All the helmets have little
transceivers so they can communicate with each other.  There will be six
guards at each internal security checkpoint.  And there's another warning on
the inside of the barbed wire enclosure, "Any detainees attempting to escape
will be shot." It was a yellow and red sign inside the detainment area.

The only person who actually spoke on camera during this story was a
sergeant, an Army Reservist sergeant.  You could tell that he completely
disagreed with what was going on.  You couldn't hear the question being
asked, but he was looking at the camera and he said, "We're here to protect
the people." Then he put his head down and shook his head, and you could
tell he didn't believe a word of what he was saying -- like it was some big
frigging joke.

Then they showed the procedure they were using to train these guys.  An
average American car, like a Ford or a Chevy, drives up and there's supposed
to be a husband and wife in the front seat and a couple of kiddies in the
back.  So they drive up to the checkpoint, and the corporal comes up to the
car and says, "May I see your identification, citizen."

They call everyone "citizen." I swear to God, I'm not making this up.
Then the guy asks for his driver's license, then something else and
something else.  Then he says, "Very good, citizen."

There's a spot on the gate that goes across the road that they had x-ed out.
But you could tell what it said because the sergeant alluded to it.  It
said, "All citizens are required to present their National Identification
Cards." But they left it blank as a black spray-painted out spot because the
legislation for that hasn't happened yet.

The big sign on the side of the one and half story shed with the machine gun
nest on top said "Homeland Security Internal Checkpoint." And now we're all
supposed to say, "Hail the Republic." That's the new mantra.
They showed a bunch of guys being trained at Fort Campbell, Kentucky,
probably enlisted and reservists and such.  And they kept raising up their
right arm saying, "Hail the Republic."

The sergeant even said that they are duplicating the ancient Roman Legions
salute to Caesar, using the right arm upraised with the fist.
Instead of "Hail Caesar," though they say, "Hail the Republic."

This is what's coming.  People don't believe it or people don't understand
it but when 80% of the people support whatever "security"
measures are necessary.

What does it all mean?  We all better start worrying when George Bush starts
to play the fiddle.

Congress is supposed to be recessed for the rest of the year, but they will
be giving the Administration extraordinary wartime authority --
pursuant to all remaining legislation.  In other words, they will simply
allow the Administration to act under pending statutes.  They are simply
going to transfer to the Administration emergency wartime power to act under
bills, which are still pending, even though they haven't been passed.

The implication is that we will be under a defacto state of martial law
soon.  There are 100,000 military being trained for these internal security

When they were showing the lines of enlisted and reserve people being
trained in this camp, with M-16s in their hands, I can tell you I don't
think any of them would hesitate to shoot at American citizens.  I think
they're being indoctrinated.  The indoctrination they're going through is
obvious.  The enlisted people are being told by the drill sergeant that they
are being given extraordinary authority that "your job is to protect the
security of the State at all costs."

There is a direct parallel between the old Soviet Union and the East Bloc
and what we are doing.  We are establishing internal travel restrictions on
the American people.  We are essentially following the Soviet textbook.  In
the Soviet Communist Bloc, for example, there were checkpoints in every
city.  You had to have what's called an "internal travel visa." You had to
have that visa stamped at every checkpoint in every city.  Then they checked
you out at every entrance to every city.  Then if you checked out, they
would affix a visa stamp and charge you ten marks for it.  It was a real

What will be interesting to see is what kind of a racket is going to go
along with these internal security check points.  In other words, how much
of a "toll" are they going to charge?  They're going to have to do something
to pay for all of this and one of the obvious ways to pay for it would be to
charge everyone a one or two dollar "toll."

And this is what we should be looking forward to - toll booths around the
nation.  They're not saying this yet, but obviously in an effort to pay for
this, there's going to be some sort of a "security tax." Since this system
is incredibly cumbersome (having to stop every single vehicle and check
identification) and we've been taught to be suspicious of driver's licenses
because it's so easy to obtain false driver's licenses, the implication is
that national security cards are the only thing that will eventually be
accepted as identification.  The further implication is that in order to
accommodate traffic (this will create traffic jams miles and miles long),
there would be a separate line for those carrying pre-approved internal
visas whose allegiance to the government has already been checked.

The sergeant on the news report said that all the people involved (100,000
military people) are being forced to swear new loyalty oaths to the United
States.  He just mentioned the government's overall policy, which Bush
talked about last week, that all federal civilian employees are going to
have to take new oaths of allegiance to the "Republic." And that extends to
some members of the military who will be involved in internal security.

Surprisingly enough all these border checks, you would think, would be
handled directly by the military - or under the auspices of the military.
They're not.  They're under the auspices of "Homeland Security." What it
means is that you have 100,000 troops (reservists and national guards
people) based in the United States, which will be seconded to the Office of
Homeland Security.  Their ultimate jurisdiction is being transferred from
the Department of Defense to the Office of Homeland Security.

In other words, the Office of Homeland Security is gaining a militarized
division of 100,000 troops.

It's finally getting some of the liberals nervous.  But it's coming.
Day after day, they're showing polls that seventy to eighty percent of the
American people are prepared to approve whatever security measures are
"necessary" to "fight terrorism."
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