Roger Ebert's review of the movie _GRASS_ is great stuff!

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Ice Tiger


GRASS / ** (R)

June 16, 2000

Unapix Films presents a documentary produced and directed by Ron Mann.
Narrated by Woody Harrelson. Written by Solomon Vesta. Running time: 80
minutes. Rated R (for drug content).


It is agreed by reasonable people that one of the results of anti-drug
laws is to support the price of drugs and make their sale lucrative. If
drugs were legalized, the price would fall, and the motive to promote
them would fade away. Since anyone who wants drugs can get them now,
usage would be unlikely to increase. Crime would go down when addicts
didn't have to steal to support their habits, and law enforcement would
benefit from the disappearance of drug-financed bribery, payoffs and

All of this is so obvious that the opposition to the legalization of
drugs seems inexplicable--unless you ask who would be hurt the most by
the repeal of drug laws. The international drug cartels would be put out
of business. Drug enforcement agencies would be unnecessary. Drug
wholesalers and retailers would have to seek other employment. If it is
true (as often charged) that the CIA has raised money by dealing in
drugs, it would lose this source of funds free from congressional
accounting. Who would benefit if drugs were legalized? The
public--because both drug usage and its associated crimes would diminish.

Despite the logic of this argument, few political candidates have had the
nerve to question the way our drug laws act as a price support system,
and encourage drug usage. "Grass," a new documentary by Ron Mann, traces
the history of the laws against one drug--marijuana--back to their
origins in anti-Mexican prejudice at the turn of the century, and forward
through periods when marijuana was seen as part of the Red conspiracy.
When New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia commissioned a study of the weed,
his commission found the "sociological, psychological and medical" threat
of the substance was "exaggerated." He called for its decriminalization.
Many years later, so did President Jimmy Carter--until he had to lay low
after an aide was nabbed on cocaine charges.

Other presidents, of course, have enthusiastically supported anti-drug
laws (Richard M. Nixon going so far as to swear in Elvis Presley in the
war against narcotics). "Grass" traces much of our national drug policy
to one man, Harry J. Anslinger, the first drug czar, who like J. Edgar
Hoover created a fiefdom that was immune to congressional criticism.

"Grass" is not much as a documentary. It's a cut-and-paste job,
assembling clips from old and new anti-drug films and alternating them
with pro-drug footage from the Beats, the flower power era and so on. The
narration by pro-hemp campaigner Woody Harrelson is underlined by the
kind of lurid graphics usually seen on 1940s coming attractions trailers.

The film is unlikely to tell many of its viewers anything they don't
already know, and unlikely to change our national drug policy. The
situation will continue indefinitely, corrupting politicians and whole
nations with billions of dollars of illegal profits. Those who use drugs
will continue to do so. Others will abstain, die or find a way to stop,
just as they do now. Prohibition proved that when the government tries to
come between the people and what the people want to do, laws are not
effective; statistically, Prohibition coincided with a considerable
increase in drinking.

Am I in favor of drugs? Not at all. Drug abuse has led to an epidemic of
human suffering. Grass seems relatively harmless, but I have not known
anyone who used hard drugs and emerged undamaged. Still, in most
societies throughout human history, drug use has been treated
realistically--as a health problem, not a moral problem. Have our drug
laws prevented anyone from using drugs? Apparently not. Have they given
us the world's largest prison population, cost us billions of dollars and
helped create the most violent society in the first world? Yes. From an
objective point of view--what's the point?

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