Electricity and democracy
          Richard L. Grossman

          Opinion, SF Bay Guardian, March 21, 2001

     The people of California chartered Pacific Gas and Electric
Corporation, Edison International Corporation, and their
subsidiaries to provide for the state's energy needs. Not to
define energy policy. Not to write the law. Not to buy public
officials, publishers, editors, and civic leaders. Not to pipe
billions of ratepayer and taxpayer dollars out of state. Not to
roam the world, buying up other corporations, poisoning other
people's communities, and vacuuming up other people's money. Not
to prevent efficient, renewable, and public energy systems from
replacing wasteful, complex, and deadly corporate systems.
     And not to run the state into the ground.
     The U.S. Constitution does not mention corporations.
California's Constitution says: "All political power is inherent
in the people" (article 2, section 1). Yet corporations dominate
politics by controlling ideas, values, laws, and people's money.
How does this happen?
     Among other things, the U.S. Supreme Court insulated these
corporate managers from public authority. For example, in 1886
the court gave corporations the 14th Amendment's "equal
protection" (Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad
Corporation). There was no public discussion, no legislative
discussion. Chief Justice Waite simply said: "The court does not
wish to hear argument on the question whether the ... 14th
Amendment to the Constitution ... applies to these corporations.
We are all of opinion that it does."
     Over the next century corporations won most of the Bill of
Rights. In 1986 they won the last chunk of our First Amendment,
revoking our right to defend ourselves against corporate lies
wrapped around utility bills (Pacific Gas and Electric Company v.
Public Utilities Commission). Despite public discussion and
California's legislative decisions to the contrary, Justice
Powell simply said: "For corporations as for individuals, the
choice to speak includes within it the choice of what not to say.
And we have held that speech does not lose its protection because
of the corporate identity of the speaker."
     Armed with these and other judicial gifts, energy
corporations have crushed people's initiatives and referenda
instructing public officials to map out solar and public energy
     Banking corporations, seed corporations, computer
corporations, automobile corporations, oil corporations: they all
do what California's utility corporations have legally been
doing. Agribusiness corporations write food-policy law. Insurance
corporations write health care law. Automobile corporations write
transportation policy law. Together they write global corporate
rights law and call it free trade.
     A few hundred giant corporations govern. They define the
nation's needs, values, choices, and spending by superintending
the people's debates, elections, lawmaking, jurisprudence, and
     The short-term deal to keep the lights on is about
legislators and the governor enabling PG&E and Edison
International corporations to dig deeper into people's pockets.
If longer-term deals are left to these corporations --and to
financial giants like Goldman-Sachs Corporation and Citigroup
Corporation-- they will take our socks while melting down the
     So for starters, Californians must amend the state's
corporation laws to ban corporations from:
     *exercising rights reserved for human beings, including
freedom of speech and assembly, due process, equal protection
under the law;
     *buying allegiance and silence by giving money to schools,
museums, Little League teams, scouting organizations, and other
community groups;
     *investing money in political candidates, political parties,
political action committees, initiative or referendum campaigns,
or influencing any public discussions or legislation;
     *advertising anywhere about ideas, values, and public
     *denying freedom of speech and assembly to employees;
     *owning other corporations.
     Of course, corporate operatives will claim that the U.S.
Constitution renders such lawmaking beyond the authority of the
people. Their lawyers will tell federal judges to deny the
people's will. Experts everywhere will proclaim that people have
no right to touch corporate law.
     But we will not solve the electricity or any other crisis
without addressing our lack-of-democracy crisis.

[Richard Grossman is codirector of the Program on Corporations,
Law and Democracy (POCLAD), http://www.poclad.org. A former
California resident, he now lives in New Hampshire.]

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