10-20-01, 0900 PDT

We have been receiving e-mails from all over the world that the FTW web site at www.copvcia.com is showing a "Forbidden" message and is unavailable. This is correct.

At present all we are able to determine is that the server has shut us down. We have not been able to verify any government involvement as yet. We must eliminate the possibility that we have been shut down due to the enormous amount of traffic (over 6,000) visitors a day) that we have been receiving in the last week.

I have called the FBI here in L.A. and expressed concern. Their response was that I should contact the server. If it is disclosed that a government agency has shut down the site their advice was that I just start calling all of the several hundred government agencies that might be involved and ask them if they know anything.

This is developing and we are not ruling out the possibility that this unannounced blockage is a result of a story I posted yesterday regarding the possible presence of terrorist-operated Surface to Air missiles in the U.S.

We will keep you posted...

Mike Ruppert

"From The Wilderness"




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