Someone cornering market on water now? Israel is having water line bult
fromTurkey to their state?   With their weather modification program why
this need?

Here is comes - now the water we drink is to become very expensive?

Weather program is taking its toll - if lights go out in California, no
water can be pumped.


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April 16, 2001
For Texas Now, Water and Not Oil Is Liquid Gold

 David Bowser for The New York Times T. Boone Pickens, above, is
proposing to pump water from underneath his Mesa Vista Ranch in Miami,
Tex., to the highest bidder.

In New Mexico, Debate Over Arsenic Strikes Home (April 14, 2001)
Florida, Low on Drinking Water, Asks E.P.A. to Waive Safety Rule (April
13, 2001)

Private Sector May Sell Water to Southern California Agency (Dec. 26,
Plan to Restore River Causes California Furor (Dec. 20, 2000)

Join a Discussion on The Environment
 David Bowser for The New York Times State Senator J. E. Brown favors
encouraging private companies to sell water.

MIAMI, Tex. — The dirt road winds through the gray hills of T. Boone
Pickens's sprawling Mesa Vista Ranch when an unlikely swath of green
grass appears like an emerald in a sandbox. It is a lushly irrigated
two-hole golf course, a playpen for a wealthy man, and a reminder that
beneath this bleak, isolated terrain lies one of the prime untapped
reserves of water in Texas.

And Mr. Pickens, the former oilman and corporate raider whose takeover
bids once struck terror in boardrooms, has more in mind for the Mesa
Vista than golf.
At a time when nearly every major city in Texas is desperate for more
water to meet runaway population growth, Mr. Pickens is proposing to
pump tens of billions of gallons — to the highest bidder.

"Water is the lifeblood of West Texas," said Mr. Pickens, 72, who is
courting Fort Worth, Dallas, San Antonio and El Paso as potential
customers and estimates that a deal could reap $1 billion. "They've got
to get it somewhere."

For decades the gold beneath the ground in Texas was oil. But if oil
built modern Texas, water is now needed to sustain it.
Water has become so valuable that a complicated scramble is under way
for the rights to underground aquifers, reminiscent of the days when
"land men," among them a young George W. Bush, solicited rural
landowners to drill for oil.

There are even "water ranches" popping up around the state.

The unanswered question is whether all this activity will skew who gets
water and who does not in the future, or influence how much it will
cost. In many parts of the country, water is considered a
life-sustaining public resource. So there are already public policy
concerns about whether pumping water for profit could threaten supply in
some areas. Rural officials fear that large cities could simply outbid
them in a profit-driven market.

Texas law offers few restrictions; groundwater is considered private
property, and any landowner can pump the water out even if it leaves
neighbors high and dry.

"You're going to devastate a large part of the state of Texas," said Tom
Beard, a rancher who said he feared that arid West Texas could be pumped
dry by water ranches owned by distant cities. "I'm not sure we can
afford to treat water like cotton or cattle. And certainly not like oil.
The approach to oil was to pump it up, use it up and do something else.
We can't do that with water."

Throughout the country, drought and population growth have placed a
premium on water. Such demand is amplified in Texas after four droughts
in five years.

The state's population is 20.8 million, second only to California's, and
demographers predict that it will double in 50 years. Already, El Paso
must find new sources of water or it could run out in 20 years.

The Rio Grande, a primary water source for counties along the Mexican
border, is so dry that this month it failed for the first time in 50
years to reach the Gulf of Mexico, stopping 50 feet short.

Until now, Texas has largely avoided the contentious political fights
over water familiar to Western states like Arizona.

But the Texas Legislature is considering a sweeping piece of legislation
known as Senate Bill 2 that could determine how water is regulated and
what is done to meet demand in the state for the next half-century.
Regional water planning groups have proposed $17 billion in public works
projects, conservation efforts and irrigation improvements. Lawmakers
say it could cost at least $80 billion to upgrade the state's aging
municipal water systems.

The political debate is complicated.

Environmentalists want more conservation and tougher regulation, as
opposed to new dams and aggressive pumping of groundwater. There are the
competing demands of agriculture and urban areas.

There are also differing needs and climates in the state's various
regions, some of which depend on reservoirs and other surface sources
while others depend on underground aquifers. The divide is starkly rural
versus urban, particularly over who should have priority in times of
drought when a water source is shared.

A major sticking point in planning is the difficulty in passing taxes to
pay for any major water projects. Legislators have already stripped
Senate Bill 2 of a tax increase on water and sewer bills that would have
raised several hundred million dollars a year. This lack of political
will is one reason some lawmakers say water marketing — essentially
allowing private companies to sell and move water like electricity —
is the best solution.

"We can't pay for all of it — the state," said State Senator J. E.
Brown, the influential Republican who is sponsoring the water
legislation and who favors encouraging private efforts. "Either you've
got to let the price of water go up, or we're going to have to collect

State Senator David E. Bernsen, a Democrat who represents Beaumont,
agreed that a fund-raising mechanism was needed for future water
projects. But he warned of the potential consequences of privatization
in a state where nearly 55 percent of the population depends on
groundwater for drinking.

"It's kind of like the golden rule: those with the gold make the rules,"
Mr. Bernsen said. "If individuals like T. Boone Pickens are going to
control groundwater, and water is already more valuable than oil, then
they will set the economic policy for where Texas is going to grow. And
that is a dangerous situation."

Here in Miami (pronounced my- AM-uh), which is tucked in a remote
stretch of the Texas Panhandle, the equivalent of a water rush has been
under way for more than year, though no major pumping has begun. Roberts
County, which includes Miami, has fewer than 1,000 people and is hardly
affluent. An acre of land costs only $250 because the rugged terrain
makes farming difficult at best. But it does sit atop a mostly untouched
section of the immense Ogallala Aquifer, which stretches as far north as
South Dakota.

On a recent Saturday afternoon, about 60 ranchers in dusty jeans
gathered inside the Roberts County Courthouse as Mr. Pickens explained
the latest developments in his deal. One rancher had already signed a
contract to sell water to Amarillo. Another group was looking for a
customer to lease water rights on 190,000 acres.

The regional Canadian River Municipal Water Authority, which provides
water for much of the Panhandle, will next month become the first to
actually start pumping in Roberts County.

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