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Great Symbolism

"The thing I would very much like to see is for President-elect George W.
Bush to ride his horse into the White House on Jan. 21 and announce that
this was the first time in eight years that a complete horse had been in the
Oval Office.  I cannot think of a better way to start the new presidency."

- Charles Jacob, La Junta, (Colo.) Tribune-Democrat

Ain't Buyin' the Victim Act

(Regarding Gore's "concession" speech)  "Just like a liberal would be, Gore
is delighted to be seen as a victim in all of this. If he cared as much for
this country as he does for himself, he would have sent a clear message to
Jesse Jackson to stop his rhetoric. He should have publicly condemned
Jackson's divisive statements along with his calls for future protests.
Tonight Gore acted just as sincere as Clinton at a funeral."

- Bridgette Roncone, President, Palomar College Republicans, San Diego, CA,

For You Kumbaya Republicans

Wasn't Al Gore just LOVELY in his magnanimous concession speech?  Remember
how he told all his supporters that now was the time to unite in support of
President George W. Bush.  Well, his unity call certainly didn't last very
long.  Here's the "conciliatory" instructions Democrat Party boss and
all-around weasel Joe Andrew released to his party faithful yesterday:

"Now, for the first time in 48 years, the Republicans are going to claim
that they control our entire government. So, what do we do now?  We start by
remembering that our Party speaks for the dreams, hopes and aspirations of
millions of Americans. We will not quit on our values, our principles and
our commitments. We will not quit at all.  Republicans will be counting on
us to step to the sidelines, tend to our wounds and mourn our defeat. But
they will be wrong.  That is why we must keep our Party strong. And you can
help by making a secure, online, credit card donation to the DNC today...
We must be prepared to advance our Party's values in a tough political
environment. We must also be ready to react at a moment's notice when
initiatives surface that will take America in the wrong direction."

Oh, yeah.  We can work with these vipers.  Surely, they'll work with us in a
bipartisan fashion for the good of the country.  In a pig's eye.

- Chuck Muth, Editor

This Is What D's Mean By "Unity"

"(Nevada) Senate Democratic leader Dina Titus ... said (Gore's) speech was
'so grounded in history, so gracious' that it surpassed her expectations.
When people see that speech, they're going to think:  'Damn, I wish I had
gone and voted for him,' Titus said.  Bush's speech was 'extremely
simplistic,' Titus said.  'There was no word in it over two syllables.'  She
was totally unimpressed and called it 'just some kind of political pabulum,
like lines you'd see in a mailer.'"

- Las Vegas Review Journal, 12/14/00

Don't Blink ... Or You'll Miss the "Honeymoon"

"Mr. Bush won't enjoy the traditional honeymoon granted presidents.
Democrats won't wait long to unsheath the long knives.  Egged on by their
trial lawyer and union allies, they may begin by trying to block Bush
cabinet choices for the Justice and Labor Departments.  His tax cut will be
declared dead on arrival, at least until a recession becomes obvious."

- Columnist John Fund, Wall Street Journal, 12/14/00

Media Double Standard ... Again

"Watching the news channels for the past 36 hours has been fascinating.  The
Professional Chattering Class is abuzz about what George W. is going to have
to do to placate the Democrats in the Congress.  Listening to them, if Bush
doesn't adopt - verbatim - the Democrats' Congressional agenda then there's
going to be some big trouble, boy.  Imagine, for a moment, that the roles
were reversed and President-elect Al Gore had to deal with a Congress this
closely divided.  Do you really think there would be a constant media
drumbeat of  'What does Al Gore have to do to appease the Republicans?'  Me

- Rich Galen, "Mullings," 12/14/00

Getting Off On the Wrong Foot

"Gore's gone.  Clinton's on his way.  So now it's time to focus our
attention on the policies of the future. Last night I saw the future. I did
not like what I saw and heard. And I think it's time for the American people
to tell President-elect George W. Bush that he's headed down the wrong road.
... What was wrong with this first speech by the president-elect?  Most of
all, what I find repugnant is the fact that he is saying what he thinks
Americans want to hear. In other words, he is pandering. Haven't we had
enough pandering in the Clinton decade for the rest of our lives?"

- Joseph Farah,, 12/14/00

Taking Advice From the Other Side

"Bush ought to stop listening to 'Republican' Governors from states that
voted for Gore, Democratic Party activists, editorial board writers and
left-wing college professors and do whatever (Rep.) Tom DeLay (R-Tx.) says.
If the GOP listened to 'The Hammer', they'd have 60 seats in the Senate and
250 in the House. ... Sounds like Bush is going to act like he LOST the
election.  I hope I'm wrong."

- Rick Shaftan, 12/14/00

Forget the Moving Vans, Where Are the Garbage Trucks?

"Now that Bush has won the election, and Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand, Ben
Affleck and their ilk promised to leave the country if that happened; might
it not be a good idea to have their 'going away party' on a Monday or a
Thursday since they are customarily trash pick-up days in many parts of the

- Bucky Muth, "Cynics For a Better America," 12/14/00

The Love Boat for Sore Losers

"We need volunteers to join a watch committee set up at Marina del Rey to
make sure the people who promised us they would leave the country if George
W. Bush becomes President actually get on a ship.  The Baldwin brothers -
Alec, Danny, Billy, Stephen, Manny, Moe, and Jack - come to mind.  Susan
Sarandon should be a passenger - or play the role of Julie and go for free.
Rob Reiner and Rosie O'Donnell could go, but Roy Scheider would have to go
on board to reprise his line from the movie Jaws:  'I think we're gonna need
a bigger boat.'"

- Rich Galen, "Mullings," 12/14/00

Campaign Hot Tips - FREE!

For those of you in the trenches - as candidates, campaign managers,
volunteers, consultants, party leaders, etc. - we're now publishing a new
FREE e-newsletter called "Campaign Hot Tips."  This short e-newsletter will
go out just a couple times each week and will include helpful ideas, hints
and tips on running political campaigns, party organizations or clubs.  To
subscribe and begin receiving your FREE "Campaign Hot Tips," just go to: and sign up.  It's that easy.  Here's your
first tip:  Do it right now!

Help Spread the Word

News & Views has a subscriber base of Republican activists, political
leaders and elected officials of over 17,000+ ... and growing each day.  If
you know someone who does not receive our FREE News & Views briefings, send
their e-mail address to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Published by:
C-Four Communications
Chuck Muth, Editor
3549 N. University, Suite 300
Provo, UT  84604
Phone:  (702) 454-0350
Fax:  (702) 454-7798

The opinions and views expressed in GOP News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions and views of C-Four Communications.

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