Interesting item but considering Hilliary took $600,000 and Clintons
brothers and Hilliary's family took money which amounted to bribes for
presidential pardons, etc., where does line between bribery and pardon
and racketeering  begin and end?

Justice is not for sale - but I wonder, about equal protection of the
laws where a poor guy in prison must sit a lifetime while a rich man
goes free and I do not think this was the intent of the use of
Presidential pardons.

Half that Congress is on the take and we might as well toss in the rest
of the mutual admiration society, the Senate.

Clinton was bought and paid for long, long ago - when he tried to clone
himself after JFK - can you imagine JFK permitting a piece of garbage
such as James Carville to call a Paul CORBIN Jones, Trailer Trash?

More and more I understand why this country has had an unusual amount of
Vigilante justice.......


This piece was researched in what my old boss would say was "half assed"

 06/18/2001 - Updated 05:04 PM ET

How do presidential pardons work?
By Judy Keen, USA TODAY

Controversy over pardons by former president Bill Clinton at the end of
his term has prompted questions about the pardon process. The history
and the rules:

Q: Where did presidents get their power to grant pardons?

A: Section II, Article 2 of the Constitution says the president "shall
have the power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the
United States, except in cases of impeachment."

Q: Are there any limits on the president's power?

A: Presidents can pardon anyone for any crime that would have been heard
in federal court. In fact, granting pardons is the president's only
absolute power.

Q: What were the framers of the Constitution thinking?

A: They brought the concept with them from England, which adapted the
idea from Roman tradition. The earliest royal pardons were granted in
the 7th century. Kings and queens often sold pardons outright. The
exception for "cases of impeachment" originated in 17th century England,
when the Earl of Danby, Thomas Osborne, was impeached by parliament but
pardoned by King Charles II, triggering a constitutional crisis.

At the constitutional convention of 1787, Alexander Hamilton argued that
presidents would need such a power. "In seasons of insurrection or
rebellion, there are often critical moments when a well-timed offer of
pardon to the insurgents or rebels may restore the tranquility of the
commonwealth," Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers. If presidents
had to go through Congress, he wrote, the "golden opportunity" might
pass. The idea was controversial. George Mason of Virginia refused to
sign the Constitution partly because it gave unchecked pardon power to
the president. Mason feared a president might conspire with people to
commit crimes, then prevent "a discovery of his own guilt" by pardoning
the criminals.

Q: Did the framers consider limits?

A: They considered allowing the Senate to approve pardons and debated
excluding treason from the crimes for which pardons could be issued.
They also weighed whether presidents should be allowed to pardon people
only after they are convicted. They decided not to add that restriction,
because they thought a quick pardon of a captured spy would induce the
spy to divulge military secrets. They decided not to limit the
president's power in any way.

Q: What's the difference between a pardon, clemency and a commutation of

A: Clemency is the broad term that applies to a pardon or a commutation
of sentence, both of which can be issued by a president. A pardon
"serves as an official statement of forgiveness for the commission of a
federal crime and restores basic civil rights (such as the right to
vote). It does not connote innocence," Roger Adams, the Justice
Department's pardon attorney, told the Senate Judiciary Committee on
Wednesday. Feb. 14. A commutation is a reduction in the length of a
sentence for someone who has already been convicted. It is not an act of
forgiveness and does not erase the conviction.

Q: What is the Justice Department's role in the process?

A: In 1891, Congress created an Office of the Pardon Attorney in the
Justice Department to review pleas for clemency. The pardon attorney
researches requests and recommends to the president whether a pardon or
commutation of sentence should be granted.

Q: Why didn't that happen in the Rich case?

A: Those regulations apply only if requests are submitted to Justice
Department. Most requests do go to the Justice Department for that
process, which can take months. Requests submitted directly to the
president, such as Rich's, need not be reviewed by the Office of the
Pardon Attorney. Generally, only people who know the president can bring
their request straight to him.

Q: Was anything else unusual about the Rich case?

A: A person can't file a request for a commutation of sentence or a
pardon with the Justice Department until five years after their sentence
begins or five years after a conviction. Nor can anyone who has not yet
been convicted submit a pardon request to the Justice Department.
"However," Adams told the Judiciary Committee, "these rules do not bind
the president."

Q: Does it matter if Rich was not a U.S. citizen when Clinton pardoned

A: No. The president can pardon anyone.

Q: Did Clinton grant an unusual number of pardons?

A: No. Franklin Roosevelt, who was elected to three terms, issued the
most: 3,687. Herbert Hoover had the most for a one-term president:
1,385. Clinton ranks 20th of the nation's 43 presidents, with 456,
including 140cq?? on his final day in office. William Harrison and James
Garfield pardoned no one. George Washington issued the first pardon in
1792, forgiving the leaders of the Whiskey Rebellion. They were a group
of Pennsylvanians who refused to pay taxes on liquor.

Q: Were there other controversial pardons?

A: "Every generation has its bizarre, unusual and controversial
pardons," says P.S. Ruckman, a political science professor at Rock
Valley College in Rockford, Ill. Three years after the Civil War,
President Andrew Johnson pardoned Confederate soldiers. Some Northerners
thought he was playing politics in hopes that Southerners would vote for
his re-election. Abuse of pardon power was cited in the articles of
impeachment against Johnson, who was acquitted in the Senate. Richard
Nixon pardoned former Teamsters president Jimmy Hoffa in 1971, then
received the Teamsters' endorsement a year later. Jimmy Carter pardoned
Vietnam draft dodgers in 1977. In 1981, Ronald Reagan pardoned two FBI
officials who authorized agents to break into Vietnam protesters'
offices. In 1992, after he lost his re-election bid, George Bush
pardoned several Reagan administration officials who had been charged in
the Iran-contra scandal, including former Defense secretary Caspar.
Weinberger. In 1974, Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon for his role in the
Watergate scandal.

Q: Can pardons include conditions?

A: Yes. Nixon's pardon of Hoffa included a condition that the labor
leader couldn't return to union activities until the date his prison
sentence would have expired. Hoffa went to court to try to remove the
restriction and lost.

Q: Has Congress ever tried to limit the president's pardon power?

A: After Nixon was pardoned, Sen. Walter Mondale, D-Minn., proposed a
constitutional amendment that would have given Congress the power to
overturn pardons with two-thirds votes of both the House and Senate. The
proposal went nowhere.

Q: Has the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in?

A: Several times. In 1833, Chief Justice Marshall said the court had no
authority to overrule presidents and described a pardon as "an act of
grace delivered to the individual for whose benefit it is intended." In
an 1866 case, the Court said, "Congress can neither limit the effect of
his pardon, nor exclude from its exercise any class of offenders."

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