Title: Jewish Assassination and Jewish Doublespeak
* August 2, 2001
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Jewish Assassination and Jewish Doublespeak
by Michael A. Hoffman II

The New York Times, liberal voice of obsessive Holocaustianity, uses Orwellian doublespeak to describe Jewish assassinations of Arabs. The Times minces no words about German crimes, but when it comes to Jewish assassins, the Times sanitizes the Jewish murders. When is assassination not assassination? Why, when Jews do it, of course; then it is merely "targeted killing."

Assassination is too harsh a word for the NY Times to use with regard to the actions of God's Master Race: "The Israeli pattern in recent months of targeting specific people for death has outraged Palestinians." -New York Times, August 1, 2001, p. A6.

Nowhere in the Aug. 1 article does the NY Times term what the Israelis did "assassination." That word is only used in connection with reports of allegations: "...Palestinian charges of assassination."

On Aug. 2 the Times reported, "In a five-hour session ...the security cabinet of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon affirmed the policy of picking out targets for killings."

Again, nowhere in the Aug. 2 article does the NY Times term what the Israelis did "assassination." That word is reserved for accounts of allegations: "...what Palestinians call cold-blooded assassinations."

The Times even reports on the Jewish search for a means to make palatable the assassinations: "...Israeli officials recognized that they had a problem selling their tactics elsewhere in the world. (Israeli) Ministers at the security cabinet meeting were reported to have debated what to call their policy. 'Liquidation' is one word the government has frequently used. So is 'interception'...Neither word pleased some ministers today, according to Israeli radio reports. A new phrase said to have been proposed was: 'actions to prevent the killing of Jews." -New York Times, Aug. 2, 2001

What the Times does not say (though it reveals as much by its journalistic practice), is that the the newspaper itself conforms to this Israeli doublethink "selling tactic."

"Targeted killings" and "picking out targets for killings" are Big Brother's preferred phraseology for Israeli assassination. The NY Times has self-censored its reporting to eliminate the word assassination as its own description of what the Israelis are doing. The assassination word is too obviously freighted with moral evil to be used in a Jewish context. It represents too much of a potential wake-up call to the goyim. Cosmetic terms must be substituted by the Times, a newspaper that reports at least weekly and often daily on a 56 year old "Holocaust." As it shrilly demands that the "Holocaust against the Jews" must never be minimized by one iota, the NY Times minimizes Israeli crimes against the Palestinians right in front of our eyes, and does so with an arrogant contempt for the chilling parallels to thought control that is its lingua franca.

Furthermore, if an Arab, German or white Christian government were to adopt a policy of assassination, the NY Times would immediately and boldly headline the word "assassination" in its report of any such a policy, without qualification of any kind.

Moreover, the New York Times, liberal voice of obsessive Holocaustianity, actually advocates assassinations of Palestinian leaders:

" ...Israel's military response to further attacks should be measured and targeted directly at those responsible for the violence." -New York Times editorial, June 5, 2001

What if the Arabs decided that their 'military response' to 'further attacks' should be to 'target directly...those (Israelis) responsible for the violence' against Palestinian civilians? Would the N.Y. Times endorse assassinations of Jewish war criminals? Or does the N.Y. Times push the monster of assassination out of Pandora's box only on Talmudic terms--okay to assassinate the goyim, but not the Chosen?"

The preceding column is posted online with many graphic photos of Israeli assassinations - http://www.hoffman-info.com/palestine7.html


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