-Caveat Lector-

> Jonah Goldberg
>      A Mexican suicide bomber walked into a pizza restaurant in a
> Santa Fe,
> N.M., mall this morning, killing at least 15 people, mostly children.
> Up to a
> hundred others were wounded.
>      The bodies of two young boys who had been playing hooky from
> school were
> found in a cave outside of Phoenix. They had been beaten to death,
> and their
> bodies mutilated. Authorities are looking for Navajo separatists they
> believe
> are responsible.
>      Militia in Tijuana, Mexico, fired rocket grenades into downtown
> San
> Diego, killing 20, wounding 50 and, once again, snarling morning
> traffic.
>      It's more than a little uncomfortable ascribing such barbarous
> crimes to
> completely innocent folk. Still, imagine if such things happened here
> instead
> of in Israel on an almost daily basis. How do you think the United
> States
> would respond?
>      Indeed, the comparison is less outlandish than you might think.
> After
> all, the United States took land from American Indians. It took land
> from
> Mexicans. In a sense, "we" even took land from the British. And, no
> matter
> how you slice it, America's claim to Texas and the Southwest is
> certainly far
> less morally compelling than Israel's is to its land.
>      When the European Jews not already living in Palestine arrived
> there
> after World War II, the area was largely empty. What is today called
> Jordan
> was the historic home of many "Palestinians." And, after all, even
> the most
> militant Muslim must concede that the Bible places the land as the
> historic
> home of the Jews.
>      Meanwhile, when European colonists came to North America, they
> had no
> historical claim to the land whatsoever and, besides, it was
> occupied.
>      But for the sake of argument, imagine if Mexican irredentists or
> Indian
> militants took it upon themselves to routinely blow up innocent
> civilians.
> America, conventional wisdom dictates, couldn't handle watching young
> (italics) soldiers (end italics) being killed in Vietnam. How would
> they
> handle seeing young girls shopping for the prom being blown to
> unrecognizable
> bits outside the Gap? Or US Army Reservists being killed by mobs of
> Mexican
> day-workers? Or old ladies being shot by sniper fire?
>      My guess is that most Americans would see, with abundant
> clarity, that
> such violence would have to be stopped. Unfortunately, Israel doesn't
> get the
> same consideration.
>      Last week, when a suicide bomber blew up a Sbarro restaurant in
> Jerusalem full of kids, killing 15 people and wounding 100, Israel
> responded
> by seizing control of some Palestinian military installations.
>      Secretary of State Colin Powell's response? "I hope that both
> sides will
> act with restraint," Powell said. "They both have to do everything
> they can
> to restrain the violence, restrain the provocation and the
> counter-response
> to the provocation."
>      This is the equivalent of saying that if someone sucker-punches
> you, you
> are just as wrong for punching him back in self-defense.
>      In fact, it's worse than that because Israel never (italics)
> intends
> (end italics) to kill innocents. When terrorists kill Israeli
> civilians,
> Israelis attack terrorist strongholds, military targets and
> bomb-making
> infrastructures.
>      Sometimes, they've even used rubber bullets. But even when the
> "payback"
> is unambiguously severe, it is always delivered to grown-up, declared
> combatants. Hence, when Palestinian innocents die it is virtually
> always an
> unfortunate byproduct of Israeli action. When Palestinians kill,
> innocents
> are the target.
>      And yet, night after night, the American media feel compelled to
> list
> Israel's unintended casualties alongside Yasser Arafat and Hamas'
> intended
> casualties. For example, when two Jewish boys (one of them American)
> were
> beaten to death in a cave last May, press reports linked it to the
> death of a
> Palestinian baby killed by accident in a crossfire two days earlier.
>      ``In a region seemingly numb to violence, the deaths of both
> Palestinian
> and Israeli youngsters have struck nerves on both sides of the
> conflict,"
> reported a CNN correspondent.
>      But the baby was shot by accident when Israeli soldiers were
> returning
> fire on mortars. The baby was, tragically, in the way. But the two
> Jewish
> kids were simply murdered. If an American cop shoots a kid by
> accident in a
> crossfire, would it then be OK to go out and shoot two kids because
> their
> parents are police officers? Well, that's precisely the moral
> equivalence
> we've established for the Middle East.
>      Israel offered a stunningly generous peace settlement to Yasser
> Arafat
> in the last days of the Clinton Administration. I thought it was
> foolish at
> the time, but it turned out to be fortunate, because it showed that
> the
> Palestinians cannot accept peace.
>      When Arafat turned down the ultimate land-for-peace deal, even
> Israeli
> doves knew, finally, that Israel is the only party willing to take
> peace
> seriously. If someone refuses to pay you $1 for your car, you know he
> was
> never serious about buying it in the first place.
>      So now Israel is in a situation where its enemies have declared
> war, but
> it cannot. Because even when Israel merely responds to terror, it is
> called
> no better than a terrorist. And that is a disgrace.
>      You can write to Jonah Goldberg in care of this newspaper or by
> e-mail
> Goldberg is the editor of National Review Online (
> http://www.nationalreview.com).
> http://www.washtimes.com/commentary/goldberg.htm

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