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Son of Sam!

Exposes his connection to Satanic Church of Sacrifice!

Written by

J. P. Essene



David Berkowitz, aka Son of Sam, aka Son of Hope, was recently
interviewed for several shows in the New York area.

He claims on these shows, to now be a BORN AGAIN Christian!
Hence the new moniker of Son of Hope...

He also claims he was a member of the Process Church of Final
Judgment, during his SATANIC SACRIFICE killing spree.

Some say, that Charles Manson belonged to this group also.

Some like Berkowitz or Son of Sam, claim it is a Satanic cult.

BIZARRELY in these new documentaries, Berkowitz claims he didn't
do many of the shootings attributed to him.

In all, 13 are said to be victims of the .44 Caliber shooter,
who became known as The Son of Sam.

Many over the years have speculated, that police sketches from
20 years ago made from witnesses at Son of Sam (SOS) shootings,
show that there were many shooters, as Berkowitz now claims!

Berkowitz also claims that a SNUFF FILM exists of the last
shooting, in which he claims to have been only a lookout!

One of these new documentaries shown in the NYC area, also
featured an inmate from another prison, who backups the claims
of Berkowitz.

He names a prominent art dealer as a MOVER in the Satanic Cult,
that openly discussed the SNUFF Film of the last SOS victim with
him personally! Her name was Stacy Moskowitz.

Although some in the NYC police department believe Berkowitz had
accomplices, the documentary tried to discredit most of his
claims of a Satanic Cult connection.

It seems to unnerve many Christians in the NYC area, that
Berkowitz was only the TIP of the iceberg of a Satanic Cult that
did the SOS shootings. They would rather believe Berkowitz was a
lone nut case who targeted Long Hair Brunettes on Lovers Lanes
in the 70's, than a member of a Satanic group still on the loose
that enjoys to SACRIFICE to their GODS, as Berkowitz put it!

The Church of Sacrifice that Berkowitz claimed ORDERED him to
SACRIFICE or kill, has a website.

The Church traces it's roots to the 60's and London. It's
founder was a Robert Moore, who changed his name to Robert de

Mr. Moore had a heavy connection to L. Ron Hubbard and
Scientology! His teachings, which are the foundation of the
Process Church, explained that Christ, Jehovah, Lucifer and
Satan were ONE Entity!

It had chapters in California when MANSON was in his heyday.

The Satanic Church of Sacrifice that Berkowitz claimed to be a
member of, is known as mentioned, as the Process Church of Final
Judgment, or simply The Process or The Process Chruch.

Process members have visited Charlie while he was in Jail.

Charlie, as you may know, claims to be Jesus.

Some of the writings of the Process Church claim Jesus is
LUCIFER! Perhaps, Charlie is Jesus incarnate....

I've written many articles about someone else in the news, that
some feel is a DANGEROUS CULT leader.

He says the New Testament is completely false.

Or else, he says, Jesus did claim to be Lucifer by identifying
himself in Revelations as THE MORNING STAR! See Rev 22:16.

If you look up the definition of LUCIFER in any collegiate level
lexicon, you see MORNING STAR is his aka!

The DANGEROUS Cult leader to uninformed Christians, is named
Sollog. I personally know Sollog, and he is not a DANGEROUS Cult
leader. Some of the religious symbolism I note in this article,
came from my talks with Sollog, about Manson and Son of Sam.

Over the centuries, many heretics and Cults have said the same
thing, in regards to Jesus being Lucifer! Some of the Oldest
Christian writings known to exist, state that Jesus was the
serpent in the Garden of Eden!

You won't find these early Christian works in the standard New
Testament, but they are found in many books about other
Christian writings that the Church of Rome EXCLUDED from
standard Christian Doctrine in the fourth century!

You can find plenty examples of these works in Gnostic Books,
The OTHER BIBLE and The Nag Hammadi Libaray!

The Templars, who gave us the concept of our modern banking
system, (checques were first used by them), were BURNT at the
stake for saying the same thing in the early 14th Century.

The first thing Sollog pointed out to me about the Manson and
Son of Sam connection to Jesus and Satanism, is that MANSON is a
play or anagram of SON of MAN, which is the ONLY thing Jesus
calls himself in the New Testament...

Man's Son is the opposite of Ma's Son, Son of Sam is an anagram
of MA'S SON. SAM is MA'S backwards. A favorite way to be cryptic
in the occult, is BACKWARD word or number play. Nostradamus used
it in his OCCULT Prophecies, and Sollog uses it all the time in
his Prophetic style of writing! The Beatles used BACKWARD
messaging in their recordings.

Manson is said to have been triggered in his demonic
slaughtering of people by the Beatle's song Helter Skelter.

The Rolling Stones also used backward messaging in their

Both the Stones and Beatles are said to have dabbled in the

The Stones and Beatles both came from England, the country where
the Satanic Church that Berkowitz claimed to be a member of
started in, and the same church Charlie is said to have belonged

Charlie also claimed to be a scientologist, in police arrest
interviews during the 60's.

As in other bizarre headline murders that I've done articles
about, the number 13 and the word EL appears in the story of SOS
or Son of Sam!

Berkowitz lived in apartment 7E. The 7 is known to be the upside
down L to occultists. So the word EL is in the number of his

Berkowitz was raised a Jew.

He claimed Sam Carr's DOG (a neighbor of Berkowitz's) ordered
him to kill. DOG is GOD backwards. It shows how David was
playing word games with the court, as to WHO TOLD him to kill!
It was his idea of GOD!

EL is the GOD OF SACRIFICE in the Old Testament. The WORD EL
appears in David's apartment number!

EL in Hebrew means LORD or GOD.

El is 13 in a mirror reflection.

Berkowitz is said to have had 13 victims!

Although the victims are said to have been randomly selected,
Berkowitz has explained that the locations of the Sacrifices
were well planned and various ESCAPE routes practiced by him and

One of the last victims of Berkowitz, and the ONE that he left
his chilling Son of Sam note at the crime scene of, was named

Esau is the famed brother of Jacob in the Old Testament.

Esau was cheated out of his BIRTHRIGHT by his brother Jacob.

The father of Esau was Issac.

The same Issac that was supposed to be SACRIFICED by Abraham to

Oh, Jacob was renamed IS RA EL, later on in the story....

So, we have a Satanic Cult from London, with ties to Scientology
and to the Son of Sam and Manson.

The Son of Sam and Manson are names connected to each other.

You have EL, in the apartment number of Berkowitz and in the
number of his victims. The GOD of Sacrifice in the Old Testament
is named El!

13 is to this day, an OCCULT favorite number tied to DEATH.

In Tarot cards, the NUMBER 13 is the DEATH CARD!

In the New Testament, Jesus was the 13th person at THE LAST

In Egypt, 13 was the number of Judges that weighted the HEART
and JUDGED the soul when you died...

When you analyze the names of most of the SOS victims, you see a
cryptic pattern to religious names...

The first victim was Donna Lauria. Donna is tied to MA DONNA or
the Virgin Mother of Jesus.

Lauria in Latin, is the root of Laurel or the crown of the GODS
of Rome.

The next victim was Jody Valenti.

The Valentianni were a HERECTIC CULT well known in the early
church in the 2nd century, their writings also suggested Jesus

Carl Denaro was another victim. Denaro means of NARO. Naro is
the root of Narrator or the teller of a story...

Donna DeMasi was the next victim. Madonna (Donna) of THE MASS

Joanne Lomino was next. Lomino is a root word that is connected
to an anicent Roman cosmetic that Roman women used to perserve
their skin. It was a Blue Mask made from beans.

Christine Freund was next. Christ is in the name Christine.

Virginia Voskerichian was next. VIRGIN is the root of Virginia.
The VIRGIN mother of Christ was the MADONNA.

Alexander Esau was next. ESAU was the BROTHER of JACOB or IS RA
EL as mentioned above...

Valentina Suriani was next. Valentina is tied to the heretics of
Christ known as Valentianni, as mentioned above. Suriani is the
root word that is the name of a FISH. Early Christians were
known by the symbol of a FISH!

Salvatore Lupo was next. Salvatore means SAVIOUR! Christ is
known as the SAVIOUR!

Judy Placido was next. Placido means the PEACEFUL ONE. Jesus who
claimed to not come to bring PEACE, is thought of as the KING of

Robert Violarite was next. Violarite means Violet or Purple, the
color of Royalty and connected to Easter. It is the color of
blood. It is also connected to Blood Sacrifices...

Finally, Stacy Moskowitz. Ber KOWITZ and Mos KOWITZ are almost
the same name.

MOS and BER the difference of the two names is SOMBER, or a DARK
or SHADOWY thing....

A perfect ending to the SOMBER story of SOS the SON of SAM...

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