> A WELL KEPT SECRET" - Hjalmar Schacht
> http://www.thefreemason.com/feature.htm
> Picked Up in Passing Presented by T Hargreaves
> Hjalmar Schacht, a genius in financial affairs during the Hitler war
> years, was generally disliked by the Nazis because he was a
> Freemason.
> After the war years he was acquitted as a war criminal at the
> Nuremberg tdals. Schacht was a member of "Zur Freundchaft" Lodge and
> as early as World War I had published articles on the obligation of a
> Mason in his heart and spirit, to the people with whom he lived.
> General Werner Von Blomberg was minister of war in the Hitler Cabinet
> from 1933 to 1938 and Schacht wished to honor him on one of his
> birthdays.
> In 1933 Freemasonry was dissolved in Germany, and Lodges taken over
> and their contents confiscated. Among these articles was a very fine
> painting of Gebhard Lebrecht von Bluecher, General Field Marshal in
> the Prussian Army.
> Bluecher was a very ardent Mason and after the battle of Katzbach in
> 1813 he declared, "Masonry is holy to me and it will be so until I am
> called to the Eternal East and any Brother is near and dear to my
> heart." The oil painting of Bluecher was made during the years 1802-
> 1806 at the time that he was the Master of his Lodge "Zu den 3
> Balken" in Muenster, Germany.
> The painting depicts the Marshal in uniform with all of his military
> orders and decorations, and you can also see around his neck a large
> blue ribbon with a square of the end. He is standing before an Alter
> on which is a book with a sword lying thereon. He holds a gavel in
> his right hand.
> One can distinctly see the Masonic insignia. Schacht found that this
> painting was available for a very low price and bought it. It would
> have been extremely dangerous to give Von Blomberg this painting
> since he was a strong Nazi so Schacht found an artist who painted
> over parts of the picture so that it would be impossible to see the
> Masonic paraphernalia.
> But the artist was unaware that the jewel around his neck also
> indicated Freemasonry and left that part untouched. On one of his
> birthdays Von Blomberg received the painting from Bro. Schacht and
> felt very honored that Schacht had compared him to the famous Marshal
> Bluecher and placed it in one of the largest rooms of his villa for
> all to see.
> It has to be said to the honor of all Masons that they recognized the
> picture belonging to a Lodge in Muenster but not one gave the secret
> away. To the end of the Hitler regime it remained a well kept secret,
> and at the same time became a source of hearty laughter in the circle
> of our Brothers.

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