Announcing a Free Report on Political Control Technology:

I’m sending this to everyone who has emailed me or been cc’d on email to
me on topics at least indirectly related to the subject.  If you do not
wish to receive further material from me, I’d be happy to remove your
name from my list on request (see bottom of msg).

     Non Lethal Weapon:  A code-word phrase with two meanings:  1)
     The meaning assumed by general public to refer to
     less-than-lethal weapons such as rubber bullets; 2) The
     meaning privately conveyed by government, the military
     industrial complex, and intelligence community to further
     include Political Control Technologies, a term not intended
     for public consumption...

     Political Control Technologies:  Any weapon from among three
     categories, which includes devices with overlapping functions
     in: 1) Surveillance and Tracking technology relying on both
     overt and covert means, which may include invasive body
     implants; 2) Harassment and Deterrence technology designed to
     impair vision, hearing, mobility, physical strength, bodily
     functions, or mental clarity, or to cause physical discomfort,
     pain (or even injury or death at higher operating levels); 3)
     Mind Control technology capable of altering perception, mood,
     emotion, willpower, sense of self, or of actually detecting or
     imparting mental images, sounds, or thoughts.

I’m H. Michael Sweeney, author of The Professional Paranoid: How to
Fight Back When Investigated, Stalked, Harassed, or Targeted by Any
Agency, Organization, or Individual.  As the result of preparing a
sequel work titled MC Realities: Understanding, Detecting, and Defeating
Mind Control and Electronic Weapons of Political Control Technology,
I’ve prepared a 20 page report on Political Control Technology which
lists over 250 definitions and related terms.  These are real devices
which exist today or are in development according to patents, military
and government documents, and other experts in the field.

The political ramifications in the fact that this technology should even
exist should be sufficient to call for complete restructuring of the
current government leadership, policy, and priorities. To discover that
these technologies have been and continue to be tested on unwitting and
unconsenting Americans (to include ‘political dissidents’) shows that
government not only is willing, but actually intends wholesale
application of these technologies against the entire population at some
point in the future.

Regardless of if you doubt those conclusions, or fear them true, you
should get a copy of this report, contained in a free sample of The
Professional Paranoid Newsletter - in a 450K Acrobat .pdf file (requires
Acrobat Reader software - free from To get your copy, simply
send me an email request to:

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with ‘REPORT please!’ in the subject line

If you like what you see, please forward this email to your friends with
commentary, or post to your favorite groups and boards, with a cc to me
that I may thank you for your kindness.

If you would like to receive advance information on MC Realities when
available, please ask:

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  with 'MCR?' in the subject line.

To be removed from my mailing list:

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with ‘REMOVE’ in the subject line

Thanks - H. Michael Sweeney

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