Somebody inquired re Pollard; Joe Lieberman had been leading the cause
not to consider Pollard for release - possibly Israel does not want to
admit they use spies (don't we all).

So during this time frame you had the Walker spies who were Navy -
spying for KGB - and, KGB formed a Ku Klux Klan and tried to lay blame
on KKK for their spying but they too, got caught.

So KGB like FBI also sent out phoney letters on KKK stationary - leading
to wrong side of horse, for surely these were a horse of a different

Two weeks ago I had stuff on web about Pollard but lost some mail and
will see if I can find where Lieberman does NOT want Pollard released.

Lieberman, CFR, Bilderberger - he was lying in wait like a lion by the
side of the road; bet he is ADL connected as well.

His first divorce I know nothing - but the guy looks like Morris Dees
and Dees, is something else.

So there goes my perfect man Lieberman - he should run as a man, and not
a jew for now he has orthodox jews upset.....

Gore has lowered his status, but Lieberman is what the masons would call
a "kiss ass" at this point in time, and Santa Clause would call - well
you know that one......hey Rudolph - got another reindeer.....

So here is stuff of Mr. Pollard......I believe the guy, but remember the
Walker spies......KGB was behind that.....


Pollard asks Israel to admit he spied for them
JERUSALEM (April 30, 1997 07:08 a.m. EDT) - American Jonathan Pollard,
fighting for his freedom from a life sentence in the United States,
asked a court on Wednesday to order Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to
admit Pollard spied for Israel.

Pollard, a former U.S. naval intelligence officer caught passing
information on Arab countries to the Jewish state in 1985, has
repeatedly asked Israel to work for his release but it has never
admitted to using him as a spy.

"We want to know why the government of Israel does not state clearly
Jonathan Pollard was an agent of the state of Israel," lawyer Larry
Dubb, representing Pollard in the appeal to the High Court of Justice,
told Israel Radio.

Pollard pleaded guilty in 1986 to spying for Israel and got the maximum
sentence in a case that strained U.S.-Israeli relations.

Pollard, an American Jew, said he had passed information to Israel which
Washington had withheld. He sought refuge from arrest at the Israeli
embassy in Washington but was turned away.

U.S. presidents have denied him clemency three times. Last year Israel
made Pollard a citizen in an official ceremony, saying it hoped to win
his freedom and resettle him in the Jewish state.

Pollard's wife, Esther, said the fact her husband had been in jail 12
years was "a badge of shame" for the Israeli government. She said
successive Israeli governments had promised to work for his freedom but
had done nothing.

"The Americans already know he is an Israeli agent," she told Israel
Radio. "Why do the Israelis continue to deny it?"

Dubb said Pollard backed his claim to have worked for Israel with the
original U.S. charge sheet to which he admitted guilt.

Copyright (c) 1997 Reuter Information Service
For more one sided information on Jonathan Pollard.
back to Aberdeen Proving Ground Military Intelligence Detachment Home

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PS:  from Saba:   You know Pollard might be safer where he is - for if
he is released he might meet with an accident - like this one guy found
hanging in a stairwell, throat cut, shot 20 times, and strangled and
they said it was a suicide f rom overdoes.    Would you believe that?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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