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-Caveat Lector-
Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
June 12, 2004 
All links to articles as summarized below are available here:  
Please contribute today, for June expenses!! We need donations to continue. Thank you. 

Michael Rectenwald responds to a Freeper who calls us 'a bunch of Socialist f*cks' http://www.legitgov.org/mike_replyto_freeper_clg_socialists_061204.html

Secret world of US jails --Jason Burke charts the worldwide hidden network of prisons where more than 3,000 al-Qaeda suspects have been held without trial - and many subjected to torture - since 9/11 --The United States government, in conjunction with key allies, is running an 'invisible' network of prisons and detention centres into which thousands of suspects have disappeared without trace since the 'war on [of] terror' began. In the past three years, thousands of alleged militants have been transferred around the world by American, Arab and Far Eastern security services, often in secret operations that by-pass extradition laws.

Blair to send 3,000 extra troops to Iraq --Tony Blair is preparing to defy voters' protests by sending another 3,000 British troops to Iraq. The announcement, which could come within a fortnight, is being finalised in the Ministry of Defence.

Bush team campaigning for Howard, says Labor --The Labor Party's federal president, Carmen Lawrence, suspects US Dictator George W. Bush's regime of working for the re-election of the Prime Minister, John Howard.

White House 'trying to help Howard' --The Labor Party's federal president, Carmen Lawrence, has accused the United States regime of trying to help Prime Minister John Howard win another term. US Dictator George W Bush and two senior officials have attacked Mark Latham's commitment to withdraw Australia's troops from Iraq by Christmas.

Richard Armitage - the connections behind his attack on Latham --by David Palmer "So now we have Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage wading into local Australian politics with the latest Bush administration attack on the ALP's Iraq withdrawal plan (see Howard's 2004 Tampa: director George Bush). Armitage doesn't waste time like President [sic] Bush. He goes right for ALP leader Mark Latham by name... So who is Richard Armitage? None other than a former board member of CACI - the private contractor that employed four interrogators at Abu Ghraib prison - interrogators who worked with the 205th Military Intelligence Brigade there." [*See: Ex-Detainees Sue 2 U.S. Contractors Employees of Titan and CACI are accused of torturing prisoners.]

Peace group calls for Cheney impeachment --Vice pResident Dick Cheney deserves to be impeached, members of a statewide peace organization said. Impeachment is warranted because of Cheney's "pattern of deceit regarding the war in Iraq, suspect business dealings with Halliburton and stonewalling of Congress over the fossil fuel and nuclear industries' influence on our national energy policy," Nebraskans for Peace said in a prepared statement.

Explosions rock central Baghdad --A series of explosions have rocked the headquarters of the US-led occupation in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. Smoke was seen rising above the so-called Green Zone on the west bank of the Tigris River.

Errors Are Seen in Early Attacks on Iraqi Leaders --The United States launched many more failed airstrikes on a far broader array of senior Iraqi leaders during the early days of the war last year than has previously been acknowledged, and some caused significant civilian casualties, according to senior military and intelligence officials.

US Plans to Release Another 650 Prisoners to Be Released From Abu Ghraib on Monday --The U.S. military plans to release another 650 prisoners from Abu Ghraib prison, center of the abuse scandal, next week, U.S. Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt said Saturday.

Prison Dog Abuse Photos --"Editor's Note: Some images in this gallery may be disturbing because of their violent or graphic nature." [*See also: Use of Dogs to Scare Prisoners Was Authorized --Military Intelligence Personnel Were Involved, Handlers Say]

Riyadh attacks 'revenge for Abu Ghraib' --Al CIA-duh militants in Saudi Arabia claim to have killed one American and kidnapped another to avenge the US mistreatment of Muslim prisoners in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay. The attacks are the latest in a string of assaults on Westerners in Saudi Arabia by suspected Islamist extremists.

American Man Shot Dead in Saudi Capital --A U.S. national was shot dead in the Saudi capital Riyadh on Saturday in the sixth attack on Westerners in six weeks, security and diplomatic sources said.

Interrogators Hired for Iraq Despite Ban --The Army hired private interrogators to work in Iraq and Afghanistan despite the service's policy of barring contractors from military intelligence jobs such as interrogating prisoners.

Hiding a bad guy named triple X --How the military treated some inmates at Abu Ghraib like 'ghosts' --The top U.S. commander in Iraq, Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, issued a classified order last November directing military guards to hide a prisoner, later dubbed "Triple X" by soldiers, from Red Cross inspectors and keep his name off official rosters.

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart --Finding memo (video clip) Clip description --"One rogue organization might have been supporting the actions at Abu Ghraib prison: the U.S. Justice Department."

Upon return, some troops struggle to find jobs --Some Florida National Guard members are having a hard time finding work after serving in Iraq. Staff Sgt. Richard Lynch and Spc. Howell Horan found themselves unemployed when they returned from combat duty in Iraq with the Florida National Guard. Both say their job prospects look dim...

Relief as 'Red Ken' re-elected mayor --Controversial politician Ken Livingstone, only recently readmitted to the British Labour Party, provided a rare moment of relief in a local election drubbing for Tony Blair. He was re-elected for a second term as Mayor of London after beating off a strong challenge from Conservative candidate Steve Norris - but he warned that rumours of the death of the Conservative Party had been "rather overplayed". Mr Livingstone fought as a Labour candidate after winning as an independent four years ago.

Congress Backs Pentagon Budget Heavy on Future Weapons --As Congress moves ahead with a huge new defense bill, lawmakers are making only modest changes in the Pentagon's plans to spend well over $1 trillion in the next decade on an arsenal of futuristic planes, ships and weapons with little direct connection to the Iraq war or the global war on terrorism.

Oops!!!!! Homeland Suckyour-ity living up to its name: Md. Lab Ships Live Anthrax In Error --Federal authorities said they are investigating an apparent laboratory foul-up in which live anthrax bacteria were shipped from Maryland to California by Federal Express [?!?] because scientists involved in the transfer thought the bacteria were dead. [Instead of worrying about leftists' emails and the bogus 'No-Fly' list, why doesn't Homeland Suckyour-ity do ITS JOB???]

Interpol IDs Piracy Link to Funding of 'Terrorism' --'Terrorist' organizations around the world are getting some of their funding from the sale of illegally copied intellectual property, including pirated DVDs and CDs, according to Interpol and copyright trade groups. [The most dangerous terrorist (and financial backer of terrorism) in the world is George W. Bush. The world awaits Bush's trial for treason... for 9-11 complicity, the illegal invasion of Iraq, and ten thousand acts of environmental terrorism.]

GOP prepping for a *second* coup d'etat: Software problem imperils voting recounts --Voter advocates are crying foul, and elections officials and an equipment supplier have issued 'reassurances' about a software problem that could foil recounts of votes in close elections. Five months away from a presidential election, state officials have learned that the touchscreen voting machines now used in Miami-Dade, Broward and nine other counties have a software flaw that could make it impossible to do manual recounts in close races.

Fight over electronic voting riles League of Women Voters --A battle over electronic voting is threatening the cohesion of the nonpartisan League of Women Voters, whose national leadership is refusing to endorse demands by hundreds of members for a paper trail to guard against fraud, hackers and malfunctions. Some local chapters are so angry that they are flouting regulations and planning to speak against the national stance Friday and Saturday at the league's biennial convention in Washington.

Poll: Edwards Favored As Kerry VP Choice --Sen. John Edwards, the smooth-talking populist who emerged from the nominating campaign as John Kerry's chief rival, is favored among registered voters to be the Democratic vice presidential candidate, according to an Associated Press poll.

Nadir Ethics Questioned Candidate ran campaign in charity office --Since October, Barf Nadir [Ralph Nadir] has run his campaign for president out of the same downtown Washington offices that through April housed a public charity he created -- an overlap that campaign finance specialists said could run afoul of federal laws.

Berlusconi's wake up call to voters angers left --The Italian left is crying foul after the office of the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, sent 56m text messages to mobile telephones urging their owners to turn out to vote in tomorrow's European and local elections.

Spain Engulfed in Vast Social Change --Gay Marriage, Legalized Abortion, Domestic Violence Penalties on Government's Agenda --In less than two months since taking power through an election few analysts thought it could win, Spain's Socialist Workers' Party has begun implementing a domestic agenda to remake this historically conservative society to resemble the more open, secular models of northern Europe.

Teacher draws heat for Reagan remarks (NY) A Shenendehowa teacher faces possible disciplinary action for disparaging former President [Reichwing terrorist] Ronald Raygun during a moment of silence in his honor, district officials said. During the minute or so observation, the teacher made a series of "negative" and "inappropriate" comments about the Iran-Contra, arms-for-hostages terrorist's policies in front of up to 16 seniors, officials said. A Nazi ['parent of a student'] in the class alerted the district to the incident, she said. [Alert *this,* whackjob.]

Reagan, fact and fantasy --Greg Palast says condemnation, not praise, is ex-President's due. "The New York Times wrote that Reagan projected 'faith in small town America' and 'old-time values'. Values, my ass. It was union busting and a declaration of war on the poor and anyone who couldn't buy designer dresses. It was the New Meanness, bringing starvation back to America so that every millionaire could get another million. And then, in the White House basement he condoned a coup d'état against an elected Congress."

"According to the 'New York Times', last year white house lawyers concluded that President [sic] Bush could legally order interrogators to torture and even kill people in the interest of national security - so if that's legal, what the hell are we charging Saddam Hussein with?" --Jay Leno, Thursday night, June 10.

[June 11 lead stories:] Halliburton Under Investigation for Nigeria Bribery Accusations --The Securities and Exchange Commission is formally investigating allegations that a Halliburton Co. subsidiary was involved in paying $180 million in bribes to get a natural gas project contract in Nigeria. Vice pResident Dick Cheney was head of the oil services conglomerate at the time.

Iraqi deputy foreign minister slain in Baghdad --Ministry's most senior career diplomat ambushed Saturday --Assailants killed an Iraqi deputy foreign minister Saturday in an ambush that occurred as he was traveling to his Baghdad office, the Foreign Ministry said.

Resistance fighters blow up police station in Iraq --Attack is fourth on a police station in past week --Resistance fighters stormed a police station south of Baghdad, drove off the poorly armed police and blew up the building Friday in the fourth such attack against Iraqi security installations over the last week, officials and witnesses said.

General Granted Latitude At Prison --Abu Ghraib Used Aggressive Tactics --Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez, the senior U.S. military officer in Iraq, borrowed heavily from a list of high-pressure interrogation tactics used at the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and approved letting senior officials at a Baghdad jail use military dogs, temperature extremes, reversed sleep patterns, sensory deprivation, and diets of bread and water on detainees whenever they wished, according to newly obtained documents.

Please contribute for June expenses!! We need donations to continue. Thank you. 

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CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, General Manager. Copyright © 2004, Citizens For Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved.

www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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