And remeber Hegel works both sides of the street. And iffin ya think he ain't
been on your street, may I sell ya bridge?



The genocidal and ecocidal gangster organisations called
transnational corporations are completely dependent on our
willingness to buy their products.

Despite of that let we them own and control the mass media,
bribe and lobby their governments, impoverish the whole
world, pollute and poison air, water and earth, poison our
food, plunder the natural resources, destroy the
environment, mistreat animals, instigate arms races and
wars, warm the globe to extinction of all life, prevent
their politicians from taking any efficient steps towards
survival of the planet !

Shall we allow them to finish off ? !

The inherently evil capitalist system managed by evil
individuals obviously cannot be reformed. It must be
eliminated by transfer of the economic and political power
from the corporations, their mass media monopoly and their
politicians, to the peoples.

The peaceful way of transfer is utilization of the full
potentials of organized consumers' power and exploitation of
the Casino Economy by applying the classic three-step
Boycott --> Take Over --> Buy
(in business circles called ' hostile takeover ').

It only takes a working group in each state to organize the
boycott and a working group to negotiate with the

These will receive a Sicilian Offer to hand over their
shares to the Global Resistance Movement Ltd. (AN) against
getting their invested money back over a negotiated period
of 5 - 10 years, depending on the profit level of the

Otherwise the products of the corporation will be boycotted
by consumers, transport workers, etc.

If leaked to the press, this offer in itself will make the
stockprise dwindle.

Should this not convince the shareholders, a 3 months
worldwide boycott will be initiated, with consequent
decreases of profit and share price.

If this in not enough, the working groups will be given
another go-ahead for the next 3 months period, etc.

AFTER the takeover all consumers are asked to buy ONLY from
the corporation that has been taken over.

Hereafter it will be easy to take over the other
corporations within the same branch of business.

An appropriate corporation to start with would seem to be

Neck and neck with Monsanto, this most nefarious corporation
has a tiny lead over Monsanto because its ultimate goal is
the COMPLETE destruction of life on Earth.

By bribing and lobbying the US governments to continue and
increase the insane US energy waste, hiring corrupt
'scientists' to put out 'scientific' papers denying the
global warming, etc., this world champion polluter has been
and is the very most persistent and influential player among
the most hideous corporations fighting any progress towards
salvation of the planet, thus being THE most harmful
corporation in history !

TAKE OVER ExxonMobil/Esso !

For organising the boycott and

The genocidal and ecocidal gangster organisations called
transnational corporations are completely dependent on our
willingness to buy their products.

Despite of that let we them own and control the mass media,
bribe and lobby their governments, impoverish the whole
world, pollute and poison air, water and earth, poison our
food, plunder the natural resources, destroy the
environment, mistreat animals, instigate arms races and
wars, warm the globe to extinction of all life, prevent
their politicians from taking any efficient steps towards
survival of the planet !

Shall we allow them to finish off ? !

The inherently evil capitalist system managed by evil
individuals obviously cannot be reformed. It must be
eliminated by transfer of the economic and political power
from the corporations, their mass media monopoly and their
politicians, to the peoples.

The peaceful way of transfer is utilization of the full
potentials of organized consumers' power and exploitation of
the Casino Economy by applying the classic three-step
Boycott --> Take Over --> Buy
(in business circles called ' hostile takeover ').

It only takes a working group in each state to organize the
boycott and a working group to negotiate with the

These will receive a Sicilian Offer to hand over their
shares to the Global Resistance Movement Ltd. (AN) against
getting their invested money back over a negotiated period
of 5 - 10 years, depending on the profit level of the

Otherwise the products of the corporation will be boycotted
by consumers, transport workers, etc.

If leaked to the press, this offer in itself will make the
stockprise dwindle.

Should this not convince the shareholders, a 3 months
worldwide boycott will be initiated, with consequent
decreases of profit and share price.

If this in not enough, the working groups will be given
another go-ahead for the next 3 months period, etc.

AFTER the takeover all consumers are asked to buy ONLY from
the corporation that has been taken over.

Hereafter it will be easy to take over the other
corporations within the same branch of business.

An appropriate corporation to start with would seem to be

Neck and neck with Monsanto, this most nefarious corporation
has a tiny lead over Monsanto because its ultimate goal is
the COMPLETE destruction of life on Earth.

By bribing and lobbying the US governments to continue and
increase the insane US energy waste, hiring corrupt
'scientists' to put out 'scientific' papers denying the
global warming, etc., this world champion polluter has been
and is the very most persistent and influential player among
the most hideous corporations fighting any progress towards
salvation of the planet, thus being THE most harmful
corporation in history !

TAKE OVER ExxonMobil/Esso !

For organising the boycott and discussing details of the
takeover, use of the profit, etc., a new list has been set

Subscribe to:

If this makes sense to you, please don't hezitate to join
the list and the boycott campaign !


discussing details of the takeover, use of the profit, etc.,
a new list has been set up.

Subscribe to:

If this makes sense to you, please don't hezitate to join
the list and the boycott campaign !


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