Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Early Days of the John Birch Society, Part 3

2000-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan

I must comment on this part of Alex Constantine's essays on the John Birch

Having read, corresponded and having met Mr. Sutton, I do beg to differ with
my colleague and friend Alex about his characterization of Mr. Sutton, his
motivations and body of work.

Presented below are Mr. Sutton's answers to Alex's story.


Comments from Antony Sutton:

Gross distortion. .

"The government, Sutton confides, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF INTERNATIONAL
BANKERS have kept the lid on machines that produce free energy and
"acoustical levitation""

a) I have never mentioned "international bankers" in FTIR.  Give me a direct
b) acoustical levitation is worked on by US Gov and a great deal of their
work is open.  I have some reports  right HERE. There is no "lid",JUST USUAL
c)  the free energy developments I discuss are CHEMICAL  processes.  Use of
the word "machines" suggest the writer is totally UNINFORMED of the ongoing

Further we have the following

"Sutton...contends that "possible advanced alien technology"  has been
reverse engineered and is squandered by the Feds"

The four words in quotes are correct, the rest is not.  I emphasize that
Colonel Corso has not proven his case about alien tech.  It i s Corso  that
states it has been reverse engineered., not me
I did publish a document that suggests back engineering but remain skeptical
Again give me a direct quote on "is squandered by the Feds"  Never wrote that


No problem!

 Unfortunately [the] facts [aren't] right . . .


2.  76 press went out of business maybe 30 years ago.  They published ONE of
my books

3.  I dont know and have never met WCleon Skousen, Schaffley, Chester Ward,
Dan Smoot, and have never been a member of Birch society.  I did meet Robert
once, and frankly I was not too impressed.

4.  I was thrown out of Hoover Institution because I would NOT go along with
their fascist views.  How many people does Alex know who would accept
ejection rather than go along?

5.  Gary North I meet maybe 35 years ago, once.Bosom ally??

And so on.

Alex should know I spent four years of my life in the Army,,landed in
Normandy in June 1944 and saw the worst of  Nazism including Belsen and
starving kids in Holland..  You think I have the slightest sympathy for
Nazism, or fascism, or communism or any other "isms" you are nuts.  I am just
a simple libertarian who sees the state as the source of our problems

Kris if you want to circulate this, its OK.  But I really havnt time to reply
to this nonsense...

All best wishes and take a look at Hegel.


Kris... for distribution if you wish

For some years now Ive noted a weird  almost psychedelic approach to research.

I first met in when FTIR subscribers sent me stuff from a Boston outfit which
stated I was a known anti-semitic etc etc.

They could not of course quote any proof.So I went to Bnai Brith and
asked them to check their records please.  They came back and said nothing in
our files,, not even a hint of anti semitism  Other Jewish sources said the
same.  In fact the Council on Soviet Jewry saw me as an ally.

I went back to this Boston outfit and asked them to retract.  They gave a
half hearted retraction then added another piece of nonsense ie that
libertarianism is really concealed fascism.  At that point I was tempted to
ask what he was smoking but decided that this absurdity could go on for ever
if I kept taking the bait...  There is a school of politics out there that
does not READ
an author, they look at a publishers name, or an institution and assume
whatever they want to assume, juvenile antics.

. . .   Nothing about my content.  [The] comments are accusatory and based on

My guess is that this nonsense has its origins in Gramsci, the Italian
Marxist.   But I dont know.
 . . .

Irritating thats all Im tempted to say to these people "get a life".


This is absolute nonsense.

This man has a fervent imagination and little else  Here are some totally
erroneous quotes.

"to this day he publishes in the New American"

I have NEVER published in NEW AMERICAN.  Dont even know what it is.

"turned out books for 76 press"

I think Gary Allen picked up the rights from my agent for ONE BOOK  "WALL
STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER"A critique of the very people that
Constantine says I approve of!!

"approved separation of races in South Africa"
Absolute lie.,  I went to SA because of my work on Gold and diamonds.

Dont know if I told you this,

When I was working with the Hoover editors on the final versions of my 3
I noted they were insistent that any mention of  US military help to the
Soviets had to be eliminated.   This came from "upstairs", from Possony,
Staar, Campbell etc.  The CIA TYPES..

I dId not fight this on tactical grounds, I wanted to get the 3 volumes in
print first..

Quietly, I told no 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Early Days of the John Birch Society, Part 3

2000-08-10 Thread Kris Millegan

The Early Days of the John Birch Society:
Fasist Templars of the Corporate State
Part 3

The John Birch Solon

"There must be two Americas ..."
  ‹ Mark Twain

JB Society leader Thomas Anderson, a hardened advocate of racial
segregation, gave the game away when he griped in Straight Talk:
"Invariably, hiding behind the sanctimonious cries of 'freedom of the
press,' and 'academic freedom' are defenders of Alger Hiss, Fifth Amendment
addicts, attackers of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, people
who urged barring Mein Kampf from distribution. In short, the enemies are:
Criminals, Socialists and Communists"
 Mein Kampf? 
 Of critical importance to the anti-communist wars of the Birch Society
was Welch's relationship with the Dr. J.B. Matthews, the former chief
investigator for the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). When
Joseph McCarthy announced that he held a list of Soviet agents "in my
hands," he referred to one of Matthew's compilations. When McCarthy  fell
into disrepute, J.B. decamped, taking his files on known "communist
subversives" with him, moved on to become Robert Welch's aide-de-camp. "My
opinion of various characters," Welch wrote in his Blue Book of the Birch
Society, "formed entirely independently, has [proven] to coincide with the
opinion of J.B. Matthews." Welch boasted that he had "a fairly sensitive and
accurate nose" for rooting out assets of the communist underground.
 Dr, Matthews pushed the number of "agents," "subversives" and
"travellers" among the nation's clergymen in Birch Society files from 1,000
to 7,000. The country's parishes evidently swarmed with spies and dupes bent
on destroying democracy. In July 1961, the Birch Society Bulletin claimed
that there were no less than "300,000 to 500,000 Communists in the United
States" (Newberry, p. 89). Welch and Matthews dreamed of collecting files of
all of them.
 The American Opinion reading room was the place to learn about the
conspiracy, an alternate universe of extreme right-wing briefings. Medford
Evans, former editor of the National Review and the Birch Society's Texas
coordinator, published a Hitlerian tour-de-force in Human Events magazine
(January 26, 1957): "Why I Am an Anti-Intellectual." Evans once served under
Admiral Lewis Strauss at the Atomic Energy Commission. The dossiers of J.
Robert Oppenheimer and Edward Teller were cleared by the AEC's
"anti-intellectual" chief of security (Newberry, p. 138).
 In its halcyon period, the John Birch Society was allied with William
Regnery, whose name appears on American Security Council (ASC) incorporation
papers. The ASC was a domestic covert operations arm of the
military-industrial complex, closely aligned with the JBS, Libery Lobby and
other sons of the anti-communist revolution. Regnery and a pair of pre-war
America First isolationists began the Human Events radio program and the
Regnery publishing house in the mid-1950s. The first two books published by
Regnery were critical of the Nuremberg Trials and the third found fault with
allied bombing campaigns against the Nazis.
 In 1954, Regnery put out a couple of tracts for the John Birch Society.
The nascent publishing concern also printed up William F. Buckley¹s God and
Man at Yale, subtitled, The Superstitions of Academic Freedom.
 "In light of the publishing of the pro-Nazi books," SpritOne
Information Services comments, "it is interesting to note that Regnery
Publishing was subsidized by the CIA, according to Howard Hunt. The reader
is reminded to remember [the] point ... concerning the CIA and its
involvement with Nazi war criminals. Henry Regnery, along with Bunker Hunt,
funded Western Goals." A reminder: Western Goals was a creation of the John
Birch Society. 
 In 1986, President Ronald Reagan "appointed Alfred Regnery to help
dismantle the Justice Department¹s Office of Juvenile Justice. In the 1990s,
[Regnery] has been the publisher of numerous venomous smears (I would use
the word 'books' but that would be a lie by any measure) attacking President
Clinton. [A] direct linkage between the past pro-Nazi groups of the 1930s
and today¹s right wing has been fully established"
 Gary Allen, one of the foremost propagandists in the Bircher pantheon,
was the author of None Dare Call It Conspiracy, a "'76 Press" productm, a
Birch Society bible and a stunning success that has sold over four million
copies, according to a publisher's blurb. Picture, if you will, the nation's
corporate elite driving for a "Great Merger" with the Soviet bloc, and
poisoning the entire world with Communism. This is among the central themes
of The Rockefeller File (1976), Allen's critique of the most powerful family
in the world, the dreaded CFR and the United World Federalists. At first
glance, Allen's books may seem a confused clot of political fantasies. He
claims that the Carnegie and Rockefeller money