The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #98 - July 9, 1999
   A Publication of the Drug Reform Coordination Network

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1. 100th Issue of Week Online Coming Up, Note to Our Readers

2. Study: Hepatitis C Has Reached Epidemic Proportions Among
   Intravenous Drug Users

3. New Mexico Alliance Formed in Response to Governor's Call
   for Decriminalization Debate

4. Berkeley City Council Wants Marijuana Decriminalized

5. DEA Reschedules Marinol

6. Summer Brown Bag Lunch Video and Lecture Series,
   Washington, DC

7. EDITORIAL:  The Heat Is On


1. 100th Issue of Week Online Coming Up, Note to Our Readers

Two weeks from now, The Week Online with DRCNet will publish
its 100th issue.  This represents a significant milestone as
The Week Online is the only weekly publication in the
country dedicated to providing original, comprehensive
coverage of the drug war and the growing movement for
reform.  We'd like to thank all of you who have been with us
since the beginning in July of 1997, and welcome the
thousands of you who have come to The Week Online more
recently.  We appreciate your readership, your comments and
criticisms and your support.

Speaking of support, this would be a terrific time to
consider making a donation to DRCNet in honor of our 100th
issue.  Though we are passionate about our work, we have
found it difficult to imbue that same level of commitment in
our landlord, our service provider, Office Depot, and all of
the others who see us less as activists for truth and
justice than as accounts receivable.

Please visit our online registration form, at
<>, click on the "secured
form" link to make a credit card donation, or just fill out
the form, hit submit and print it out to mail in with your
check or money order -- or just send them to: DRCNet, 2000 P
Street, NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036.  Please note
that donations to the Drug Reform Coordination Network are
not tax-deductible.  Tax deductible donations to support our
educational work can be made to the DRCNet Foundation, same

>From all of us here at DRCNet, thanks for being part of the


2. Study: Hepatitis C Has Reached Epidemic Proportions Among
   Intravenous Drug Users


A study recently released by the Johns Hopkins University
School of Public Health sheds light on the epidemic of the
liver disease Hepatitis C that has quietly torn through the
nation's injection drug-using populations.  The study found
that in Baltimore, a city known both for its serious drug
problems and its progressive approach to solving them, over
90% of intravenous drug users are infected with the
Hepatitis C virus, or HCV.

HCV is a disease that attacks the liver, and currently it is
the number one reason for liver transplants in the United
States.  The virus may reside in the body for long periods
of time without any noticeable effects, and in fact may
never lead to liver disease in many of those it infects.
However, those that it attacks may suffer liver failure or
cancer of the liver 10 or 15 years down the road.
Furthermore, the attack of HCV is highly exacerbated if the
infected person also has HIV, and activities that strain the
liver, such as alcohol consumption, can greatly increase its
negative effects.

HCV, like HIV, is transmitted from person to person by the
contact of bodily fluids, accounting for its prevalence
among injection drug users who share needles and other
equipment.  However, HCV is much more easily transmitted due
to the high density of its particles in infected blood.

Joey Tranchina, Executive Director of the AIDS/Hepatitis
Prevention ACTION Network, illustrated the importance of
this phenomenon with a simple mental image.  Imagine an
eyedropper of blood placing a single drop in the palm of
your hand, he explained.  If that blood is HIV positive,
there are perhaps five particles of HIV present in that
drop.  "If that same drop is infected with HCV," he said,
"the Hep C particle count is at least 100,000."

The ease with which HCV can be transmitted, combined with
the relatively small amount of attention the disease has
garnered to date, has created an explosion of the virus
among injection drug users, many of whom were not even aware
they were at risk.  Among young users in Baltimore, aged 15
to 30, 58% are HCV positive.  In New York, that figure is
around 50%, with Chicago at 33%, New Orleans at 28%, and Los
Angeles at 23%.  Those high numbers for relatively short-
time users indicate the rapid pace at which HCV is

Dr. Peter Beilenson, Commissioner of the Baltimore City
Health Department, says it is vital that programs already in
place for HIV prevention be expanded and adjusted to account
for the HCV epidemic.  Baltimore currently has one of the
largest publicly run needle exchange programs in the
country, and has seen the HIV infection rate of its
participating injection drug users drop by 70%.  Beilenson
said that the continued expansion and evolution of that
program and the drug treatment programs to which it is
connected are "absolutely necessary" in the face of
widespread HCV infection.  "There needs to be a lot more
outreach to [intravenous drug users]," he told The Week
Online.  "With the triple cocktail [AIDS treatment drugs],
people are getting a little more lax about HIV.  We've got
to be pushing safer sex, education about HCV and other
diseases as well as HIV, and opportunities for drug

Tranchina, a leading advocate for HCV prevention, stressed a
need for greater awareness about the virus among both the
infected and the uninfected.  "People need to realize that
this is about harm reduction," he said.  "Syringe exchange
can be a good basis for prevention, but it can also help
educate those people who already have Hep C."  Because the
epidemic is occurring largely within the drug-using
population, resources for both prevention and education are
often scarce or non-existent.  That's no surprise, Tranchina
says.  "After all, the public health has long been a
casualty of the drug war."

(The Third Annual HCV Conference will take place this August
21-23 in Oakland, California.  See
for information, or contact Krebs Convention Management
Services, (415) 920-7000 fax (415) 920-7001, Ronald Duffy @
HCV Global Foundation, (707) 425-8862, fax to (707) 425-
8862, or Joey Tranchina @ APAN, (650) 369-0330, fax (650)


3. New Mexico Alliance Formed in Response to Governor's Call
   for Decriminalization Debate

In the wake of a call by New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson
for a reevaluation of the nation's drug policies (see and, a number
of that state's organizations have come together to
facilitate the discussion.  The New Mexico Alliance for Drug
Policy Reform is a loose-knit coalition who, according to
coordinator Steve Bunch of the Drug Policy Forum of New
Mexico, hold a range of viewpoints on the ultimate form of
drug policy reform, but who "all recognize that the drug war
is causing more problems than it is solving."

"It is a growing alliance," Bunch told The Week Online, "and
we expect that it will grow to include a broad cross-section
of New Mexico's citizens."

Bunch said that one of the first goals of any public
education effort on the issue is to overcome the stigma that
has been attached to reform efforts by drug war advocates,
including many politicians.

"People who have a vested interest in the status quo would
like the public to believe that anyone who questions current
policy is somehow 'pro-drug.'  That's just not the case.
The fact is that here in New Mexico, as in the nation as a
whole, we are spending an inordinate amount of taxpayers'
money on enforcement and corrections in the name of
protecting our children.  The reality though is that under
the current system, kids in this state have easy access to
prohibited substances.  There is no licensing scheme, no one
checks ID's.  If our goal is really the protection of
children then I would have to agree with Governor Johnson
when he called the drug war 'a miserable failure.'"

Bunch hopes that the coalition will be able to provide
factual information to the people and the political leaders
of the state, and to participate in an open debate on the
pros and cons of the current system and possible

"It's time," he says, "to begin a discussion that has been
put off for far too long due to the uneasiness of many
politicians to confront it.  It has been far easier to
simply talk 'tough,' and when the results weren't there, to
talk 'tougher.'  But I think that we've seen the limits of
that type of simplistic approach.  Now, around the country,
courageous leaders like Governor Johnson are calling forth a
principled debate.  The alliance has formed to make it
easier for that debate to happen."

(If you'd like to make a donation or provide other support
to the Alliance, contact Steve Bunch, president of the New
Mexico Drug Policy Foundation, at (505) 344-1932.  Also, if
you haven't done so, please email Governor Johnson to show
your support for his politically courageous stand against
the drug war.  He needs to know that thinking Americans
applaud his efforts.  You can reach Governor Johnson on the
web at <>, or call
(505) 827-3000.


4. Berkeley City Council Wants Marijuana Decriminalized


The Berkeley, California City Council is trying to update a
20-year old city ordinance that makes marijuana offenses the
lowest priority for police.  If they are successful, "The
Kinder and Safer Streets Act of 1999" would restructure law
enforcement priorities to focus mainly on violent offenses
while establishing a new guidelines for responding to
marijuana use, possession, and sales in the community.

"We're trying to balance public health and safety issues
with the values of the community," said Don Duncan of the
Berkeley Cannabis Action Network, who helped write the
proposed ordinance.

In 1979, the Berkeley Cannabis Initiative was enacted, which
made marijuana the lowest priority for the police.  But for
the last twenty years, the police have interpreted the law
as non-binding.  Council member Kriss Worthington told the
Week Online, "Despite the overwhelming community support for
the Berkeley Cannabis Initiative and 1996's Proposition 215,
in which 81% of Berkeley voters supported the use of medical
marijuana for the seriously ill, in the last 2 years
marijuana arrests have nearly doubled and felony marijuana
arrests have nearly tripled."

As a way to stem the rise in marijuana arrests, council
members Worthington and Linda Maio, in conjunction with
local organizations, helped to write the new ordinance,
which further protects medical marijuana patients from
criminal charges and creates three enforcement "priority
levels" for non-medical users which they say reflects the
"collateral harm" to the community.

For example, selling marijuana to a child or driving while
impaired by marijuana would not be tolerated.  Selling or
intending to sell marijuana on public property would be
considered "moderate priority" and the offender would be
cited or arrested on misdemeanor charges.  The police would
be directed to ignore the "lowest priority" offenses, such
as personal use of the drug in a private residence.

Despite statistics showing increases in marijuana arrests,
Berkeley Police Captain Bobby Miller said he doesn't think
the proposed ordinance is necessary.  "It talks about
assuring that marijuana enforcement be one of the lowest
priorities, but that's no change from what has always been
done.  In terms of the great scheme of things and all the
things we have to do as police officers, it's not high on
the list to go out and enforce marijuana laws."  As of June
30, there had been 139 marijuana arrests this year, police

The proposal awaits review by the City Manager and the Chief
of Police while the council is on summer recess.

(Council member Worthington has urged people to send e-mail
in support of the ordinance and, if you live in the City of
Berkeley, to mail a letter of support to the city council.
Write to:  Councilmember Kriss Worthington,
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Councilmember Linda
Maio, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, or Office of the City
Clerk, 1900 Addison St., Berkeley, CA 94704.  Visit the City
of Berkeley website at <>.)


5. DEA Reschedules Marinol


Last Friday, the Drug Enforcement Administration eased
restrictions on the prescription drug Marinol.  Marinol,
which is a synthetic form of THC in a sesame oil mixture,
was previously classified as a "Schedule 2" drug along with
morphine, cocaine, and other drugs deemed by the DEA to have
medical use but a high potential for abuse.  Doctors who
wanted to prescribe it had to keep detailed records of the
prescriptions and file copies of all prescriptions with the
DEA.  Marinol will henceforth be classified as a Schedule 3
drug, which puts it in the same category as codeine.
Marijuana remains a Schedule 1 drug, the DEA designation for
drugs with no medical value and high abuse potential.

Released on the market in 1985, Marinol has been used to
treat anorexia and weight loss in AIDS patients and nausea
and vomiting associated with chemotherapy given to cancer
patients.  Supporters of Marinol maintain that doctors and
patients have more control of dosage and quality with
Marinol than with smoked marijuana.

But medical marijuana advocates contend that the increased
accessibility of Marinol does not lessen the need for
medical marijuana.  "It's a much different compound," Dr.
John P. Morgan, professor of pharmacology at City University
of New York Medical School and co-author of "Marijuana
Myths, Marijuana Facts: A Review of the Scientific Evidence"
told The Week Online.  "Delivering THC by swallowing it is
less effective and less efficient than by smoking crude
marijuana."  High dosages of Marinol can also produce
severe, unpredictable psychoactive effects in some patients.
Finally, many patients complain that Marinol, which must be
swallowed, is an inappropriate treatment for nausea and

Morgan said the success of medical marijuana initiatives in
six states may have been behind Marinol's rescheduling.
"The fact that it has been available is often cited as a
reason we don't need medical marijuana.  Removing some
restrictions is clearly designed by the government, at least
at some level, to diminish the political force of the
medical marijuana movement," he said.  It is widely believed
that Marinol was developed and rushed onto the market
fourteen years ago precisely in order to stave off political
pressure to make marijuana available to patients.

John Gettman, a Virginia activist who is petitioning the
federal government to have marijuana itself rescheduled,
said the debate over the relative merits of marijuana versus
Marinol obscures the profit motive of another key player --
the pharmaceutical industry.  "The rescheduling of Marinol
is an effort to increase the profits of its manufacturer by
making its product more widely available and by renewing the
government's justification of criminalizing access to
marijuana, the less expensive alternative source of
cannabinoid drugs," he said.

Marinol is produced by Unimed Pharmaceuticals.  They gave it
its own web site, at <>.

"Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts" (1997) is available in
bookstores, and also has its own web site, at

The text of Jon Gettman's petition is available online at


6. Summer Brown Bag Lunch Video and Lecture Series,
   Washington, DC

Those in the Washington, DC area may be interested in the
Institute for Policy Studies' brown bag lunch drug policy
video and speaker events.  The next event, this Thursday,
7/15, will feature the Australian video "An Unholy
Alliance," examining the relationship between the drug trade
and war, detailing the involvement of the CIA with opium
traffickers in the Vietnam and Afghanistan wars.  Robert
Parry, Editor and Publisher of I.F. Magazine, will speak on
"Covert Operations and the Drug Trade."  Please see for the full
summer listing.  Taking place at the Institute for Policy
Studies, 733 15th St. NW, Suite 1020, Washington, DC 20005,
(202) 234-9382, contact Sanho Tree for more information.


7. EDITORIAL:  The Heat Is On

Adam J. Smith, Associate Director, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Temperatures across the northeast this week rose into the
triple digits, sending millions scurrying for relief.  In
New York, the demand for electricity, for air conditioners
in particular, caused a partial blackout.  Welcome to summer
in an age of global warming.

But while summers have apparently gotten hotter as the
century has worn on, there is one thing about the season
that hasn't changed.  Kids are out of school and on the
streets, especially in poorer communities.  And in an age of
Prohibition, that means trouble.

Summer in the suburbs is a quieter time.  Kids are away at
summer camp, or summer homes, or spending their days at
beach clubs, or working.  But while the streets of the
suburbs are relatively deserted during the long, hot days,
the streets of poor communities, especially urban
communities, are teeming with kids who have nothing but time
on their hands.

Unemployment, down under 5% in much of the nation, still
plagues urban youth.  With few jobs, few recreational
opportunities and few prospects, the summer is a time of
danger for kids.  Drugs, as both reliever of boredom and,
even more appealing, business opportunity, are a terrific

"How'd you like to make yourself a hundred dollars, kid?"
That question -- sure to perk the ears of even the most
upstanding young teen, and especially teens possessed of
those most American of traits, entrepreneurship and nerve --
is asked not by legitimate employers but by drug dealers,
older teens who represent the most economically successful
sector of many communities.  Stand on the corner and watch
for the cops, they're told, and so another piece of our
future falls to the Prohibition economy, proving his worth
to those above him in the entry-level position of lookout.

The kid, fourteen, perhaps younger, is making a business
decision, plain and simple.  He can sit around on a hot
stoop, penniless and without stature on the street, or else
he can have money, prestige and something to do.
Consequences?  Hey, the kid's fourteen.  How many of us
didn't make foolish decisions at fourteen, unable to fully
comprehend the potential long-term consequences of our
actions?  Remember too that the kid in question is probably
non-white, and is unlikely to have a strong belief in his
likelihood of success in the legitimate economy.

Yes, summer's here and the drug war, with its attendant
unregulated black market, has insured that another year's
supply of bed-filler for the prison industry and slave labor
for numerous other American corporations will get an
opportunity to end up as human chattel.  No, not the white,
middle class kids who might sneak a toke between jet-ski
period and mess hall at some mountainside sleep away camp,
just the poor kids for whom summertime stands stretched out
before them like one long asphalt-melting, unproductive
sauna.  They are the ones who'll fall prey.  They are the
ones who'll be burned by the season of the sun in an age of


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